Purpose: This report provides the revenues, expenses, taxes, plant-in-service, other investment, the plant reserves and return and miscellaneous data for the period 1990 through the current period at the roll-up level for Large ILECs and Mid-Sized ILECs.

Source: The complete ARMIS Report 43-01, Table 1, Cost and Revenue, Rows 1915 Net Return and 1910 Average Net Investment.

Content: Resultsmay be selected and displayed for the following aggregations:

  • Large ILECs
  • Mid-Sized ILECs

Method: All the row and column data are rolled-up per the aggregations above. Row 1920 Rate of Return, is calculated after the roll-up by dividing Row 1915 by Row 1910, and multiplying by 100. The result is rounded to two decimal places. Dollars are shown in thousands.


Monday, January 12, 2015