Universal Service Program for High-Cost Areas

The federal universal service high-cost program (also known as the Connect America Fund) is designed to ensure that consumers in rural, insular, and high-cost areas have access to modern communications networks capable of providing voice and broadband service, both fixed and mobile, at rates that are reasonably comparable to those in urban areas. The program fulfills this universal service goal by allowing eligible carriers who serve these areas to recover some of their costs from the federal Universal Service Fund.

This pages serves as an archive of all high-cost releases, including releases concerning the Connect America Fund. The Connect America Fund page highlights certain Connect America Fund releases.

Daily Releases


  • 2/21/25
    Rip-And-Replace Program Recipients Public Notice:
    Wireline Competition Bureau Urges Rip-And-Replace Program Recipients To Complete Removal Of Insecure Equipment From Our Nation's Networks.
  • 2/21/25
    Streamlined Resolution of Reimbursement Program Extension Requests Public Notice:
    Streamlined Resolution Of Requests Under The Secure And Trusted Communications Networks Reimbursement Program.
  • 1/17/25
    CAF BLS Deployment Validation and Deferral of Next Deployment Term Order:
    WCB responds to a request from NTCA—The Rural Broadband Association (NTCA).
  • 1/15/25
    Domestic Section 214 Authorization Granted Commnet-Inland Cellular Public Notice:
    Domestic Section 214 Application Granted For The Acquisition Of Certain Assets Of Commnet Wireless, LLC By Inland Cellular LLC.
  • 1/15/25
    Mercury, and Mediapolis RDOF Defaults Public Notice:
    WCB Announces Commnet and Mercury will not fulfill commitment to serve certain RDOF census block groups in Washington and Ohio; Commnet withdrew from RDOF in Idaho; and Mediapolis withdrew from RDOF in Iowa.
  • 1/10/25
    Supply Chain Reimbursement Program Spending Report Deadline Reminder Public Notice:
    Wireline Competition Bureau Reminds Secure and Trusted Communications Networks Reimbursement Program Recipients of Their February 10, 2025 Spending Report Filing Obligation.
  • 1/10/25
    Broadband Serviceable Location Fabric Order:
    WCB adopts the Broadband Serviceable Location Fabric as the basis we will rely on for generally verifying compliance with high-cost program deployment obligations and for adjusting the location obligations for certain high-cost support mechanisms.
  • 1/2/25
    December USF Appeals Public Notice:
    Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.


