Latest News
- News Release: FCC Brings Affordable Connectivity Program to a Close
- Chairwoman's Note: The Affordable Connectivity Program: Looking Back and Ahead
- Public Notice: OEA and WCB Announce Publication of the ACP Transparency Data Collection
- FCC Chairwoman Letter to ACP Outreach Partners and Grantees
- FCC Chairwoman Updates Congress on Impact of Imminent End of Affordable Connectivity Program
News release | Letter to Congress - Survey Shows Over Two-Thirds of ACP Households Had Inconsistent or Zero Connectivity Prior to ACP Enrollment
News Release | ACP Survey | Fact Sheet
Download the Full Survey
Need Help with the ACP?
- For issues with your ACP provider, submit a complaint.
News Media Contacts
- Office of Media Relations
Consumer Advisory: FCC Issues Warning About Websites Advertising the ACP
Some internet service providers have not updated their websites and other marketing materials to reflect that the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) and its monthly discount on broadband services ended on June 1, 2024. Some provider websites even continue to collect personal information from consumers seeking enrollment in ACP.
If you encounter a website claiming to provide an ACP benefit or seeking personal information for ACP enrollment, file a complaint by visiting the FCC's Consumer Complaint Center at fcc.gov/complaints.
If you entered your personal information, like your social security number, credit card, or bank information on a website offering ACP enrollment after February 8, 2024, visit IdentityTheft.gov. There you'll see the specific steps to take based on the information that you shared.
The ACP ended due to a lack of additional funding by Congress.
ACP enrolled households are strongly encouraged to carefully review written notices from their internet company and from the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC), the ACP administrator, about the end of ACP.
Households are also encouraged to consult their internet company to learn more about how the end of the ACP will impact their internet service and bill.
- Fact Sheet: ACP Has Ended for Now [PDF] | Hoja informativa: el ACP ha terminado por ahora [PDF]
- Frequently Asked Questions and Answers | Preguntas frecuentes: el ACP ha terminado por ahora [PDF]
- ACP & Lifeline FAQs [PDF] | ACP y Lifeline: Preguntas frecuentes [PDF]
For more information about the end of ACP, refer to AffordableConnectivity.gov.
The Affordable Connectivity Program helped ensure that households were able to afford the broadband they needed for work, school, healthcare and more.
The ACP benefit provided a discount of up to $30 per month toward internet service for eligible households and up to $75 per month for households on qualifying Tribal lands.
Eligible households could also receive a one-time discount of up to $100 to purchase a laptop, desktop computer, or tablet from participating providers if they contributed more than $10 and less than $50 toward the purchase price.
The Affordable Connectivity Program was limited to one monthly service discount and one device discount per household.
ACP Resource Archive
- FCC Brings Affordable Connectivity Program to a Close (05/31/24)
- Public Notice: OEA and WCB Announce Publication of the ACP Transparency Data Collection (05/30/24)
- FCC Chairwoman Letter to ACP Outreach Partners and Grantees (05/29/24)
- WCB Shares a Letter to State Partners about ACP Wind-Down (05/23/24)
- WCB Shares a Letter to Lifeline Carriers about ACP Wind-Down (05/23/24)
- FCC Chairwoman Updates Congress on Impact of Imminent End of Affordable Connectivity Program | Letter to Congress (04/02/24)
- FCC Issues Formal Notice That April Is Final Full Month of ACP Program | Public Notice | Letter to Congress (03/04/24)
- Survey Shows Over Two-Thirds of ACP Households Had Inconsistent or Zero Connectivity Prior to ACP Enrollment | ACP Survey | Fact Sheet (02/29/24)
- WCB Reminder of February 8, 2024 Enrollment Freeze for the ACP (02/06/24)
- Affordable Connectivity Program to End Soon Barring Congressional Action | FCC Order (01/11/24)
- WCB Announces Measures to Strengthen Program Integrity for ACP (09/29/23)
- 20+ Million Households Enroll in ACP | Fact Sheet (08/14/23)
- FCC Acts to Provide Subsidy for Consumers in Certain High-Cost Areas | Report and Order (08/04/23)
- Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Announces New Affordable Connectivity Program Application Landing Page at Getinternet.Gov (05/04/23)
- Public Notice: FCC Announces ACP Pilot Program Grants Target Funding | News Release: FCC Targets Over $7M Toward Affordable Connectivity Program Awareness (03/15/23)
- Report and Order: FCC Adopts Second Funding Opportunity for ACP Outreach Grant Program (03/15/23)
- Public Notice: NCOP and TCOP Funding Announcement | News Release: FCC Announces $66 Million in Outreach Grants to Fund Projects to Expand Participation in ACP (03/10/23)
- Chairwoman Rosenworcel Shares Targeted Proposal to Offer Another Chance for Funding to Promote ACP (03/10/23)
- FCC Provides Additional Information Concerning ACP Pilot Programs (10/11/22)
- FCC Creates 'Your Home, Your Internet' Pilot Program (08/05/22)
- FCC Establishes Affordable Connectivity Outreach Grant Program (08/05/22)
- WCB seeks comment on petitions filed by USTELECOM - The Broadband Association and Verizon (3/3/22)
- FCC Hosts Virtual Event Tour to Promote ACP Enrollment (3/3/22)
- Over 10 Million Households Enrolled in Affordable Connectivity Program (2/14/22)
- FCC Releases Rules To Implement Affordable Connectivity Program | Download Report and Order PDF (1/21/22)
- FCC Adopts Rules To Implement Affordable Connectivity Program (1/14/22)
- Chairwoman Rosenworcel Debuts Draft Rules for Affordable Connectivity Program (1/7/22)
- FCC Announces Affordable Connectivity Program (12/31/21)
- FCC Provides Additional Guidance on Affordable Connectivity Program (12/30/21)
- WCB Issues Further Guidance for Affordable Connectivity Program (12/8/21)
- WCB Issues Guidance for Transition to Affordable Connectivity Program (11/26/21)
- FCC Seeks Comment on the New Affordable Connectivity Program (11/18/21)