
February 24, 2000 - March 2, 2000
Bidding Days:
Qualified Bidders:
Winning Bidders:
78 bidders won 985 licenses
Licenses Held by FCC:
Gross Bids:
Net Bids:
Spreadsheets Files
Charts Files
Maps & Band Plans
Maps Files
Band Plans Files
General Information

Auction Announcements
Auction Programs
Bidder Cross Reference (dbf)
How to Monitor the Auction (pdf)

Winning Bidders
Attachment A: pdf 
Attachment B: pdf 
Attachment C: pdf 
Attachment D: pdf 
Attachment E: pdf 
Attachment F: pdf 

Fact Sheet


Auction 26 began on 2/24/2000 and closed on 3/2/2000.
Round 28 (See PN DA 00-508)


This auction offers 2,499 licenses in 51 Major Economic Areas ("MEAs").Offered are:
612 "929 MHz licenses" (twelve in each MEA)
1,887 "931 MHz licenses"(thirty-seven in each MEA)


929 - 930 MHz Band
931 - 932 MHz Band


931 MHz Licenses:
Block AA thru BK - 20 kHz licence in each of 51 MEAs

929 MHz Licenses:
Block A thru L - 20 kHz license in each of 51 MEAs

Winning Bidders:
78 bidders won 985 licenses
Qualified Bidders:
Licenses Won:
Licenses Held by FCC:
Total Licenses:
Net Bids:
Gross Bids:
Withdrawal Payments:


The Paging Upper band 929 MHz and 931 MHz spectrum auction will use simultaneous multiple round competitive bidding. Bidding will be permitted only from remote locations, either electronically (by computer) or telephonically. Specific information relating to this auction will be announced by public notice. General information and associated licensing parameters are listed below.

Pre-Auction Seminar
Form 175 (Short Form) Application Filing Deadline
Upfront Payments Deadline
Auction Start
Auction Closed

The Federal Communications Commission ("FCC" or "Commission") held an auction for 2,499 licenses: 612 - 929 MHz Licenses and 1,887 - 931 MHz licenses

The 929 and 931 MHz frequency bands are allocated for paging services. If you win a geographic license in the auction, you will be able to use the spectrum to provide: (1) one-way messaging; (2) two-way messaging; and (3) fixed wireless services. Provision of these services is subject to the technical limitations set forth for the service in Part 22 (Part 90 for 929 MHz exclusive channels).

Paging systems are traditionally one-way signaling systems. Paging services, grouped by output, include; tone, tone/voice, numeric, and alphanumeric. Present systems are of two basic types; a wide-area general-use type providing subscription service to the public, and, an in-building, private, paging system, limited to a commercial building or the general area of a manufacturing plant. Currently, neither of these paging systems can initiate an answer without calling through a landline telephone. However, in 1996, the Commission adopted the First Report and Order in the flexible spectrum use proceeding, in which several CMRS bands (including 929 and 931 MHz) were allocated to the fixed service on a co-primary basis. ¹ Permitting service providers to offer all types of fixed, mobile, and hybrid services will allow CMRS providers to better respond to market demand and increase competition in the provision of telecommunications services. The Commission concluded that the public interest would be served by giving licensees maximum flexibility in the use of CMRS spectrum.

CMRS licenses are issued for a ten-year term from the initial license grant date. Licensees are required to provide coverage to one-third of the population in its area within three years of the license grant, and to two-thirds of the population within its area within five years of the license grant. In the alternative, the licensee may provide substantial service to the geographic license area within five years of license grant. See CMRS Third Report and Order, 9 FCC Rcd at 8157 n.712.

Incumbent (non-geographic) paging licensees operating under their existing authorizations are entitled to full protection from co-channel interference. ² Geographic area licensees are likewise afforded co-channel interference protection from incumbent licensees. & sup3 Adjacent geographic area licensees are obligated to resolve possible interference concerns of adjacent geographic area licensees by negotiating a mutually acceptable agreement with the neighboring geographic licensee.

For further details on Paging services please refer to our Commercial Wireless Divisions Paging web site

¹ Amendment of the Commission's rules to Permit Flexible Service Offerings in the Commercial Mobile Radio Services, WT Docket No. 96-6, First Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, 11 FCC Rcd 8965 (1996).

² Paging Second Report and Order at ¶ 58 and Paging Reconsideration Order at ¶ 42-44; 47 C.F.R. § 22.503(I).