  • 12/30/24
    Streamlined Resolution of Reimbursement Program Public Notice:
    Wireline Competition Bureau grants, pursuant to delegated authority, the following petitions requesting to extend certain deadlines under the Secure and Trusted Communications Networks Reimbursement Program (Reimbursement Program or Program).
  • 12/30/24
    Point Broadband Partially Relinquishes Alabama ETC Designation Order:
    Point Broadband Fiber Holding, LLC partially relinquishes its Eligible Telecommunications Carrier (ETC) designation in Alabama.
  • 12/26/24
    Additional Funding for Reimbursement Program Public Notice:
    Wireline Competition Bureau and Office of Managing Director Announce Additional Congressional Funding for the Secure and Trusted Communications Networks Reimbursement Program.
  • 12/20/24
    Limited Waiver of Connect USVI Fund's Milestone Rules Public Notice:
    In this Order, we grant in part Broadband VI (BBVI) a limited waiver of the Commission's Connect USVI Fund's deployment milestone rules for eligible service areas in the U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI).
  • 12/20/24
    CVSI Petition for Expansion of VA ETC Designation Public Notice:
    The Wireline Competition Bureau provides notice and seeks comment on Central Virginia Services, Inc.'s petition to expand its VA Eligible Telecommunications Carrier (ETC) designation in connection with a pending 214 Transfer Petition.
  • 12/19/24
    Public Funding in Virginia Order:
    WCB grants RiverStreet Communications of Virginia, Inc. a limited waiver of the RDOF obligation to serve areas in New Kent County, Virginia overlapped by Cox Communications' enforceable buildout commitment supported by federal and county funding.
  • 12/16/24
    Lifeline-Only ETC Designation to Conexon Connect and SCTC Order:
    WCB grants the petitions of two carriers to expand their designation as eligible telecommunications carriers (ETCs) to allow them to provide Lifeline-only service in additional areas.
  • 12/13/24
    2025 Urban Rate Survey and Minimum Usage Allowance for ETCs Public Notice:
    WCB and OEA announce the results of the 2025 Urban Rate Survey for fixed voice and broadband services, post the accompanying survey data and explanatory notes, and announce the required minimum usage allowance for eligible telecommunications carriers.
  • 12/13/24
    FFCC Modifies Letter of Credit Rules to Facilitate Broadband Buildout Report and Order:
    In this Report and Order and Order, the FCC makes targeted modifications to the requirements for letters of credit that recipients of USF high-cost support awarded through a competitive process must obtain.
  • 12/11/24
    NECA's 2025 High-Cost Loop Support Formula Order:
    The Wireline Competition Bureau approves NECA's proposed HCLS formula for 2025.
  • 12/6/24
    RTC Petition for Waiver Public Notice:
    Bureau Seeks Comment on Reservation Telephone Cooperative Petition for Waiver to Merge Commonly-Owned Study Areas.
  • 12/6/24
    Siskiyou Telephone Company Public Notice:
    Wireline Competition Bureau Seeks Comment on Siskiyou Telephone Company's Petition for Waiver of 47 CFR § 54.302(A) Monthly Per-Line Support Cap.
  • 12/5/24
    Supply Chain Reimbursement Program Status Update Deadline Reminder Public Notice:
    Wireline Competition Bureau Reminds Secure and Trusted Communications Networks Reimbursement Program Recipients of Their January 3, 2024 Status Update Filing Obligation.
  • 12/2/24
    RDOF Recipients of Milestone Notification Requirement Public Notice:
    Wireline Competition Bureau Reminds Rural Digital Opportunity Fund Support Recipients of Milestone Notification Requirement.
  • 12/2/24
    Streamlined Resolution of Reimbursement Program Extension Requests Public Notice:
    Streamlined Resolution of Requests Under The Secure Trusted Communications Networks Reimbursement Program.
  • 11/27/24
    WCB Announces Mercury, PVT, Cable One, and Fidelity RDOF Defaults:
    WCB Announces Mercury, PVT, Cable One, VOIP, and Fidelity Defaults on Certain RDOF Census Block Groups in Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Michigan, Missouri, and New Mexico
  • 11/27/24
    RTC RDOF Early Support Recovery Order:
    WCB grants limited waiver of RDOF service milestone and support recovery rules to recover early a portion of Daviess-Martin County Rural Tel. Corp.'s support for defaulted census blocks in Indiana; denies request for a further support recovery reduction.
  • 11/27/24
    Mercury, PVT, Cable One, and Fidelity RDOF Default Public Notice:
    WCB Announces Mercury and PVT will not fulfill commitment to serve certain RDOF census block groups in Indiana, Michigan and New Mexico; and Cable One, Fidelity, and Mercury withdrew from RDOF in Idaho, Missouri, Kansas, and Illinois.
  • 11/26/24
    Streamlined Resolution of Reimbursement Program Extension Requests:
    Streamlined Resolution of Requests Under The Secure Trusted Communications Networks Reimbursement Program
  • 11/4/24
    Alaska Connect Fund Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking:
    The Commission adopts the Alaska Connect Fund to further address broadband needs in Alaska.
  • 11/4/24
    Re-Authorized Enhanced ACAM Support for TDS and Wilkes Public Notice:
    Wireline Competition Bureau Re-Authorizes Enhanced Alternative Connect America Model Support for Telephone & Data Systems and Wilkes Telephone Membership Corporation.
  • 11/1/24
    Relinquishment of ETC Designation Public Notice:
    WCB seeks comment on a petition for relinquishment of Eligible Telecommunications Carrier (ETC) designation pursuant to 47 U.S.C. § 214(e)(4) filed by Point Broadband Fiber Holding, LLC.
  • 10/15/24
    RTC and Pinpoint RDOF Defaults Public Notice:
    WCB Announces Daviess-Martin County Rural Telephone Corporation will not fulfil commitment to serve certain RDOF census block groups in Indiana and Pinpoint withdrew from RDOF in Nebraska.
  • 10/9/24
    USF Broadband Program Rules in Response to Milton Order:
    WCB waives Lifeline, E-Rate, Emergency Connectivity Fund (ECF), Rural Health Care (RHC), and High Cost rules and deadlines to assist participants and service providers located in areas affected by Hurricane Milton.
  • 10/1/24
    FCC Waives USF, Broadband Program Rules in Response to Helene Order:
    WCB waives Lifeline, E-Rate, Emergency Connectivity Fund (ECF), Rural Health Care (RHC), and High Cost rules and deadlines to assist participants and service providers located in areas affected by Hurricane Helene.
  • 9/30/24
    Streamlined Resolution of Reimbursement Program Extension Requests Public Notice:
    Streamlined Resolution of Requests Under The Secure Trusted Communications Networks Reimbursement Program.
  • 9/20/24
    Telecommunications Carriers Eligible for Universal Service Support Order:
    Cebridge Telecom WV, LLC dba Suddenlink relinquishes its eligible telecommunications carrier designation in West Virginia.
  • 9/19/24
    Comment on NECA 2025 Proposed HCLS Formula Public Notice:
    Wireline Competition Bureau Seeks Comment on NECA 2025 Modification of the Average Schedule Company Universal Service High Cost Loop Support Formula.
  • 9/11/24
    Arvig and BEVCOMM Public Notice:
    Wireline Competition Bureau Extends Time For Comment on Arvig and BEVCOMM Filing That Enhanced A-CAM Support Offers Were Incorrect Because Midco Was Classified as an Unsubsidized Competitor.
  • 9/9/24
    Lumen RDOF Defaults and BDAP Procedures Public Notice:
    WCB announces Lumen withdrew from RDOF in NM, SD, and WY, and will not fulfill commitment to serve certain RDOF CBGs in CO; WCB also announces Broadband Deployment Alignment Plan procedures for coordination with other federal and state agencies.
  • 9/4/24
    NTIA and Tribes in Maximizing use of TBCP Funding Order:
    WCB grants Resound Networks, LLC a limited waiver of the RDOF obligation to serve areas in Oklahoma and Arizona overlapped by the Tonkawa Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma's and Cocopah Tribe of Arizona's Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program Round 1 awards.
  • 8/30/24
    WCB Dismisses Petition for Reconsideration:
    Wireline Competition Bureau dismisses a Petition for Reconsideration challenging the Commission's determination of Auction 904 eligibility.
  • 8/20/24
    Supply Chain Reimbursement Program Updated FAQs & User Guide Issued Public Notice:
    Wireline Competition Bureau Issues Participant Close-Out User Guide and Updates Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for The Secure and Trusted Communications Networks Reimbursement Program.
  • 8/15/24
    EMPOWER VA ETC Designation Order:
    WCB expands EMPOWER's VA ETC designation to include Phase II Auction eligible areas originally authorized to RiverStreet, conditioned upon EMPOWER's satisfaction of all requirements of conditional authorization.
  • 8/14/24
    Arvig and BEVCOMM Filing Public Notice:
    Wireline Competition Bureau Seeks Comment on Arvig and BEVCOMM Filing That Enhanced A-CAM Support Offers Were Incorrect Because Midco Was Classified as an Unsubsidized Competitor.
  • 7/31/24
    Streamlined Resolution of Reimbursement Program Term Extension Requests Public Notice:
    Streamlined Resolution of Requests Under The Secure Trusted Communications Networks Reimbursement Program.
  • 7/25/24
    Urban Rate Survey 2025 Timeline Public Notice:
    Urban Rate Survey 2025 Timeline.
  • 7/22/24
    Puerto Rico Telephone Company Inc. SCRP Extension Order:
    WCB grants the extension for Puerto Rico Telephone Company, Inc. pursuant to section 1.50004(h)(2) of the Commission's rules and extends the term for PRTC from July 27, 2024 to January 27, 2025.
  • 7/17/24
    Interim Eligible Locations List for Enhanced Alternative Connect America Model Mechanism Public Notice:
    Wireline Competition Bureau Announces An Updated Interim Eligible Locations List For Enhanced Alternative Connect America Model Mechanism.
  • 7/10/24
    WCB Announces Certain RDOF CBGs Are Eligible for Other Funding Public Notice:
    WCB announces Charter and Co-Mo Connect will not fulfill commitment to serve certain CBGs in their RDOF service areas and Coleman County Telephone Cooperative withdrew from RDOF in Texas; WCB issues correction to prior Charter defaults.
  • 7/10/24
    Supply Chain Reimbursement Program Spending Report Deadline Reminder Public Notice:
    Wireline Competition Bureau Reminds Secure and Trusted Communications Networks Reimbursement Program Recipients of Their August 12, 2024 Spending Report Filing Obligation.
  • 7/3/24
    Guidance for RDOF and CAF Phase II Support Recipients on Procedures for Provider Defaults to Ensure That Broadband Networks Are Deployed to All Consumers Public Notice:
    Wireline Competition Bureau Provides Guidance for RDOF and CAF Phase II Support Recipients on Procedures for Provider Defaults to Ensure That Broadband Networks Are Deployed to All Consumers.
  • 7/3/24
    Pause of Lifeline Voice Phase-Out and Mobile Data Changes Order:
    WCB extends the waiver pausing both the phase-out of Lifeline support for voice-only services and the scheduled rise in Lifeline minimum service standards for mobile broadband data capacity for an additional year, until December 1, 2025.
  • 7/1/24
    July USF Appeals Public Notice:
    Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
  • 6/28/24
    WCB Extends July 1, 202 Program Year 2025 Filing Deadline for All ETCs Order:
    WCB grants a limited waiver of the Program Year 2025 filing deadline from July 1, 2024 to July 10, 2024 for all eligible telecommunications carriers (ETCs) due to technical difficulties that are impacting the FCC Form 481 filing portal.
  • 6/28/24
    Streamlined Resolution of Reimbursement Program Term Extension Requests Public Notice:
    Streamlined Resolution of Requests Under The Secure Trusted Communications Networks Reimbursement Program.
  • 6/12/24
    EMPOWER's ETC Expansion Application Public Notice:
    WCB seeks comment on EMPOWER's ETC Expansion Application to cover CAF Phase II eligible areas pending a 214 assignment and Lifeline-only eligible areas.
  • 6/12/24
    RiverStreet CAF Phase II Auction Early Support Recovery Order:
    WCB grants a limited waiver of the CAF Phase II Auction service milestone and support recovery rules to recover early a portion of RiverStreet Communications of North Carolina, Inc.'s support associated with defaulted census blocks in North Carolina.
  • 6/11/24
    Revised Performance Plans Approved Under Alaska Plan Public Notice:
    Revised performance plans of Bristol Bay Cellular, TelAlaska Cellular, and Windy City Cellular are approved pursuant to the Alaska Plan.
  • 6/7/24
    Proposes Updated Letter of Credit Rules For Rural Broadband Support Notice of Propsed Rulemaking:
    FCC proposes updated rules to offer greater flexibility in supporting providers' deployment of high-speed internet services in high-cost, rural communities.
  • 6/7/24
    Supply Chain Reimbursement Program Status Update Deadline Reminder Public Notice:
    Wireline Competition Bureau Reminds Secure and Trusted Communications Networks Reimbursement Program Recipients of Their July 8, 2024 Status Update Filing Obligation.
  • 6/3/2024
    Conexon Connect LLC and Scott County Telephone Cooperative, Inc. Public Notice: OWireline Competition Bureau Seeks Comment on Petitions Filed By Conexon Connect LLC and Scott County Telephone Cooperative, Inc.
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  • 5/20/2024
    Domestic Section 214 Application Public Notice: Non-Streamlined Pleading Cycle Established.
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  • 5/10/2024
    Resound Networks, LLC to Receive CAF Phase II Auction Support Transferred from Echo Wireless Broadband, Inc. Public Notice: Authorization of Resound Networks, LLC to Connect America Fund (CAF) Phase II Auction Support Transferred from Echo Wireless Broadband, Inc.
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  • 5/10/2024
    Certain RDOF CBGs are Eligible for Other Funding Public Notice: WCB announces Charter will not fulfill commitment to serve certain CBGs in its RDOF service area in Michigan, Missouri, and Wisconsin; Altice withdrew from RDOF in Arkansas, Kentucky, and West Virginia.
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  • 5/7/2024
    Enforcement Bureau Enters into Consent Decree with i-wireless Order: FCC Enforcement Bureau enters into a Consent Decree with i-wireless, LLC for a $1,000,000 penalty to resolve a clerical omission made when they pursued an eligible telecommunications carrier designation in Florida.
  • 5/7/2024
    Expanded i-wireless Designation Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau adds unserved locations that are no longer subject to an enforceable commitment from a different program to West Side Telephone's Enhanced A-CAM offer.
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  • 5/3/2024
    Limited Waiver of E-ACAM Rule to Facilitate Deployment in West Virginia Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau adds unserved locations that are no longer subject to an enforceable commitment from a different program to West Side Telephone's Enhanced A-CAM offer.
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  • 5/3/2024
    Enhanced A-CAM Locations Data Update Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau provides updated guidance regarding the use of broadband availability data to determine Enhanced A-CAM deployment obligations and support.
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  • 5/1/24
    May USF Appeals Public Notice:
    Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
    Word PDF
  • 4/15/24
    Certain CAF II/RDOF CBGs are Eligible for Other Funding Public Notice:
    WCB announces RiverStreet Communications of North Carolina, Inc. will not fulfill commitment to serve certain CBGs in its CAF Phase II auction service area; Cebridge Telecom LA, LLC and Cable One VoIP LLC d/b/a Sparklight withdrew from RDOF in Louisiana.
    Word PDF
  • 3/29/24
    Streamlined Resolution of Reimbursement Program Term Extension Public Notice:
    WCB has issued a Public Notice ruling on petitions to extend individual providers' deadlines to remove, replace, and dispose of Huawei and ZTE equipment and services from their networks.
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  • 3/29/24
    Filer Mutual Telephone Company Order:
    Order Granting Waiver Request Filed by Filer Mutual Telephone Co.
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  • 3/14/24
    Wireline Competition Bureau Seeks Comment on Petition for Declaratory Ruling or Waiver of Section 61.50 of the Commission's Rules Public Notice:
    Seeks comment on petition for declaratory ruling or waiver of section 61.50 of the Commission's rules filed by Hilliary Communications LLC.
    Word PDF
  • 3/12/24
    Colo Telephone Company and South Canaan Telephone Company Seeking Waiver to Revise Connect America Fund-Broadband Loop Support Filing Order:
    WCB denies two petitions filed by Colo Telephone Company and South Canaan Telephone Company seeking a waiver of section 54.903(a)(4) of the Commission's rules.
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  • 3/12/24
    R.M. Greene, Inc. AKA Beam to Receive RDOF Support Public Notice:
    Authorization Of R.M. Greene, Inc. Aka Beam To Receive Rural Digital Opportunity Fund Support Transferred From Point Broadband Fiber Holding, Llc.
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  • 3/6/24
    AirVoice Wireless Revised Compliance Plan Order:
    Wireline Competition Bureau approves further revised compliance plan of AirVoice Wireless, LLC filed pursuant to the requirements for continued provision of Lifeline service.
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  • 3/6/24
    WCB Grants ETC Designation to NHEC for Lifeline Service in New Hampshire Order:
    Wireline Competition Bureau grants Amended Petition of New Hampshire Electric Cooperative, Inc. for limited designation as an ETC for the purpose of providing Lifeline services in certain census block groups in New Hampshire.
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  • 3/5/24
    Wireline Competition Bureau Seeks Comment on Letter Seeking RDOF and CAF II Amnesty From 69 Internet Service Providers, Trade Associations, State and Local Officials, School Districts, Unions and Civil Society Organizations Public Notice:
    Wireline Competition Bureau Seeks Comment on Letter Seeking RDOF and CAF II Amnesty From 69 Internet Service Providers, Trade Associations, State and Local Officials, School Districts, Unions and Civil Society Organizations.
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  • 2/28/24
    WCB Announces Certain CAF II/RDOF CBGs are Eligible for Other Funding Public Notice:
    WCB announces BARConnects, LLC and North Alabama Electric Cooperative will not fulfill commitment to serve certain CBGs in their RDOF and/or CAF Phase II auction service areas.
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  • 2/15/24
    Comment Deadlines for High-Cost Fabric Public Notice:
    WCB Announces Comment Deadlines for High-Cost Fabric Public Notice.
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  • 2/1/24
    February USF Appeals Public Notice
    Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
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  • 1/31/24
    User Guides for Secure and Trusted Communications Networks Reimbursement Program Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Updates User Guides for the Secure and Trusted Communications Networks Reimbursement Program.
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  • 1/31/24
    Streamlined Resolution of Reimbursement Program Requests Public Notice: Streamlined Resolution of Requests Under the Secure and Trusted Communications Networks Reimbursement Program.
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  • 1/25/24
    Enhanced A-CAM Locations Guidance Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau provides guidance regarding the resolution of outstanding location and broadband coverage issues for Enhanced A-CAM, and provides an Interim Eligible Locations list.
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  • 1/25/24
    Fabric for High-Cost Deployment Obligations Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on using the data included in the Broadband Serviceable Location Fabric to update and verify compliance with certain High-Cost program support recipients' deployment obligations.
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  • 1/18/24
    NE Colorado Cellular Inc. dba Viaero Wireless Denial of Reconsideration Order: WCB denies NE Colorado Cellular Inc. dba Viaero Wireless's request to reconsider the denial of reimbursement claims filed by Viaero under the Reimbursement Program for certain equipment that Viaero purchased to replace equipment manufactured by Huawei.
  • 1/16/24
    Reimbursement Program Application Order on Reconsideration: WCB denies PTA-FLA's Petition for Reconsideration, upholding its prior determination that PTA-FLA is not a provider of advanced communications service and is ineligible to participate in the Secure and Trusted Communications Networks Reimbursement Program.
  • 1/11/24
    E- ACAM Cybersecurity and Supply Chain Risk Management Plans Deadline Public Notice: WCB announces that Enhanced A-CAM carriers must certify and submit their cybersecurity and supply chain risk management plans by February 12, 2024.
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  • 1/10/24
    Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe Telephone Authority's Petition for Declaratory Ruling Notice and Comment Public Notice: WCB seeks comment on Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe Telephone Authority's petition for declaratory ruling that it may submit a request to be redesignated as an ETC by the Commission rather than continuing to maintain a state-issued ETC designation.
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  • 1/2/24
    January USF Appeals Public Notice
    Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
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  • 12/21/2023
    GigSky, Inc. SCRP Extension Order: WCB addresses the Petition filed by GigSky, Inc. requesting an extension of its removal, replacement, and disposal term under the Secure and Trusted Communications Networks Reimbursement Program (Reimbursement Program).
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  • 12/20/2023
    NTCA Enhanced A-CAM CSCRM Plans Deadline Waiver Request Order: This Order denies NTCA's petition for waiver of the deadline for Enhanced A-CAM carriers to certify and submit cybersecurity and supply chain risk management plans.
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  • 12/20/2023
    United Telephone Association, Inc. and Panhandle Telephone Cooperative, Inc. for Waiver of Commission Rules Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Seeks Comment on Joint Petition of United Telephone Association, Inc. and Panhandle Telephone Cooperative, Inc. for Waiver of Part 36 and Sections 51.909(A), and 51.917(B)(1) and (B)(7) of the Commission's Rules.
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  • 12/20/2023
    BroadLife Communications, Inc. Relinquishes its ETC designation in Alabama in Connection with 214 Transfer Order: WCB approves the request of BroadLife Communications, Inc. (BroadLife) to relinquish its eligible telecommunications carrier (ETC) designation in Alabama.
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  • 12/20/2023
    Conclusion of RDOF Auction 904 Application Review Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau, in conjunction with the Office of Economics and Analytics (OEA), announces the conclusion of the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund auction (Auction 904) long-form application review.
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  • 12/20/2023
    Wavelength's RDOF Bids in Default Announced Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau and the Office of Economics and Analytics announce that Wavelength LLC, a Rural Digital Opportunity Fund (RDOF or Auction 904) long-form applicant, has defaulted.
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  • 12/15/2023
    2024 Urban Rate Survey Public Notice: WCB and OEA announce the results of the 2024 Urban Rate Survey for fixed voice and broadband services, posting of survey data, and required minimum usage allowance for Eligible Telecommunications Carriers.
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  • 12/14/2023
    HCLS Average Schedule Formula Order: FCC approves the average schedule cost per loop formula proposed by the National Exchange Carrier Association, Inc. on August 29, 2023 for high-cost loop support for the year 2024.
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  • 12/12/2023
    FCC Reaffirms Decision to Reject Starlink Application Order on Review: FCC reaffirmed WCB's prior decision to reject the long-form application of Starlink to receive public support through the RDOF program, based on the applicant's failure to meet the program requirements.
  • 12/6/2023
    Letter of Credit Rules for CAF-II Auction Funding Recipients Order: WCB extends the limited waiver of the letter of credit (LOC) rules for the Connect America Fund Phase II Auction (CAF II Auction or Auction 903) funding recipients that have met their deployment and reporting obligations until December 31, 2024.
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  • 12/4/2023
    Auction 904 Order on Application for Review: The FCC adopts order resolving LTD Broadband's Application for Review in Auction 904.
  • 12/4/2023
    Guidance on Performance Measures Requirements for Carriers Public Notice: Transitioning to Enhanced A-CAM and Those Wireline Competition Bureau Provides Additional Guidance on Performance Measures Requirements for Carriers Transitioning to Enhanced A-CAM and those remaining on CAF BLS support.
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  • 12/1/2023
    December USF Appeals Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
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  • 11/29/2023
    Guidance to High-Cost Support Recipients Regarding Engagement with States and Tribal Governments Public Notice: WCB provides guidance to High-Cost Support Recipients regarding their coordination with state broadband offices and Tribal entities to determine the eligibility of locations for the BEAD Program, and to avoid duplicative broadband network funding.
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  • 11/28/2023
    C2 Term Extension Requests for Reimbursement Program Order: WCB grants two requests for extensions of removal, replacement, and disposal terms under the Supply Chain Reimbursement Program.
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  • 11/28/2023
    CAF Reporting Deadlines & Support Reductions Order on Review: FCC Waives CAF Reporting Deadlines & Support Reductions on Review.
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  • 10/31/2023
    Mobile Test Procedures for PR-USVI Funds Public Notice: WCB and OEA announce approved drive and drone testing methodology for mobile high-cost support recipients in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands to report final deployment milestone.
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  • 10/30/2023
    Enhanced A-CAM Authorization Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Authorizes 368 Companies in 44 States to Receive Enhanced Alternative Connect America Cost Model Support to Expand Rural Broadband.
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  • 10/20/2023
    Alaska's Unique Connectivity Challenges Notice of Proposed Rulemaking and Report and Order:The FCC kicks off a rulemaking to explore how the universal service high-cost support program can continue funding fixed and mobile broadband services in Alaska—one of the hardest to serve areas in the country.
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  • 10/13/2023
    ETC Petition Comments Public Notice: WCB seeks comment on the petition filed by the New Hampshire Electric Cooperative, Inc. seeking designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier under Section 214(e)(6) of the Communications Act of 1934.
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  • 10/4/2023
    Enhanced A-CAM Support Public Notice: WCB announces carriers that have accepted offers of model-based Enhanced A-CAM support. A list of the names and study area codes for these carriers can be found in the linked spreadsheet.
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  • 10/3/2023
    Relinquishment of ETC Designation Public Notice: WCB seeks comment on a petition for relinquishment of ETC designation pursuant to 47 U.S.C. § 214(e)(4) filed by BroadLife Communications, Inc.
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  • 10/3/2023
    Yellowhammer Networks, LLC Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau) approved a transfer of a domestic section 214 authorization from BroadLife Communications, Inc. to Yellowhammer Networks, LLC.
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  • 10/2/2023
    October USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
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  • 9/29/2023
    Relief for GCI Communication Corp Order: WTB grants relief for GCI Communication Corp. related to drive testing and extends the deadline for testing to November 1, 2023.
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  • 9/22/2023
    WCB Grants Stealth a Term Extension for Reimbursement Program Order: WCB grants a request for an extension of Stealth Communications, LLC's removal, replacement, and disposal term under the Supply Chain Reimbursement Program and extends the term from September 29, 2023 until March 29, 2024.
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  • 9/21/2023
    Corrected Enhanced A-CAM Offers Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Announces Corrected Enhanced Alternative Connect America Cost Model Support Offers for 82 Companies.
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  • 9/7/2023
    NECA 2024 Proposed HCLS Formula Public Notice:Wireline Competition Bureau Seeks Comment On NECA 2024 Modification Of The Average Schedule Company Universal Service High Cost Loop Support Formula.
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  • 9/1/2023
    Broadband Program Rules in Response to Idalia Order: WCB waives certain E-Rate, Emergency Connectivity Fund, Rural Health Care, Lifeline, Affordable Connectivity Program, and High-Cost rules to assist participants and service providers located in areas affected by Hurricane Idalia.
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  • 8/31/2023
    August USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
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  • 8/30/2023
    2024 Tribal Library Pilot Program Launch Public Notice: Announcing an upcoming webinar to launch and provide additional information about the E-Rate program Funding Year 2024 Tribal Library Pilot Program
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  • 8/30/2023
    E-ACAM Support to Expand Broadband to Rural Communities Public Notice: Offers of model-based Enhanced A-CAM support to fund the deployment of voice and broadband-capable networks announced. Carriers have until September 29, 2023 to indicate whether they elect to receive Enhanced A-CAM support.
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  • 8/30/2023
    Enhanced A-CAM Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau establishes parameters and requirements for the Enhanced Alternative Connect America Cost Model (A-CAM) program.
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  • 8/22/2023
    Rural Digital Opportunity Fund Post-Authorization Public Notice: WCB announces that Cuba City Telephone Exchange Co. and Cal-Ore Communications, Inc. have notified the Commission of their decisions to withdraw from the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund (RDOF) support program.
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  • 8/18/2023
    Broadband Program Rules for Hawaii Wildfires Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau waives certain Universal Service Fund, Affordable Connectivity Program, and Emergency Connectivity Program rules to assist program participants and providers located in areas affected by the Hawaii Wildfires.
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  • 8/14/2023
    Enhanced ACAM Illustrative Results Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau) announces the release of additional location information for the illustrative results for the Enhanced Alternative Connect America Cost Model.
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  • 8/14/2023
    Urban Rate Survey Timeline for 2024 Public Notice: Urban Rate Survey Timeline for 2024 -- Completed surveys will be due by September 5, 2023.
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  • 8/11/2023
    CAF II Letter of Credit Wavier Extension Public Notice: WCB seeks comment on extending waiver of the letter of credit rules for Connect America Fund Phase II Auction (Auction 903) support recipients beyond December 31, 2023.
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  • 8/7/2023
    Released Illustrative Results for Enhanced A-CAM Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau announces the release of illustrative results for the Enhanced Alternative Connect America Cost Model (Enhanced A-CAM) (v2.6.0) program recently adopted by the Commission.
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  • 7/31/2023
    GCI Communications Corp Order: In this Order, WTB grants relief for GCI Communications Corp. related to drive test speeds and extends the deadline for testing to October 2, 2023.
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  • 7/31/2023
    July USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
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  • 7/27/2023
    Osage Nation Public Notice:Wireline Competition Bureau Seeks Comment on Petition Filed By the Osage Nation.
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  • 7/24/2023
    Reliable Broadband to Rural Communities Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking and Notice of Inquiry: Enhanced A-CAM to Bring 100/20 Mbps Speeds to All Eligible Locations.
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  • 7/18/2023
    Auction 904 Defaults Public Notice: Public Notice Announces Bid Defaults.
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  • 7/7/2023
    Lifeline Phase-Out and Mobile Data Increase Order: WCB extends the waiver pausing both the phase-out of Lifeline support for voice-only services and the increase in Lifeline minimum service standards for mobile broadband data capacity for one additional year, until December 1, 2024.
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  • 6/30/2023
    Relief in Areas Affected by Typhoon Mawar Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau waives certain Universal Service Fund, Affordable Connectivity Program, and numbering rules to assist program participants and providers located in areas affected by Typhoon Mawar.
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  • 6/21/2023
    Beam RDOF ETC Designation Order: Designation is conditioned upon, limited to, and effective upon Beam's authorization to receive support under the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund program (RDOF).
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  • 6/14/2023
    Docomo Pacific's Petition for Waiver Order: WCB grants Docomo Pacific's petition requesting a 6-month waiver of the Commission's requirement that RDOF auction recipients obtain letters of credit (LOCs) from banks that maintain a Weiss bank safety rating of B- or better, until Dec. 6, 2023.
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  • 6/14/2023
    Transitional Mobile Support for Puerto Rico, USVI Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Authorizes Transitional Mobile Support for Certain Providers Participating in the Bringing Puerto Rico Together Fund and the Connect USVI Fund.
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  • 6/13/2023
    Yellowhammer RDOF ETC Designation Order: Designation is conditioned upon, limited to, and effective upon Yellowhammer's authorization to receive support under the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund program (RDOF).
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  • 6/1/2023
    Performance Testing Start Dates for RDOF and PR-USVI Public Notice: WCB announces pre-testing and testing start dates for the Bringing Together Puerto Rico Fund Stage 2 and the Connect USVI Fund Stage 2 and Rural Digital Opportunity Fund (RDOF).
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  • 5/24/2023
    Reimbursement Program Claim Deadline Public Notice: WCB reminds Supply Chain Reimbursement Program recipients that the deadline to file an initial reimbursement claim is July 17, 2023.
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  • 5/24/2023
  • Budget Restrictions for Rural Rate-of-Return Carriers Order:The Wireline Competition Bureau (WCB) and Office of Economics and Analytics (OEA) address a petition for reconsideration submitted by Etheric Communications LLC.
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  • 5/23/2023
    Auction 904 Defaults Public Notice: Rural Digital Opportunity Fund Support Bid Defaults Announced; Wavelength LLC's Petition For Waiver of the June 7, 2021 Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Documentation Deadline Denied.
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  • 5/23/2023
    Auction 904 Order on Reconsideration: The Wireline Competition Bureau (WCB) and Office of Economics and Analytics (OEA) address a petition for reconsideration submitted by Etheric Communications LLC.
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  • 5/17/2023
    ECFiber Petition for Temporary Waiver Order: WCB grants ECFiber's petition requesting a 6-month waiver of the Commission's requirement that RDOF auction recipients obtain letters of credit (LOCs) from banks that maintain a Weiss bank safety rating of B- or better, until Nov. 1, 2023.
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  • 5/16/2023
    Biennial Recertifications of Study Area Boundary Data Public Notice: Biennial Recertifications of Study Area Boundary Data Are Due No Later Than June 30, 2023.
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  • 5/8/2023
    Modifying the Calculation of Broadband Benchmarks Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau, in coordination with the Office of Economics and Analytics, seeks comment on modifying the calculation of our broadband reasonable comparability benchmarks for the Urban Rate Survey (URS or Survey).
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  • 5/5/2023
    May 22nd PR/USVI Fund Transitional Support Election Deadline Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau announces the deadline for eligible facilities-based mobile providers to elect to receive transitional mobile high-cost support is 6:00 p.m. EST on Monday, May 22, 2023.
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  • 4/28/2023
    April USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
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  • 4/19/2023
    The Uniendo a Puerto Rico Fund and the Connect USVI Fund Report and Order: The FCC adopts an Order to ensure support for providers in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands to continue strengthening their existing networks.
  • 4/7/2023
    BroadLife Communications, Inc. to Yellowhammer Networks, LLC Public Notice: Comment Sought on Petition Filed By The Designation of YellowHammer Networks, LLC As An Eligible Telecommunications Carrier.
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  • 4/4/2023
    Connect America Fund Phase II Auction Post-Authorization Default Public Notice: WCB announces that GLEC and Fond du Lac have notified the Commission of their decisions to withdraw from the Connect America Fund (CAF) Phase II auction support program.
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  • 3/31/2023
    Ziply CAF Performance Measures Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau addresses a Petition filed by Ziply Fiber requesting waiver of the Commission's Connect America Fund (CAF) performance testing support recovery requirements in section 54.320(d)(2) of the Commission's rules.
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  • 3/27/2023
    Alaska Plan Form 477 Filing; Waiver/Information on PR-USVI Fund Public Notice: WTB/OEA seek comment on continued filing of Alaska Plan FCC Form 477 Mobile Deployment Data. WCB waives interim PR-USVI Mobile Milestone Filing and provides information for Final Milestone Filing.
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  • 2/9/2023
    CAF-II Auction Location and Support Totals Order: Wireline Competition Bureau (WCB) concludes the Eligible Locations Adjustment Process (ELAP) for the Connect America Fund (CAF) Phase II auction.
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  • 1/24/2023
    New Stage 2 Mobile Network Coverage Deadline for PR-USVI Public Notice: WCB announces a revised filing deadline of March 31, 2023 for the mobile network coverage milestone of the Bringing Puerto Rico Together Fund and the Connect USVI Fund Stage 2 mobile support recipients.
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  • 1/19/2023
    WCB Concludes CAF II Application Review, Long-Forms Made Public Public Notice: WCB announces the conclusion of the Connect America Fund Phase II auction (Auction 903 or CAF Phase II auction) long-form application review and makes available additional information as part of the Rural Broadband Accountability Plan.
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  • 1/17/2023
    ASTAC's Alaska Plan Deployment Obligations Public Notice: WCB approves a revised performance plan for rate-of-return Alaska Plan participant Arctic Slope Telephone Cooperative (ASTAC).
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  • 1/13/2023
    ACP Transparency Data Collection Public Notice: WCB announces that comments in response to the ACP Transparency Data Collection Fourth Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking are due no later than Feb. 13, 2023 and reply comments are due no later than Feb. 27, 2023.
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  • 1/13/2023
    Auction 904 17th Authorization Public Notice: Public Notice Authorizes Support for Winning Bids; Petition for Waiver Denied.
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  • 12/16/2022
    2023 Urban Rate Survey, Posting of Data, and Minimum Usage Allowance Public Notice: WCB and OEA Announce Results of 2023 Urban Rate Survey for Fixed Voice and Broadband Services, Posting of Survey Data and Explanatory Notes, and Required Minimum Usage Allowance for Eligible Telecommunications.
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  • 12/16/2022
    13th Auction 904 Ready-to-Authorize Public Notice: PN Announces RDOF Winning Bids Ready to be Authorized.
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  • 12/15/2022
    16th Auction 904 Authorization Public Notice:Public Notice Announces Authorization of RDOF Winning Bids.
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  • 12/15/2022
    Relinquishment Request of T-Mobile ETC Designation in FL Order: WCB approves the request of T-Mobile to relinquish its eligible telecommunications carrier (ETC) designation in Florida for high-cost support, effective December 31, 2020, and for Lifeline support, effective as of December 31, 2022.
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  • 12/15/2022
    Relinquishment Request of T-Mobile ETC Designation in VA Order: WCB approves the request of T-Mobile to relinquish its Lifeline-only eligible telecommunications carrier (ETC) designation in Virginia, effective as of December 31, 2022.
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  • 12/13/2022
    Vistabeam Authorized to Receive Transferred Phase II Auction Support Public Notice: WCB authorizes Vistabeam to receive Connect America Fund (CAF) Phase II Auction support transferred from Commnet Four Corners, LLC.
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  • 12/12/2022
    CAF Phase II Letter of Credit Waiver Order: WCB extends the limited waiver of the letter of credit rules for CAF Phase II Auction (Auction 903) funding recipients until December 31, 2023.
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  • 12/8/2022
    NECA's Annual Average Schedule HCLS Formula Order: TAPD approves the National Exchange Carrier Association, Inc. annual average schedule company high-cost loop support formula.
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  • 12/2/2022
    AtLink CAF Phase II Support Public Notice: Transfer of Connect America Fund Phase II Auction Support to Atlink Services, LLC; Waiver Of Redwire Inc.'s Support Repayment Deadline Denied.
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  • 11/22/2022
    Yukon-Waltz Waiver Petition Order: The Division denies Yukon Waltz's petition requesting a waiver of section 69.605(c) of the Commission's rules to allow it to convert from cost-based interstate settlements to average schedule-based settlements.
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  • 11/17/2022
    Final CAF Phase II Auction Authorization for One Winning Bid Public Notice: Public Notice Announces Authorization of CAF Phase II Support.
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  • 11/10/2022
    15th Auction 904 Authorization and Defaults Public Notice: Public Notice Announces Auction Support Authorized and Bid Defaults.
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  • 10/28/2022
    Storm-Hardened Puerto Rico & USVI Networks Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking: Proposes Extending Universal Service Support for Mobile and Fixed Providers Beyond 2023.
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  • 10/25/2022
    Douglas' RBE Support and Deployment Obligations Order: WCB addresses a petition filed by Douglas Services, Inc., d/b/a Douglas Fast Net (DFN), seeking waiver of the Rural Broadband Experiments (RBE) default rules and modification of its associated defined deployment obligation.
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  • 10/21/2022
    Adak's Alaska Plan Locations Commitment Public Notice: WCB approves a revised performance plan for rate-of-return Alaska Plan participant Adak Telephone Utility (Adak).
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  • 10/20/2022
    WCB Waives PMM Sample Size Requirement for Lumen Order: WCB grants a petition filed by Lumen Technologies, Inc. (Lumen) requesting that the Bureau waive limited aspects of the Commission's Connect America Fund (CAF) Phase II Model (CAF II Model) performance testing rules.
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  • 10/20/2022
    Beam's RDOF Petition for ETC Designation Public Notice: WCB seeks comment on Beam' s RDOF Petition for designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier (ETC). The designation for purposes of receiving RDOF support will be conditioned upon approval of Beam and Point Broadband's 214 Transfer Application.
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  • 10/12/2022
    Auction 904 14th Authorization Public Notice: Public Notice Winning Bids in Auction 904 Authorized for Support; Public Notice Announces Bid Defaults.
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  • 10/4/2022
    Broadband Program Rules in Response to Hurricane Ian Order: WCB waives certain E-Rate, Emergency Connectivity Fund, Rural Health Care, COVID-19 Telehealth, Lifeline, Affordable Connectivity Program, and High-Cost rules to assist participants and service providers located in areas affected by Hurricane Ian.
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  • 9/21/2022
    TAG Mobile, LLC Amended Compliance Plan Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Approves the Amended Compliance Plan of TAG Mobile, LLC.
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  • 9/21/2022
    Tempo Telecom, LLC Updated Compliance Plan Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Approves the Updated Compliance Plan of Tempo Telecom, LLC.
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  • 9/16/2022
    Supply Chain Reimbursement Program Status Update Deadline Reminder Public Notice: WCB reminds Secure and Trusted Communications Networks Reimbursement Program recipients that initial status updates are due on October 13, 2022.
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  • 9/14/2022
