Workshop: International Lessons
9:30 am - 11:30 am EDT
Washington, DC
The goal of this workshop will be to provide an overview of the international experience with broadband, highlighting select national broadband strategies, with a particular focus on the deployment of broadband infrastructure, increase in adoption, and successful regulatory approaches. The Commission seeks to identify global best practices for broadband strategies within other nations that may have particular relevance to expanding broadband deployment, adoption and usage the United States.
Speakers and other participants will focus on a number of subjects concerning the international experience including national broadband strategies, regulatory and policy approaches; data on international broadband usage, adoption, competition, and pricing from select countries; and approaches to benchmarking such data. The workshop will focus on countries (and areas within those countries) similar to the United States (and areas within the United States) in terms of population, income, education, urbanization, and other criteria.
The workshop will discuss whether and in which areas the United States is behind relative to other countries; and of these, which areas the United States is on a path to catch up as well as which areas the United States is likely to stay behind in the absence of a policy intervention. Participants will also discuss those metrics which should be a priority for study and how these could then form a baseline for policy discussions in the United States.
The following are some of the preliminary topics that will be covered at this workshop. If you would like to discuss any other topics, please send us your suggestions.
- Review of other nations’ strategies for broadband deployment
- Review of data on international broadband usage and adoption
- Approaches to benchmarking analysis for such data
- Use of international comparison in U.S. policy formation
- Cost and availability of key inputs, particularly spectrum.
- Best practices
9:30 am Workshop Introduction, Paul de Sa and John Giusti Moderators
9:40 am Staff Presentation, Irene Wu FCC International Bureau
9:45 am Presentation, Yochai Benkler, Berkman Center for Internet and Society, Harvard Law School
9:50 am Panelist Introduction, Paul de Sa and John Giusti Moderators
9:55 am Panelist Presentations
- Young Kyu Noh, Information and Communications Counselor, Embassy of Korea
- Tim Kelly, Lead ICT Policy Specialist at the World Bank
- Deborah Lathen, President of Lathen Consulting
- Raul Katz, Director, Business Strategy Research, CITI
- Robert Atkinson, Founder and President of the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (ITIF)
- Jeffrey A. Eisenach, Chairman, Empiris LLC and Adjunct Professor, George Mason University Law School
- Robert Pepper, Vice President, Global Technology Policy, Cisco Systems
10:35 am Panelist Discussion and Responses to Questions
11:20 am Closing Statement, Moderators
11:30 am Adjournment
Related Documents
- Overview of FCC Staff Research on International Broadband Data
- Irene Wu, FCC International Bureau
- International Broadband Benchmarks
- Tim Kelly, Lead ICT Policy Specialist, infoDev/World Bank
- Broadband Policy: Learning from International Experience
- Jeffrey A. Eisenach, Ph.D. Empiris, LLC
- FCC Broadband Workshop: International Lessons
- Deborah Lathen, BT Board Member
- Remarks
- International Lessons For Broadband Policy
- Robert Atkinson, President, Information Technology and Innovation Foundation
- Broadband Policy: Learning from International Experience
- Jeffrey A. Eisenach, Ph.D. Empiris, LLC
- International ICT and Broadband Development
- Robert Pepper, Vice President Global Technology Policy
- Workshop Transcript