By Public Notice, DA 01-3005, petitions/comments are due February 4, 2002. Below is a list of the comments filed in reverse chronological order. Comments received after February 4, 2002 are Ex Parte filings.

Short Letter Comments/Petitions

Comments Filed By Government Representatives and FCC Replies

Comments filed in separate proceeding for consideration in this proceeding filed by National Rural Telecommunications Cooperative

Comment filed by Todd Humphrey,

Comments filed by the Wisconsin Federation of Cooperatives

Comments filed by the National Tax Limitation Committee

Comments of SES Americom, Inc.

Comment filed by Peter Flaherty, Citizens Against Unfair Taxation

Comment filed by Ken Boehm, Farm Business Council

Comment filed by Richard D. Ryne, Craft Fridkin & Rhyne, L.L.C.

Comment filed by Peter Arnold, Executive Director, Hands Off the Internet

Comment filed by Nancie G. Marzulla, President, Defenders of Property Rights

Comment filed by American Council of the Blind

Comment filed by Ohio Association of Convenience Stores

Comment filed by Claiborne Parish Farm Bureau

Comment filed by Black Star Communications

Comment filed by Tom Gialde, President, American Sons of Columbus

Erratum to Ex Parte Comments filed by International Broadcasting Corporation

Ex Parte Comments filed by R y F Broadcasting, Inc.

Comment filed by Thomas A. Schatz, President, Citizens Against Government Waste

Comment filed by Association for Competitive Technology

Comment filed by Kenneth Brown, Alexis de Tocqueville Institution

Comment filed by Pegasus Communications

Comment filed by Jonathan Zuck, President, Association for Competitive Technology

Comment filed by Rich Carr, Kansas City Blues & Jazz Festival

Comment filed by Nancy M. Pfotenhauer, President, Independent Women's Forum

Comment filed by Edward M. Reyes, Creative Director, Two Worlds Dos Mundos

Comment filed by Douglas L.Young, ICAN Networks, Inc

Comment filed by Greg Lever, Executive Director, Westport Merchants Association

Comment filed by Family Stations, Inc. and North Pacific International Television, Inc.

Comment filed by American Homeowners Grassroots Alliance

Comment filed by Roberts Broadcasting Company

Lawsuit/Complaint in The United States District Court Central District of California Western District filed by Ade O. Ogunjobi

Comment filed by Robert J. Pope, President, Nexus Innovations

Comment filed by Patrick Gottsch, President, RFD-TV

Comment filed by George Kallas, President, Alaska Coalition of Small Business

Comment filed by Terry L. Bruns, Executive Vice President/General Manager, Iowa Lakes Electric Cooperative

Comment filed by Jeffery P. Lamprecht, Minuteman Press

Service of Process filed by Pegasus Communications Corporation

Comments filed by National Farmers Union

Comment filed by Rich Walters, President, Beauty Warehouse

Comment filed by Diane Turner Dressler, Diane Turner & Associations

Comment filed by James Taylor, President, let's eat restuarant group, LLC

Comment filed by Kevin B. O'Neill, Publisher, Labor News Inc.

Comment filed by Ohio Council of Retail Merchants

Comments filed by Burland & Associates, Inc.

Comment filed by Opticians Association of Ohio

Comment filed by Ohio Association of Convention and Visitors Bureau

Comment filed by Tavern League of Wisconsin

Comment filed by Robert Scaglione, Sharp Electronics Corporation

Errata to Petition to Deny filed by National Rural Telecommunications Cooperative

Erratum to Opposition filed by Satellite Receivers, Ltd.

Comment filed by William H. Worley, Kingston Environmental Services

Comment filed by Harold L. Fridkin, Craft Fridkin & Rhyne, L.L.C.

Comment filed by Richard D. Rhyne, Craft Fridkin & Rhyne, L.L.C.

Comment filed by the League of United Latin American Citizens

Comment filed by the National Taxpayers Union

Petition to Deny filed by Brunson Communications, Inc.

Motion for Acceptance of Petition filed by Eagle III Broadcasting, LLC

Petition to Deny filed by Eagle III Broadcasting, LLC

Errata to Comment filed by Consumers Union, et al.