    NECA 2023 Proposed HCLS Formula Public Notice: WCB Seeks Comment on NECA 2023 Proposed HCLS Formula.
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  • 9/13/2022
    Point Broadband Petition for Waiver Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau and Rural Broadband Auctions Task Force partially grant Point Broadband's petition requesting a waiver of certain Connect America Fund Phase II auction and Rural Digital Opportunity Fund auction requirements.
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  • 9/13/2022
    Auction 904 13th Authorization Public Notice: Public Notice Announces Winning Bids in Auction 904 Authorized for Support.
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  • 9/12/2022
    T-Mobile ETC Designation Relinquishment Petitions Public Notice:Wireline Competition Bureau Seeks Comment on Two Petitions for Relinquishment of Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Designation From T-Mobile.
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  • 9/6/2022
    Annual High-Cost Use Certification Extension Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Extends Deadline for Annual High-Cost Use Certification to October 31, 2022.
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  • 9/1/2022
    GCI Requests for Waivers to Conduct UAS Drive Testing Order: Grants GCI limited waivers of 47 CFR § 22.925 and on-the-ground requirement for specified grid cells in the Alaska Plan to permit use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems for drive-test data collection..
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  • 8/31/2022
    RDOF Waiver Request Dismissal Order: Order Dismisses Waiver Requests in Auction 904.
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  • 8/31/2022
    RDOF 12th Ready to Authorize Public Notice: Public Notice Announces Auction 904 Winning Bids as Ready to Authorize and also Announces Bid Defaults.
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  • 8/30/2022
    Rural Digital Opportunity Fund 6th ETC Order: Order Designating RDOF Applicant as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier.
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  • 8/29/2022
    Revised Reporting Deadlines for PR-USVI Stage 2 Mobile Recipients Public Notice: WCB waives the annual reporting deadlines and establishes uniform reporting deadlines for the PR-USVI Fund Stage 2 mobile support recipients. All carriers must file all previously required reports by November 16, 2022 as explained below.
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  • 8/22/2022
    CAF II Letter of Credit Wavier Extension Public Notice: WCB seeks comment on extending waiver of the letter of credit rules for Connect America Fund Phase II Auction (Auction 903) support recipients beyond December 31, 2022.
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  • 8/22/2022
    WCB Seeks USAC Board of Directors Nominations Public Notice: WCB seeks nominations for six board member positions on USAC's Board of Directors.
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  • 8/15/2022
    Urban Rate Timeline for 2022: Completed surveys will be due on September 19, 2022.
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  • 8/15/2022
    FCC Reports to Congress on Future of the Universal Service Fund: The Commission adopts this Report on the Future of the Universal Service Fund (Report) as required by Section 60104(c) of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.
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  • 8/10/2022
    11th RDOF Ready to Authorize Public Notice: Public Notice Announces RDOF Bids Ready to be Authorized and Bid Defaults.
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  • 8/10/2022
    Auction 904 Order on Reconsideration: Order on Reconsideration of Denial of ETC Deadline Waiver Request.
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  • 8/10/2022
    HUBB Deadline for Alaska Plan Carriers Adak, ASTAC, MTA Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau Further Extends the HUBB Certification Deadline for Deployed Fixed Locations for Alaska Plan Carriers Adak, ASTAC, and MTA and Announces New Deadline.
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  • 8/10/2022
    CAF II Auction Eligible Locations Adjustment Process Public Notice: WCB announces the opening of a 30-day reply period for the Eligible Locations Adjustment Process (ELAP), beginning August 23, 2022, 12:01 AM ET and ending September 22, 2022, 11:59 PM ET for Connect America Fund Phase II Auction Support Recipients.
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  • 8/9/2022
    NATI Limited Relief from Letter of Credit Requirements Order: WCB partially grants Northern Arapaho Tribal Industries' (NATI) petition requesting a temporary waiver of the requirement to increase the value of its letter of credit (LOC) for the Connect America Fund Phase II auction (Auction 903).
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  • 8/5/2022
    Auction 904 12th Authorization Public Notice: Public Notice Announces Winning Bids Authorized to Begin Receiving Support in Auction 904.
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  • 7/20/2022
    WCB Designates Monster as an ETC in RDOF-Eligible Areas in Tennessee Order: Designation is conditioned upon, limited to, and effective upon Monster's authorization to receive support under the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund program (RDOF).
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  • 7/18/2022
    SiyehCom Request for Waiver of A-CAM II Rules Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau) seeks comment on a request for waiver filed by Siyeh Communications (SiyehCom)The Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau) seeks comment on a request for waiver filed by Siyeh Communications (SiyehCom).
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  • 7/18/2022
    FCC Announces Supply Chain Reimbursement Program Approved Applications Public Notice: The FCC announces the approved applications for reimbursement submitted in the Secure and Trusted Communications Networks Reimbursement Program.
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  • 7/11/2022
    WCB Announces Availability of Form 481 and Submission Deadline Public Notice: WCB announces that eligible telecommunications carriers (ETCs) required to file the FCC Form 481 annual reports must complete and certify the FCC Form 481 by July 29, 2022, using the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC)'s One Portal.
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  • 7/6/2022
    WCB Clarifies DAS Permissible in Stage 2 of PR-USVI Funds Declaratory Ruling: WCB and WTB clarify that mobile high-cost support authorized by Stage 2 of the Bringing Puerto Rico Together Fund and the Connect USVI Fund may permissibly be used to deploy indoor distributed antenna systems (DAS).
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  • 7/1/2022
    Interagency Broadband Coordination Agreement Public Notice: WCB seeks comment on the interagency agreement between the FCC, USDA, and NTIA entered into on June 25, 2021, pursuant to the to the Broadband Interagency Coordination Act of 2020 (BICA).
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  • 6/28/2022
    High-cost RoR Financial Reporting Aligned with RUS Reporting Changes Order: WCB amends high-cost program rule to align filing requirements with changes to RUS rules, and waives the requirement so that high-cost recipients may submit the functional equivalent of the Borrowers Report for the calendar year 2021 FCC Form 481 filing.
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  • 6/17/2022
    Domestic Section 214 Authorization Granted Redwire to AtLink Public Notice: Domestic 214 Application And Waivers Granted For The Transfer Of Connect America Fund Phase II Auction Support Obligations From Redwire, Inc. To Atlink Services, LLC.
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  • 6/14/2022
    CAF Phase II Auction Support for 1 Winning Bid Public Notice: RBATF, WCB and OEA announce they are ready to authorize Connect America Fund Phase II auction (Auction 903) support for the Auction 903 winning bid identified in Attachment A of this Public Notice.
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  • 6/14/2022
    Auction 904 10th Authorization Public Notice: Applicants in the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund are Authorized to Receive Support.
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  • 6/7/2022
    HUBB Deadline for Alaska Plan Carriers Adak, ASTAC, MTA Public Notice: Adak, ASTAC, and MTA must certify their annual location reporting by July 15, 2022.
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  • 5/31/2022
    May USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
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  • 5/25/2022
    Auction 904 10th Ready to Authorize Public Notice: Public Notice Announces Auction 904 RDOF Support Ready to be Authorized; Bid Defaults Announced.
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  • 5/23/2022
    Blue Casa Petition for Waiver of Biennial Audit Public Notice: Blue Casa requests a waiver of the requirement for Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carriers (ETC) to undergo a biennial audit.
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  • 5/20/2022
    Higher Speed Goals for Small Rural Broadband Providers Notice of Proposed Rulemaking: FCC considers a proposal to establish an enhanced Alternative Connect America Model (A-CAM) to achieve faster speeds in rural areas and proposes targeted modifications to the high-cost program to improve efficiency in the program.
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  • 5/17/2022
    Connected Care Pilot Program Projects Public Notice: Program Will Support Connected Care Services Across Country, Focus on Low-Income and Veteran Patients.
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  • 5/13/2022
    AtLink CAF Phase II Support Public Notice: Authorization Of Atlink Services, LLC To Receive Connect America Fund (CAF) Phase II Auction Support Transferred From Cherokee Telephone Company Pursuant To a Commission Approved Transaction.
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  • 5/12/2022
    Auction 904 9th Authorization Public Notice: Applicants in the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund are Authorized to Receive Support.
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  • 5/10/2022
    Budget Restrictions for Rural Rate-of-Return Carriers Order: FCC Eases Budget Restrictions for Rural Rate-of-Return Carriers.
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  • 5/5/2022
    Alaska Drive Test Order: Alaska Drive Test Order and Request for Comment.
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  • 5/3/2022
    Auction 904 9th Ready-to-Authorize Public Notice: Public Notice Announces RDOF Support Ready to be Authorized; Bid Defaults Announced.
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  • 4/18/2022
    T-Mobile's Petition for Declaratory Ruling Public Notice: WCB seeks comment on the Petition for Declaratory Ruling filed on April 7, 2022 by T-Mobile USA, Inc. (T-Mobile) in Bringing Puerto Rico Together and the Connect USVI Fund Stage 2.
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  • 4/15/2022
    RDOF Eighth Authorization Public Notice: WCB authorizing RDOF Support for 1,345 Auction 904 Winning Bids.
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  • 4/8/2022
    Availability of CAF II Auction Deployment Data Public Notice: WCB and RBTF announce that USAC posted the total locations deployed to by CAF II Auction recipients, and as part of the RBAP, WCB requests information from companies that have not yet reported deployment on how they will comply with the initial milestone.
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  • 4/6/2022
    CAF BLS/ACAM-II Pre-testing Performance Measures Waivers Order: WCB addresses several petitions for waiver of the Commission's performance pre-testing requirements for recipients of Connect America Fund Broadband Loop Support (CAF BLS) and Alternative Connect America Model II (A-CAM II) support.
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  • 4/1/2022
    FCC Form 481 Portal Open Public Notice: WCB announces that the Universal Service Administrative Company's One Portal is open for eligible telecommunications carriers required to file the FCC Form 481 annual reports and temporarily waives the July 1, 2022 certification deadline.
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  • 3/25/2022
    Announcement of Additions to the Covered List Public Notice: Adding AO Kaspersky Lab, China Telecom (Americas) Corp., and China Mobile International USA Inc. to the list of communications equipment and service covered by Section 2 of the Secure and Trusted Communications Networks Act of 2019.
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  • 3/25/2022
    RDOF/Auction 904 Third Waiver Order: Order addresses petition for waiver of requirements in the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund proceeding.
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  • 3/25/2022
    Auction 904 8th Ready to Authorize Public Notice: Winning Bids in Auction 904/Rural Digital Opportunity Fund Ready to be Authorized.
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  • 3/22/2022
    Eligible Locations Adjustment Process Registration Deadline Public Notice: WCB Extends the Eligible Locations Adjustment Process (ELAP) Registration Deadline and Modifies Other Related Deadlines and Procedures.
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  • 3/15/2022
    Auction 904 Seventh Authorization Public Notice: Public Notice Announcing RDOF/Auction 904 Support Authorized for Winning Bids.
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  • 3/10/2022
    Seventh Auction 904 Ready to Authorize Public Notice: Seventh Rural Digital Opportunity Fund/Auction 904 Ready to Authorize Public Notice and Bid Default Announcement.
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  • 3/3/2022
    Viya petition for Waiver of Phase Down Support Public Notice: WCB seeks comment on Viya's petition seeking a waiver of the phase down of fixed support following the authorization for the winning applicant in the Connect USVI Fund Stage 2 proceeding.
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  • 2/28/2022
    February USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
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  • 2/22/2022
    Tombigbee and Cyber Broadband RDOF ETC Designation Order: Designation in these areas is conditioned upon, limited to, and effective upon the carriers'authorization to receive support under the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund (RDOF) program.
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  • 2/15/2022
    Red River Revised A-CAM II Offer Public Notice: WCB authorizes Red River to receive additional Alternative Connect America Cost Model II (ACAM II) support pursuant to the revised offer WCB issued on Feb. 9, 2022.
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  • 2/14/2022
    RDOF Auction 904 Sixth Authorization Public Notice: Public Notice Authorizes USF Support for 2,576 Winning Bids in Auction 904.
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  • 2/9/2022
    Red River Waiver for Revised A-CAM II Offer Order: WCB grants a petition filed by Red River requesting waiver of the Commission's rules as necessary to issue a revised Alternative Connect America Cost Model (A-CAM) II offer.
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  • 2/9/2022
    Supply Chain Reimbursement Program Applications Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau announces the applications filed for the Secure and Trusted Communications Networks Reimbursement Program (Reimbursement Program).
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  • 2/8/2022
    HUBB Deadline for PR-USVI Fixed Support Recipients Public Notice: WCB extends, to March 1, 2023, the first filing deadline for the submission of deployment data to the High Cost Universal Broadband (HUBB) portal for fixed support recipients of the Bringing Puerto Rico Together Fund and the Connect USVI Fund.
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  • 2/4/2022
    Supply Chain Online Reporting Portal and Deadline Established Public Notice: OEA and WCB establish the online reporting portal for providers of advanced communications services to report the extent to which their networks contain or use covered communications equipment or services and set the reporting deadline of May 5, 2022.
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  • 1/28/2022
    Sixth Auction 904 Ready-to-Authorize Public Notice: RDOF Auction 904 Winning Bids Ready to Authorize; Bid Defaults Announced.
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  • 1/18/2022
    Revised Compliance Plan of Boomerang Wireless, Inc. Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau approves the revised compliance plan of Boomerang Wireless, Inc.
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  • 1/14/2022
    Auction 904 RDOF Fifth Authorization Public Notice: Fifth Public Notice Announcing Authorization of Support for Auction 904/Rural Digital Opportunity Fund Winning Bidders.
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  • 1/12/2022
    Windstream Designated as an ETC in RDOF-Eligible Areas in FL and NY Order: Designation is conditioned upon, limited to, and effective upon authorization to receive Rural Digital Opportunity Fund (RDOF) support for these areas and upon Windstream's commitment to meeting all ETC-related obligations for the designated areas.
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  • 1/11/2022
    RBE Waiver Requests of Deployment Obligations Order: WCB grants Skybeam, LLC (Skybeam) and Midwest Energy Cooperative d/b/a Midwest Energy & Communications (Midwest) request for waiver of the Rural Broadband Experiments (RBE) default rules and modification of their associated defined deployment obligations.
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  • 1/3/2022
    CAF Performance Testing Rules Order: WCB Addresses Petitions for Waiver of CAF Performance Testing Rules.
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  • 12/23/2021
    Midterm Fixed Alaska Plan CommitmentsPublic Notice: WCB completes the midterm review and approves performance obligations for Alaska Plan recipients.
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  • 12/23/2021
    Revised Compliance Plan of AirVoice Wireless, LLC Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau approves the revised compliance plan of AirVoice Wireless, LLC.
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  • 12/17/2021
    Sully's Petition for Waiver of Performance Requirements Order : WCB denies a Petition filed by Sully Telephone Association (Sully) requesting waiver of the Commission's broadband network performance pre-testing and testing requirements through December 31, 2024.
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  • 12/16/2021
    2022 Urban Rate Survey Public Notice: WCB and OEA Announce Results of 2022 Urban Rate Survey for Fixed Voice and Broadband Services, Posting of Survey Data and Explanatory Notes, and Required Minimum Usage Allowance for Eligible Telecommunications Carriers.
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  • 12/16/2021
    Fifth RDOF Ready to Authorize Public Notice: Fifth Rural Digital Opportunity Fund Public Notice Announcing Support For Winning Bids Ready To Be Authorized; Bid Defaults Announced.
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  • 12/16/2021
    Auction 904 Petition for Waiver Order: Order Addressing Hotwire Communications, Ltd.'s Petition for Waiver of Section 54.804(b)(6)(iv) of the Commission's Rules.
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  • 12/14/2021
    Fourth RDOF Support Authorization Public Notice: 2,008 Winning Bids with Complete Long-Form Applications Authorized for Support in the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund/Auction 904.
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  • 12/13/2021
    NECA's Annual Average Schedule HCLS Formula Order: TAPD approves the National Exchange Carrier Association, Inc. annual average schedule company high-cost loop support formula.
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  • 12/8/2021
    CAF Phase II Auction Support Pursuant to 214 Transfer Public Notice: Consistent with the Commission's approved section 214 transfer authorizations between Nextlink and Plains Internet of CAF Phase II support and obligations, WCB modifies the support and associated defined deployment obligations of each of the Parties.
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  • 12/3/2021
    FAQs Issued for Supply Chain Reimbursement Program Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Updates Frequently Asked Questions for the Secure and Trusted Communications Networks Reimbursement Program.
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  • 12/2/2021
    CAF II and RBE Letter of Credit Waiver Order: WCB extends the limited waiver of the letter of credit rules for the CAF Phase II Auction (Auction 903) and Rural Broadband Experiments (RBE) funding recipients until December 31, 2022.
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  • 12/2/2021
    ECF Invoice Deadline and Clarifies Service Delivery Date Order: WCB grants the State E-rate Coordinators' Alliance's (SECA) petition for an expedited waiver of the Emergency Connectivity Fund (ECF) Program's invoice filing deadline and clarifies the service delivery date.
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  • 11/30/2021
    Mean Opinion Score Testing of CAF Networks Public Notice: WCB provides guidance on the environmental and procedural requirements to be used for conversational Mean Opinion Score (MOS) testing of voice service provided over Connect America Fund (CAF)-supported high-latency networks.
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  • 11/29/2021
    ELAP Announcing Schedule Public Notice: WCB announces CAF Phase II support recipients meeting standards for continuing with the eligible locations adjustment process.
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  • 11/23/2021
    E Fiber ETC Petition Public Notice: WCB seeks comment on E Fiber San Juan, LLC's petition for designation as an eligible telecommunications carrier (ETC).
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  • 11/22/2021
    Compliance Plan of Tracfone Wireless, Inc. Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Approves the Amended Compliance Plan of Tracfone Wireless, Inc.
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  • 11/12/2021
    Third RDOF Support Authorization Public Notice: 311 Winning Bids with Complete Long-Form Applications Authorized for Support in the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund/Auction 904.
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  • 11/5/2021
    Lifeline Phase-Out and Mobile Data Capacity Increase Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau, acting on delegated authority, pauses both the Phase-Out of Lifeline support for voice-only services and the scheduled increased in the Lifeline minimum service standard for mobile broadband data capacity.
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  • 11/1/2021
    Modify Eligible Locations Adjustment Process Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau dismisses and denies on the merits a petition filed by the Connect America Fund (CAF) Phase II Coalition seeking to modify the Eligible Locations Adjustment Process.
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  • 10/29/2021
    Protecting Against National Security Threats Letter: Protecting Against National Security Threats to the Communications Supply Chain Through FCC Program.
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  • 10/28/2021
    Cincinnati Bell Supply Chain Reimbursement Program Petition Order on Clarification: The Wireline Competition Bureau grants Cincinnati Bell's request to clarify the extent to which certain CPE produced or provided by Huawei and ZTE is considered covered communications equipment under the Reimbursement Program.
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  • 10/20/2021
    Rural Digital Opportunity Fund Second Waiver Order: Order addresses petitions for waiver of requirements in the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund proceeding.
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  • 10/20/2021
    RDOF Third Ready-to-Authorize Public Notice: Rural Digital Opportunity Fund Support For Winning Bids Ready To Be Authorized.
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  • 10/20/2021
    Publication of the Secure and Trusted Communications Networks Reimbursement Program FCC Form 5640 User Guide Public Notice: Supply Chain Reimbursement Program User Guide and Updated FAQs Issued.
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  • 10/14/2021
    RDOF Support Authorized for 469 Winning Bids Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau, in conjunction with the Rural Broadband Auctions Task Force and the Office of Economics and Analytics, authorize Auction 904 support for the winning bids identified in Attachment A of this Public Notice.
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  • 10/14/2021
    Second RDOF ETC Designation Order: WCB designates 5 carriers as ETCs in eligible high-cost areas within the specified states. Designation in these areas is conditioned upon, limited to, and effective upon petitioners' authorization to receive support under the RDOF program.
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  • 10/7/2021
    Rural Digital Opportunity Fund Preliminary Defaults Announced Public Notice: Preliminary List of Census Blocks Subject to Default in the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund Announced; Corrections Sought to List of Census Blocks.
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  • 10/7/2021
    Rural Digital Opportunity Fund Ready-to-Authorize Public Notice: Applicants for Rural Digital Opportunity Fund support have completed application review and their support is ready to be authorized.
  • 10/6/2021
    Effective Date for Secure and Trusted Communications Networks Reimbursement Program Rules Public Notice: Effective Date Announced for Supply Chain Reimbursement Program Rules.
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  • 10/1/2021
    Rural Digital Opportunity Fund Petitions for ETC Public Notice: WCB seeks comment on several petitions for designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier (ETC), listed in the Attachment to this Public Notice, for the purpose of becoming eligible to receive universal service support.
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  • 9/30/2021
    Supply Chain Equipment Disposal Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau provides guidance regarding the Secure and Trusted Communications Networks Reimbursement Program disposal and verification requirements and revises the certifications contained in FCC Form 5640.
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  • 9/28/2021
    Nucla Naturita Telephone Company HUBB Certification Waiver Petition Order: WCB resolves, in part, a petition filed by Nucla Naturita Telephone Company (NNTC) by granting a waiver of our resolves as to NNTC's failure to certify location data that was timely filed in the HUBB.
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  • 9/27/2021
    Supply Chain Reimbursement Program Filing Window Public Notice: FCC Announces Application Filing Window for the Secure and Trusted Communications Networks Reimbursement Program – Filing Window Opens October 29, 2021.
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  • 9/16/2021
    Supply Chain Reimbursement Program Webinar Public Notice: FCC Announces a Webinar for the Secure and Trusted Communications Networks Reimbursement Program.
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  • 9/15/2021
    RDOF Support Authorized for 466 Winning Bids Public Notice : Rural Digital Opportunity Fund Support Authorized For 466 Winning Bids.
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  • 9/10/2021
    Supply Chain Reimbursement Program Help Desk Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Announces Secure and Trusted Communications Networks Reimbursement Program Help Desk.
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  • 9/3/2021
    FCC Waives USF, Broadband Program Rules in Response to Hurricane Ida Order: WCB waives certain E-Rate, Rural Health Care, Lifeline, High Cost, Emergency Connectivity Fund, and Emergency Broadband Benefit rules and deadlines to assist participants and providers located in the areas affected by Hurricane Ida.
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  • 9/2/2021
    NECA 2022 proposed HCLS Formula Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Seeks Comment on NECA 2022 Modification of the Average Schedule Company Universal Service High Cost Loop Support Formula.
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  • 9/2/2021
    Redwire CAF-II Letter of Credit Waiver Order: WCB, RBATF, and OEA, grant Redwire Inc.'s (Redwire) petition requesting an extension of the waiver of the letter of credit requirement for the Connect America Fund Phase II auction for one year from release of this Order, subject to certain conditions.
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  • 8/31/2021
    August USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
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  • 8/27/2021
    Puerto Rico Telephone Company Protective Order:Protective Order Released in Connection with Puerto Rico Telephone Company Application for Review.
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  • 8/27/2021
    Puerto Rico Telephone Company Application for Review Public Notice: Request for Comment and Procedures for Obtaining Confidential Stage 2 Information Related to Application for Review by Puerto Rico Telephone Company.
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  • 8/3/2021
    Final Supply Chain Reimbursement Program Procedures Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau releases final Secure and Trusted Communications Networks Reimbursement Program Procedures, Cost Catalog, and Replacement List.
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  • 7/28/2021
    Comments on Hughes Network's Petition for Extension Public Notice: ONAP and WCB seek comment on Hughes Network Systems, LLC's request for an extension of time to comply with its Tribal engagement obligations as a recipient of Connect America Fund Phase II support via the New NY Broadband Program in the State of New York.
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  • 7/14/2021
    FCC Acts to Protect National Security in Communications Supply Chain Third Report and Order: The item amends the rules for the Secure and Trusted Communications Networks Reimbursement Program consistent with modifications adopted by Congress in the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021. The item also clarifies aspects of the Reimbursement Program.
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    Acting Chairwoman Rosenworcel Statement
    Commisser Starks Statement
  • 7/14/2021
    Mobile Legacy High-Cost Support Usage Flexibility Certification Public Notice: RBATF, WCB, and OEA announce filing window for competitive ETCs that receive mobile legacy high-cost support to file an optional certification about their use of such support, using the form provided in Attachment 1 by no later than Aug. 13, 2021.
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  • 7/12/2021
    Urban Rate Survey Timeline for 2022 Public Notice: Completed surveys will be due on August 20, 2021.
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  • 7/6/2021
    CAF II and RBE Letter of Credit Waiver Public Notice: WCB seeks comment on extending waiver of the letter of credit rules for Auction 903 and Rural Broadband Experiments support recipients beyond December 31, 2021.
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  • 7/3/2021
    Budget Restrictions for Rural Rate-of-Return Carriers Order: FCC Eases Budget Restrictions for Rural Rate-of-Return Carriers.
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  • 6/21/2021
    WCB Authorizes Stage 2 Support for Bringing Puerto Rico Together Fund Public Notice: WCB authorizes $127,095,163.96 in Bringing Puerto Rico Together Fund Stage 2 support for Puerto Rico Telephone Company, Inc. (PRTC) and Liberty Communications of Puerto Rico, LLC (Liberty) to provide fixed voice and broadband services over 10-year period.
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  • 6/8/2021
    Order Denying Viya's Petition for Reconsideration: WCB denies as untimely Viya's Petition for Reconsideration requesting that WCB vacate and reissue its public notice announcing Broadband VI as the winning applicant of the Stage 2 competitive process for the Connect USVI Fund.
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  • 6/8/2021
    Connect USVI Fund Stage 2 Support Authorized For Broadband VI Public Notice: WCB authorizes $84,456,870 in Connect USVI Fund Stage 2 support for the winning proposals from Broadband VI to provide voice and broadband services for the 10-year period with speeds up to 1 Gbps
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    Attachment A
    Attachment B
  • 6/8/2021
    Auction 904 ETC Designation Order: WCB designates 56 carriers as ETCs in eligible high-cost areas within the specified states. Designation in these areas is conditioned upon, limited to, and effective upon petitioners' authorization to receive support under the RDOF program.
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  • 6/8/2021
    T-Mobile Virginia ETC Relinquishment Order: WCB approves the request of T-Mobile USA, Inc., on behalf of its subsidiary T-Mobile Northeast LLC, to relinquish its ETC designation in Virginia, granted for the purpose of participating in the Mobility Fund Phase I auction.
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  • 6/1/2021
    Hawaiian Telecom, Inc. and TDS Telecom, LLC Waiver Order: WCB addresses a petition filed by Hawaiian Telecom, Inc. for waiver of sections 54.310 and 54.316 of the Commission's rules, and a petition filed by TDS Telecom LLC for waiver of section 54.320 of the Commission's rules.
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  • 6/1/2021
    Census Blocks Where Lifeline Voice-only Phasedown Exemption Applies Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau) announces those Census blocks where Lifeline support for voice-only service will continue at $5.25 per month from December 1, 2021 through November 30, 2022.
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  • 5/26/2021
    Alenco Waiver to Revise Line Counts Order: WCB addresses the Petition for Waiver filed by Alenco Communications, Inc. in which it seeks to revise its March 31, 2020, FCC Form 507, on which it reported line counts as of December 31, 2019.
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  • 5/24/2021
    Secure and Trusted Communications Networks Reimbursement Program Application Filings and Process Public Notice: WCB Seeks Comment on Supply Chain Reimbursement Program Procedures .
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  • 5/11/2021
    Biennial Recertifications of Study Area Boundary Data Public Notice: Biennial Recertifications of Study Area Boundary Data Are Due No Later Than June 30, 2021.
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  • 5/4/2021
    Comment on Rural Digital Opportunity Fund Petitions for ETC Public Notice: WCB Seeks Comment on Rural Digital Opportunity Fund Petitions for ETC.
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  • 4/28/2021
    Supply Chain Reimbursement Program Fund Administrator Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Announces Selection of the Secure and Trusted Communications Networks Reimbursement Program Fund Administrator.
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  • 4/23/2021
    Transfer of CAF Auction Support to Point Broadband Fiber Holdings Public Notice: Transfer of CAF Auction Support to Point Broadband Fiber Holdings, LLC.
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  • 4/13/2021
    Rural Digital Opportunity Fund ETC Petitions Public Notice: WCB seeks comment on several petitions for designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier (ETC), as described in the Attachment to this Public Notice.
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  • 3/25/2021
    Preliminary Supply Chain Reimbursement Program Documents Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Seeks Comment On A Report And Preliminary Cost Catalog And Replacement List To Help Providers Participate In The Supply Chain Reimbursement Program.
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  • 3/16/2021
    CAF II Auction Eligible Locations Adjustment Process Public Notice: WCB announces April 1, 2021 opening of the Eligible Locations Adjustment Process filing window for Connect America Fund Phase II auction support recipients.
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  • 3/16/2021
    Eligible Locations Adjustment Process Protective Order: WCB Adopts Protective Order for Eligible Locations Adjustment Process.
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  • 3/8/2021
    Rural Digital Opportunity Fund ETC Petitions Comment Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Seeks Comment on Rural Digital Opportunity Fund Petitions for Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier.
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  • 2/22/2021
    Implementing the Secure and Trusted Communications Networks Act Third Future Notice Of Proposed Rulemarking: The Third Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking proposes to modify FCC rules consistent with changes that were made to the Secure and Trusted Communications Networks Act in the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021.
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  • 2/18/2021
    417 Long-Form Applicants in Auction 904 Public Notice: Public Notice identifies the 417 applicants who have submitted long-form applications in Auction 904, Phase I of the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund.
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  • 1/14/2021
    CAF II Auction Support Authorized for New York Winning Bidder Public Notice: WCB author CAF Phase II support for the New York winning bidder identified in Attachment A of this Public Notice.
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  • 12/23/2020
    NaLA AFR Filing Deadline Public Notice: Oppositions to the NaLA application for review are due no later than December 31, 2020 and replies to oppositions are due no later than January 11, 2021.
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  • 12/21/2020
    Limited Waiver of Performance Testing Requirements for Small Carriers Order: TWCB grants a limited waiver of the performance testing requirements for recipients of Alternative Connect America Cost Model I support, Rural Broadband Experiment support, and Alaska Plan support.
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  • 12/18/2020
    Performance Measures Clarification Order: The Order clarifies aspects of the Commission's Performance Measures Reconsideration Order to provide greater certainty to carriers.
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  • 12/18/2020
    CAF II Support for a New York Winning Bidder Ready to be Authorized Public Notice: Slic Network Solutions must submit letters of credit and legal counsel's opinion letters by Friday, January 8, 2021.
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  • 12/16/2020
    Erratum - WCB and OEA Releases Results from Supply Chain SIC Public Notice: Issued an Erratum correcting Public Notice, DA 20-1037, released September 4, 2020.
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  • 12/16/2020
    FCC Form 509 Filings Order: WCB waives sections 54.901 and 54.903 to allow RoR carriers to report their actual rates for CBOLs.
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  • 12/11/2020
    Affirmed Designation of Huawei as National Security Threat Order: The Commission denies Huawei's Application for Review of the Final Designation Order.
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    Chairman Pia Statement
    Commissioner Carr Statement
  • 12/11/2020
    FCC Adopts Rules to Secure Communications Networks and Supply Chain Order: Establishes Program to Fund Replacement of Insecure Equipment and Services.
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    Chairman Pia Statement
    Commissioner O’Rielly Statement
    Commisser Carr Statement
    Commissioner Rosenworcel Statement
    Commisser Starks Statement
  • 12/7/2020
    Auction 904 Winning Bidders Public Notice: Announces results of Auction 904 and establishes deadlines for filing FCC Form 683.
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  • 12/3/2020
    NECA's Annual Average Schedule HCLS Formula Order: Approves the National Exchange Carrier Association, Inc. annual average schedule company high-cost loop support formula.
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  • 11/30/2020
    2021 Urban Rate Survey, Posting of Data, and Minimum Usage Allowance Public Notice: WCB and OEA Announce Results of 2021 Urban Rate Survey for Fixed Voice and Broadband Services, Posting of Survey Data and Explanatory Notes, and Required Minimum Usage Allowance for Eligible Telecommunications Carriers.
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  • 11/17/2020
    NaLA and Assist Wireless Request for Stay of Lifeline MSS Order: WCB Denies NaLA and Assist Wireless Request for Stay of Lifeline MSS.
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  • 11/16/2020
    NaLA Waiver of Lifeline Minimum Service Standards Order: WCB addresses the petition of the National Lifeline Association, seeking a waiver of the Commission's rules updating the Lifeline program's minimum service standard for mobile broadband usage.
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  • 11/16/2020
    COVID Related Lifeline Program Waivers Order: WCB Extends COVID Related Lifeline Program Waivers through Feb. 2021.
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  • 11/16/2020
    WCB Designates SiyCom as an ETC in the Montana Browning Exchange Order: Wireline Competition Bureau designates Siyeh Communications as an eligible telecommunications carrier in the Montana Browning Exchange.
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  • 11/16/2020
    CAF II Model Support Price Cap Public Notice: WCB announces that all eligible price cap carriers that currently receive Connect America Phase II support based on the Connect America Cost Model elected to receive an additional, seventh year of such support.
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  • 11/16/2020
    Connect USVI Fund Stage 2 Competitive Process Public Notice: Applicants Must Submit Additional Information by 6 P.M. (ET) on December 1, 2020.
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    Attachment A
    Attachment B
  • 11/12/2020
    CAF Phase II Auction Support Authorized For 6 Winning Bids Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau, in conjunction with the Rural Broadband Auctions Task Force and the Office of Economics and Analytics, authorize Auction 903 support for the winning bids identified in Attachment A of this Public Notice.
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  • 11/2/2020
    Moot Uniendo a Puerto Rico Fund Petition Order:WCB dismisses as moot petition for reconsideration and waivers related to Uniendo a Puerto Rico Fund Stage 2 competitive process.
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  • 11/2/2020
    Uniendo a Puerto Rico Fund Public Notice:Applicants Must Submit Additional Information by 6 P.M. (ET) on November 17, 2020.
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  • 10/30/2020
    Uniendo a Puerto Rico Fund and the Connect USVI Fund Second Erratum: Issued a Second Erratum correcting R&O and OoR, FCC 19-95, released September 30, 2019.
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  • 10/21/2020
    Additional Data File and Updated GIS Data Available for Auction 904 Public Notice:Wireline Competition Bureau and Office of Economics and Analytics Announce Availability of an Additional Data File and Updated GIS Data for the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund Phase I Auction (Auction 904).
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  • 10/19/2020
    CAF Phase II Auction Support for 6 Winning Bids Ready to be Authorized Public Notice: RBATF, WCB and OEA announce they are ready to authorize Connect America Fund Phase II auction (Auction 903) support for the Auction 903 winning bids identified in Attachment A of this Public Notice.
    Word PDF
  • Attachment
  • 10/16/2020
    Stage 2 Mobile Support for Viya in USVI Public Notice: WCB authorizes high-cost mobile support funding for Choice Communications, LLC and Vitelcom Cellular, Inc. (collectively Viya), eligible facilities-based mobile providers participating in Stage 2 of the Connect USVI Fund.
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  • 10/13/2020
    FCC Adopts Rural Digital Opportunity Fund Application Waiver Order: Order Addressing Requests for Waiver of the Auction 904 Short-Form Application Requirements.
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  • 10/8/2020
    WCB and OEA Address WIAW Auction 904 Petition for Reconsideration Order: WCB and OEA, in conjunction with the RBATF, deny the petition for reconsideration of WIAW related to Auction 904 Eligible Areas in Iowa and Nebraska.
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  • 10/8/2020
    WCB/OEA Release Final List and Map of Eligible Areas for Auction 904 Public Notice: WCB and OEA, in coordination with RBATF, announce the release of the final list of census blocks and a map of areas that are eligible for the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund Phase I auction (Auction 904).
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  • 10/6/2020
    TDS A-CAM Buildout Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Seeks Comment on Two TDS Telecommunications LLC Petitions for Waiver of Section 54.316 of the Commission's Rules.
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  • 9/29/2020
    Auction 904 Order on Reconsideration: FCC Resolves Auction 904 Reconsideration Petitions Ahead of Bidding.
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  • Attachment
  • 9/18/2020
    PR/USVI Stage 2 Fixed Competitive Process Public Notice: WCB announces the applications received for the Uniendo a Puerto Rico and Connect USVI Funds Stage 2 Fixed Competitive Proposal Process. This Public Notice also provides important information regarding certain procedures adopted for this process.
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  • 9/15/2020
    Stage 2 Mobile Support for T-Mobile in Puerto Rico Public Notice: WCB Authorizes Stage 2 Mobile Support for T-Mobile in Puerto Rico.
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  • 9/14/2020
    Hawaiian Telecom Waiver Public Notice: Comment Sought on Hawaiian Telecom Waiver of Sections 54.310 and 54.316.
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  • 9/3/2020
    Deadlines for Filing Oppositions and Replies Regarding the Bloomingdale Telephone Company Application for Review Public Notice: WCB Reminder of Bloomingdale HUBB AFR Opposition/Reply Dates.
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  • 9/3/2020
    Average Schedule Company HCLS Formula Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on NECA’s 2021 Modification of the Average Schedule Company Universal Service High Cost Loop Support Formula.
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  • 9/2/2020
    Application Deadline for Stage 2 PR Fund Order: WCB resolves the request filed by Aeronet and Critical Hub seeking an extension of the application filing deadline for the Stage 2 competitive process of the Uniendo a Puerto Rico Fund.
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  • 9/2/2020
    CAF II Auction Support Authorized for 1 Winning Bid Public Notice: WCB, in conjunction with the RBATF, and OEA authorize Connect America Fund Phase II (Auction 903) support for the winning bid identified in Attachment A of this Public Notice.
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  • 9/1/2020
