Attachment A Files (updated 9/7/2012)
This map is an interactive visual representation of data from the Attachment A files that were updated 9/7/2012, with Public Notice DA 12-1446 (pdf). The Attachment A files contain more information and generally more detail than is displayed on the map.
GIS Data (updated 1/11/2013)
OEA, WTB, and WCB Deny PTI Pacifica Petition for Reconsideration
ORDER (DA 19-1094)
WCB, WTB and OEA Grant Standing Rock MF-I Waiver
WCB, WTB, and OEA grant Standing Rock Telecommunications' petition seeking a limited waiver of the construction, drive testing, and reporting deadlines associated with the receipt of its final disbursement of Mobility Fund Phase I support
Fact Sheet
Auction 901 began on 9/27/2012 and closed on 9/27/2012.
14,245 areas:
6,099 Census Tract-level aggregations of eligible Census Blocks, and 8,146 individual Census Blocks in Alaska (Total of 419,580 eligible Census Blocks)
- Key Dates
- Universal Service Support Offered
- Areas Eligible for Support
- Applicant Requirements for Participation
- Bidding Credit for Tribal Entities
- Public Interest Obligations
- Rules
For more information on the eligible census blocks in Auction 901, see the “Attachment A Files”.
- Must certify that it has been designated as an eligible telecommunications carrier (ETC) in any geographic area for which it will seek support, or that it is a Tribally-owned or controlled entity with a pending application for ETC designation in its Tribal lands for which it will seek support.
- Must provide a description of its required spectrum access and certify that the description is accurate and that the applicant will retain such access for at least five years from the date on which it is authorized to receive support. In general, an applicant that holds a license or lease for the required timeframe will meet this requirement.
- Be financially and technically capable of providing 3G or better service in the geographic areas for which it seeks support.
- Cannot seek support for any areas in which it has made a public commitment to deploy 3G or better wireless service by December 31, 2012. This restriction does not prevent another applicant from seeking and receiving support for an eligible geographic area where another provider has announced such a commitment.
47 C.F.R. Parts 1 and 54
USF/ICC Transformation Order, FCC 11-161, 26 FCC Rcd 17663 (2011)
Mobility Fund Phase I Support Authorized for 11 winning bids; Default on 35 Auction Winning Bids Determined
Mobility Fund Phase I Support For 11 Winning Bids Ready To Be Authorized; Listed Auction 901 Winning Bidder Must Submit Letters of Credit and Legal Counsel's Opinion Letter by October 5, 2015
The Wireless Telecommunications and Wireline Competition Bureaus announce the requirements for 11 winning bids for Mobility Fund Phase I Support for Auction 901.
Guidance on Annual Reports and Other Reporting Requirements for Recipients of Support Under Phase I of the Mobility Fund (Including Tribal Mobility Fund); 2014 Annual Report Filing Deadline Extended to July 31, 2014; Specifications for Shapefile Data to be Submitted with FCC Form 690
Reporting Guidance, Filing Portal, and 2014 Filing Deadline Extension.
OEA, WTB, and WCB Deny PTI Pacifica Petition for Reconsideration
ORDER (DA 19-1094)
WCB, WTB and OEA Grant Standing Rock MF-I Waiver
WCB, WTB, and OEA grant Standing Rock Telecommunications' petition seeking a limited waiver of the construction, drive testing, and reporting deadlines associated with the receipt of its final disbursement of Mobility Fund Phase I support
ORDER (DA 18-867)
Denial of TexNet 4G Waiver of MF-I Auction Default Payment Rule
ORDER (DA 13-1847)
Cross Wireless, LLC
Granted Cross Wireless, LLC a Waiver of the Mobility Fund Phase I Auction 901 eligibility rule.
Auction 901 Full Information Round Results Files
No results here for this auction.