FCC 2012-08-14 13:43:28 Engage with customers to identify at least two existing major customer-facing services that contain high-value data or content as first-move candidates to make compliant with new open data, content, and web API policy. 90 Days 2012/08/21 select 2-1-status completed 2.1 Paragraph on customer engagement approach 90 days 2012/08/21 textarea 2-1-1-customer-engagement-approach The Federal Communications Commission uses the Federal Communications Bar Association, direct public engagement through social media, and targeted outreach in the form of workshops and meetings for new applications to provide significant feedback to its Digital Strategy, Web and new application development teams. For all of our new web based applications or retooling of web based applications, we commonly follow rules in the Administrative Procedures Act for announcing applications via Public Notice. Often times these Public Notices engage the public to seek comment on these new or retooled applications. Our approach has been successful in that we have received and taken into consideration significant feedback on new application architecture, design and enhancements. 2.1 Prioritized list of systems (datasets) 90 days 2012/08/21 text 2-1-2-name Broadcast Public Inspection File License View text 2-1-2-description For decades, the public file for each station has been kept at the station’s main studio in paper form (or more recently in electronic form at some stations) and made available during normal business hours. Relying on the advantages of current technology, however, the Commission has now changed its rules to require almost all of this public file information for television stations to be posted online at this site. Spectrum is a national resource. License View provides information on over 3 million FCC issued licenses for use of the nation's airwaves and other purposes. select 2-1-2-scope both both text 2-1-2-customer Public Public text 2-1-2-uii 1 Engage with customers to identify at least two existing priority customer-facing services to optimize for mobile use. 90 Days 2012/08/21 select 7-1-status completed 7.1 Paragraph on customer engagement approach 90 days 2012/08/21 textarea 7-1-1-customer-engagement-approach The Federal Communications Commission uses the Federal Communications Bar Association, direct public engagement through social media, and targeted outreach in the form of workshops and meetings for new applications to provide significant feedback to its Digital Strategy, Web and new application development teams. For all of our new web based applications or retooling of web based applications, we commonly follow rules in the Administrative Procedures Act for announcing applications via Public Notice. Often times these Public Notices engage the public to seek comment on these new or retooled applications. Our approach has been successful in that we have received and taken into consideration significant feedback on new application architecture, design and enhancements. 7.1 Prioritized list of systems (datasets) 90 days 2012/08/21 text 7-1-2-name fcc.gov National Broadband map text 7-1-2-description The entire fcc.gov experience will be a mobile ready application this fall. The National Broadband Map (NBM) is a searchable and interactive website that allows users to view broadband availability across every neighborhood in the United States. The NBM was created by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), in collaboration with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), and in partnership with 50 states, five territories and the District of Columbia. The NBM is part of NTIA's State Broadband Initiative. The NBM is updated approximately every six months and was first published on February 17, 2011. select 7-1-2-scope both both text 7-1-2-customer Stakeholders and Public Public text 7-1-2-uii 1 Establish an agency-wide governance structure for developing and delivering digital services 6 months 2012/11/23 select 4-2-status in-progress text 4-2-link 4.2 Goals 6 months 2012/11/23 text 4-2-1-goal textarea 4-2-1-measure text 4-2-1-completion-date 4.2 Set specified agency-wide policies and standards 6 months 2012/11/23 text 4-2-3-standard In general, the FCC makes public data its uses for policy decisions. A Public Notice seeking comment on its Data Innovation Initiative set in motion this practice. select 4-2-3-status in-progress 1 Develop an enterprise-wide inventory of mobile devices and wireless service contracts 6 months 2012/11/23 select 5-2-status completed 5.2 Develop mobile device inventory 6 months 2012/11/23 text 5-2-1-link held internally 5.2 Develop wireless service contract inventory 6 months 2012/11/23 text 5-2-2-component Office of the Managing Director select 5-2-2-device-inventory-status in-progress select 5-2-2-contract-inventory-status in-progress 1 Implement performance and customer satisfaction measuring tools on all .gov websites 6 months 2012/11/23 select 8-2-status not-started 8.2 Implement performance measurement tool 6 months 2012/11/23 textarea 8-2-1-implementation Currently the FCC is investigating using several tools for this analysis, including ForeSee. 8.2 Implement customer satisfaction tool 6 months 2012/11/23 textarea 8-2-2-implementation Ensure all new IT systems follow the open data, content, and web API policy and operationalize agency.gov/developer pages 12 months 2013/05/23 select 1-2-status in-progress 1.2 Document policy for architecting new IT systems for openness by default 6 months 2012/11/23 text 1-2-1-url textarea 1-2-1-description 1.2 Operationalize /developer page 12 months 2013/05/23 text 1-2-2-url https://www.fcc.gov/developers Make high-value data and content in at least two existing, major customer-facing systems available through web APIs, apply metadata tagging and publish a plan to transition additional high-value systems 12 months 2013/05/23 select 2-2-status in-progress 2.1 Make 2+ systems (datasets) available via web APIs with metadata tags 12 months 2013/05/23 text 2-2-1-url https://stations.fcc.gov/developer/ http://apps.fcc.gov/accessibilityclearinghouse/developers.html https://www.fcc.gov/developers/census-block-conversions-api https://www.fcc.gov/developers/fcc-content-api https://www.fcc.gov/developers/consumer-broadband-test-api http://apps.fcc.gov/cgb/form499/docs/index.htm https://www.fcc.gov/developers/license-view-api https://www.fcc.gov/developers/spectrum-dashboard-api http://broadbandmap.gov/developer 1 2.1 Publish plan on future activity 12 months 2013/05/23 text 2-2-2-system textarea 2-2-2-description select 2-2-2-scope text 2-2-2-customers text 2-2-2-url textarea 2-2-2-compliance 1 Evaluate the government-wide contract vehicles in the alternatives analysis for all new mobile-related procurements 12 months 2013/05/23 select 5-3-status in-progress textarea 5-3-policy We are already in the process of acquiring new mobile device and service contracts, but will evaluate the new government wide contracting vehicles when they become available to determine whether additional efficiencies can be realized. Ensure all new digital services follow digital services and customer experience improvement guidelines 12 months 2013/05/23 select 6-3-status in-progress textarea 6-3-policy We will evaluate the new guidelines and develop an implementation plan as soon as the guidance is made available to agencies. Optimize at least two existing priority customer-facing services for mobile use and publish a plan for improving additional existing services 12 months 2013/05/23 select 7-2-status completed textarea 7-2-url 7.2. Report on services 12 months 2013/05/23 text 7-2-1-name textarea 7-2-1-name select 7-2-1-scope text 7-2-1-customers text 7-2-1-url textarea 7-2-1-optimizations 1