    Auction 904 Application Public Notice: Announces the status of short-form applications to participate in Auction 904.
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  • 8/31/2020
    NaLA Minimum Service, Voice Phase-Down Waiver Public Notice: WCB awards Slic Network Solutions $2.4 million in CAF Phase II support out of the $3.6 million that was previously awarded in conjunction with Phase 3 of New York State's New NY Broadband Program.
    Word PDF
  • 8/27/2020
    WCB Re-Awarding CAF Phase II Support in New York Order: WCB awards Slic Network Solutions $2.4 million in CAF Phase II support out of the $3.6 million that was previously awarded in conjunction with Phase 3 of New York State's New NY Broadband Program.
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  • 8/26/2020
    Denial of Petitions for Waiver of the Study Area Boundary Freeze Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau denies three petitions for waiver of the study area boundary freeze codified in the Appendix-Glossary of Part 36 of the Commission's rules.
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  • 8/24/2020
    Blackburn Technologies Order: Based on the record WCB finds that the Blackburn Technologies, II has not established good cause for us to deviate from the rule and, therefore, deny the requested relief.
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  • 8/14/2020
    List of Fixed CETCs Receiving Phase-Down Support Public Notice: WCB provides an updated report showing the legacy support amounts associated with competitive eligible telecommunications carriers offering service to fixed locations.
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  • 8/6/2020
    Application Window for Stage 2 of the Uniendo a Puerto Rico Fund and the Connect USVI Fund Public Notice: WCB announces that the application window for the Stage 2 competitive process of the Uniendo a Puerto Rico Fund and the Connect USVI Fund will open on Thursday, August 6, 2020 and close on Thursday, September 3, 2020 at 6:00 PM ET.
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  • Attachment
  • Attachment
  • Attachment
  • 8/6/2020
    The Uniendo a Puerto Rico Fund and Connect USVI Fund Stage 2 Fixed Support Competitive Proposal Process Public Notice: WCB releases an updated list of the eligible minimum geographic areas and associated annual reserve prices, and location counts for Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands for Stage 2 fixed support.
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  • 8/6/2020
    The Uniendo a Puerto Rico Fund and the Connect USVI Fund; Connect America Fund Order on Reconsideration: Wireline Competition Bureau considers issues raised on reconsideration by parties related to Stage 2 of Uniendo a Puerto Rico Fund and Connect USVI.
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  • 8/6/2020
    Late 471s Due to Pandemic and within 60 Days of Deadline Accepted Order: WCB waives 471 deadline for those applicants that were affected by the pandemic and submitted their applications within 60 days of the close of the filing window.
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  • 8/5/2020
    HUBB Deadline Waiver Petitions Order: WCB resolves two petitions requesting waiver of the March 1, 2019 deadline to upload and certify geocoded location information data with the USAC, the Commission's administrator of universal service programs, through the HUBB portal.
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  • 8/3/2020
    CAF II Auction Support for 1 Winning Bid Ready to Be Authorized Public Notice: Listed Auction 903 Long-Form Applicants Must Submit Letters of Credit and Legal Counsel's Opinion Letters by Monday, August 17, 2020.
    Word PDF
  • 7/31/2020
    July USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
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  • 7/29/2020
    Price Cap Carriers to Elect Seventh Year of Connect America Fund Phase II Model-Based Support Public Notice: Carriers have until September 28, 2020 to indicate, on a state-by-state basis, whether they will continue to receive model-based support for 2021.
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  • 7/27/2020
    New Form 481 Deadline for Certain Price Cap and CETCs Public Notice: The new deadline for these carriers to file and certify FCC Form 481 is August 7, 2020.
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  • 7/23/2020
    Urban Rate Survey Timeline for 2021 Public Notice: Completed surveys will be due on Friday, August 28, 2020.
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  • 7/17/2020
    Limited Waiver of CAF II Model-based Performance Testing Requirements Order: WCB, in conjunction with the RBATF and OEA, authorize Connect America Fund Phase II (Auction 903) support for the winning bids identified in Attachment A of this Public Notice.
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  • 7/17/2020
    CAF Phase II Auction Support Authorized for 483 Winning Bids Public Notice: WCB, in conjunction with the RBATF and OEA, authorize Connect America Fund Phase II (Auction 903) support for the winning bids identified in Attachment A of this Public Notice.
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  • 7/13/2020
    Blue Wireless Request to Relinquish its ETC Designation in NY Approved Order: Blue Wireless Request to Relinquish its ETC Designation in NY Approved.
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  • 7/2/2020
    Blackburn Waiver to be Eligible for PR Fixed Stage 2 Public Notice: WCB seeks comment Blackburn Technologies II, LLC's request seeking waiver of Section 54.1505(a) to enable Blackburn to participate in the competitive proposal process for Stage 2 fixed support from the Uniendo a Puerto Rico Fund.
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  • 6/30/2020
    Waiver of Line Count Filing for A-CAM, AK Plan until July 31, 2020 Order: Limited waiver of the filing deadline for rate-of-return carriers receiving support pursuant to Alternative Connect America Model (A-CAM) I and II and the Alaska Plan to file their line count data.
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  • 6/30/2020
    Johnson Telephone Auction 904 Waiver Denial Order: WCB, in conjunction with the RBATF and OEA, resolves a petition for waiver filed by Johnson Telephone Company of the rule that prohibits entities that defaulted on all of their Auction 903 bids from participating in Auction 904.
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  • 6/26/2020
    Limited Waiver of 481 Deadline for Certain Price Caps and CETCs Order: WCB on its own motion, grants a brief, limited waiver of the July 1, 2020 annual certification requirement under section 54.313(j)(1).
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  • 6/26/2020
    Rural Broadband Experiments Letter of Credit Waiver Order: WCB, in conjunction with RBATF and OEA, resolves petitions filed by the Connect America Fund Phase II Coalition and Skybeam, LLC seeking waiver of the letter of credit rules for the CAF Phase II auction (Auction 903) and Rural Broadband Experiments.
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  • 6/25/2020
    Rural Digital Opportunity Fund Phase I Auction Updated Eligible Areas Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau And Office Of Economics And Analytics Release Updated List And Map Of Eligible Areas For The Rural Digital Opportunity Fund Phase I Auction.
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  • 6/25/2020
    Charter Auction 904 Eligible Blocks Petition Order: WCB, in conjunction with the RBATF and OEA, resolves a petition filed by Charter seeking waiver of section 54.802(a) of the Commission's rules establishing census block eligibility criteria for Phase I of the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund auction.
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  • 6/15/2020
    CAF Auction II Location Adjustment Rule Public Notice: WCB Seeks Comment on Waiver of CAF Auction II Location Adjustment Rules.
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  • 6/15/2020
    FCC Approves $237.9 Million in USF for Puerto Rico, USVI Public Notice: FCC authorizes $237.9 million to expand, improve, and harden mobile broadband networks in Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands—includes first Universal Service funding targeted specifically for 5G deployment.
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  • 6/12/2020
    Connect America Fund Phase II Auction Support Authorized for 169 Winning Bids Public Notice: WCB, in conjunction with RBATF and OEA, authorize Connect America Fund Phase II (Auction 903) support for the winning bids identified in Attachment A of this Public Notice.
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  • 6/12/2020
    Redwire and Fond Du Lac CAF II Petitions Order: Partial grant to waive Redwire's letter of credit requirement for the Auction 903, limited to the first twelve months of its support term. Grant to waive Fond Du Lac's letter of credit deadline for Auction 903.
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  • 6/11/2020
    FCC Adopts Procedures for Rural Digital Opportunity Fund Auction Public Notice: FCC Adopts Bidding Procedures For October's $16 Billion Rural Broadband Auction. Applications Will Be Accepted July 1 to July 15; Bidding Starts October 29.
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    Chairman Pai
    Commissioner O'Rielly
    Commissioner Carr
    Commissioner Rosenworcel
    Commissioner Starks
  • 6/8/2020
    WCB Temporarily Waives Filing of RUS Operating Report for RoR ETCs Order: Temporary waiver of requirement for privately held RoR ETCs who utilize RUS loans to provide copies of their RUS Operating Report for Telecommunications Borrowers with their Form 481. Carriers must submit a copy to USAC at the time it is due to USDA.
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  • 6/4/2020
    Connect America Fund Phase II Auction Support for 480 Winning Bids Ready to be Authorized Public Notice: Listed Auction 903 Long-Form Applicants Must Submit Letters of Credit and Legal Counsel's Opinion Letters by Thursday, June 18, 2020.
    Word PDF
  • 5/14/2020
    Connect America Fund Phase II Auction Support Authorized for New York Winning Bidder Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau authorizes Connect America Fund Phase II support for the New York winning bidder identified in Attachment A of this Public Notice.
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    Appendix A
  • 5/14/2020
    Connect America Fund Phase II Auction Support Authorized for 77 Winning Bids Public Notice: WCB in conjunction with the RBATF and OEA, authorize Connect America Fund Phase II (Auction 903) support for the winning bids identified in Attachment A of this Public Notice.
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    Appendix A
  • 5/4/2020
    Connect America Fund Phase II Auction Support for 105 Winning Bids Ready to be Authorized Public Notice: Listed Auction 903 Long-Form Applicants Must Submit Letters of Credit and Legal Counsel's Opinion Letters by Monday, May 18, 2020.
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  • 4/30/2020
    April USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
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  • 4/27/2020
    Fond du Lac Communications, Inc. Order: Designation is conditioned upon, and limited to, FDLCI's authorization to receive Connect America support awarded through the CAF II auction and effective only upon such authorization.
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  • 4/16/2020
    Johnson Telephone Waiver of Auction 904 Prohibition Public Notice:Wireline Competition Bureau Seeks Comment on Petition for Waiver Filed by Johnson Telephone Company Regarding Rural Digital Opportunity Fund Prohibition Against CAF Phase II Defaulters.
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  • 4/15/2020
    Rural Digital Opportunity Fund Auction Webinar Public Notice: Provides details for interested parties and the general public to participate in the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund Phase I Auction Process Webinar.
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  • 4/14/2020
    Connect America Fund Phase II Auction Support Authorized for 21 Winning Bids Public Notice: CAF Phase II Auction Support Authorized for 21 Winning Bids.
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  • 4/14/2020
    Charter Rural Digital Opportunity Eligible Areas Waiver Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Seeks Comment on Charter Communications, Inc. Petition for Waiver of Rural Digital Opportunity Fund Phase I Eligible Area Rules.
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  • 4/10/2020
    Limited Waiver of Performance Measures Testing Requirements Order: WCB grants a limited waiver of the requirements for filing speed and latency testing results for recipients of Connect America Fund Phase II model-based support.
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  • 4/9/2020
    ACS 10 Year CAF Phase II Deployment Plan Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Approves Alaska Communications Systems' 10 Year CAF Phase II Deployment Plan.
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  • 4/8/2020
    Uniendo a Puerto Rico Fund and the Connect USVI Fund Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Seeks Comment on Petition for Waiver Filed by PR-USVI Fund Coalition Regarding Commitment Letter and Letter of Credit Rules for Fixed Applicants of the Uniendo a Puerto Rico Fund and the Connect USVI Fund.
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  • 4/6/2020
    Skybeam's Waiver Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Seeks Comment on Skybeam, LLC's Request for Waiver of its Rural Broadband Experiments Defined Deployment Obligation in Each of Nine Study Areas.
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  • 4/3/2020
    Siyeh Communications and 3 Rivers Tel Coop. Inc Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on two petitions: One for an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier and the other for a joint petition for a study area waiver of the definition of “study area” filed by Siyeh Communications and 3 Rivers Tel Coop. Inc.
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  • 4/3/2020
    Performance Measure Pre-Testing Sample Size Waived Due to COVID-19 Order: WCB waives certain network performance pre-testing requirements for recipients of Connect America Fund Phase II model-based support due to the COVID-19 crisis.
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  • 4/2/2020
    WCB Seeks Comment on Peñasco Valley HUBB Deadline Waiver Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Seeks Comment on Petition for Waiver Filed by Peñasco Valley Telephone Cooperative, Inc. Regarding the March 1, 2019 HUBB Certification Deadline.
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  • 3/30/2020
    Red River Telephone A-CAM Waiver Request Public Notice : WCB seeks comment on Red River Telephone A-CAM waiver request.
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  • 3/23/2020
    Uniendo A Puerto Rico and Connect USVI Fund Forms Public Notice:WCB Makes Available Uniendo A Puerto Rico and Connect USVI Fund Forms.
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    Attachment A
    Attachment B
  • 3/20/2020
    Guidance Regarding the Eligibility of Non-United States Banks Issuing Letters of Credit for Universal Service Competitive Bidding Mechanisms Public Notice: WCB, in coordination with the RBATF and OEA, provides guidance to applicants for and recipients of USF support allocated through a competitive bidding mechanism regarding the eligibility of non-U.S. banks to issue letters of credit.
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  • 3/17/2020
    Preliminary List and Map of RDOF Phase I Eligible Areas Public Notice: WCB, in coordination with the RBATF and the OEA, announces the release of the preliminary list of census blocks and a map of areas that have been deemed initially eligible for the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund Phase I auction.
    Word PDF
  • 3/17/2020
    Skybeam Waiver Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a request for expedited waiver1 filed by Skybeam, LLC requesting that the Commission waive the letter of credit rules for rural broadband experiments support recipients and instead allow Skybeam to comply with the recently adopted letter of credit provisions of sebction 54.804(c).
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  • 3/16/2020
    CAF II Auction Supply Authorized for Tribal Provider in Idaho Public Notice: CAF II Auction Supply Authorized for Tribal Provider in Idaho.
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  • 3/13/2020
    Connect America Fund Phase II Coalition Credit Petition Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a Request for Waiver and Petition for Rulemaking filed by the Connect America Fund Phase II Coalition.
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  • 3/5/2020
    CAF II Auction Support for 150 Winning Bids Ready to be Authorized Public Notice: Listed Auction 903 long-form applicants must submit letters of credit and legal counsel's opinion letters by Thursday, March 19, 2020.
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    Attachment A
    Attachment B
  • 3/3/2020
    TrioTel Communications, Farmers Mutual Telephone Company of Stanton, Iowa and Inter-Community Telephone Company Order: WCB grant petitions for waiver of the Commission's rules filed by TrioTel Communications; Farmers Mutual Telephone Company of Stanton, Iowa; and Inter-Community Telephone Company, to allow them to merge affiliated rate-of-return study areas.
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  • 3/2/2020
    Rural Digital Opportunity Fund Auction Procedures Public Notice: FCC Proposes Bidding Procedures For This Year's $16 Billion Rural Broadband Auction.
    Word PDF
  • 3/2/2020
    Auction 903 LOC Waiver Order: Grants two petitions for waiver of the letter of credit commitment letter deadline for the Connect America Fund Phase II auction (Auction 903.
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  • 2/13/2020
    Third CAF NY Authorization Public Notice: Authorizes CAF Phase II support in New York for Hughes Network Systems.
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  • 2/13/2020
    Ninth CAF Authorization Public Notice: Authorizes CAF Phase II auction support for 1060 winning bids.
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  • 2/5/2020
    Uniendo A Puerto Rico and Connect USVI Fund Procedures Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau establishes procedures for the Uniendo a Puerto Rico Fund and the Connect USVI Fund Stage 2 Competition.
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  • 2/3/2020
    Performance Measures Waiver Order: Grants a limited waiver of the random sample requirements for speed and latency and timing only for pre-testing for recipients of Connect America Fund (CAF) Phase II model-based support.
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  • 1/27/2020
    Phase II Auction Deadline Waiver Order: Service milestone deadlines for all CAF Phase II auction support recipients will fall at the end of the calendar year, and annual location filing and certification deadlines will fall on March 1.
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  • 1/21/2020
    CETC Phase-Down Carriers List Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau provides an updated report showing the legacy support amounts associated with competitive eligible telecommunications carriers offering service to fixed locations.
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  • 1/14/2020
    Frontier Communication Corporation Waiver Order: WCB grants a petition filed by Frontier Communications Corporation seeking waiver of the Connect America Phase II model-based support 80% deployment milestone in Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah.
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  • 1/13/2020
    BLS HUBB Reporting Deadline Public Notice: CAF-BLS carriers that did not previously have HUBB reporting obligations will be required to submit deployment in the HUBB by March 1, 2021 for all locations to which broadband service of 25/3 Mbps or greater has been deployed since May 25, 2016.
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  • 1/6/2020
    Mid Hudson Ready to be Authorized Public Notice: Mid-Hudson Data Corp. must submit letters of credit and legal counsel’s opinion letters by January 21, 2020.
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  • 12/20/2019
    CAF II Support for One New York Winning Bidder Ready to be Authorized Public Notice: WCB announces that it is ready to authorize Connect America Fund Phase II support for Hughes Network Systems, LLC in conjunction with the New York Broadband Program.
    Word PDF
  • 12/20/2019
    CAF II Auction Support for 2,121 Winning Bids Ready to be Authorized Public Notice: RBATF, WCB, and OEA announce they are ready to authorize Connect America Fund Phase II auction (Auction 903) support for the Auction 903 winning bids identified in Attachment A.
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    Attachment A
    Attachment B
  • 12/20/2019
    SI Wireless Approved to Relinquish ETC Designation in Tennessee Order: TAPD approves the request of SI Wireless to relinquish it’s high-cost and Lifeline ETC designations in Tennessee, effective January 6, 2020.
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  • 12/20/2019
    WCB Waives Certain Rules to Allow for Updated FCC Form 509 Filings Order: WCB waives sections 54.901 and 54.903 to allow RoR carriers to report their actual rates for CBOLs to determine 2018 revenues on their FCC Form 509.
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  • 12/19/2019
    Reserve Prices and Location Counts Announced for PR/USVI Fund Stage 2 Public Notice: WCB releases the list of the eligible minimum geographic areas and associated annual reserve prices and location counts for Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands for Stage 2 fixed support.
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  • 12/18/2019
    Lake County, Minnesota and Northeast Rural Services, Inc. RBE Waiver Petitions Order: WCB considers RBE waiver petitions of Lake County, Minnesota and Northeast Rural Services, Inc. in which petitioners seek to relinquish their status as rural broadband experiments universal service funding recipients in certain study areas.
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  • 12/16/2019
    FCC Authorizes $89.2 Million For Rural Broadband In 21 States Public Notice: Eighth Round of Funding from Connect America Fund Auction Starts This Month and Includes 21 States.
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  • 12/6/2019
    NECA Annual Average Schedule HCLS Formula Public Notice: Telecommunications Access Policy Division approves the National Exchange Carrier Association, Inc. annual average schedule company high-cost loop support formula.
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  • 12/5/2019
    Urban Rate Survey Public Notice: WCB and the OEA announce the 2020 reasonable comparability benchmarks for fixed voice and broadband services for eligible telecommunications carriers subject to broadband public interest obligations.
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  • 12/2/2019
    Hubb Deadline Waiver Order: WCB addresses several petitions requesting waiver of the March 1, 2018 deadline to upload and certify geocoded location information data with the Universal Service Administrative Company through the High Cost Universal Broadband portal.
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  • 11/22/2019
    Red Spectrum Designated as an ETC in CAF-Eligible Areas in Idaho Order: Designation is conditioned upon and limited to Red Spectrum’s authorization to receive Connect America support awarded through the Connect America Fund Phase II Auction and effective only upon such authorization.
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  • 11/19/2019
    Lifeline and Link Up Reform and Modernization; Telecommunications Carriers Eligible for Universal Service Support Order: FCC Partially Grants Lifeline Service Standards Relief.
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  • Commissioner Rosenworcel
  • Commissioner Starks
  • 11/13/2019
    CAF II Auction Support Authorized For 66 Winning Bids Public Notice: WCB, in conjunction with RBATF and OEA, authorize $13,468,201.20 in CAF II (Auction 903) support for the winning bids identified in Attachment A of this Public Notice.
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  • 11/12/2019
    Locations Adjustment Order: WCB establishes procedures to ensure swift and efficient administration of the CAF II Auction Eligible Locations Adjustment Process.
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  • 11/7/2019
    Mobile Stage 2 Election Deadline Public Notice: The deadline for the election of Stage 2 mobile support is 6:00 p.m. on December 9, 2019.
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  • 10/18/2019
    Mid-Hudson ETC Designation Order: Designation is conditioned upon and limited to Mid-Hudson’s authorization to receive Connect America Fund support awarded in coordination with New York’s New NY Broadband Program.
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  • 10/10/2019
    Connect America Fund Phase II Auction Support Authorized for 387 Winning Bids Public Notice: Support for the winning bids is identified in Attachment A of this Public Notice.
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    Attachment A
  • 9/30/2019
    CAF II Support For 566 Winning Bids Ready to Authorize Public Notice: The RBATF, WCB, and OEA announce they are ready to authorize CAF II auction support for the Auction 903 winning bids identified in Attachment A.
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  • 9/30/2019
    The Uniendo a Puerto Rico Fund and the Connect USVI Fund Report and Order on Reconsideration: Investment Will Boost High-Speed Internet Access on Islands.
    Word PDF
  • Chairman Pia
  • Commissioner O'Rielly
  • Commissioner Carr
  • Commissioner Rosenworcel
  • Commissioner Starks
  • 9/18/2019
    Viasat ETC Order: Designation is conditioned upon and limited to Viasat’s authorization to receive Connect America support awarded through the Connect America Fund Phase II auction (Auction 903) and effective only upon such authorization.
    Word PDF
  • 9/16/2019
    Florida Public Service Commission Waiver Order: Wireline Competition Bureau grants a brief, limited waiver of the filing deadline for the Florida Public Service Commission (FPSC) to certify eligible telecommunications carriers (ETCs) pursuant to section 54.314(d)(1) of the Commission’s rules.
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  • 9/12/2019
    Reconsideration of Satellite Related Performance Measures Order: FCC Adopts an Order on Reconsideration of Satellite Related Performance Measures.
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  • 9/12/2019
    Connect America Fund Phase II Auction Support Authorized for 1,031 Winning Bids Public Notice: WCB in conjunction with the Rural Broadband Auctions Task Force and the Office of Economics and Analytics, authorize $112,183,454.30 in CAF II support for the winning bids identified in Attachment A of this Public Notice.
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    Attachment A
  • 8/30/2019
    NECA 2020 Proposed HCLS formula Public Notice: WCB seeks comment on NECA 2020 Modification of the Average Schedule Company Universal Service High Cost Loop Support Formula.
    Word PDF
  • 8/26/2019
    CAF Phase II Auction Support for 375 Bids Ready for Authorization Public Notice: CAF Fund Phase II auction (Auction 903) support for some Auction 903 winning bids identified.
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    Attachment A
  • 8/22/2019
    WCB Authorizes 171 RoR Companies to Receive $491M Annually in A-CAM II Public Notice: Collectively, authorized companies are committing to provide at least 25/3 Mbps service to over 363,000 locations, including over 37,000 locations on Tribal lands.
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  • 8/21/2019
    Hood Canal Communications and CenturyLink Public Notice: WCB seeks comment on a joint Study Area Waiver of Hood Canal Communications and CenturyLink for waiver of the definition of study area.
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  • 8/19/2019
    CAF Phase II Auction Eligible Locations Adjustment Process Public Notice: WCB delays the filing deadline for the CAF II Auction eligible locations adjustment process until further notice.
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  • 8/13/2019
    Sunset Digital Order: ETC designation is conditioned upon and limited to SDC LLC’s authorization to receive CAF II auction support and effective only upon such authorization.
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  • 8/12/2019
    Connect America Fund Phase II Support Authorized for Three New York Winning Bidders Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau authorizes Connect America Fund Phase II support for the New York winning bidders identified in Attachment A of this Public Notice.
    Word PDF
  • 8/12/2019
    FCC Authorizes $16.2 Million In Broadband Funding In Upstate New York News Release: Second Wave of FCC Funding Will Expand Broadband Access in 14 Upstate Counties in Partnership with State.
    Word PDF
  • 8/12/2019
    Connect America Fund Phase II Auction Support Authorized for 593 Winning Bids Public Notice: WCB, in conjunction with the Rural Broadband Auctions Task Force and the Office of Economics and Analytics, authorize $121,177,648.80 in CAF II Phase II (Auction 903) support for the winning bids identified in Attachment A of this Public Notice.
    Word PDF
  • 8/12/2019
    FCC Authorizes $121 Million In Funding For Rural Broadband News Release: Fourth Round of Funding from Connect America Fund Auction Starts This Month and Includes 16 States.
    Word PDF
  • 8/9/2019
    LTD Broadband Waiver Order: WCB, in conjunction with the RBATF and OEA, grants LTD Broadband LLC's petition for waiver of the February 25, 2019 deadline for filing audited financial statements for the Connect America Fund Phase II auction (Auction 903).
    Word PDF
  • 8/6/2019
    Sunset Digital Communications, Inc. Waiver Order: Wireline Competition Bureau, in conjunction with the Rural Broadband Auctions Task Force and the Office of Economics and Analytics, grants the petition of Sunset Digital Communications, Inc.
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  • 7/30/2019
    NTCA Waiver Petition Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on NTCA’s petition for waiver of the updated minimum service standards for fixed broadband services in the Lifeline program.
    Word PDF
  • 7/25/2019
    New Lisbon Denial Order: WCB concludes that USAC properly sought recovery of high-cost support provided to New Lisbon based on the company’s failure to comply with the Commission’s rules.
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  • 7/22/2019
    CAF II Support Authorized for 1,122 Bids Public Notice: The RBATF, WCB, and OEA announce they are ready to authorize CAF II auction support for the Auction 903 winning bids identified in Attachment A; bid defaults identified in Attachment B.
    Word PDF
  • 7/15/2019
    CAF II Auction Support Authorized for 2,413 Winning Bids Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau, in conjunction with the Rural Broadband Auctions Task Force and the Office of Economics and Analytics, authorize CAF II auction support for the winning bids.
    Word PDF
  • 7/15/2019
    CAF II Auction Support Authorized for Five NY Winning Bidders Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau authorizes Connect America Fund Phase II support for New York winning bidders.
    Word PDF
  • 6/20/2019
    Northeast Iowa Telephone Co. and Western Iowa Telephone Association Public Notice: Comment sought on a joint petition filed on May 6, 2019 by Northeast Iowa Telephone Co. and Western Iowa Telephone Association.
    Word PDF
  • 6/7/2019
    CAF II Support Ready to Authorize Public Notice: The RBATF, WCB, and OEA announce they are ready to authorize CAF II auction support for the Auction 903 winning bids identified in Attachment A; bid defaults identified in Attachment B.
    Word PDF
  • 6/5/2019
    Corrected Alternative Connect America Model II Offers Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Issues Corrected Alternative Connect America Model II Offers to 37 Companies, Extends the Election Deadline, and Seeks Comment on Location Adjustment Procedures.
    Word PDF
  • 5/31/2019
    Four Petition Dismissals Public Notice: In this Public Notice, the Wireline Competition Bureau announces the dismissal of the four petitions for waiver of various high-cost universal service matters.
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  • 5/28/2019
    New York CAF II Ready to Authorize Public Notice: WCB announces that it is ready to authorize CAF Phase II support for the New York winning bidders identified in Attachment A of this Public Notice. Letters of Credit and Legal Counsel’s Opinion Letters due by June 11, 2019.
    Word PDF
  • 5/24/2019
    Totah Communications,Inc Public Notice: WCB Authorizes Totah Communications, Inc., wich was omitted from the April 29 authorization Public Notice, to receive additional A-CAM support.
    Word PDF
  • 5/15/2019
    Connect America Fund Phase II Auction Order: WCB grants Casey Mutual’s petition for waiver of the letter of credit commitment deadline for the CAF II Auction; denies Allens Communications’ waiver petition related to the standby letter of credit requirement.
    Word PDF
  • 5/14/2019
    CAF Transitions Public Notice: WCB announces the beginning of the phase down of legacy high-cost universal service support for price cap carriers and fixed competitive eligible telecommunications carriers, now that the Bureau has authorized CAF Phase II auction support.
    Word PDF
  • 5/10/2019
    Auction 903 Third Ready to be Authorized Public Notice: The Rural Broadband Auctions Task Force, Wireline Competition Bureau, and the Office of Economics and Analytics announce they are ready to authorize CAF II auction support for the Auction 903 winning bids identified in Attachment A.
    Word PDF
  • 5/6/2019
    Second Connect America Fund Phase II ETC Order: WCB grants ETC petitions conditioned upon and limited to CAF Phase II Auction support authorization; one petitioner is also granted a Lifeline-only ETC designation for areas where it is not eligible to receive CAF support.
    Word PDF
  • 5/2/2019
    CAF-BLS Deployment Obligations Public Notice: WCB announces the posting of information regarding the revised mandatory deployment obligations that will apply to rate-of-return carriers that decline the A-CAM II offer and instead will remain on legacy universal service support mechanisms.
    Word PDF
  • 5/2/2019
    Alternative Connect America Cost Model II Support Amounts Offered to Rate-of-Return Carriers to Expand Rural Broadband Public Notice: WCB releases a revised version of A-CAM v2.5.1 and announces the offers of A-CAM II support to rate-of-return carriers that are still receiving legacy support to fund the deployment of voice and broadband-capable networks in their service territories.
    Word PDF
  • 4/30/2019
    New York ETC Order: WCB designates four petitioners as ETCs in eligible high-cost areas, conditioned upon and limited to petitioners’ authorization to receive Connect America Fund Phase II support awarded in coordination with New York’s New NY Broadband Program.
    Word PDF
  • 4/29/2019
    Alternative Connect America Cost Model Support to Expand Rural Broadband Public Notice: WCB Authorizes 186 Rate-Of-Return Companies to Receive an Additional $65.7 Million Annually in Alternative Connect America Cost Model Support to Expand Rural Broadband.
    Word PDF
  • 4/24/2019
    Reservation Telephone Cooperative and CenturyLink Study Area Public Notice: Waiver to expand Reservation Telephone Cooperative’s Alexander exchange in North Dakota to include portions of CenturyLink QC’s Fairview and Sidney exchanges in North Dakota and allow participation in NECA.
    Word PDF
  • 4/22/2019
    iWireless Tribal Petition Comment Public Notice: WCB seeks comment on i-Wireless’ amended petition seeking to expand its ETC designation to certain Tribal lands in Alabama, Connecticut, New York, North Carolina, and Virginia.
    Word PDF
  • 4/4/2019
    TracFone Petition Comment Public Notice: WCB seeks comment on TracFone’s second amended petition seeking to expand its ETC designation to certain Tribal lands in Alabama, Connecticut, New York, North Carolina, and Virginia.
    Word PDF
  • 4/3/2019
    Auction 903 Second RTA Public Notice: WCB and OEA announce they are ready to authorize approximately $280 million in Connect America Fund Phase II auction (Auction 903) support for the CAF II Auction winning bids and also announce bid defaults have been determined .
    Word PDF
    Attachment A
    Attachment B
  • 3/28/2019
    CAF ETC Designation Order: Wireline Competition Bureau designates eight Connect America Fund Phase II Auction winning bidders as eligible telecommunications carriers (ETCs).
    Word PDF
  • 3/5/2019
    ACS Challenge Process Order: WCB resolves challenges to locations proposed by Alaska Communications Systems (ACS) to receive high-cost support as part of ACS's obligations set out in previous Commission actions seeking to extend service to unserved Alaskan consumers
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  • 2/27/2019
    Connect America Fund Ready to Authorize Public Notice:WCB and OEA announce they are ready to authorize approximately $140 million in Connect America Fund Phase II auction (Auction 903) support for the CAF II Auction winning bids.
    Word PDF
  • 2/26/2019
    Tombigbee Communications ETC Comment Public Notice: WCB Seeks Comment on a Petition for ETC Designation from Tombigbee Communications.
    Word PDF
  • 2/25/2019
    Alternative Connect America Cost Model Offers Public Notice: FCC announces 262 revised offers of Alternative Connect America Cost Model (A-CAM) support and the associated revised deployment obligations.
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  • 2/20/2019
    Connect America Fund ETC Comment Public Notice: WCB Seeks Comment on Two Petitions for ETC Designation.
    Word PDF
  • 2/15/2019
    Connect America Fund Transition Order: The Commission takes further steps towards making broadband available for all Americans by transitioning legacy support for voice services to make greater funding available for voice and broadband services supported by newly awarded CAF model funds.
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  • PDF
    Chairman Pai
    Commissioner O'Rielly
    Commissioner Carr
    Commissioner Rosenworcel
  • Commissioner Starks
  • 1/29/2019
    Meriwether Holston Petition Public Notice: WCB Seeks Comment on Two Petitions for ETC Designation.
    Word PDF
  • 1/28/2019
    Bloosurf ETC Petition Public Notice: WCB Seeks Comment on Bloosurf's Petition for ETC Designation.
    Word PDF
  • 1/3/2019
    Sandwich Isles Communications, Inc Reconsideration Order: The Commission reaffirms its commitment to combating waste, fraud, and abuse in the Universal Service Fund by denying a petition for reconsideration of an order finding that Sandwich Isles, Inc. received more than $27 million in improper USF support.
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  • 12/20/2018
    2019 Urban Rate Survey Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau) announces the 2019 reasonable comparability benchmarks for fixed voice and broadband services for eligible telecommunications carriers (ETCs) subject to broadband public interest obligations, including incumbent local exchange rate-of-return carriers, incumbent price-cap carriers receiving CAF Phase II support, Rural Broadband Experiment providers, and Connect America Fund Phase II Auction (Auction 903) winners.
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  • 12/20/2018
    FCC Form 509 Filings Order: WCB grants a one-time waiver of sections 54.901 and 54.903 of the Commission’s rules to allow rate-of-return local exchange carriers to report their actual rates for consumer broadband-only lines to determine 2017 revenues on their FCC Form 509.
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  • 12/18/2018
    NECA's proposed High-Cost Loop Support formula for 2019 Order: WCB approves National Exchange Carrier Association, Inc.'s (NECA) annual average schedule company high-cost loop support (HCLS) formula modifications submitted for Commission review.
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  • 12/13/2018
    USTelcom, CTIA, and ITTA Waiver Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Seeks Comment on the Petition of USTelecom, CTIA, and ITTA for a One-Time Waiver of the Biennial Audit Requirement of 47 C.F.R. 54.420.
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  • 10/30/2018
    134 Long-Form Applicants in the Connect America Fund Phase II Auction Public Notice: Identifies 134 applicants in the Connect America Fund Phase II auction (Auction 903) that submitted the long-form application portion of the FCC Form 683 by the October 15, 2018 deadline.
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  • 10/9/2018
    Connect America Fund Map Public Notice: WCB announces that an interactive Connect America Fund Broadband Map is now available that shows locations where funding recipients have already reported CAF-funded broadband deployment to fixed locations.
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  • 10/3/2018
    Ten ETC Designation Petitions Comment Public Notice: WCB seeks comment on several petitions for designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier (ETC). Each of the petitioners is a winning bidder of Connect America support through the Connect America Fund (CAF) Phase II auction (Auction 903).
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  • 10/2/2018
    Performance Measures Order Petitions for Reconsideration Public Notice: WCB establishes pleading cycle for petitions for reconsideration of the Performance Measures Order.
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  • 9/28/2018
    ACS Challenge Order: WCB resolves challenges to locations proposed by Alaska Communications Systems (ACS) to receive high-cost support as part of ACS’s obligations set out in previous Commission actions seeking to extend service to unserved Alaskan consumers.
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  • 9/10/2018
    CAF II Auction Locations Adjustment Public Notice: WCB seeks comment on several proposals to implement a process for resolving location discrepancies at issue for Phase II auction support recipients.
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  • 9/5/2018
    HCLS Proposal Comment Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on NECA's 2019 Modification of the Average Schedule Company Universal Service High Cost Loop Support Formula.
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  • 9/5/2018
    Haefele ETC Comment Public Notice: WCB seeks comment on the petition for designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier (ETC) in the state of New York submitted by Haefele TV, Inc.
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  • 8/15/2018
    Wireline and Wireless Compliance Plan of Global Connection Public Notice: WCB approves the joint wireline and wireless compliance plan of Global Connection, Inc. of America, (Global Connection).
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  • 8/13/2018
    TracFone Wirless, Inc Emergency Petition Public Notice: WCB seeks comment on the Emergency Petition of TracFone Wireless, Inc. for an Order Directing USAC to Alter the Implementation of the National Verifier to Optimize the Automated and Manual Eligibility Verification Processes.
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  • 7/31/2018
    July USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
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  • 7/20/2018
    Revised A-CAM Authorization Public Notice: Consistent with the Commission’s 2018 Rate-of-Return Reform Order, WCB authorizes 175 rate-of-return companies to receive Alternative Connect America Cost Model (A-CAM) support in exchange for extending broadband service to additional locations.
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  • 7/19/2018
    ACS Challenge Process Public Notice: WCB continues the challenge process for Alaska Communications Systems (ACS) to identify areas eligible for its Connect America Fund (CAF) Phase II frozen support.
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  • 7/18/2018
    New York Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Public Notice: WCB seeks comment on three separate Eligible Telecommunications Carrier (ETC) designation petitions in the state of New York for the purpose of being eligible to receive CAF support, as awarded by New York’s New NY Broadband Program.
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  • 7/13/2018
    Audited Financials Waiver Order: WCB denies several petitions for waiver of the deadline for submitting audited financial statements in connection with the annual FCC Form 481 reporting requirement.
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  • 7/11/2018
    QLink Petition Comment Public Notice: WCB seeks comment on the Emergency Petition of Q Link Wireless, LLC (Q Link) for an Order Directing the Universal Service Administrative Company to Implement Machine-to-Machine Interfaces for the National Verifier.
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  • 7/10/2018
    ETC Designation Public Notice: WCB reminds participants in the Connect America Fund Phase II auction (Auction 903) about the process for obtaining designation as an eligible telecommunications carrier (ETC) by the Commission.
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  • 7/6/2018
    CAF Performance Measures Order: WCB, WTB, and OET adopt a uniform framework for measuring the speed and latency performance for recipients of CAF high-cost universal service support.
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  • 7/6/2018
    Colorado Waiver Denial Order: WCB and WTB deny a petition filed by the Colorado Broadband Deployment Board seeking waiver of the Connect America Fund Phase II auction rules.
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  • 7/6/2018
    Mock Auction Information Public Notice: Information regarding the mock auction for Connect America Fund Phase II (Auction 903).
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  • 6/27/2018
    ACAM Second Offer Extension Public Notice: WCB announces an extension of the deadline for authorized companies to accept revised offers of Alternative Connect America Cost Model (A-CAM) until June 29, 2018.
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  • 6/27/2018
    USVI Fund Comment Extension Order: WCB extends the deadline for filing comments and reply comments in response to the Uniendo a Puerto Rico Fund and the Connect USVI Fund Rulemaking until July 26, 2018 and August 8, 2018, respectively.
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  • 6/26/2018
    Alaska Plan Carriers Filing Middle-Mile Fiber and Microwave Network Maps Extension Public Notice: :WCB and WTB extend the first filing deadline for Alaska Plan middle-mile data submissions made pursuant to Section 54.316(a)(6) from July 2, 2018, to August 1, 2018.
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  • 6/25/2018
    Hawaiian Telecom Horizon Telcom Waiver Order: : Bureaus conditionally grant Hawaiian Telcom and Horizon Telcom’s petition for waiver.
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  • 6/25/2018
    CAF Phase II Auction Waiver Petitions Order: : Bureaus address petitions for waiver of the Commission’s Connect America Fund Phase II auction short-form application requirements.
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  • 6/14/2018
    OEConnect, LLC and Hughes Network Systems, LLC ETC Comments Public Notice: WCB seeks comment on two Eligible Telecommunications Carrier (ETC) designation petitions filed by OEConnect, LLC and Hughes Network Systems, LLC.
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  • 6/6/2018
    Fairpoint Challenge Progress Public Notice: WCB concludes the limited Connect America Fund Phase I challenge process regarding 185 previously unidentified census blocks served by FairPoint Communications, Inc.
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  • 6/6/2018