³ Paging Reconsideration Order at ¶ 45.

Releases P

929 and 931 MHz Paging Auction Closes Winning Bidders of 985 Licenses Announced Down Payments Due March 20, 2000 FCC Forms 601 and 602 Due March 20, 2000 Ten-Day Petition to Deny Period
This Public Notice details information regarding winning bidders, down payments, bid withdrawals, waiver requests, and licensing matters.
Attachment A: pdf
Attachment B: pdf
Attachment C: pdf
Attachment D: pdf - text - Word
Attachment E: pdf - text - Word
Attachment F: pdf - text - Word

Correction to Attachment A; Auction of 929 and 931 MHZ Paging Licenses
This Public Notice corrects Attachment A of the original item that was released February 14, 2000.
pdf - text - Word
See original PN
Attachment A: pdf

Auction of 929 and 931 MHz Paging Licenses Report No. AUC-26-E (Auction No. 26)
This Public Notice identifies 81 applicants that have been found qualified to bid in Auction No. 26, which is scheduled to begin Thursday, 2/24/2000. This Public Notice also contains bidding instructions and other important information regarding the auction
See Correction
Attachment A: pdf
Attachment B: pdf
Attachment C: pdf
Attachment D: text - Word
Attachment E: text - Word
Attachment F: text - Word
Attachment G: text - Word

Auction of 2,499 - 929 and 931 MHz Paging Licenses Report No. AUC-99-26-C (Auction No. 26)
This Public Notice announces the status of the 87 Form 175 applications received to participate in Auction No. 26. The upfront payment deadline is addressed as well as other important auction information.
Attachment A: pdf
Attachment B: pdf

Auction of 929 and 931 MHz Paging Service Spectrum Report No. AUC-99-26-C (Auction No. 26)
This Public Notice provides supplemental due diligence information for potential bidders in the upcoming Paging 929 and 931 MHz Upper Bands Auction ("Upper Bands Auction").
pdf - text - Word
Attachment A: xls
Attachment B: xls

929 and 931 MHZ Paging Pre-Auction Seminar
This Public Notice announces the pre-auction seminar is scheduled for Friday, January 7, 2000 and will provide information about pre-auction procedure, service and auction rules, conduct of the auction, and the FCC remote bidding software.
pdf - text - Word

Auction Of 929 and 931 MHz Paging Service Spectrum Auction Notice and Filing Requirements for 2,499 Paging Upper Band Licenses Scheduled for February 24, 2000 Minimum Opening Bids and Other Procedural Issues
This Public Notice announces the procedures and minimum opening bids for the upcoming Paging 929 and 931 MHz Upper Bands Auction ("Upper Bands Auction").
pdf - text - Word
Attachment A (2 worksheets): xls
Attachment B (2 worksheets): xls-1 - xls-2
Attachments C, D, E, F, G, H, & I: text - Word
FCC remote Bidding Software Order Form: pdf
FCC Auction Seminar Registration Form: pdf

Releases O

ORDER (DA 01-2480)
Default Payment Obligations and Procedures for Trompex Corporation
This Order sets forth the disqualification and the default payment obligations and procedures for Trompex Corp., resulting from its violation of sections 1.2105(b)(2) and (c)(2) of the Commission's rules during the Commission's 929 and 931 MHz Paging Auction.

Application of Password, Inc. To Participate in the 929/931 MHZ Paging Auction (Auction No. 26)
This Order denies an Emergency Petition for Reconsideration filed by Cook Telecom, Inc. seeking recession of a rule waiver granted to Pass Word, Inc. on February 15, 2000.
pdf - text - Word

LETTER (DA 00-274)
Ms. Melodie Virtue on behalf of Pass Word, Inc. (Pass Word)
This letter responds to the "Request for Waiver and Leave to Amend FCC Form 175- Upper Band Paging Auction 26" filed by Ms. Melodie Virtue.

LETTER (DA 00-156)
Paul L. Valois, President Lincoln Communications, Inc.
This letter denies the request of Paul L. Valois, President Lincoln Communications, Inc., for confidential treatment of the information contained in Exhibit E to the FCC Form 175 application submitted by Lincoln to participate in Auction No. 26.

Bidder Cross Reference (text)

No results here for this auction.

No results here for this auction.

Auction Seminar
