“This page is a digitally archived AccessInfo Announcement”
The FCC's Accessibility Clearinghouse is a Congressionally‐mandated web repository of information about accessible communications products and services. It is mandated by the 21st Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act of 2010 (CVAA), which also requires the FCC to promote this resource to the public. The Accessibility Clearinghouse includes information on the following topics:
* accessibility features of mobile phones,
* accessibility contacts at telecommunications and advanced communications services companies,
* free assistive apps for various computing platforms, and
* organizations implementing the National Deaf‐Blind Equipment Distribution Program (NDBEDP).
To enable more flexible and targeted use of Clearinghouse information, the FCC has released a software development kit (SDK) that makes custom programming of inquiries to the database relatively easy with a free, popular language called Python. Python‐based apps can query the Clearinghouse based on an application programming interface
(API). Clearinghouse Information may be selectively filtered and combined with data from other sources as
mashups. Views of information may be created that differ from the presentation on the Clearinghouse website, thereby tailoring value for particular constituencies or devices.
Related links:
Accessibility Clearinghouse www.fcc.gov/accessibilityclearinghouse
Blog post on the Clearinghouse SDK
Source code of the Clearinghouse SDK
Demo of the Clearinghouse SDK
For additional information, please contact Jamal Mazrui, Deputy Director, FCC’s Accessibility and Innovation
Initiative: jamal.mazrui@fcc.gov or 202.418.0069.