    FCC Form 481 Filing Deadline Waiver Order: WCB grants a waiver of the FCC Form 481 filing deadline for the annual eligible telecommunications carrier reporting requirements under section 54.313(j) of the Commission’s rules until July 16, 2018.
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  • 5/29/2018
    The Uniendo a Puerto Rico Fund and the Connect USVI Fund, et al. Order and Notice of Proposed Rulemaking: FCC approves additional funding to restore communications networks in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands and seeks comment on almost $900 million in long-term funding for network expansion.
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    Chairman Pai
    Commissioner Clyburn
    Commissioner O'Rielly
    Commissioner Carr
    Commissioner Rosenworcel
  • 5/18/2018
    CAF New York Long Form Public Notice: WCB announces deadline for filing long-form application following the New York State announcement of New NY Broadband Phase 3 auction winning bidders.
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  • 5/18/2018
    Puerto Rico Fund and the Connect USVI Fund Docket Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau opens WC Docket No. 18-143, which is captioned “The Uniendo a Puerto Rico Fund and the Connect USVI Fund”.
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  • 5/16/2018
    Mobility Fund II Challenge Process Presentation in New Hampshire Public Notice: The Rural Broadband Auctions Task Force (RBATF) announces an upcoming presentation on the Mobility Fund Phase II reverse auction challenge process in Concord, New Hampshire on May 22, 2018.
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  • 5/11/2018
    New Model Illustrative Results Public Notice: WCB announces the availability of illustrative model results intended to aid parties that are preparing comments in response to the 2018 Rate-of-Return Reform NPRM.
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  • 5/7/2018
    A-CAM Revised Offer Public Notice: WCB announces 217 revised offers of Alternative Connect America Cost Model (A-CAM) support and the associated revised deployment obligations to expand rural broadband, consistent with the Commission’s 2018 Rate-of-Return Reform Order and FNPRM.
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  • 4/27/2018
    FairPoint Challenge Public Notice: WCB grants, in part, the petition for waiver of section 54.312 of the Commission’s rules filed by FairPoint Communications.
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  • 4/27/2018
    FairPoint Petition Waiver Order: WCB grants, in part, the petition for waiver of section 54.312 of the Commission’s rules filed by FairPoint Communications.
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  • 4/26/2018
    Alaska Communications Systems’ Reconsideration Order: FCC decides Alaska Communications Systems’ petition concerning Connect America Fund Phase II voice and broadband service obligations.
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  • 4/19/2018
    FairPoint Order and Declaratory Ruling: FCC decides legacy support issue arising from the ongoing reform and modernization of the universal service fund and intercarrier compensation systems.
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  • 4/5/2018
    Tribal Funding Order: The Commission allows certain rate-of-return carriers serving Tribal communities to recover higher levels of operational expenses, given the unique and challenging circumstances that make it more expensive to serve Tribal lands.
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    Chairman Pai
    Commissioner Clyburn
    Commissioner O'Rielly
    Commissioner Carr
    Commissioner Rosenworcel
  • 4/4/2018
    Alaska Communications Petition for Clarification or Limited Waiver of the Geocoded Location Identification Requirements of the Connect America Fund Phase Order: WCB denies the petition for clarification or waiver filed by Alaska Communications Services Group, Inc. (ACS).
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  • 3/23/2018
    Connect America Fund, et al. Report and Order, Third Order on Reconsideration and Notice of Proposed Rulemaking: The Commission takes several steps to increase broadband deployment in rural areas. These actions include reducing, refining, and clarifying existing rules, and providing additional support in return for increased broadband deployment obligations.
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    Chairman Pai
    Commissioner Clyburn
    Commissioner O'Rielly
    Commissioner Carr
    Commissioner Rosenworcel
  • 3/13/2018
    Puerto Rico Telephone Company, Inc. Declaratory Ruling Order: WCB denies PRTC’s request for declaratory ruling, but grants a limited waiver such that no support will be recovered from PRTC for locations it served within a year of its Phase I incremental support deadlines.
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  • 3/1/2018
    Guidance on CAF-BLS Reporting and Deployment Obligations Public Notice: WCB provides additional guidance and clarification regarding FCC Form 477 and High Cost Universal Broadband (HUBB) reporting obligations.
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  • 3/1/2018
    CAF II Model Eligible Area Public Notice: WCB releases a revised list of census blocks eligible for Connect America Phase II model-based support where price cap carriers accepted a state-level commitment to deploy broadband.
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  • 2/28/2018
    Alaska Plan Maps Reconsideration Order: Grants in part and denies in part a petition for reconsideration of the Alaska Plan Maps Public Notice.
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  • 12/28/2017
    Sandwich Isles Communications, Inc. Petition for Waiver, et al. Memorandum Opinion and Order and Erratum: WCB responds to the Motion to Revise the Protective Order and to the Objection to Disclosure of Information Pending Resolution of its Motion to Revise Protective Order filed by Sandwich Isles Communications, Inc.
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  • 12/19/2017
    CAF Phase II Auction Final Eligible Areas Public Notice: WCB announces the release of the eligible areas list and map for the Connect America Fund Phase II auction.
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  • 12/8/2017
    Blanca Telephone Company Order: Requires Blanca Telephone Company to Repay High-Cost Support.
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  • 11/8/2017
    2018 Urban Rate Survey Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Announces Results of 2018 Urban Rate Survey for Fixed Voice and Broadband Services, Posting of Survey Data and Explanatory Notes and Required Minimum Usage Allowance for Broadband Public Interest Obligations.
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  • 11/6/2017
    Comment Sought on Performance Measures for Connect America High-Cost Universal Service Support Recipients Public Notice: WCB, WTB, and OET seek to update the record regarding performance measures for certain Connect America high-cost universal service support recipients.
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  • 11/2/2017
    100 Percent Overlap Challenge Process Public Notice: WCB concludes the 100 percent overlap process initiated on August 11, 2017 for service areas of Rate-of-Return carriers.
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  • 11/1/2017
    High Cost Budget Mechanism Public Notice: WCB directs USAC to retain any excess cash in the high-cost account at the end of 2017, pending further Commission action, and not to take that amount into consideration when determining the contribution factor for the first quarter of 2018.
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  • 10/4/2017
    FCC Approves Advance of $77M to Restore Connectivity in PR and USVI Order: Approves an advance of $77M of Universal Service support to carriers in PR and USVI to restore telecommunications services.
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  • Chairman Pai
    Commissioner Clyburn
    Commissioner O'Rielly
  • 9/29/2017
    September USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
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  • 9/8/2017
    Instructions for Filing Middle-Mile Network Maps Public Notice: Provides instructions for carries filing middle-mile network maps pursuant to the Alaska Plan Order.
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  • 9/7/2017
    Gila River Petition for Waiver Public Notice: Establishes a comment period for the Gila River Petition for Waiver of the HCLA national average cost per loop.
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  • 9/6/2017
    Extends Deadline for States' Annual CAF Use Certification Order: Grants a limited waiver of the deadline until November 17th for states to certify CAF support was used for intended purpose.
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  • 9/5/2017
    NECA's 2018 Modification of the Average Schedule Company Universal Service High Cost Loop Support Formula Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on NECA's 2018 Modification of the Average Schedule Company Universal Service High Cost Loop Support Formula.
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  • 9/1/2017
    Rural Broadband Auctions Task Force Holding Webinar on CAF II Auction Public Notice: Announces Webinar to Discuss Proposals put Forth in the Connect America Fund Phase II Auction Comment Public Notice.
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  • 8/11/2017
    100 Percent Overlap Public Notice: WCB publishes a list of study areas potentially subject to the 100% overlap rule and seeks comment on whether competitors in the listed areas are offering voice/broadband to 100% of locations in census blocks meeting the requirements in 47 CFR § 54.319(a).
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  • 8/4/2017
    Pre-Auction Process for the Connect America Fund Phase II Auction Public Notice: This Public Notice initiates the pre-auction process for the Connect America Fund Phase II auction to award up to $1.98 billion over 10 years to providers committing to offer fixed voice and broadband services in unserved high-cost areas.
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  • 7/20/2017
    CAF Phase II Deadline Reminder Public Notice: WCB reminds those price cap carriers that accepted Connect America Phase II model-based support (CAF Phase II funding) of their upcoming deployment and reporting obligations and of the consequences for failing to meet those deadlines.
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  • 7/10/2017
    CAF BLS and Alaska Plan Competitive Overlap Challenge Processes Public Notice: WCB announces that the updated June 30, 2016 Form 477 data, released June 6, 2017, will be used for the competitive overlap challenge processes for Connect America Fund Broadband Loop Support (CAF BLS) and the Alaska Plan.
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  • 7/7/2017
    ETC Annual Reporting Reform Report and Order: The Commission eliminates several annual ETC reporting requirements that are either duplicative of other reporting requirements or are no longer necessary.
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  • 6/13/2017
    Leech Lake Telecommunications Company, LLC Public Notice: : The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition for eligible telecommunications carrier (ETC) designation by Leech Lake Telecommunications Company, LLC.
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  • 6/8/2017
    Connect America Phase II Eligible Areas Public Notice: By this Public Notice, the Wireline Competition Bureau announces an updated list of census blocks eligible for Connect America Phase II support where price cap carriers accepted the statewide offers of model-based Connect America Phase II support.
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  • 5/18/2017
    Voice Rate Floor NPRM and Order: The Commission seeks comment on whether to modify the methodology of or eliminate the rate floor and related obligations. The Order freezes the rate floor at $18 for two years or until further Commission action is taken.
    Chairman Pai
    Commissioner Clyburn
    Commissioner O'Rielly
  • 5/3/2017
    New NY Broadband Program FAQs Public Notice: WCB announces that it has posted answers to Frequently Asked Questions regarding the allocation of Connect America Phase II support in partnership with New York State's New NY Broadband program.
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  • 4/21/2017
    Capital Investment Allowance Construction Limit Order on Recon: The Commission grants a Petition for Reconsideration filed by NTCA,The Rural Broadband Association of the Commission's average per-location, per-project construction limitation on universal service support provided for in the Rate of Return Reform Order.
    Chairman Pai
    Commissioner Clyburn
    Commissioner O'Rielly
  • 4/4/2017
    FairPoint Communications, Inc. Petition Public Notice: WCB seeks comment on a petition filed by FairPoint Communications, Inc., seeking waiver of section 54.312(c) of the Commission's rules.
  • 3/29/2017
    Puerto Rico Telephone Company, Inc. Comment Public Notice: WCB seeks comment on a petition filed by Puerto Rico Telephone Company, Inc. seeking a declaratory ruling clarifying whether section 54.320(d)(2) of the Commission's rules applies to recipients of Connect America Fund Phase I Round 2 support.
  • 3/29/2017
    Alaska Communications Services Groups, Inc. Public Notice: WCB requests comment on Alaska Communications Services Groups, Inc.'s (ACS) request for clarification whether ACS has an obligation to provide geocodes for CAF-supported locations, and if so, ACS requests a waiver and an extension until Oct. 31, 2018.
  • 3/24/2017
    A-CAM Election Deadline Waiver Order: WCB denies requests by IAMO Telephone Company, Inc. and Montrose Mutual Telephone Company for waiver of the Nov. 1, 2016 deadline for submitting letters electing to receive Alternative Connect America Cost Model support.
  • 3/13/2017
    Sandwich Isles Protective Order: WCB adopts procedures to provide interested parties limited access to proprietary or confidential information filed with respect to the USAC investigation proceeding concerning Sandwich Isles Communications, Inc.
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  • 3/2/2017
    Connect America Phase II Auction Order: The Commission takes another step towards implementing the Connect America Phase II auction in which service providers will compete to receive support of up to $1.98 billion to offer voice and broadband service in unserved high-cost areas.
    Chairman Pai
    Commissioner Clyburn
    Commissioner O'Rielly
  • 2/24/2017
    NTCA and WTA Waiver of CAF Reporting Deadline Order: WCB conditionally grants NTCA and WTA a short-term waiver of the March 1, 2017 deadline for certain CAF recipients to report geo-located broadband information and certifications through the High Cost Universal Service Broadband Portal.
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  • 2/17/2017
    New York Census Block List Public Notice: WCB releases the list of census blocks that have been deemed initially eligible for Connect America Phase II support to be allocated in partnership with New York State's New NY Broadband program.
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  • 2/6/2017
    Sandwich Isles Exclusive License on HI Home Lands Public Notice: WCB seeks comment on the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands' request for guidance regarding Sandwich Isle's execlusive license and whether it conflicts with Section 253(a) of the Communications Act.
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  • 1/24/2017
    Alternative Connect America Cost Model Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau authorizes 182 rate-of-return companies that elected 217 revised offers of Alternative Connect America Cost Model (A-CAM) support to receive model-based support.
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  • 12/21/2016
    Alaska Plan RoR Authorization Support Public Notice: In accordance with the Alaska Plan Order, WCB approves the individualized performance obligations and authorizes support amounts for 13 Alaskan rate-of-return carriers.
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  • 12/20/2016
    A-CAM Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking: The Commission adopts measures to address the significant demand for Alternative Connect America Cost Model (A-CAM) support.
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  • 12/20/2016
    A-CAM Authorization Public Notice: Consistent with the A-CAM Revised Offer Order, WCB authorizes 35 companies that elected 45 offers of A-CAM support to receive support pursuant to existing elections and announces 228 revised offers of A-CAM support for remaining companies.
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  • 12/20/2016
    Sandwich Isles Public Notice: Pursuant to the Sandwich Isles Improper Payments Order, WCB seeks comment on the continued applicability of the 2005 study area boundary waiver granted to Sandwich Isles, Inc.
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  • 12/19/2016
    Connect America Phase I Round 2 Public Notice: Reminds recipients of such support that they must complete deployment of broadband-capable infrastructure to all required locations and be offering service meeting the Commission's requirements for Phase I within three years.
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  • 12/14/2016
    Frontier Updated Census Blocks List Public Notice: WCB Announces Deadline for Existing Providers to Notify Frontier That They Serve Census Blocks That Frontier Proposes to Serve with Connect America Phase I Incremental Support.
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  • 12/12/2016
    RBE Authorization Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau authorizes rural broadband experiment support for Lake County, Minnesota d/b/a Lake Connections, for the relevant winning bid, which is estimated to bring new broadband service to 845 census blocks.
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  • 12/8/2016
    High-Cost Broadband Portal Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau provides guidance to Connect America Fund recipients regarding their obligation to report geo-located broadband information and make service milestone certifications to the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC).
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  • 12/6/2016
    High-Cost Broadband Portal Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau provides guidance to Connect America Fund recipients regarding their obligation to report geo-located broadband information and make service milestone certifications to the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC).
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  • 11/15/2016
    Rate-of-Return Corrections Public Notice: WCB announces the posting of revised information on study area density, operating expense limitations, and deployment percentages and obligations for certain incumbent Rate-of-Return carriers under the high-cost Universal Service legacy funding mechanisms.
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  • 11/9/2016
    NECA Average Schedule HCLS Company Formula Order: WCB approves National Exchange Carrier Association, Inc.'s annual average schedule company high-cost loop support (HCLS) formula modifications submitted for Commission review.
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  • 11/2/2016
    A-CAM Announcement Public Notice: WCB announces that 216 rate-of-return companies have submitted letters electing 274 separate offers of Alternative Connect America Cost Model (A-CAM) support in 43 states.
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  • 10/31/2016
    A-CAM Corrected Offer Public Notice: WCB announces corrected offers of Alternative Connect America Cost Model (A-CAM) support, listed in the attachment, to the companies affected by the Bureau's technical correction to A-CAM announced in a Public Notice on Oct. 28, 2016.
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  • 10/31/2016
    A-CAM Order on Reconsideration and Memorandum & Opinion Order: The Commission resolves two pending matters regarding data utilized in the final version of the Alternative Connect America Cost Model (A-CAM) for purposes of calculating the offers of model-based support to rate-of-return carriers.
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  • 10/31/2016
    ACS Phase II Service Obligations Order: Adopts tailored service obligations for Alaska Communications Systems, a carrier serving a non-contiguous area that elected to receive nearly $20 million annually in Connect America Phase II frozen support amounts in lieu of model-based support.
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  • 10/28/2016
    Technical Correction To Alternative Connect America Cost Model Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau announces it has made a technical correction to the Alternative Connect America Cost Model (A-CAM) that affects only the 32 carriers listed in the attachment to the Public Notice.
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  • 10/26/2016
    SureWest Memorandum Opinion and Order: Denies an application for review filed by SureWest Telephone of a decision by the Wireline Competition Bureau denying SureWest's request for waiver of the state certification deadline required by section 54.314(d) of the Commission's rules
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  • 10/25/2016
    Rate of Return Budget Control Mechanism Public Notice: : The Wireline Competition Bureau announces the posting of the budget control mechanism calculations for rate-of-return carriers for the period from January 1, 2017 through June 30, 2017.
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  • 10/20/2016
    Steelville and Grand River Waiver Order: : WCB denies two requests for waiver of deadlines that the Commission adopted in the Rate-of-Return Reform Order for filing FCC Form 477 data used in the final version of A-CAM.
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  • 10/20/2016
    ACAM vs BLS Deployment Public Notice: WCB posts information comparing the defined deployment obligations applicable to RoR carriers electing model-based support versus the obligations for RoR carriers remaining on the reformed legacy universal service mechanisms (including CAF-BLS).
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  • 10/13/2016
    New York Waiver Petition Public Notice: Sets Comment Cycle for New York Phase II Auction Waiver Petition.
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  • 10/6/2016
    RoR Deployment Obligations Public Notice: Announces the posting of information regarding the mandatory deployment obligations that will apply to rate-of-return carriers who remain on legacy universal service support mechanisms.
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  • 9/30/2016
    Competitive Overlap Public Notice: Announces the release of a tool to assist carriers in deciding whether to elect the voluntary path to model-based support and an updated version of the study area deployment figure for each individual rate-of-return carrier.
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  • 9/30/2016
    Capital Investment Allowance Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau announces that the Universal Service Administrative Company has published two resources to aid rate-of-return carriers in determining their Capital Investment Allowance (CIA), which sets a maximum for capital investment expenses that a rate-of-return carrier may include for purposes of calculating High-Cost Loop Support (HCLS) and Connect America Fund Broadband Loop Support (CAF BLS). The CIA will first apply to investment made in 2017.
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  • 9/26/2016
    CAF Broadband Loop Support Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau announces that the Office of Management and Budget has approved, pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction Act, revisions to FCC Forms 507, 508, and 509 to implement Connect America Fund Broadband Loop Support.
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  • 9/23/2016
    CenturyLink Phase I Notification Process Public Notice: Announces deadline for existing providers to notify CenturyLink that they serve census blocks that CenturyLink proposes to serve with Connect America Phase I Incremental Support.
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  • 9/21/2016
    Mutual-Winnebago Study Area Waiver Order: Grants a joint petition from Mutual Telephone Company and Winnebago Cooperative Telecom for waiver of the Commission's study area boundary freeze.
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  • 9/21/2016
    A-CAM Waiver Order: Denies a request for waiver of certain limitations regarding eligibility for A-CAM support, as well as two requests for waiver of the deadlines adopted by the Commission for filing FCC Form 477 data used in the final version of A-CAM.
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  • 9/19/2016
    FCC Form 508 PRA Public Notice: Announces that all carriers will be required to file with USAC forecasted cost and revenue data for the first six months of 2017 on October 1, 2016.
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  • 9/19/2016
    FCC Form 477 Deployment Percentage Public Notice: Announces the weighted average broadband deployment for all rate-of-return carriers and the relevant deployment figure for each individual carrier based on the December 2015 Form 477 data.
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  • 9/12/2016
    RBE Big Bend-NRS Authorization Public Notice: Authorizes Big Bend Telecom and Northeast Rural Services to receive a total of $1,043,129.43 in rural broadband experiment support to bring new broadband service to 135 census blocks in Texas and Oklahoma.
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  • 9/7/2016
    Frontier Phase I Census Block Modification Public Notice: WCB Announces Deadline for Existing Providers to Notify Frontier that they Serve Census Blocks that Frontier Proposes to Serve With Connect America Phase I Incremental Support.
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  • 8/31/2016
    NECA's 2017 Modification of Avg Sch HCLS Formula Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comments on NECA's 2017 Modification of the Average Schedule Company Universal Service High Cost Loop Support Formula.
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  • 8/22/2016
    RBE AFR-PFR Memorandum Opinion and Order: Denies challenges to the Wireline Competition Bureau's Rural Broadband Experiments Waiver Order, which denied certain requests for waiver of the post-selection review obligation to submit three years of audited financial statements.
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  • 8/15/2016
    RBE Petition for Reconsideration Waiver Order: Addresses several challenges to the rural broadband experiments post-selection requirements.
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  • 8/15/2016
    A-CAM Correction Public Notice: Releases, with only minor technical corrections, the reports showing the model-based Connect America support amounts offered to rate-of-return carriers originally released on August 3, 2016.
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  • 8/10/2016
    CAF Phase II Preliminary Eligible Census Blocks List Public Notice: Announces the release of a preliminary list and map of census blocks that have been deemed initially eligible for the Connect America Phase II auction.
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  • 8/10/2016
    ASTAC Reconsideration Denial Order: Denies ASTAC Wireless LLC's Petition for Reconsideration of a Wireline Competition Bureau order denying ASTAC's waiver request of filing deadlines set forth in section 54.307(c) of the Commission's rules.
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  • 8/3/2016
    A-CAM Offer Public Notice: Announces the release of the final version of the Alternative Connect America Cost Model and the offers of model-based support to rate-of-return carriers to fund the deployment of voice and broadband-capable networks in their service territories.
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  • 7/25/2016
    A-CAM Challenge Order: Concludes the Alternative Connect America Cost Model (A-CAM) streamlined challenge process.
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  • 7/21/2016
    Big Bend RBE Ready to Authorize Public Notice: Announces that it the Bureau is ready to authorize rural broadband experiment support for Big Bend Telecom.
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  • 7/20/2016
    Allband Order and Order on Review: Denies Allband's Further Waiver Request and requires that Allband revise its cost accounting practices to be consistent with Commission rules.
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  • 6/29/2016
    Rate-of-Return Budget Mechanism Public Notice: Announces the date for implementation of the budget control mechanism for rate-of-return carriers for 2016.
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  • 6/17/2016
    ACS Phase I Incremental Waiver Denial Order: Denies a petition filed by ACS for waiver of the requirement that a carrier accepting Connect America Phase I incremental support deploy 4 Mbps downstream/1 Mbps upstream service to one unserved location for every $775 in support accepted.
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  • 6/17/2016
    2016 NECA HCLS Further Modification Order: Approves modifications proposed by the National Exchange Carrier Association to the formula used to calculate universal service HCLS for 2016.
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  • 6/17/2016
    Bretton Woods Denial Order: Denies Bretton Woods Telephone Company, Inc.'s petition seeking to adjust total housing unit data to be utilized in calculating its operating expense limitation adopted in the Rate-of-Return Reform Order.
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  • 6/15/2016
    Rate-of-Return Clarification Order: Addresses and clarifies several matters arising from implementation of the Rate-of-Return Reform Order.
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  • 6/8/2016
    U.S. Cellular Filing Deadline Memorandum Opinion & Order: Denies an application for review filed by USCOC of Cumberland, Inc. and Hardy Cellular Telephone Company (U.S. Cellular), of a Wireline Competition Bureau decision denying a request for waiver of universal service high-cost support filing deadlines.
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  • 6/3/2016
    RBE Ready to Authorize Public Notice: Grants Northeast Rural Services, Inc.'s (NRS) motion to withdraw certain census blocks; waives the ETC deadline for Lake Connections; and announces that the Bureau is ready to authorize both to receive RBE support.
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  • 6/3/2016
    CAF Phase I Public Notice: Provides guidance to Connect America Fund Phase I Incremental Support recipients regarding validation of compliance.
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  • 5/31/2016
    WCB Announces OMB Approval of FCC Form 481 Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Announces Approval of FCC Form 481 by the Office of Management and Budget.
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  • 5/26/2016
    Rural Broadband Report & Order: Adopts rules to implement a competitive bidding process for Phase II of the Connect America Fund.
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  • 5/23/2016
    Mutual Telco and Winnebago Coop Study Area Waiver Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on the joint petition of Mutual Telephone Company of Sioux Center, Iowa d/b/a Premier Communications and Winnebago Cooperative Telecom Association for waiver of the definition of "study area."
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  • 5/19/2016
    NECA's 2016 Further Modification of Average Schedule HCLS Formula Public Notice: : Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comments on NECA's 2016 Further Modification of the Average Schedule Company Universal Service High Cost Loop Support Formula.
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  • 5/4/2016
    RBE Authorization Public Notice: Authorizes New Lisbon Broadband and Communications to receive $ 37,695.60 in rural broadband experiment support to bring new broadband service to seven census blocks in Indiana.
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  • 5/4/2016
    NCUC Redefinition Public Notice: Seeks comment on a petition by the North Carolina Utilities Commission seeking FCC agreement with redefinition of a rural telephone company's service area.
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  • 5/3/2016
    Rate-of-Return Density Data Announcement Public Notice: Announces the release of rate-of-return study area density data.
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  • 5/2/2016
    BPS and AT&T Study Area Waiver Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on the joint petition of BPS Telephone Company (BPS) and AT&T Services, Inc., on behalf of its affiliate Southwestern Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Missouri for waiver of the definition of "study area".
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  • 4/25/2016
    South Dakota PUC Report & Order: Granted request of South Dakota PUC to withdraw service area redefinition petition.
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  • 4/20/2016
    MTAW Order on Reconsideration: Denies MTAW's petition for reconsideration, concluding that it failed to present any argument warranting reconsideration of the Bureau's decision to deny MTAW's petition for waiver of the relevant high-cost filing deadline.
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  • 4/20/2016
    Mid-Tex Order on Reconsideration: Denies Mid-Tex's petition for reconsideration, concluding that it failed to present any argument warranting reconsideration of the Bureau's decision to deny Mid-Tex's petition for waiver of the relevant high-cost filing deadline.
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  • 4/20/2016
    OTZ Telecom, ASTAC & Pine Cellular Waiver Order: Denies petitions for waiver of various high-cost universal service support filing deadlines, finding that all three carriers have failed to demonstrate good cause warranting grant of the requested waivers.
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  • 4/20/2016
    Advantage Order on Reconsideration: Denies Advantage's petition for reconsideration, concluding it failed to present any argument warranting reconsideration of the Bureau's decision to deny Advantage's petition for waiver of the relevant high-cost line count filing deadlines.
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  • 4/14/2016
    Form 477 RoR Carrier Study Areas Public Notice: Announces the release of a data set showing updates to the Form 477 filing made by non-incumbent providers between February 19 and March 30, 2016 for broadband deployment data as of June 2015.
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  • 4/11/2016
    Frontier CA-TX Phase II Authorization Public Notice: Authorizes Frontier Communications Corporation to receive Connect America Phase II model-based support for the states of California and Texas in the areas served by former Verizon Communications Inc. subsidiaries.
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  • 4/8/2016
    Osirus-Huron Mountain Dismissal Order: Dismisses as moot petitions filed by Osirus Communications and Huron Mountain Communications for waiver of the Commission's rules to participate in NECA pools and tariffs and to obtain accelerated USF support.
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  • 4/7/2016
    ACAM v2.2 Release Public Notice: Announces the release of a new version of the Alternative Connect America Cost Model, v2.2, as well as illustrative results, and commences the challenge process for competitive coverage.
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  • 4/5/2016
    2016 Urban Rate Survey Public Notice: Announces the 2016 rate floor for incumbent eligible telecommunications carriers and reasonable comparability benchmarks for fixed voice and broadband services.
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  • 3/31/2016
    Rate-of-Return Webinar Public Notice: Announces a webinar for Monday, April 4, 2016, to provide a summary of the recent reforms to the high-cost support mechanisms for rate-of-return carriers.
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  • 3/30/2016
    Rate-of-Return Carriers Reform Order: Adopts significant reforms to place the universal service program on solid footing for the next decade to "preserve and advance" voice and broadband service in areas served by rate-of-return carriers.
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  • 3/22/2016
    FCC Form 481 Protective Order: Revises the Protective Order governing the filing of and access to FCC Form 481 financial information filed by privately held rate-of-return carriers to streamline the procedures for submitting filings with the Commission and significantly reducing burden on filers.
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  • 3/4/2016
    PRT Phase I Round 2 Modification Public Notice: Announces the deadline by which providers must notify PRT if they serve census blocks that PRT has proposed to serve with CAF Phase I Round 2 incremental support.
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  • 2/29/2016
    ITC-Qwest Study Area Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on the joint petition of Interstate Telecommunications Cooperative, Inc. (ITC) and Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink for waiver of the definition of "study area".
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  • 2/24/2016
    RBE Ready to Authorize Public Notice: Announces that it the Bureau is ready to authorize rural broadband experiment support for New Lisbon Broadband and Communications, LLC.
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  • 2/17/2016
    NEP Relinquishment Order: Approves a request filed by NEP Cellcorp, Inc. to relinquish its eligible telecommunications carrier designation in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
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  • 2/17/2016
    A-CAM Illustrative Results Public Notice: Announces the release of additional illustrative results for the Alternative Connect America Cost Model v2.1, utilizing input values reflecting a 9.75 percent cost of money.
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  • 2/1/2016
    EBP Denial Order: Denies a petition filed by Electric Power Board of Chattanooga (EPB) for waiver and extension of the ETC designation deadline and removes EPB from further consideration for rural broadband experiments support.
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  • 1/12/2016
    RBE Authorization Public Notice: Authorizes Skybeam, LLC, to receive over $500,000 in rural broadband experiment support to bring new broadband service to 265 census blocks in Iowa.
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  • 12/17/2015
    A-CAM v2.1 Public Notice: Announces the release of the Alternative Connect America Cost Model (A-CAM) v2.1 and illustrative results.
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  • 12/14/2015
    100 Percent Overlap Final Determination Order: Finds that one study area included in the preliminary determination, Pineville Telephone Company, is subject to a 100 percent overlap by an unsubsidized competitor.
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  • 12/11/2015
    RBE Authorization Public Notice: Authorizes three entities to receive just over $5 million in rural broadband experiment support for four projects to provide service in three states.
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  • 12/7/2015
    Allband Interim Waiver Extension Order: Extends a waiver previously granted to Allband Communications Cooperative for an additional six months until the earlier of either June 30, 2016 or the date on which further action is taken on the pending waiver request.
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  • 11/12/2015
    RBE Authorizations Public Notice: Authorizes four entities to receive just over $16 million in rural broadband experiment support for nine projects to provide service in five states.
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  • 11/6/2015
    CAF Phase II Challenge Process Order: Grants an application for review filed by Co-Mo Comm Inc. and United Services Inc. seeking review of the Wireline Competition Bureau's Connect America Phase II Challenge Process Resolution Order.
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  • 11/4/2015
    Madison Telephone Application for Review Order: The Commission affirms the Wireline Competition Bureau's conclusion that Madison Telephone (Madison) did not demonstrate good cause for waiver and denies Madison's Application for Review.
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  • 11/4/2015
    NDTC and Midstate Study Area Waiver Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau) seeks comment on the joint petition of North Dakota Telephone Company (NDTC) and Midstate Communications, Inc. (Midstate) (together, Petitioners) for waiver of the definition of "study area."
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  • 10/23/2015
    NECA Average Schedule Company HCLS Formula Order: Approved the National Exchange Carrier Association's proposed annual average schedule company high-cost loop support formula modifications for 2016.
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  • 10/8/2015
    A-CAM Version 2.0 Public Notice: Announces the release of the Alternative Connect America Cost Model (A-CAM) v2.0 and results illustrating how different per-location funding caps used in calculating support impact the potential support calculated for a particular study area.
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  • 9/29/2015
    BARC & NRS Ready to Authorize Public Notice: BARC Electric Cooperative and Northeast Rural Services, Inc. Must Submit Letters of Credit and Legal Counsel's Opinion Letters by October 14, 2015.
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  • 9/28/2015
    NRS RBE Letter of Credit Waiver Order: Granted the request for an extension of time for Northeast Rural Services, Inc. (NRS) to obtain a commitment letter for a letter of credit (LOC), as required for the Connect America rural broadband experiments.
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  • 9/25/2015
    BARConnects ETC Designation Order: Grants the petition filed by BARConnects, LLC seeking designation as an eligible telecommunications carrier (ETC) for 64 census blocks in Virginia.
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  • 9/15/2015
    RBE Ready to Authorize Public Notice: Announces that 13 provisionally selected bids in eight states are ready to be authorized to receive rural broadband experiments support.
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  • 9/11/2015
    RBE First Step-NRS Authorization Public Notice: Authorizes two entities to receive just over $1 million in rural broadband experiment support for five projects to provide service in three states.
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  • 8/31/2015
    Phase II Transitions Public Notice: Provides direction to USAC regarding the calculation of the transition payments to price cap carriers electing model-based support in states where that support is less than their Phase I frozen support.
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  • 8/31/2015
    A-CAM v1.1 Public Notice: Announces the release of A-CAM v1.1 and illustrative results showing how different per-location funding caps used in calculating support impact the potential support calculated for a particular study area.
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  • 8/28/2015
    Verizon Phase II Support Conditional Acceptance Public Notice: Announces that Verizon conditionally accepted over $48.5M in Phase II support in California and Texas and directs USAC to suspend payment of Verizon's Connect America support in these states for the month of August and thereafter until further notice.
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  • 8/28/2015
    AT&T, CenturyLink, CBT, Consolidated Authorization Public Notice: Authorizes AT&T Services, CenturyLink, Cincinnati Bell, and Consolidated Communications to receive over almost $950 million combined in Connect America Phase II support.
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  • 8/27/2015
    RBSC, Lennon & Last Mile MO&O: Denied AFRs filed by Rural Broadband Services, Lennon Telephone, and Last Mile Broadband seeking review of a WCB order denying their respective petitions for waiver of the rural broadband experiments financial and technical qualification requirements.
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  • 8/25/2015
    NECA's 2016 Proposed Average Schedule Company HCLS Formula Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on the 2016 Modification of the Average Schedule Company HCLS Formula filed by NECA.
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  • 8/24/2015
    A-CAM Census Block Groups Public Notice: WCB Publishes Rural, Suburban, and Urban Census Block Groups in the Alternative Connect America Cost Model.
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  • 8/7/2015
    RBE Authorizations Public Notice: Authorizes four entities to receive just over $11 million in rural broadband experiment support for ten projects to provide service in five states.
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  • 8/5/2015
    Windstream CAF Phase II Authorization Public Notice: Authorizes Windstream Corporation to receive over $174 million in Connect America Phase II support to locations in 17 states.
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  • 7/29/2015
    100 Percent Overlap Public Notice: Adopts the methodology used to determine rate-of-return carrier study areas subject to 100 percent overlap and publishes a preliminary list of such study areas using the adopted methodology.
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  • 7/29/2015
    A-CAM Next Steps Public Notice: WCB Announces Upcoming Modifications to the Alternative Connect America Cost Model.
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  • 7/23/2015
    Forbearance Census Blocks Public Notice: Releases the list of census blocks where price cap carriers continue to have the ETC obligation to provide voice service and refreshes the record on pending issues related to ETC designations and obligations in areas served by price cap carriers.
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  • 6/29/2015
    Allband Order: Directs the USAC to undertake certain factual inquiries and on an interim basis extends a waiver previously granted to Allband Communications Cooperative.
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  • 6/23/2015
    EHC Census Blocks Public Notice: WCB publishes a list of Extremely High-Cost Census Blocks in Price Cap Areas.
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  • 6/17/2015
    FCC Form 481 Protective Order: Adopts a Protective Order in WC Docket No. 14-58.
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  • 6/16/2015
    Frontier Model-Based Phase II Support Authorization Public Notice: Authorizes Frontier Communications Corporation to receive over $283 million in Connect America Phase II support to serve 1.3 million rural Americans in 28 states.
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  • 6/15/2015
    Rural Broadband Experiments Denials Order: Denies a request for extension of time, dismisses as moot two petitions for waivers or extensions of deadlines, and affirmatively removes a provisionally selected bidder from further consideration for rural broadband experiments support.
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  • 6/8/2015
    ACS Phase I Deployment Waiver Order: Grants a petition filed by ACS requesting a limited extension of its July 24, 2015 deadline to complete deployment of broadband services using Connect America Fund Phase I incremental support.
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  • 5/27/2015