Comments/Petitions Due 02/02/2002

Pegasus Communications Corporation's Petition to Deny
[ Attachment A - Affidavit and Report of Dr. Daniel L. Rubinfeld | Attachment B - Affidavit and Report of Roger J. Rusch | Attachment C - Other Supporting Materials Acrobat | Acrobat ]

Comment filed by Pappas Telecasting Companies

Comment filed by State of Alaska

Petition to Deny filed by Univision Communications Inc.
[ Exhibits | Exhibits | Exhibits ]

Petition to Deny filed by Carolina Christian Television, Inc.
[ Attachment | Attachment | Attachment ]

Comment filed by the American Antitrust Institute

Petition to Deny filed by National Association of Broadcasters [ Acrobat | Acrobat | Appendix A - Declaration of Benjamin F.P. Ivins | Declaration of J. Gregory Sidak | Declaraction of Richard G. Gould | Appendix D - DMAs Served by DIRECTV and EchoStar | Certificate of Service ]

Petition to Deny filed by Northpoint Technology, Ltd.

Comments of Vivendi Universal, S.A.

Petition to Deny filed by American Cable Association

Comment filed by the Progress & Freedom Foundation

Comments of Consumers Union, the Consumer Federation of America, and the Media Access Project

Petition to Deny or Conditionally Grant filed by Paxson Communications Corporation

Comment of Circuit City Stores, Inc.

Comments of the Association of Public Television Stations and the Public Broadcasting Service

Comment filed by North Dakota Firefighter's Association

Petition to Deny of Communications Workers of America

Comment filed by North Dakota Retail Association

Comment filed by Fischetti Enterprises, Inc.

Comment filed by Church Point Area Chamber of Commerce

Comment filed by Jeff Hoffmann, Champion REAP Alliance Director

Comments of the Writers Guild of America

Comment filed by Thomson multimedia

Comment filed by National Grange, National Consumers League, and National Farmers Union

Petition to Deny filed by Family Stations, Inc. and North Pacific International Television, Inc.

Comments of PrimeTime 24 Joint Venture

Comments of Intelsat Global Service Corporation

Comments of World Satellite Network, Inc.

Comments of the National Rural Electric Cooperation Association

Comment filed by the Farm Bureau

Comment filed by Arnold Sherman, Executive Director, Montona World Trade Center

Comment filed by Dan Mehan, President/CEO, Missouri Chamber of Commerce

Petition to Deny by the National Rural Telecommunications Cooperative
[ Exhibit A | Exhibit B | Exhibit C | Exhibit D | Exhibit E | Exhibit F | Exhibit G | Exhibit H | Exhibit IA | Exhibit IB | Exhibit IC 1 | Exhibit IC 2 | Exhibit ID 1 Exhibit ID 2 | Exhibit IE | Exhibit J | Exhibit K | Exhibit L | Exhibit L | Exhibit M | Exhibit N | Exhibit O | Certificate ]

Comment filed by The National Center for Public Policy Research

Comments of the Competitive Enterprise Institute

Comment filed by Aiken Electric Satellite TV, Inc.

Comment filed by The Third Millennium Communicaitons & Electronics Co., LLc

Comment filed by NetExpress, LLP

Comment filed by Ronald Anderson, President, Louisiana Farm Bureau

Comment filed by Shelby Robert, Robert Farms

Comment filed by Edward T. Clark, M.D., Central Plains Clinic

Comment filed by Rick Bauemeister, Market Solutions Group, Inc.

Comment filed by Ted Glaser, Glaser Farms

Comment filed by Doug Nelson, gebot

Comments of Public Communicators, Inc.

Comment filed by Jason Thomas, Staff Economist, Citizens for a Sound Economy

Comment filed by Project 21

Comment filed by Americans for Tax Reform

Comment filed by Small Business Survival Committee

Comment filed by United States Internet Council

Comment filed by Ohio Licensed Beverage Association

Comment filed by Frontiers of Freedom

Comment filed by David Charles, M.D., National Alliance of Medical Researchers & Teaching Physicians


Comment filed by Mark Sorensen, Advanced Communications Company, ACC Satellite TV

Comments of The United States Internet Industry Association

Petition to Deny filed by Johnson Broadcasting, Inc. et al. [Acrobat | Acrobat ]

Petition to Deny filed by The Word Network

Comment filed by Van Nuys Post No.193


For further information, contact Marcia Glauberman (202) 418-7046 or Linda Senecal (202) 418-7044 of the Cable Services Bureau.


Tuesday, January 7, 2003