Disaster Communications authority will be extended to stations to operate on the frequencies between 2 and 10 MHz and would follow rule 90.264. Specifically, disaster communications will be authorized to provide communications circuits in emergency and/or disaster situations, where safety of life and property are concerned, and to provide standby and/or backup communications circuits to regular domestic communications circuits which have been disrupted by disasters and/or emergencies. Public Safety entities eligible under rule 90.20(d)(6) shall submit disaster communications plans pursuant to rule 90.129(m). Public safety disaster communications plans must contain the following information:
- A system network/system use diagram including a showing of emergency power and methods of deployment to all parts of the State or insular area;
- A designation of the responsible governmental authority within the State or insular area who will be the controlling agency for the licensee;
- A schedule of proposed drills and/or exercises by the participants;
- The number of frequencies in each band, and the type of emission required by the applicant
- The distances expected to be covered within that State or insular area
- The adjacent states and insular areas expected to be communicated with during a regional disaster or emergency;
- The point of contact for emergencies involving more than one State or insular area;
- The common frequency band(s) and number of frequencies in each band required for interstate communication, and the point(s) of contact for these adjacent States or insular areas;
- The format and emission parameters of radio teletype transmissions to be used for interstate communications.