
July 20, 2005 - July 26, 2005
Bidding Days:
Qualified Bidders:
Winning Bidders:
3 Bidders won 5 Licenses
Gross Bids:
Net Bids:
Spreadsheets Files
Charts Files
Maps & Band Plans
Band Plans Files
General Information

Fact Sheet


Auction 60 began on 7/20/2005 and closed on 7/26/2005.
Round 30 (See PN DA 05-2239)


5 Cellular Market Area (CMA) licenses


Block C: (710-716, 740-746 MHz)


12 MHz (2 x 6 MHz paired)

Winning Bidders:
3 Bidders won 5 Licenses
Qualified Bidders:
Licenses Won:
Total Licenses:
Net Bids:
Gross Bids:


Pre-Auction Seminar
Form 175 (Short Form) Application Filing Window Opens
5/24/2005; 12:00 noon ET
Form 175 (Short Form) Application Filing Deadline
6/3/2005; 6:00 pm ET
Upfront Payments Deadline
6/30/2005; 6:00 pm ET
Mock Auction
Auction Start
Auction Closed

Auction No. 60 included five CMA licenses in the Lower 700 MHz band C block (710-716/740-746 MHz). This auction included five C block licenses in Puerto Rico that remained unsold in Auction No. 49, which closed on June 13, 2003. The C block is a 12-megahertz block consisting of a pair of 6-megahertz segments.
A complete list of licenses for Auction No. 60 and their descriptions is provided in Attachment A of Public Notice DA 05-737.

Flexible fixed, mobile, and broadcast uses, including mobile and other digital new broadcast operations, fixed and mobile wireless commercial services (including FDD- and TDD-based services), as well as fixed and mobile wireless uses for private, internal radio needs. Could also include two-way interactive, cellular, and mobile television broadcasting services.

License expiration date is January 1, 2015, for Lower 700 MHz band licenses. This expiration date was set for eight years after the earliest date that incumbent broadcasters may be required to vacate the Lower 700 MHz band. For licensees that elect to commence new broadcast operations prior to January 1, 2007, their renewal deadline will be set at the end of an eight-year term following commencement of such broadcast operations. All licensees meeting the substantial service requirements will be deemed to have met renewal expectancy regardless of which construction options the licensee chooses.

Bidding credits are not cumulative; a qualifying applicant receives the 15 percent, 25 percent or the 35 percent bidding credit on its winning bid, but only one credit per license.

There are no tribal lands within Puerto Rico, the geographic area covered by the licenses offered in this auction. Therefore, tribal lands bidding credits are not available to winning bidders in Auction No. 60.

Bidders are reminded that there are a number of incumbent broadcasters already licensed and operating on frequencies that will be subject to the upcoming auction. 698-746 MHz licensees in accordance with the Commission’s Rules must protect such incumbents from harmful interference. These limitations may restrict the ability of such geographic area licensees to use certain portions of the electromagnetic spectrum or provide service to certain regions in their geographic license areas.

Releases P

Auction of Lower 700 MHz Band Licenses Closes; Winning Bidders Announced for Auction No. 60
The WTB announces the winning bidders for Auction No. 60 along with information concerning down payments, final payments, refunds and other filings.

Lower 700 MHz Band License Auction; Five Bidders Qualified to Participate in Auction No. 60
The WTB Identifies Five Applications Found to be Qualified to Bid in the Upcoming 700 MHz C Block Auction No. 60 Scheduled to Begin July 20, 2005.

Auction of Lower 700 MHz Band Licenses; Status of FCC Form 175 Applications to Participate in Auction No. 60
Commission announces the status of nine short-form applications filed to participate in the upcoming auction of five licenses in the Lower 700 MHz band C block scheduled to begin on July 20, 2005. (Auction No. 60)

ERRATUM (DA 05-1606)
Erratum - Auction of Lower 700 MHz Band Licenses Scheduled for July 20, 2005
Notice and Filing Requirements, Minimum Opening Bids, Upfront Payments and Other Auction Procedures
See Release DA 05-737

Due Diligence Announcement for the Upcoming Auction of Licenses in the Lower 700 MHz Band Scheduled for July 20, 2005
See Release DA 05-737

Auction of Lower 700 MHz Band Licenses (Auction No. 60) Scheduled for July 20,2005; Revised Upload Instructions for FCC Form 175 Ownership Disclosure Data
WTB announces revised procedures for uploading ownership disclosure data in the Integrated Spectrum Auction System (ISAS) for Auction No. 60 scheduled to begin July 20, 2005. (Report No. AUC-05-60-C) (Auction No. 60).

Auction of Lower 700 MHz Band Licenses Scheduled for July 20, 2005; Reminder: Pre-Auction Seminar May 24, 2005
Auction of Lower 700 MHz Band Licenses Scheduled for July 20, 2005; Reminder: Pre-Auction Seminar May 24, 2005

Auction of Lower 700 MHz Band Licenses Scheduled for July 20, 2005; Notice and Filing Requirements, Minimum Opening Bids, Upfront Payments and Other Auction Procedures
The WTB announces the procedures and minimum opening bid amounts for the upcoming Lower 700 MHz Band C Block Auction No. 60 scheduled for July 20, 2005.
See Erratum DA 05-1606
See Due Diligence DA 05-1554

Public Notice (DA 05-171)
Auction of Lower 700 MHz Band Licenses Scheduled for July 20, 2005; Comment Sought on Reserve Prices or Minimum Opening Bids and Other Procedures for Auction No. 60
The WTB announces the auction of five licenses in the Lower 700 MHz band, block C (710-716/740-746) to commence July 20, 2005.

View Auction Results in the Integrated Spectrum Auction System (opens new window)

No results here for this auction.

No results here for this auction.

Auction Seminar

This seminar was held on May 24, 2005. You may view the presentations below.


Welcome and Opening Remarks
Craig Bomberger, Associate Division Chief, Auctions & Spectrum Access Division (ASAD)

Pre-Auction Process
Lisa Stover, Auctions Marketing Specialist, ASAD
pdf - PowerPoint

Overview of Lower 700 MHz Band Rules and Due Diligence
Keith Harper, Engineer, Mobility Division
pdf - PowerPoint

Legal, Technical, Auction Rules and Payment Procedures

Electronic Filing of Form 175 and Overview of Auction Rules
Lisa Stover, Auctions Marketing Specialist, ASAD
Howard Davenport, Attorney, ASAD
Form 175 Screen Shot: pdf - PowerPoint

Wire Transfer & Payment Process
Gail Glasser, Financial Management Specialist, Auctions Accounting Group
pdf - PowerPoint

Auction Bidding Procedures

Overview of Auction Process & FCC Automated Auction System
Roy Knowles, Wireless Telecommunications Analyst, ASAD
pdf - PowerPoint

Post Auction Process

Payment and Filing Requirements
Lisa Stover, Auctions Marketing Specialist, ASAD
Linda Chang, Associate Chief, Mobility Division
pdf - PowerPoint
