Full Title:Auction of Licenses in the 747-762 and 777-792 Mhz Bands Scheduled for May 10,2000 Comment Sought on Reserve Prices or Minimum Opening Bids and Other Auction Procedural Issues
Document Type:Public Notice
Bureau(s):Managing DirectorWireless Telecommunications
DescriptionReport No. AUC-99-31-A (Auction No. 31)
DA/FCC #:DA-00-43
Report #:AUC-99-31-A
FCC Record Citation:15 FCC Rcd 670 (2)
Federal Register Citation:
FCC Record:
Document Dates
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Contact:Auctions and Industry Analysis Division: Howard Davenport/Auctions Attorney or Craig Bomberger/Auctions Analyst at (202) 418-0660, or Kathy Garland/Project Manager at (717) 338-2888