    RBE Ready to Authorize Public Notice: Announces that 15 provisionally selected rural broadband experiments bids are ready to be authorized to receive support.
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  • 5/11/2015
    Phase II Eligible Areas Map Public Notice: WCB Announces Availability of Connect America Phase II Eligible Areas Map.
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  • 5/7/2015
    Adak Eagle Enterprises, LLC and Windy City Cellular, LLC Reconsideration Order: Denies Petition for Reconsideration and Application for Review of Adak Eagle Enterprises, LLC and Windy City Cellular, LLC of the Wireline Competition Bureau's and Wireless Telecommunications Bureau's denial of WCC's and AEE's requests that the Commission.
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    O'Rielly and Clyburn Joint Statement
  • 5/5/2015
    A-CAM Study Area Boundary Map Revisions Public Notice: Announces the publishing of a revised A-CAM study area map.
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  • 4/29/2015
    Model-Based Support Offers Public Notice: Announces the offers of model-based Phase II Connect America support to price cap carriers to fund the deployment of voice and broadband-capable networks in their service territories.
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  • 4/28/2015
    BARConnects ETC Petition Public Notice: Seeks comment on a petition filed by BARConnects seeking designation as an eligible telecommunications carrier for the rural broadband experiments.
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  • 4/16/2015
    2015 Urban Rate Survey Voice Public Notice: WCB Announces Results of 2015 Urban Rate Survey.
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  • 4/16/2015
    Thumb Cellular Appeal Order: Grants a request filed by Thumb Cellular, LLC seeking review of a USAC decision to recalculate high-cost support.
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  • 4/10/2015
    ACAM Study Area Boundary Map Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau publishes a map of study areas for use in Alternative Connect America Cost Model.
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  • 3/30/2015
    Connect America Phase II Challenge Process Resolution Order: This Order concludes the Connect America Phase II Challenge Process and announces the final status designation for all challenged census blocks.
    Word PDF Appendix A
  • 3/30/2015
    ACS Phase I Deployment Modifications Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau announces deadline for existing providers to notify Alaska Communications Systems that they serve census blocks that Alaska Communications Systems proposes to serve with Connect America Phase I Incremental Support.
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  • 3/16/2015
    ACAM Updated Illustrative Results Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Releases Updated Report For Alternative Connect America Cost Model Version 1.0.1.
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  • 3/6/2015
    ACAM Illustrative Results Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Releases Alternative Connect America Cost Model Version 1.0.1 and Illustrative Results for Potential Use in Rate-Of-Return Areas.
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  • 3/4/2015
    RBE Additional Provisionally Selected Bidders Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Announces Additional Provisionally Selected Bidders For Rural Broadband Experiments and Sets Deadlines for Submission of Additional Information.
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  • 3/3/2015
    RBE Next-In-Line Waiver Order: Denied 4 requests for waiver of the Rural Broadband Experiments "next-in-line" requirements and removed two additional entities from further consideration.
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  • 2/23/2015
    Puerto Rico Telephone Company, Inc. and Hawaiian Telcom, Inc. Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau announces deadline for existing providers to notify Puerto Rico Telephone Company or Hawaiian Telcom, Inc. that they serve Census Blocks that the Price Cap Carriers propose to serve with Connect America Phase I Incremental Support.
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    PRT Census Blocks
    HTI CAF Phase I - Census Blocks Location Info
  • 2/13/2015
    RBE Census Blocks and FAQs Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau releases the list of census blocks that will be removed from the offer of model-based support and updates the rural broadband experiments FAQs.
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    Census Blocks
  • 2/4/2015
    NTCA Letter of Credit Public Notice: WCB Seeks Comment On NTCA's Emergency Petition for Limited Waiver of RBE Letter of Credit Bank Eligibility Requirements; Also Seeks Comment More Generally on Bank Eligibility Requirements for Connect America Phase II Competitive Bidding Process.
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  • 2/3/2015
    RBE Next-in-Line Entities Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Announces Entities Under Consideration As Next-In-Line Bidders For Rural Broadband Experiments Support.
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  • 1/30/2015
    Alliance of Rural Broadband Applicants' Public Notice: WCB Seeks Comment on the Alliance of Rural Broadband Applicants' Petition For Limited Waiver of Certain RBE Letter of Credit Requirements; Also Seeks Comment More Generally on Letter of Credit Proposals for CAF Phase II Competitive Bidding Process.
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  • 1/30/2015
    Rural Broadband Experiments Waiver Order: 14 requests for waiver of RBE financial info requirement, removed one entity from further consideration, denied two requests for waiver of the technical info requirement, denied request to delay the deadline to file the LOC commitment letters.
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  • 1/29/2015
    Default Comment Cycle Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Reminds Interested Parties That the Default Comment Cycle Applies to Universal Service High Cost Waiver Requests, Petitions For Reconsideration, and Applications For Review Unless a PN is Issued With Alternative Comment Dates.
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  • 1/28/2015
    AT&T Election Modification Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Announces Deadline for Existing Providers to Notify AT&T That They Serve Census Blocks That AT&T Proposes to Serve With Connect America Phase I Incremental Support.
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  • 1/23/2015
    National Rural Utilities Cooperative Finance Corporation Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Seeks Comment on the National Rural Utilities Cooperative Finance Corporation and the Rural Telephone Finance Cooperative's Petition for Waiver of the Rural Broadband Experiments Letter of Credit Bank Eligibility Requirements.
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  • 1/23/2015
    Rural Broadband Experiments Letter of Credit Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Reminds Provisionally Selected Rural Broadband Experiments Bidders of Letter of Credit Requirements.
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  • 12/23/2014
    Rural Broadband Experiments Funding Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Announces Additional Rural Broadband Experiments Funding and Seeks Comment on Petitions for Waiver.
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  • 12/22/2014
    CAM Version 4.2 Alternative Cost Model Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Announces Availability of Version 4.2 of the Connect America Phase II Cost Model and the First Version of an Alternative Cost Model Being Developed for Potential Use In Rate-of-Return Areas.
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  • 12/22/2014
    Rural Associations and USTelecom Dismissal Order: Dismissed petitions for reconsideration of the April 2014 Connect America Order/FNPRM filed by the NECA, NTCA, Eastern Rural Telecom Association, and WTA (Rural Associations) and USTelecom.
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  • 12/18/2014
    Rural Broadband Experiments Interested Bidders Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Announces Deadline for Bidders Interested in Remaining Under Consideration for Rural Broadband Experiments Support to File Additional Information.
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  • 12/16/2014
    2015 NECA Average Schedule HCLS Formula Order: Approved the annual average schedule company high-cost loop support (HCLS) formula modifications submitted by the National Exchange Carrier Association, Inc.
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  • 12/5/2014
    Rural Broadband Experiments Selected Bidders Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Announces Entities Provisionally Selected for Rural Broadband Experiments; Sets Deadlines For Submission Of Additional Information.
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  • 12/2/2014
    Panora and Prairie Study Area Waiver Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a joint petition filed by Panora Communications Cooperative and Prairie Telephone Co., Inc. for waiver of the definition of "study area.
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  • 11/20/2014
    CenturyLink and Willard Study-Area Waiver Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a joint petition filed by Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC and Willard Telephone Company, Inc. for waiver of the definition of "study area."
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  • 11/18/2014
    USTelecom URS Extension Order: Granting United States Telecom Association's request for extension of time of the due date of the Urban Rates Survey to December 17, 2014.
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  • 11/10/2014
    Madison Telephone Company Order:Denied a petition filed by Madison Telephone Company for a waiver of the Commission's rules, which require an ETC that opts to establish a calendar quarter index year expense adjustment for Safety Valve Support to make filings on a quarterly basis.
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  • 10/28/2014
    Broadband Comparability Order: Adopted a methodology that will be used annually to develop reasonable comparability benchmarks for fixed broadband services offered to residential and small business customers, using the data from the annual urban rate survey.
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  • 10/16/2014
    CAF Performance Measures Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, and Office of Engineering and Technology Seek Comment on Proposed Methodology for CAF Recipients to Measure and Report Speed and Latency Performance to Fixed Locations.
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  • 10/16/2014
    Rural Broadband Experiments Filing Window Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Announces Date for Opening of Rural Broadband Experiments Application Filing Window and Final Deadline for Applications.
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  • 10/7/2014
    Rural Broadband Experiments Usage Allowance Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Provides Information Regarding Usage Allowance and Pricing to Assist Applicants for Rural Broadband Experiments.
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  • 10/3/2014
    Nemont USAC Audit Appeal Order: Denied a request filed by Nemont Telephone Cooperative, Inc. and its subsidiary Project Telephone Company seeking review of a decision of the Universal Service Administrative Company to recover federal universal service fund high-cost support.
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  • 10/3/2014
    Consolidated Enventis Order: Addressed several universal service issues associated with the pending acquisition by Consolidated Communications Holdings, Inc. of Eventis Corporation.
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  • 9/26/2014
    Challenge Process Replies Public Notice: Replies Sought in Connect America Phase II Challenge Process.
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  • 9/26/2014
    Rural Broadband Experiments Forms Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Announces Further Details Regarding The Rural Broadband Experiments.
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  • 9/25/2014
    Latitude Longitude Due Date Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Announces Deadlines for Connect America Phase I Round Two.
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  • 9/22/2014
    ETS Public Notice:Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by ETS Telephone Company, Inc. (ETS) for waiver of the definition of the study area boundary rules codified in part 36 of the Commission's rules.
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  • 9/15/2014
    Universal Service Fund Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Streamlined Process for Resolving Requests for Review of Decisions by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
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  • 9/3/2014
    Denial of Motion by Competitive Carriers Association Order: Denied a request for an extension of time to file reply comments in the Commission's universal service and intercarrier compensation rulemaking proceeding, filed by the Competitive Carriers Association.
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  • 9/2/2014
    2015 High-Cost Loop Formula Modification Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on the 2015 Modification of the Average Schedule Company HCLS Formula filed by NECA.
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  • 8/29/2014
    CAF Map Update Public Notice: Commission publishes additional resources regarding areas potentially eligible for Connect America Funding.
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  • 8/25/2014
    Kennebec Telephone Company, Inc. Order: Denied a petition filed by Kennebec Telephone Company, Inc. for a waiver of the Commission's high-cost benchmarks for 2014.
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  • 8/20/2014
    High-Cost Backlog Dismissal Order: Dismissed as moot numerous petitions where the issues raised therein were addressed in the USF/ICC Transformation Order and FNPRM, or the relief requested is no longer relevant in light of the regulatory changes included in that order.
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  • 8/19/2014
    Rural Broadband Experiments Application Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau outlines the process that will be used to award up to $100 million in rural broadband experiment support to bring next-generation voice and broadband service to high-cost areas of the country.
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  • 8/12/2014
    Adak Interrogatory Letter: Windy City Cellular, LLC Petition for Waiver of Section 54.302 of the Commission's Rules, WC Docket No. 10-90 and WT Docket No. 10-208 and Adak Eagle Enterprises, LLC Petition for Waiver of Section 54.302 of the Commission's Rules, WC Docket No. 10-90 and WT Docket No. 10-208.
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  • 8/11/2014
    ACA-NCTA Order: Dismissed and, as separate and independent grounds, denied a petition filed by ACA and NCTA requesting reconsideration of the Wireline Competition Bureau's Phase II Challenge Process Guidance Public Notice.
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  • 8/11/2014
    Aventure Order: Denied Aventure request for review because the free conference service carrier lines are not eligible for support under section 54.307.
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  • 7/28/2014
    ETC Billing Address Order: Resolving appeals of eight petitioners related to the requirement that competitive eligible telecommunications carriers provide a customer billing address in order to receive support under section 54.307 of the Commission's rules.
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  • 7/25/2014
    Census Blocks List Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Releases List of Census Blocks Eligible For Rural Broadband Experiments and Announces Enhancements to Map Depicting Initial Phase II Eligible Areas.
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  • 7/22/2014
    FairPoint-Steelville Order: Granting petitions filed by FairPoint Communications Missouri, Inc. and Steelville Telephone Exchange, Inc. for a waiver of section 54.313(h) of the Commission's rules.
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  • 7/15/2014
    ETS Skyline Extension Order: Granting a 60-day extension of the deadline for ETS to file a study area waiver request.
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  • 7/14/2014
    Rural Broadband Experiments Order: Launches Rural Broadband Expansion Experiments; Applicants Will Compete to Deploy High-Performing Service at Lower Cost
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    Wheeler Statement
    Clyburn Statement
    Rosenworcel Statement
    Pai Statement
    O'Rielly Statement
  • 6/30/2014
    Challenge Process Commencement Public Notice:Begins the Connect America Phase II challenge process to determine what areas are served by an unsubsidized competitor, giving parties until August 14, 2014, to file challenges.
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  • 6/20/14
    Challenge Process Clarification Public Notice: Providing guidance regarding upcoming Connect America Phase II challenge process.
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  • 6/17/14
    CAM 10Mbps Illustrative Results Public Notice: Announcing the release of the Connect America Cost Model Sample Results Using Higher Speed Benchmark.
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  • 6/10/2014
    CAF Omnibus FNPRM and Order: Released Omnibus Order, Declaratory Ruling, and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to continue the implementation of the landmark Connect America reforms unanimously adopted by the Commission in 2011 to modernize universal service for the 21st century.
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    Wheeler Statement
    Clyburn Statement
    Rosenworcel Statement
    O'Rielly Statement
  • 6/4/2014
    Penasco Valley & Mescalero Apache Study Area Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a joint petition filed by Penasco Valley Telephone Cooperative, Inc. and Mescalero Apache Telecom, Inc. for waiver of the Commission's study area boundary freeze.
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  • 6/3/2014
    ETS Telephone Company (formerly Kingsgate Telephone) Study Area Order: Granted in part and denied in part a petition filed by ETS Telephone Company, Inc.
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  • 5/2/2014
    USAC Record Retention Letter: Letter providing guidance on Universal Service Administrative Company's outstanding policy questions related to the universal service high-cost support mechanism, regarding document retention requirements and income taxes attributable to S corporations.
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  • 5/1/2014
    5-Year Plan Filing Waiver Order: Waived the requirement that price cap eligible telecommunications carriers receiving frozen or incremental support file new five-year build-out plans by July 1, 2014.
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  • 4/25/2014
    Connect America Cost Model Results Public Notice: : Released results for the adopted Connect America Cost Model, as well as a list of census blocks that would be eligible for the offer of model-base support, subject to the outcome of the Phase II challenge process.
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  • 4/22/2014
    Connect America Cost Model Order: : Finalized decisions regarding the engineering assumptions in the Connect America Cost Model (CAM) and adopted inputs necessary for the model to calculate the cost of serving census blocks in price cap areas.
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  • 4/17/2014
    Connect America Fund Public Notice: : Announced availability of version 4.1.1 of the Connect America Cost Model.
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  • 3/27/2014
    Cordova Wireless Communications and MTA Wireless/Matanuska-Kenai Order: : Granted petitions filed by Cordova Wireless Communications, LLC and MTA Communications, LLC d/b/a MTA Wireless/Matanuska-Kenai, Inc. for waiver of certain rules pertaining to the high-cost universal service support program.
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  • 3/21/2014
    Connect America Model v.4.1 Public Notice: : Announced availability of version 4.1 of the Connect America Cost Model.
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  • 3/21/2014
    Connect America Phase I Round 2 Reconsideration Order: : Granted a petition for partial reconsideration filed by Farmers Telephone Company of a determination in the Connect America Phase I challenge process.
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  • 3/20/2014
    Urban Rates Survey Public Notice: Announced the results of the urban rate survey for fixed voice services, and sought comment on a petition to extend the deadline for compliance with the 2014 rate floor.
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  • 3/18/2014
    Rural Broadband Workshop Final Agenda Public Notice: Final agenda for March 19, 2014 Rural Broadband workshop at FCC Headquarters.
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  • 3/14/2014
    AT&T/Windstream Phase I Modifications Authorization Public Notice: Authorizes over $16.7 million in additional Phase I second round incremental support in response to the modified elections of AT&T and Windstream.
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  • 3/7/2014
    Rural Broadband Workshop Agenda Public Notice: Announces agenda for March 19 Rural Broadband Workshop.
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  • 2/28/2014
    Adak Eagle Enterprises, LLC and Windy City Cellular, LLC Further Extension Order: The Wireless Telecommunications Bureau and the Wireline Competition Bureau extend further limited, interim fixed support in the amount of $33,276 for AEE and $40,104 for WCC monthly, beginning February 2014, for, whichever comes first, a period of no longer than six months or until the Bureaus and/or the Commission complete review of the companies' Petition for Reconsideration and/or Application for Review.
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  • 2/27/2014
    Rural Broadband Workshop Public Notice: Announced, per the Technology Transitions Order, a Rural Broadband Workshop to be held on Wednesday, March 19, 2014 in the Commission Meeting Room.
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  • 2/24/2014
    Dismissing Waiver Deadline Petitions Public Notice: Dismissed four petitions for waiver of various high-cost universal service filing deadline, where petitioners did not, in response to a Public Notice, express to the Commission continuing intent to pursue their petitions.
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  • 2/6/2014
    Census Tracts Public Notice: Released a list of census tracts in price cap areas potentially suitable for targeted technology transitions experiments, with associated potential support amounts, based on Connect America Cost Model v4.0.
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  • 2/6/2014
    Connect America Model v4.0 Illustrative Maps Public Notice: Released maps of illustrative results for Connect America Cost Model Version 4.0.
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  • 1/17/2014
    Windstream Extension Order: Grants Windstream an extension of 7 days to complete and submit Urban Rates Survey.
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  • 1/16/2014
    Frontier Extension Order: Grants Frontier an extension of 7 days to complete and submit Urban Rates Survey.
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  • 1/15/2014
    2014 Benchmarks Public Notice: Released the 2014 HCLS benchmarks.
    Word PDF Benchmarks
  • 1/10/2014
    Adak-Windy City Interim Support Extension Order: Approved limited, interim relief for Adak and Windy City from certain Commission rules governing high-cost universal service support, to provide the companies with limited additional interim support.
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  • 1/10/2014
    Connect America Phase I Challenge Resolution Order: Resolved challenges in the Connect America Phase I challenge process and authorized distribution of approximately $18.7 million in Phase I support.
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  • 1/9/2014
    Study Area Boundary Extension Order: Entends the filing deadlines for carriers certify revised study area to March 17, 2014.
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  • 12/24/2013
    NCTA Application for Review Public Notice: Reminds parties of deadlines for filing oppositions and replies regarding NCTA's Application for Review of the Connect America Phase II Service Obligations Order.
  • 12/18/2013
    NECA Average Schedule Order: Approved the National Exchange Carrier Association's proposed annual average schedule company high-cost loop support formula modifications for 2014.
  • 12/18/2013
    Connect America Cost Model Version 4.0 Illustrative Results Public Notice: Announces that the illustrative results for the Connect America Cost Model Version 4.0, and updated model documentation, are now publicly available.
  • 12/17/2013
    Cordova Wireless Public Notice: Seeking the Commission's agreement with the Regulatory Commission of Alaska redefinition of a certain wire center as a separate service area of Sitka study area of ACS of the Northland, Inc. d/b/a Alaska Communications Systems, ACS Long Distance and ACS (ACS-N).
  • 12/4/2013
    Connect America Model 4.0 Public Notice: Announced that the default inputs for the Connect America Cost Model Version 4.0 are now publicly available.
  • 12/3/2013
    Connect America Fund Phase II Transitions Public Notice: : Seeks to further develop the record on several implementation issues regarding the transition from Connect America Phase I to Phase II.
  • 12/2/2013
    Connect America Phase II Cost Model Version 4.0 Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Announces Availability Of Version 4.0 Of The Connect America Fund Phase II Cost Model And Seeks Comment On Adopting Current Default Inputs In Final Version Of Model.
  • 11/27/2013
    SureWest Telephone Public Notice: Wireline Competion Bureau reminds parties of deadlines for filing oppositions and replies regarding SureWest Telephone's application for review of SureWest High Cost Waiver Order.
  • 11/27/2013
    Alaska Communications Systems Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Reminds Parties of Filing Deadlines Regarding The Alaska Communications Systems Application for Review of paragraph 41 of the Connect America Phase II Service Obligations Order.
  • 11/19/2013
    Deadline Waiver Petition Reduction Public Notice: Seeks to determine parties' continuing interest in several petitions for waiver of various high-cost universal service filing deadlines.
  • 11/18/2013
    MTA Communications and Cordova Wireless Communications LLC Public Notice: Seeking waiver of the line-count filing deadline required by sections 54.307 and 54.802(a) of the Commission's rules for receipt of high-cost universal service support.
  • 11/7/2013
    Madison Telephone Company Public Notice: Seeks comment on Madison Telephone Company's waiver of several high-cost universal service rules in order to receive Safety Valve Support (SVS) for 2005-2013.
  • 10/31/2013
    ACS Hawaiian and PRTC Phase I Round 2 Funding Public Notice: Authorized over $32 million in funding for the second round of Connect America Phase I, in response to elections from ACS, Hawaiian Telecom, and PRTC.
  • 10/30/2013
    Clarification of Connect America Phase I Frozen Support/ ICC Rules Order: Addressed three petitions for clarification or waiver of the Commission's rules concerning obligations of price cap carrier recipients of Connect America Phase I frozen support and transitional ICC-replacement Connect America Fund (CAF ICC) support.
  • 10/30/2013
    Navajo Pillars Telecommunications, Inc. Public Notice: Seeks comment on petition for designation as an eligible telecommunications carrier and related waivers.
  • 10/29/2013
    LSS Petitioners Waiver Order: Granted six carriers' petitions for waiver of the filing deadline for the submission of true-up data used to adjust Local Switching Support under the high-cost universal service support program.
  • 10/29/2013
    SureWest Telephone High Cost Waiver Order: Denied SureWest Telephone's petition for waiver of the filing deadline for the annual state certification that high-cost universal service support is being used only for its intended purposes.
  • 10/28/2013
    USF Implementation Report Deadline Extension Public Notice: Extends the deadline set in the Connect America Sixth Report on Reconsideration for the Bureau to report to the Commission on the progress of universal service reform implementation and the impact of reforms.
  • 10/18/2013
    Connect America Fund Phase II Webinar Recording Public Notice: Announced that audio recordings of Connect America Phase II webinars are available on the Universal Service Administrative Company's website.
  • 9/26/2013
    Billing Records Privacy Public Notice: Reminded parties interested in participating in the Connect America Phase I challenge process about obligations to protect customer privacy.
  • 9/24/2013
    Split Census Blocks Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau emphasizes that Phase I funds may only be spent in price cap study areas. For census blocks split between multiple carriers, a rate of return carrier need not participate in the challenge process merely to state that a portion of a census block falls within its study area.
  • 9/17/2013
    Connect America Phase II Webinar Public Notice: Announces availability on the Commission's website of Wireline Competition Bureau staff presentations in two webinars regarding Connect America Phase II .
  • 9/17/2013
    High-Cost Loop Support Formula Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Seeks Comment on the 2014 Modification of the Average Schedule Company Universal Service High-Cost Loop Support Formula.
  • 8/29/2013
    Connect America Fund Phase II Cost Model Public Notice: Announces the availability of version 3.2 of the CAM (including illustrative results), and seeks comment on certain adjustments to reflect the unique circumstances and operating conditions in the non-contiguous areas of the United States.
  • 8/28/2013
    Connect America Challenge Process Public Notice: Publishes list of census blocks that price cap carriers have requested funding to serve as part of Connect America Phase I Second Round, and announces commencement of Phase I challenge process to determine whether the requested census blocks are unserved.
  • 8/15/2013
    Adak Eagle Enterprises, LLC Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Reminds Parties of Deadline for filing Oppositions and Replies Regarding The Adak Eagle Enterprises, LLC and Windy City Celluar, LLC. Petition for Reconsideration and Applications for Reviews of The Adak/Windy City Waiver Order.
  • 8/13/2013
    Connect America Cost Model's Network Topology Applications Public Notice : Announced availability of processing source code for the Connect America Cost Model's network topology applications.
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  • 8/6/2013
    Eligible Telecommunications Carriers Annual Report Public Notice : Announces deadline of October 15 for ETC annual reports and deadline of December 16 for states and ETCs to file annual use certifications.
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  • 7/29/2013
    South Central Waiver Order: Dismissed without prejudice the petition filed by South Central Telephone Association, Inc. for waiver of the Commission's per line per month support cap and benchmarks rules under the high-cost universal service support program.
  • 7/26/2013
    2014 Rate-of-Return Benchmarks Order: Adopted several measures to provide greater clarity regarding universal service high-cost support amounts that rate-of-return carriers will receive in 2014, with respect to quantile regression analysis and benchmarks.
  • 7/24/2013
    Closing of Cost Model Virtual Workshop Public Notice: Announced the closing of the Wireline Competition Bureau's Connect America Cost Model virtual workshop.
  • 7/19/2013
    Nemont Telephone Cooperative Inc. Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a Request for Review filed by Nemont Telephone Cooperative, Inc. of a decision by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
  • 7/16/2013
    Connect America Fund - Sua Sponte Reconsideration Order: On reconsideration of the Connect America Phase I Order, requires carriers to report updates to planned Phase I deployments, and provides a limited waiver of the deadline for carriers to accept second round Phase I support.
  • 7/15/2013
    Adak Eagle Enterprises & Windy City Cellular Order: Denied the petitions for waiver, filed by Adak Eagle Enterprises and Windy City Cellular, of the Commission's high-cost universal service support rules.
  • 7/10/2013
    AT&T - Cordova Wireless Public Notice: The Bureau seeks comment on three Requests for Review of USAC decisions (two from AT&T, Inc. and the third from Cordova Wireless Communications LLC). The requests all address issues related to the reporting of mobile lines under 47 C.F.R. 54.307(b).
  • 7/9/2013
    CAM Tutorial Video Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau announces the availability of a tutorial video designed to assist parties accessing and utilizing the Connect America Cost Model (CAM) to better understand the structure and inputs contained in the capital expenditures workbook.
  • 6/25/2013
    CAM v3.1.4 Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau announces availability of CAM v3.1.4, along with CAM v3.1.4 illustrative model outputs and updated model methodology documentation.
  • 6/17/2013
    Virtual Workshop Community Anchor Institutions & Business Locations Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau announces the release of two new discussion topics, related to community anchor institutions and business locations, for the Connect America Cost Model virtual workshop.
  • 6/17/2013
    Connect America Cost Model Version 3.1.3 Illustrative Results & Methodology Documentation Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau announces release of illustrative model outputs from running the Connect America Cost Model version 3.1.3, and of model methodology documentation.
  • 6/14/2013
    Windy City Cellular, LLC & Adak Eagle Enterprises, LLC Order: Approved interim relief for Adak Eagle Enterprises, LLC and Windy City Cellular, LLC from certain high-cost rules and provided them with one month of interim support.
  • 6/14/2013
    Silver Star Telephone Company Public Notice: Reminds parties of filing deadlines for oppositions and replies on Silver Star's Application for Review, which requests a change in the data used in the quantile regression analysis model for Silver Star's Idaho and Wyoming study areas.
  • 6/10/2013
    Connect America Fund ETC Reporting Waiver Order: Waived the deadline for eligible telecommunications carriers (ETCs) to file their annual high-cost reports and waived the filing deadline for states and ETCs to file their annual certifications.
  • 6/7/2013
    Connect America Fund Phase II Cost Model Version 3.1.3 Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau announces the availability of version 3.1.3 of the Connect America Cost Model (CAM), which allows Commission staff and interested parties to calculate costs based on a series of inputs and assumptions for Connect America Phase II implementation.
  • 6/4/2013
    Dell Telephone Cooperative Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on an application for review filed by Dell Telephone Cooperative.
  • 6/4/2013
    Connect America Cost Model Version 3.1.2 Illustrative Results Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau announces release of illustrative model outputs from running the Connect America Cost Model version 3.1.2, and model methodology documentation.
  • 5/22/2013
    Connect America Fund Phase I, Round 2 Report and Order: Adopted Report and Order providing for a second round of Connect America Phase I incremental funding in 2013 to further leverage private investment in rural America and accelerate the availability of broadband to consumers who lack access.
  • 5/17/2013
    Matanuska Telephone Association Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by Matanuska Telephone Association for clarification concerning the Wireline Competition Bureau's use of a negative Alaskan CapEx coefficient in its Quantile Regression Mode.
  • 5/17/2013
    Rural Associations Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Announces the Comment Cycle for Oppositions and Replies to the Rural Associations' Petition for Reconsideration of the Commission's 6th Order on Reconsideration and MO&O.
  • 5/17/2013
    Connect America Fund Phase II Version 3.1.2 Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Announces the Release of Connect America Cost Model Version 3.1.2 and Adds New Discussion Topics to Connect America Cost Model Virtual Workshop.
  • 5/16/2013
    Rural Broadband Rate-of-Return Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on options to promote the availability of modern voice and broadband-capable networks in rural areas served by rate-of-return carriers.
  • 5/16/2013
    Connect America Fund Phase II Challenge Process Order: Announces the parameters for the Connect America Phase II challenge process and the process by which price cap carriers may make their state-level commitments under Phase II.
  • 5/10/2013
    Sandwich Isles Order: Denied a petition filed by Sandwich Isles Communications, Inc. for a waiver of the universal service and intercarrier compensation reform rules, including section 54.302 of the Commission rules.
  • 4/30/2013
    Dell and Central Texas Dismissal Order: Dismisses without prejudice high-cost waiver petitions filed by Dell Telephone Cooperative, Inc., Border to Border Communications, Inc. and Central Texas Telephone Cooperative, Inc, because alternative remedies are available through a state process.
  • 4/29/2013
    Connect America Fund Phase II Version 3.1 Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau announces the availability of version 3.1 of the Connect America Cost Model (CAM), which allows Commission staff and interested parties to calculate costs based on a series of inputs and assumptions for Connect America Phase II implementation.
  • 4/25/2013
    Windy City Cellular Company Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by Windy City Cellular Company for waiver of section 54.307 (c) of the Commission's rules.
  • 4/22/2013
    Connect America Cost Model Public Notice: Adopts platform, addressing the design of the network and network engineering, for Connect America Cost Model to estimate forward-looking costs of Connect America Phase II deployment.
  • 4/11/2013
    Connect America Operating Expenses Input Values Topic Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Adds New Discussion Topic to Connect America Cost Model Virtual Workshop.
  • 4/11/2013
    Alaska Communications Systems Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by Alaska Communications Systems for waiver of section 54.313 (c) of the Commission's rules.
  • 4/10/2013
    US Telecom Association Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by US Telecom Association for reconsideration and clarification of certain aspects of section 54.313 of the Commission's rules.
  • 3/29/2013
    Reliance Connects & CenturyLink Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on the Trans-Cascades Telephone Company d/b/a Reliance Connects (Reliance Connects) and CenturyTel of Oregon, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink (CenturyLink) joint petition for waiver of the Commission's study area boundary freeze.
  • 3/26/2013
    High-Cost Loop Support Benchmarks Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau releases updated 2013 high-cost loop support benchmarks, accounting for the changes adopted in the Sixth Order on Reconsideration and making minor corrections to the input variables.
  • 3/11/2013
    Version Three - Connect America Fund Phase II Cost Model: The Wireline Competition Bureau announces the availability of version three of the Connect America Cost Model, which allows Commission staff and interested parties to calculate costs based on a series of inputs and assumptions for Connect America Phase II implementation.
  • 3/5/2013
    United States Telecom Association Order: Clarifies and waives certain aspects of the reporting rules for eligible telecommunications carriers receiving high-cost universal service support.
  • 3/4/2013
    Border to Border Communications Letter: Requests further information from Border to Border Communications, Inc. regarding its petition for waiver of two high-cost universal service support rules.
  • 2/28/2013
    Connect America Cost Model Virtual Workshop Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Adds New Discussion Topic to Connect America Cost Model Virtual Workshop.
  • 2/27/2013
    Connect America Fund Sixth Order on Reconsideration and Memorandum Opinion and Order: Addresses several issues related to the benchmarking rule and other changes made to high-cost universal service support for rate-of-return carriers in the USF/ICC Transformation Order.
    Chairman Genachowski Statement: Word|PDF
    Commissioner McDowell Statement: Word|PDF
    Commissioner Clyburn Statement: Word|PDF
    Commissioner Rosenworcel Statement: Word|PDF
    Commissioner Pai Statement: Word|PDF
  • 2/26/2013
    Connect America Phase II Service Obligations Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on issues related to the service obligations for support recipients and unsubsidized competitors in Phase II of Connect America.
  • 2/22/2013
    Connect America Cost Model Virtual Workshop Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Releases Further Discussion Topics and Seeks Additional Comment In Connect America Cost Model Virtual Workshop.
  • 2/14/2013
    FairPoint Communications Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by FairPoint Communications, Inc. for waiver of certain high-cost universal service rules that are outlined in sections 54.313(c) of the Commission's rules.
  • 2/12/2013
    TelcoMaster Table Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau seeks updates and corrections to TelcoMaster table for the Connect America Cost Model.
  • 2/12/2013
    Virtual Workshop Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau has posted information in the Connect America Cost Model (CACM) virtual workshop describing the differences between the model previously submitted into the record by the ABC Coalition (CQBAT) and version one of CACM, as well as between CACM version one and CACM version two.
  • 2/8/2013
    Connect America Phase II Public Notice: Seeks to further develop the record on issues relating to Connect America Phase II support for price cap carriers serving areas outside of the contiguous United States.
  • 2/1/2013
    West Virginia Rate Floor Waiver Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by the West Virginia Rural Companies: Armstrong Telephone Company – Northern Division, Armstrong Telephone Company – West Virginia, Hardy Telecommunications, Inc. and Spruce Knob Seneca Rocks Telephone, Inc. (WVRC) for a waiver of two high-cost universal service rules.
  • 2/1/2013
    Connect America Cost Model Virtual Workshop Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks public input on additional questions relating to modeling voice capability and Annual Charge Factors (ACFs).
  • 2/1/2013
    SureWest Telephone Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by SureWest Telephone for a waiver of the deadline required by section 54.314(d)(1) and (d)(2) of the Commission's rules for filing a certification to receive high-cost universal service support.
  • 2/1/2013
    Sandwich Isles Communications, Inc. Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by Sandwich Isles Communications for waiver of several high-cost universal service rules, including a waiver of the study area boundary freeze codified in part 36 of the Commission's rules.
  • 1/30/2013
    Accipiter Communications, Inc. Order: Granted a petition filed by Accipiter Communications, Inc. for a limited, temporary waiver of certain rules governing the calculation of high-cost universal service support.
  • 1/29/2013
    2013 HCLS Benchmarks Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau announced the high-cost loop support benchmarks to be used by NECA for 2013.
  • 1/29/2013
    Coral Wireless Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on Coral Wireless's petition for review/waiver regarding a USAC decision that lines must be revenue producing to be eligible for support.
  • 1/29/2013
    Micronesia LSS Deadline Waiver Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by filed by Micronesia Telecommunications Corporation for waiver of section 54.301 (e) of the Commission's rules which sets forth the deadline for certain ILECs to file true-up data with USAC to be eligible to receive local switching support.
  • 1/23/2013
    Wireless Internet Service Providers Association Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau dismisses in part and denies in part an emergency petition for reconsideration/extension of time filed by the Wireless Internet Service Providers Association (WISPA).
  • 1/23/2013
    FairPoint Communications, Inc. Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by filed by FairPoint Communications, Inc. for waiver of section 54.301 (e) of the Commission's rules which sets forth the deadline for certain ILECs to file true-up data with USAC to be eligible to receive local switching support.
  • 1/23/2013
    Consolidated Communications of Fort Bend Company Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by Consolidated Communications of Fort Bend for waiver of section 54.301 (e) of the Commission's rules which sets forth the deadline for certain ILECs to file true-up data with USAC to be eligible to receive local switching support.
  • 1/23/2013
    CenturyLink Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by filed by CenturyLink for waiver of section 54.301 (e) of the Commission's rules which sets forth the deadline for certain ILECs to file true-up data with USAC to be eligible to receive local switching support.
  • 1/22/2013
    Connect America Phase II Public Notice: A summary of the Bureau's Public Notice seeking comment on matters related to Connect America Phase II was published in the Federal Register on January 18, 2013. Comments on the Public Notice are due February 19, 2013, with replies due March 4, 2013.
  • 1/18/2013
    Fairpoint Communications Missouri, Inc. Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by FairPoint Communications Missouri, Inc. for waiver of Section 54.313(h)(1) of the Commission's rules or in the alternative, FairPoint, seeks that the Commission clarify an alleged inconsistency in reporting dates in sections 54.313(h)(1) and 54.318(f)(1).
  • 1/18/2013
    Steelville Telephone Exchange, Inc. Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by Steelville Telephone Exchange, Inc. for waiver of Section 54.313(h)(1) of the Commission's rules. Steelville seeks permission to refile its local rate data to reflect rates that went into effect after June 1.
  • 1/17/2013
    Remote Areas Fund Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau seeks further comment on issues related to the implementation of the Remote Areas Fund.
  • 1/11/2013
    Jordan Soldier Valley Telephone Company Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by Jordan Soldier Valley Telephone Company for a waiver of section 54.301(e)(1) of the Commission's rules which sets the deadline for certain incumbent local exchange carriers to file true-up data to receive LSS.
  • 1/2/2013
    Modifications to Connect America Phase I Comment Cycle Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau announces the comment cycle for Connect America Phase I FNPRM following publication of the FNPRM in the Federal Register. Comments will be due on January 28, 2013 and reply comments will be due on February 11, 2013.


