
Workshop: Deployment Wired - General

9:30 am - 11:30 am EDT
Washington, DC
The goal of this workshop is to explore the deployment of wired (i.e., cable, wireline, and broadband over powerline, or BPL) broadband infrastructure used to serve all types of end-users today and in the future. The workshop will examine the underlying economic and regulatory factors that currently drive those deployment decisions, and how the Commission’s national broadband plan could impact such decisions in the future. Panelists will discuss the state of deployment to provide last mile, middle mile, and Internet backbone services today and deployment planned as part of providers’ existing capital expenditure budgets. The workshop also will explore the relative importance of different factors to broadband providers’ network deployment and upgrade decisions, including the costs of deploying and operating the network, the anticipated revenue opportunities, other regulatory considerations that might hinder or encourage deployment, and how the level of broadband infrastructure investment is set within a provider’s overall budget for capital expenditures. Finally, panelists will discuss how the Commission’s national broadband plan should evaluate the adequacy of wired broadband deployment, including the technological capabilities of the networks, and how extensively and quickly, such facilities can and should be deployed.



The following are some of the preliminary topics that will be covered at this workshop. If you would like to discuss any other topics, please send us your suggestions.
  • The state of wired broadband deployment today (last mile, middle mile, Internet backbone)
  • “Business case” factors that influence the pace of wired broadband deployment (costs, revenue opportunities, regulatory considerations)
  • How the plan should evaluate the adequacy of wired broadband deployment
  • Possibility of new wired broadband entrant
  • Future plans for wired deployment
  • Key performance metrics
  • Pole Attachments
  • Rights of Way


9:30 am Workshop Introduction, Rob Curtis, Moderator
9:35 am Panel Discussion 
  • David Armentrout, President and COO, FiberNet
  • Dallas S. Clement, EVP, Chief Strategy and Product Officer, Cox Communications 
  • Anthony J. (Tony) DiMaso, VP—Corporate Strategy and Development, Verizon Communications
  • Monisha Merchant, Director, Product Management, Level 3 Communications
  • Craig E. Moffett, VP and Senior Analyst, U.S. Telecommunications, Cable and Satellite, Sanford Bernstein
  • Hunter Newby, CEO, Allied Fiber
  • Marcus Weldon, CTO, Wireline Networks Product Division, Alcatel-Lucent
11:20 am Closing Statements, Moderator
11:30 am Adjournment

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