
Workshop: Research Recommendations for the Broadband Task Force

10:30 am - 1:00 pm EST
Washington, DC

We seek to develop a set of research recommendations that Congress should consider to enable the U.S. to be a global leader in broadband networking in the years 2020 and beyond and to further broadband deployment in the US over the next decade. This plan will consider the competitiveness of the US marketplace; more specifically, how research funding might help bolster areas where the US can lead technology innovation. The process of developing these recommendations will focus on an open discussion with substantial outreach to industry, academia, government and the public. To begin this process of gathering input the FCC will hold a workshop on November 23rd. This meeting will include two sessions – a morning session with academic participants and an afternoon session with industry participants.



The following are some of the preliminary topics that will be covered at this workshop. If you would like to discuss any other topics, please send us your suggestions.
  • State of broadband research
  • Research priorities including the need for basic research
  • The research funding process
  • Technology transfer and commercialization


9:30 - 9:35 am Introduction of Workshop, Moderator, Douglas C. Sicker, Senior Advisor, National Broadband Plan
9:35 - 11:35 am Panel 1
  • Dan Atkins, Kellogg Professor of Community Information, University of Michigan 
  • Charles Bostian, Alumni Distinguished Professor, Virginia Tech
  • Vint Cerf, Vice President and Chief Internet Evangelist Google, (remote)
  • David Clark, Senior Research Scientist, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Chip Elliot, Chief Engineer at BBN Technologies and Project Director for GENI
  • Ty Znati, Division Director, Computer and Network Systems, National Science Foundation
1:00 - 3:00 pm Panel 2
  • Victor Bahl, Principal Researcher & Manager, Networking Research Group, Microsoft Research
  • David Borth, Corporate VP and CTO, Government and Public Safety, Motorola
  • Adam Drobot, CTO & President, Advanced Technology Solutions, Telcordia
  • David Farber, Distinguished Career Professor of Computer Science and Public Policy in the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University (remote)
  • Dick Green, President and Chief Executive Officer, Cablelabs
  • Mark Levine, Managing Director, Core Capital
  • Marcus Weldon, Corporate CTO, Bell Labs

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