Required Spin-Off of GTE's Internet Assets Increases Incentives for Bell Atlantic to Swiftly Open It's Local Phone Territiory to Competitors
  • News Release [ Text | Word97 ] 6/17/00
  • Memorandum Opinion And Order, FCC 00-221 [ Word97 | Acrobat ] 6/17/00
  • Statement of FCC Chairman William E. Kennard [ Text | Word97 ] 6/17/00
  • Statement of FCC Commissioner Susan Ness [ Text | Word97 ] 6/17/00
  • Statement of FCC Commissioner Harold Furchtgott_Roth [ Text | Word97 ] 6/17/00
  • Statement of FCC Commissioner Michael Powell [ Text | Word97 ] 6/17/00
  • Statement of FCC Commissioner Gloria Tristani [ Text | Word97 ] 6/17/00
  • Summary Of Bell Atlantic/BTE Conditions [ Text | Word97 ] 6/17/00
  • Spin-Off Factsheet [ Text | Word97 ] 6/17/00
Monday, June 13, 2016