The purpose of Communications Security, Reliability, and Interoperability Council (CSRIC) is to provide recommendations to the FCC regarding ways the FCC can help to ensure security, reliability, and interoperability of communications systems. CSRIC’s recommendations focus on a range of public safety and homeland security-related communications matters, including: (1) the reliability of communications systems and infrastructure; (2) 911, Enhanced 911 (E911), and Next Generation 911 (NG911); (3) emergency alerting; and (4) national security/emergency preparedness (NS/EP) communications, including law enforcement access to communications.
CSRIC's recommendations address the prevention and remediation of detrimental cybersecurity events, the development of best practices to improve overall communications reliability, the availability and performance of communications services and emergency alerting during natural disasters, terrorist attacks, cybersecurity attacks or other events that result in exceptional strain on the communications infrastructure, the rapid restoration of communications services in the event of widespread or major disruptions, and the steps communications providers can take to help secure end-users and servers.
- Suzon Cameron, Designated Federal Officer
- Kurian Jacob, Deputy Designated Federal Officer
Current and Past Councils
CSRIC Reports
All reports produced by CSRIC II through CSRIC VII can be accessed through the individual CSRIC pages listed above or on the CSRIC Reports webpage, which list all reports produced by CSRIC since the first charter in March 2009.
CSRIC Best Practices
The CSRIC Best Practices Search Tool allows you to search CSRIC's collection of Best Practices using a variety of criteria including Network Type, Industry Role, Keywords, Priority Levels, and BP Number.