Accipiter Communications, Inc., Follow Up Letter: This letter to Accipiter Communications, Inc. requests additional information to enable the Wireline Competition Bureau to complete its analysis of Accipiter's petition for waiver of certain Commission rules.

Connect America Phase II Footprint Challenge Process Public Notice: Sought comment on procedures for challenging a census block's eligibility to receive Connect America Phase II support. Also sought comment on procedures for carriers to accept a statewide commitment in Connect America Phase II.

South Central Telephone Association, Inc. Public Notice: Public Notice seeking comment on a petition filed by South Central Telephone Association, Inc. requesting waiver of section 54.302 of the Commission's rules and the Commission's rule limiting reimbursable costs for purposes of determining high cost loop support.

Windy City Cellular, LLC and Adak Eagle Enterprise, LLC Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau and Wireless Telecommunications Bureau approve interim relief for Adak Eagle Enterprises, LLC Windy City Cellular, LLC from certain high-cost rules and provides them with interim support, while the Bureaus complete review of the companies' respective waiver petitions.

Accipiter Communications, Inc. Order: Approved limited, interim relief from the Commission's rules to provide additional high-cost universal service support to Accipiter Communications, Inc.

Connect America Cost Model Virtual Workshop Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Releases Further Discussion Topics for Connect America Cost Model Virtual Workshop.

2013 NECA Average Schedule Order: Wireline Competition Bureau approves NECA's 2013 proposed modifications to the formula used to calculate interstate USF High Cost Loop Support for Average Schedule Companies.

Phase II Cost Model Public Notice: Today, the Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau) announces the availability of version one of the Connect America Cost Model, which provides Commission staff and interested parties the ability to calculate costs using a variety of different inputs and assumptions. Parties may access this version of the cost model at https://www.fcc.gov/encyclopedia/caf-phase-ii-models. Parties also will be required to execute the relevant acknowledgement of confidentiality, licensing, and nondisclosure documents that will be released as attachments to a Third Supplemental Protective Order.
https://www.fcc.gov/encyclopedia/caf-phase-ii-models. Parties also will be required to execute the relevant acknowledgement of confidentiality, licensing, and nondisclosure documents that will be released as attachments to a Third Supplemental Protective Order, Word version.">Word|PDF

Third Supplemental Protective Order: On November 18, 2011, the Federal Communications Commission (Commission) released the USF/ICC Transformation Order. In that Order, the Commission adopted a methodology for distributing universal service support under the newly created Connect America Fund Phase II in areas served by price cap carriers. The methodology will use a forward-looking cost model to estimate the costs of deployment of voice and broadband capable networks in high-cost areas and identify at a granular level the areas where support will be made available. The Commission delegated to the Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau) "the task of selecting a specific engineering cost model and associated inputs" that meet the criteria specified in the USF/ICC Transformation Order.

Census Blocks Public Notice: Announced updated list of unserved census blocks based on updates and corrections to the underlying geographic information system data.

South Park, LLC Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by South Park, L.L.C. d/b/a South Park Telephone Company for waiver of section 54.302 of the Commission's rules, and of the rule limiting capital and operating costs reimbursable through HCLS.

National Broadband Map Public Notice: Announced publication of a list of census blocks in price cap territories shown as unserved on the National Broadband Map, and sought comment on corrections and changes to that list.

CenturyLink Order: Granted CenturyLink's request to extend the deadline for New Jersey to file its 54.314 certification on behalf of CenturyLink.

Dell Telephone Cooperative, Inc. Letter: Requested further information from Dell Telephone Cooperative, Inc. regarding its petition for waiver of three new Universal Service Fund rules.

Connect America Phase I Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking: On November 18, 2011, the Commission released the USF/ICC Transformation Order and FNPRM, which comprehensively reforms and modernizes the high-cost universal service and intercarrier compensation systems.

Protective Order Associated with USF/ICC Transformation Fifth Recon: Adopted procedures to provide limited access to certain financial information filed by privately held rate-of-return carriers pursuant to section 54.313(f)(2) of the Commission's rules.

USF/ICC Transformation Fifth Order on Reconsideration: Reconsidered and clarified certain aspects of the USF/ICC Transformation Order regarding financial reporting obligations and requests for waiver in response to various petitions for reconsideration and/or clarification.

High Cost Universal Service Filing Deadline Waiver Public Notice: The Telecommunications Access Policy Division (Division) of the Wireline Competition Bureau has found that there is good cause to grant two petitions for waiver of Commission rules that set forth deadlines that eligible telecommunications carriers (ETCs) had to meet for ETCs to be eligible to receive certain forms of high-cost universal service support.

