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The FCC has received reports that scammers are spoofing the FCC's Consumer Call Center number, 1-888-225-5322, as part of a Chinese-language robocall scam.

Chinese-language calls that refer to, or display, 1-888-225-5322 (1-888-CALL-FCC) on caller ID are fraudulent, and you should hang up immediately.

The FCC does not call and ask for money. The FCC also does not work with foreign consulates to collect civil or criminal fines from individuals.

Tip Card
Download Spoofing Tip Card


  • Never give out – or confirm – personal information such as account numbers, Social Security numbers, mother's maiden names, passwords or other identifying information in response to unexpected calls or if you are at all suspicious.
  • If you get an inquiry from someone who says they represent a government agency, hang up and call the phone number on the government agency's website, or in the phone book, to verify the authenticity of the request.
  • Use caution if you are being pressured to quickly divulge information – this is a sure sign of a scam.
  • Never send money using a reloadable card or gift card.

For more details on this scam, visit https://www.fcc.gov/chinese-americans-targeted-consulate-phone-scam.  This site includes information about tactics international bad actors use when they try to scam Chinese Americans and Chinese citizens living abroad. The article, which is also available in traditional Chinese (華裔美國人遭遇冒充領事館的電話詐騙 - https://www.fcc.gov/chinese-americans-targeted-consulate-phone-scam/chi), includes tips and recommendations for what you can do if you receive such a phone call. If you feel you're the victim of such a scam, report it to local law enforcement.

After receiving calls from consumers who thought they had been called by the FCC, the agency has referred the matter to its Enforcement Bureau which has begun investigating.

Consumers who receive spoofed calls they believe are fraudulent – in any language – can report such calls to the FCC. Complaints can be filed, at no cost through, the FCC Consumer Complaint Center (consumercomplaints.fcc.gov).  We also encourage you to file your complaint with the FTC at  www.ftccomplaintassistant.gov.

Information about the FCC's informal complaint process, including how to file a complaint, and what happens after a complaint is filed, is available in the FCC Complaint Center FAQ (www.fcc.gov/consumercomplaints/FAQs).

Learn more about caller ID spoofing and other robocall scams at fcc.gov/consumers.