Connect America Additional Phase II Cost Model Virtual Workshop Public Notice: On Tuesday, October 9, 2012, the Wireline Competition Bureau announced the commencement of the Connect America Phase II cost model virtual workshop and listed a number of discussion topics for which it sought public input.

Connect America Phase II Cost Model Virtual Workshop Topic Deadline Public Notice: On Tuesday, October 9, 2012, the Wireline Competition Bureau commenced the Connect America Phase II cost model virtual workshop.

Commencement of Connect America Phase II Cost Model Virtual Workshop Public Notice: On September 12, 2012, the Wireline Competition Bureau announced that it would hold a Connect America Phase II cost model virtual workshop. Today, the Bureau announces the virtual workshop begins on Tuesday, October 9, 2012.

Border to Border Communications, Inc. Order: In this order, the Wireline Competition Bureau grants the request of Border to Border Communications for expedited waiver to correct its study area boundaries that were used in regression analysis that established "benchmarks" for high-cost loop support.

Alaska Communications Systems Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition for waiver of certain Connect America Phase I rules filed by ACS. Specifically, ACS requests waiver of the requirement to deploy broadband to one unserved location for every $775 in Phase I support accepted.

ACS Wireless, Inc. Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau waives the July 2, 2012 deadline for ETCs to file their annual reports required under the USF/ICC Transformation Order. ETCs are given 30 days from the release of this Order to file any necessary reports. The Bureau dismisses as moot a petition for waiver filed by ACS Wireless of its filing deadline. The Bureau also waives the October 1, 2012 deadline for states to file annual certifications that universal service funding is being properly used. States have 60 days from release of this Order to file their certifications.

Wauneta Telephone Company Order: In this order, we grant the request of Wauneta Telephone Company (Wauneta) for expedited waiver to correct its study area boundaries that were used in the regression analysis that established "benchmarks" for high-cost loop support (HCLS).

Connect America Phase II Cost Model Virtual Workshop Public Notice: The Federal Communications Commission's Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau) will convene a "virtual workshop" to solicit input from the public on Connect America Fund (Connect America) Phase II cost model design and inputs after the in-person workshop scheduled for September 13 and 14, 2012.

2013 Modification of the Average Schedule Universal Service High Cost Loop Support Formula Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on the 2013 Modification of Average Schedule high-cost loop support formula proposed by NECA.

Fairpoint Communications Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by FairPoint Communications, Inc for a waiver of certain portions of section 54.312(b) of the Commission's rules, which, among other things, provides the timeframe and obligations associated with accepting Connect America Phase I incremental support.

Central Texas Telephone Cooperative, Inc. Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comments on a petition filed by Central Texas Telephone Cooperative, Inc. for waiver of the rule limiting reimbursable capital and operating expenses applied to high cost loop support.

Connect America Phase II Cost Model Workshop Public Notice: On August 20, 2012, the Wireline Competition Bureau announced that it would hold a Connect America Phase II cost model workshop. Today, the Bureau announces the detailed agenda for the Connect America Phase II cost model workshop.

Matanuska Telephone Association Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on the Matanuska Telephone Association's petition for waiver of the CAPEX benchmark.

Allband Filing Deadline Public Notice: WCB reminds parties of deadline for filing oppositions and replies regarding the Allband Communications Cooperative Application for Review of the decision issued by the WCB in the July 25, 2012 order, DA 12-1194. In their August 24, 2012 filing, Allband seeks: Extending the current waiver of section 54.302 from three years to 15 years and also seeks a waiver of section 36.621(a)(5) for the same fifteen-year period.

Connect America Phase II Cost Model Workshop Public Notice: On November 18, 2011, the Commission released the USF/ICC Transformation Order, which comprehensively reforms and modernizes the universal service and intercarrier compensation systems.

Virgin Islands Telephone Corp. Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by Virgin Islands Telephone Corp. d/b/a Innovative Telephone (Innovative) for a waiver of the filing deadline required by section 54.904(d) of the Commission's rules. Section 54.904(d) sets forth the deadline for carriers eligible to receive Interstate Common Line Support to file an annual certification with the Universal Service Administrative Company and the Commission.

Rates Survey Public Notice: In this Public Notice, the Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a proposed survey of urban rates for fixed voice and fixed broadband residential services. The Bureau also seeks comment concerning how, using data from the urban rates survey, to determine the local voice rate floor and the reasonable comparability benchmarks for fixed voice and fixed broadband services.

Allband Communication Cooperative Order: In this order, we grant in part and dismiss as moot in part a petition filed by Allband Communications Cooperative (Allband or Company) for a waiver of section 54.302 of the Commission's rules, which established a $250 per line per month cap on high-cost universal service support ("$250 cap"), and section 36.621(a)(5) of the Commission's rules, which limits reimbursement of capital and operating costs from high-cost loop support (HCLS).

Windstream Communications Public Notice: In this Public Notice, WCB seeks comment on a petition filed by Windstream Communications for waiver of certain portions of section 54.312(b) of the Commission's rules, which, among other things, provides that a recipient of CAF Phase I incremental support must deploy broadband to one unserved location, as shown on the then-current National Broadband Map, for every $775 of incremental support the recipient accepts.

ACS Wireless, Inc. Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by ACS Wireless, Inc. for a waiver of section 54.313(j) of the Commission's rules, which requires an eligible telecommunications carrier to file an annual report with the Commission, the Universal Service Administrative Company, and the relevant state commissions, relevant authority in a U.S. Territory, or Tribal governments, as appropriate.

Connect America Fund Phase I Clarification Order: In this Order, the Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau) clarifies certain rules relating to Phase I of the Connect America Fund (CAF) in order to assist the price cap carriers that shortly will be making their election to accept additional funding to spur broadband deployment.

Border to Border Communications, Inc. Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by Border to Border Communications, Inc. for waiver of two high-cost universal service rules.

Dell Telephone Cooperative Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by Dell Telephone Cooperative for waiver of three high-cost universal service rules.

CTIA - The Wireless Association and the United States Telecom Association Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a request for clarification and in the alternative a petition for waiver of various reporting requirements of sections 54.313(a)(11), 54.313(c) and 54.313(a)(1) of the Commission's rules and clarification or reconsideration of the five-year service quality improvement plans filed by CTIA and USTelecom on June 25 2012.

2012 Second Modification of Average Schedule Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau approves modifications proposed by NECA to the formula used to calculate universal service high-cost loop support starting July 1, 2012.

CenturyLink Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on CenturyLink's petition for waiver of deployment requirements for Connect America Fund Phase I.

Silver Star Telephone Company Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau denies petitions to stay the implementation of the HCLS benchmarks filed by Silver Star Telephone Company, Blue Valley Telecommunications, East Ascension Telephone Company, and a group of rural trade associations.

West River Cooperative Telephone Company and Kennebec Telephone Companies Order: WCB grants requests of West River Cooperative and Kennebec Telephone for expedited waiver to correct their study area boundaries used for high-cost loop support benchmarks.

High Cost Loop Support Data Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau announces access to high-cost loop support data submitted by NECA.

Comments on Model Design and Data Inputs for Phase II of the Connect America Fund Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a number of threshold decisions regarding the design of and data inputs to the forward-looking cost model to be used in Connect America Fund Phase II, and on other assumptions in the cost models currently in the record.

Letter to Sandwich Isles Communications, Inc.: In this letter, WCB requests further information from Sandwich Isles regarding its petition for waiver of section 54.302 of the Commission's rules.

CAF Phase II Model Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau reports on its progress towards developing the Connect America Fund (CAF) Phase II model.

Study Area Boundaries Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on data specifications for collecting study area boundaries.

Average Schedule Company Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on the proposed formula which if approved is scheduled to take effect on July 1, 2012, and remain in effect through December 3, 2012.

ADAK Eagle Enterprises, LLC d/b/a ADAK Telephone Utility Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by Adak Eagle Enterprises, LLC d/b/a Adak Telephone Utility for waiver of section 54.302 of the Commission's rules, which establishes a total limit on high-cost universal service support of $250 per-line per-month to be phased in over three years beginning July 1, 2012.

HCLS Benchmarks Order Filing and Commenting Deadline Reminder Public Notice: In this Public Notice, WCB announces deadlines for comments on four applications for review of WCB's HCLS Benchmarks Order.

USF/ICC Transformation Third Order on Reconsideration: The Commission reconsiders and clarifies certain aspect of the USF/ICC Transformation Order in response to various petitions for reconsideration and/or clarification. The Commission addresses certain aspects of ETC reporting obligations, support adjustments for carriers with artificially low local rates, and issues related to support for carriers serving Alaska. The Commission also denies two requests related to intercarrier compensation.

Accipiter Communications Inc. Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition for waiver of section 54.302 and other new rules of the Commission's rules relating to the new regression cap formulas, WC Docket Nos. 10-90 and 10-208 (filed April 18, 2012); 47 C.F.R. § 54.302.

Telenational Communications, Inc. Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on Telenational Communications, Inc. petition for waiver of section 54.314(a) of the Commission's, WC Docket No. 08-71(filed April 2, 2012); 47 C.F.R. § 54.314 (a).

HCLS Benchmarks Implementation Order: WCB implements benchmarks for carriers receiving high-cost loop support (HCLS), placing reasonable overall limits on costs eligible for reimbursement through HCLS and redistributing freed-up HCLS to carriers that stay within the limits to allow for new broadband investment.

CAF Phase I Incremental Support Amounts Public Notice: WCB announces carriers' eligibility for Connect America Fund Phase I incremental support, which will be used to spur broadband deployment in unserved areas.

The Hargray Telephone Company and Bluffton Telephone Company Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on Hargray Telephone Company and Bluffton Telephone Company petition for waiver of section 54.301(e) of the Commission's, WC Docket No. 08-71(filed February 17, 2012); 47 C.F.R. § 54.301(e).

The Chillicothe Telephone Company Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on Chillicothe Telephone Company petition for waiver of section 54.301(e) of the Commission's, WC Docket No. 08-71(filed March 5, 2012); 47 C.F.R. § 54.301(e).

High Cost Universal Service Filing Deadline Public Notice: Telecommunications Access Policy Division of the Wireline Competition Bureau has found that there is good cause to grant three petitions for waiver of Commission rules.

The Cinergy Metronet, Inc. Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on Cinergy MetroNet, Inc. petition for waiver of section 54.307(c) of the Commission's, WC Docket No. 08-71(filed February 1, 2012); 47 C.F.R. § 54.307(c).

The Steelville Telephone Exchange, Inc. Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a request for review of USAC's decision filed by Steelville Telephone Exchange, pursuant to section 54.719 of the Commission's Rules, WC Docket No. 08-71(filed February 3, 2012); 47 C.F.R. §§ 54.719.

Connect America Fund Cost Models Public Notice: On November 18, 2011, the Federal Communications Commission (Commission) released the USF/ICC Transformation Order.

Allband Communications Cooperative Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by Allband Communications Cooperative (Allband) for waiver of two high-cost universal service rules.

Big Bend Telephone Company, Inc. Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by Big Bend Telephone Company, Inc. (BBTC) for waiver of three high-cost universal service rules.

CAF I Data Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Seeks Comment on Potential Data for Connect America Fund Phase One Incremental Support.

Clarifying Aspects of USF/ICC Transformation Order: The Commission delegated to the Wireline Competition Bureau and the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau (Bureaus) the authority to revise and clarify rules as necessary to ensure that the reforms adopted in the Order are properly reflected in the rules.

USF/ICC Public Notice: On January 12, 2012, the Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau released a Public Notice listing the 24 petitions for reconsideration of the Commission's USF/ICC Transformation Order.

ACS Wireless, Inc. Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a request for review filed by ACS Wireless, Inc. of a decision by the Universal Service Administrative Company.

ITTA et al. Clarification PN Concerning the Connect America Fund Rate Floor: Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by the Independent Telephone and Telecommunications Alliance (ITTA), National Exchange Carrier Association (NECA), National Telecommunications Cooperative Association (NTCA), Organization for the Promotion and Advancement of Small Telecommunications Companies (OPASTCO), and Western Telecommunications Alliance (WTA) (collectively, the Petitioners) for clarification of certain aspects of the recently adopted rules in the USF/ICC Transformation Order and FNPRM.

Grant Stamp Public Notice: The Telecommunications Access Policy Division of the Wireline Competition Bureau has found that there is good cause to grant three petitions for waiver of Commission rules setting forth deadlines.

Sandwich Isles Communications, Inc. Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by Sandwich Isles Communications, Inc. for waiver of the universal service and intercarrier compensation reform rules.

2011 Modification High Cost Universal Service Support Order: Each year, the Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau) reviews and approves or modifies any proposed modifications to the formulas used to calculate universal service high-cost loop support (HCLS) and local switching support (LSS) for average schedule companies. Pursuant to section 69.606(b) of the Commission's rules, the National Exchange Carrier Association, Inc. (NECA) files the annual average schedule company formula modifications for HCLS. Pursuant to section 54.301(f) of the Commission's rules, the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) submits the proposed formula for LSS. The Commission's rules require that these formulas "simulate the disbursements that would be received … by a company that is representative of average schedule companies.

Walnut Hill Telephone Company Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by Walnut Hill Telephone Company request for review of a decision by USAC regarding an audit conducted by KPMG and the findings of irregular accounting practices relating to Part 32 of Uniform System of Accounts and a petition for waiver of section 32.27(c) of the Commission's rules.


Midcontinent Communications Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by Midcontinent Communications for waiver of a filing deadline required by section 54.307(c) of the Commission's rules for receipt of high-cost universal service support. Section 54.307(c) sets forth the deadline for a competitive eligible telecommunications carrier to file line count data with the Universal Service Administrative Company to receive high-cost universal service support.

Virgin Islands Telephone Corp. Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by Virgin Islands Telephone Corp. d/b/a Innovative Telephone (Innovative) to waive the National Exchange Carrier Association's (NECA) rolling 24-month adjustment period and require that NECA recalculate Innovative's 2011 High Cost Loop Support (HCLS) based on corrected loop count data. Innovative claims that its 2009 loop count data submitted to NECA was inaccurate because Innovative had been erroneously including loops that were related to non-switched wideband services.

Citizens Tel Coop Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by Citizens Tel Coop for waiver of a filing deadline required by section 54.314(d) of the Commission's rules for receipt of high-cost universal service support. Section 54.314(d), among other things, sets forth the deadline for a rural incumbent local exchange carrier that is not subject to state jurisdiction to file an annual certification with the Commission and the Universal Service Administrative Company stating that the carrier "will only use support for the provision, maintenance, and upgrading of facilities and services for which support is intended," which is required for such a carrier to be eligible to receive high-cost universal service support.

Forward-Looking Cost Models Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau requests parties to submit forward-looking cost models by February 1, 2012 to be used for estimating Connect America Fund support amounts in price cap areas by the end of 2012 in order to provide support beginning January 1, 2013.

Washington RSA No.8 Limited Partnership Order: In this Order, we deny a request by Washington RSA No. 8 Limited Partnership; Eastern Sub-RSA Limited Partnership d/b/a Inland Cellular (Inland Cellular) for a waiver of the universal service high-cost support filing deadlines set forth in sections 54.307(c) and 54.802(a) of the Commission rules.

USF/ICC Transformation Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau provides notice that it is releasing data and maps relevant to the USF/ICC Transformation Proceeding.

USF/ICC Transformation Order & FNPRM: In this order, the Commission comprehensively reforms and modernizes the universal service and intercarrier compensation systems to ensure that robust, affordable voice and broadband service, both fixed and mobile, are available to Americans throughout the nation.

NECA 2012 Modification Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on the 2012 Modifications of Average Schedule Company Universal Service High-Cost Loop Support and Local Switching Support Formulas.

Telenational Communications, Inc. Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by Telenational Communications, Inc. for waiver of a filing deadline required by section 54.307(c) of the Commission's rules for receipt of high-cost universal service support.

Triangle Communication Systems, Inc. Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on two petitions filed on August 4, 2011 by Triangle Communication System, Inc. ("Triangle"), pursuant to section 54.207 of the Commission's rules. In its petition, Triangle requests the Commission's agreement with the Montana Public Service Commission to redefine the service area of two rural telephone companies. In one petition, Triangle seeks to redefine the service area of Central Montana Communications; in the other, Triangle seeks to redefine the service area of Triangle Telephone Cooperative Association, Inc.

Totah Communications, Inc. Order: In the attached order, the Bureau denies a petition filed by Totah Communications, Inc. (Totah) for a waiver of section 36.621(a)(4) of the Commission's rules, which caps the amount of high-cost universal service support recoverable for carriers' corporate operations expenses. Totah provides local exchange telephone service in areas of rural Oklahoma and states that it has corporate operations expenses that exceed the Commission's limit on the recovery of such expenses for purposes of receiving loop support. In its request, Totah contends that it would not be able to maintain affordable rates in its service area without a waiver of the corporate operations expense cap. We conclude that Totah has failed to demonstrate that there is good cause to waive the applicable section of the Commission's rules.

Universal Service Intercarrier Compensation Transformation Public Notice: In response to the USF/ICC Transformation NPRM, several parties have offered specific proposals for reform. We seek comment on how these proposals comport with the Commission's articulated objectives and statutory requirements. We invite comment on specific aspects of the proposals and on additional issues that are not fully developed in the record.

Cedar-Wapsie Communications, Inc. Order: In this order, we grant four separate requests for waivers of various high-cost universal service support filing deadlines, filed by: (1) Cedar-Wapsie Communications, Inc. (Cedar-Wapsie); (2) DialToneServices, L.P. (DialToneServices); (3) Virgin Islands Telephone Corp. d/b/a Innovative Telephone (Innovative) and (4) Wildflower Telecommunications, LLC (Wildflower) (collectively, the petitioners).

CAL Communications, Inc. Order: In this order, the Wireline Competition Bureau extends by 90 days the date by which the petition requesting forbearance filed by CAL Communications, Inc shall be deemed granted in the absence of a Commission decision that the petition fails to meet the standards for forbearance.
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Standing Rock Telecommunications, Inc. Memorandum Opinion and Order on Reconsideration: In this order, we designate Standing Rock Telecommunications, Inc. (Standing Rock), a Tribally owned telecommunications carrier, as an eligible telecommunications carrier (ETC) throughout the entire Standing Rock Sioux Reservation (Reservation), effective immediately.
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Restated Line Count Letter: With this letter, the Commission provides explanation to the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) concerning procedures to be followed when a competitive Eligible Telecommunications Carrier (ETC) files revised line count reports with USAC.
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Cricket Forbearance 90 Day Extension: In this order, pursuant to section 10(c) of the Communications Act, we extend by 90 days the date by which the petition requesting forbearance filed by Cricket Communications, Inc. shall be deemed granted in the absence of a Commission decision that the petition fails to meet the standards for forbearance under section 10(a) of the Act.
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Western Wireless Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau approves the requests of Western Wireless, LLC, successor by merger of Western Wireless Corporation d/b/a Verizon Wireless (Western Wireless), to relinquish its eligible telecommunications carrier (ETC) designations in the state of Wyoming and on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota.
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AT&T Mobility Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau addresses a petition filed by AT&T pursuant to section 214(e)(6) of the Communications Act in which AT&T requests transfer of the eligible telecommunications carrier (ETC) designation held by Western Wireless, LLC d/b/a Alltel for service offered to Tribal members on the Pine Ridge Reservation in the state of South Dakota and designation as an ETC. The Bureau grants in part AT&T Mobility's petition, finding that AT&T meets the eligibility requirements of section 214(e)(1) of the Act and the Commission's rules to be designated as an ETC.
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Verizon Wireless Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by Verizon Wireless for reconsideration of the Bureau's April 1, 2011 letter to USAC to implement the company-specific cap on high-cost universal service support that the Commission imposed in October 2007 on Verizon Wireless's predecessor in interest, Alltel Corporation.
Public Notice Word | PDF

Grande Communications Networks, Inc. Order: In this order, we address four separate petitions filed by Grande Communications Networks, Inc. (Grande), Advantage Cellular Systems, Inc. (Advantage), Decatur Telephone Co. (Decatur), and Range Telephone Cooperative, Inc. (Range) for waiver of high-cost universal service filings deadlines set forth in sections 54.307(c) or 54.904(d) of the Commission's rules.
Order Word | PDF

Allo Communications Order: In this Order, we deny seven separate petitions filed by Allo Communications (Allo), Bayland Communications, LLC (Bayland), Columbus Telephone Company (Columbus), Great Lakes of Iowa, Inc. (Great Lakes), HTC Communications, LLC (HTC), Pine Belt Cellular, Inc. (Pine Belt), and Windy City Cellular, LLC (Windy City) for waiver of high-cost universal service support filing deadlines set forth in sections 54.307, 54.314, 54.802, 54.809, 54.903(a), and 54.904(d) of the Commission's rules.
Order Word | PDF

NewComm Wireless Services, Inc. Order: In this Order, we address a petition filed by NewComm Wireless Services, Inc. d/b/a MoviStar (NewComm) for a waiver of the universal service high-cost support filing deadline set forth in section 54.307(d) of the Commission rules.
Order Word | PDF

The Virgin Island Telephone Corp. d/b/a Innovative Telephone Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by Virgin Islands Telephone Corp. d/b/a Innovative Telephone for waiver of a filing deadline required by section 54.903(a) of the Commission's rules for receipt of high-cost universal service support.
Public Notice Word | PDF

Windstream Communications, Inc. Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by Windstream Communications, Inc. for waiver of a filing deadline required by section 54.903(a) of the Commission's rules for receipt of high-cost universal service support.
Public Notice Word | PDF

Allied Wireless Communications Corporation Order: In this order, the Wireline Competition Bureau denies petitions for waiver of high-cost universal service filing deadlines.
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Universal Service Fund/Intercarrier Compensation Reform Workshop Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau announces the second in a series of workshops on universal service and intercarrier compensation reform. This workshop, to be held April 27, 2011, in Washington D.C., will focus on universal service reform proposals, including Phase One of the Connect America Fund.
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Ringsted Communications Company Order: In this order, we grant a request by Ringsted Communications Company (Ringsted) for a waiver of a deadline set forth in section 54.307(c) of the Commission's rules for competitive eligible telecommunications carriers (ETCs) to file line count data with the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) to receive certain high-cost universal service support.
Order Word | PDF

F&B Communications, Inc. f/k/a Farmers' and Business Men's Telephone Order: In this order, we grant a request by F&B Communications, Inc. f/k/a Farmers' and Business Men's Telephone Company (F&B Communications) for a waiver of section 54.802(a) of the Commission's rules, which sets forth deadlines for eligible telecommunications carriers (ETCs) providing service within an area served by a price cap local exchange carrier (LEC) to file line count data on a quarterly basis with the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) to receive certain high-cost universal service support.
Order Word | PDF

Washington RSA No.8 Limited Partnership Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by Washington RSA No. 8 Limited Partnership; Eastern Sub-RSA Limited Partnership d/b/a Inland Cellular for waiver of the March, 30 2010 quarterly filing deadlines of the Commission's Rules.
Public Notice Word | PDF

Cellular South Licenses, Inc. and United States Cellular Corp. Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a joint petition filed by Cellular South Licenses, Inc. and United States Cellular Corporation requesting that the Commission reconsider its decision amending a rule established by the Interim Cap Order to reclaim high-cost universal service support surrendered by a competitive eligible telecommunications carrier (ETC) when it relinquishes ETC status in a particular state.
Public Notice Word | PDF

USF/ICC Reform Public Notice: On February 9, 2011, the Commission released a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking seeking comment on proposals to fundamentally modernize the Commission's universal service fund and intercarrier compensation system.
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Partner Communications Cooperative Memorandum Opinion and Order: The Commission denies Partner Communications Cooperative Forbearance Petition.
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Connect America Fund NPRM: In this NPRM, the Commission proposes to transform the high-cost portion of the Universal Service Fund to support broadband, as well as to reform the intercarrier compensation system.

Interim Cap Adjustment letter: Wireline Competition Bureau Instructs the Universal Service Administrative Company to Implement the Revised Interim Cap Amount for Competitive Eligible Telecommunications Carriers.
Letter Word | PDF

Wildflower Telecommunications, LLC Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by Wildflower Telecommunications, LLC for waiver of the December, 31 2010 and December, 30 2010 quarterly filing deadlines of the Commission's Rules.
Public Notice Word | PDF

Puerto Rico Telephone Company Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a request for review filed by the Puerto RicoTelephone Company regarding a decision by the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC), concerning the performance audit conducted by KPMG LLP (KPMG) for the Universal Service Fund disbursements made to the company during the twelve-month period ended June 30, 2008.
Public Notice Word | PDF

Dialtoneservices, L.P. Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by DialToneServices, L.P. for waiver of the December, 30 2010 filing deadlines of the Commission's Rules.
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Puerto Rico Telephone Company Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a request for review filed by the Puerto Rico Telephone Company of a decision by the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) concerning an audit of Puerto Rico Telephone Company's compliance with federal universal service high-cost program requirements.
Public Notice Word | PDF

Consolidated Communications of Fort Bend Company Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a request for review filed by Consolidated Communications of Fort Bend Company, Illinois Consolidated Telephone Company, and Consolidated Communications of Texas of a decision by the Universal Service Administrative Company concerning an audit of those companies' compliance with federal universal service high-cost program requirements.
Public Notice Word | PDF

Fulton Telephone Company Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a request filed by Fulton Telephone Company for review of a decision by the Universal Service Administrative Company concerning an audit of Fulton Telephone Company's compliance with federal universal service high-cost program requirements.
Public Notice Word | PDF

Dixie Net Communications, Inc. Order: In this order, we grant a request by Dixie Net Communications, Inc. (Dixie Net) for a waiver of section 54.307(c) of the Commission's rules, which sets forth deadlines for competitive eligible telecommunications carriers (ETCs) to file line count data with the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) to receive certain high-cost universal service support.
Order Word | PDF

Upper Peninsula Telephone Co. and Michigan Central Broadband Co., LLC Public Notice: On December 29, 2010, Upper Peninsula Telephone Company (Upper Peninsula) and Michigan Central Broadband Company, LLC (Michigan Central) filed a joint petition for waiver of the study area boundary freeze codified in part 36 of the Commission's rules. The Commission froze all study area boundaries effective November 15, 1984 to prevent incumbent Local Exchange Carriers (LECs) from establishing separate study areas made up only of high-cost exchanges to maximize their receipt of high-cost universal service support.
Public Notice Word | PDF

Cedar-Wapsie Communications, Inc. Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by Cedar-Wapsie Communications, Inc. for waiver of the filing deadline required by section 54.904(d) of the Commission's rules for receipt of universal service high-cost support. Section 54.904(d) sets forth the deadline for rate-of-return carriers and competitive eligible telecommunications carriers serving rate-of-return service areas to file an annual certification with the Universal Service Administrative Company and the Commission to receive Interstate Common Line Support.
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Average Schedule Order: In this order, the Commission adopts NECA's average schedule loop formula and USAC's universal service support formula.
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Cross Wireless, LLC d/b/a Sprocket Wireless Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by Cross Wireless, LLC d/b/a Sprocket Wireless for waiver of the filing deadlines required by section 54.307(c) of the Commission's rules.
Public Notice Word | PDF

Tracfone Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed on December 1, 2010, by TracFone Wireless, Inc. (TracFone) for a declaratory ruling.
Public Notice Word | PDF

East Ascension Telephone Company LLC and EATELCORP, Inc. Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on an appeal filed by the East Ascension Telephone Company LLC and EATELCORP, INC. of a decision by the Universal Service Administrative Company concerning a performance audit conducted by KPMG LLP regarding universal service fund disbursements made to EATEL during the twelve-month period ending June 30, 2007.
Public Notice Word | PDF

Allied Wireless Communications Corporation Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by the Allied Wireless Communication Corporation for waiver of the Commission's filing deadline rules.
Public Notice Word | PDF

Ringsted Communications Company Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by Ringsted Communications Company for waiver of the March 30, 2010 filing deadlines of the Commission's Rules.
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Partner Communications Cooperative Order: The Bureau extends from December 2, 2010, to March 2, 2011, the statutory deadline for acting on a petition filed by Partner Communications Cooperative requesting that the Commission forbear from applying the requirements of sections 54.305(b) and (d) of the Commission's rules.
Order Word | PDF

Georgia RSA #8 Partnership Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by the Georgia RSA #8 Partnership for waiver of the filing deadlines required by the Commission's rules for universal service high-cost support.
Public Notice Word | PDF

Virgin Islands Telephone Corp. d/b/a Innovatitive Telephone Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a request by Virgin Islands Telephone Corp. d/b/a Innovative Telephone Inc. for review of USAC's management response to the independent auditor's report that evaluated the company's compliance with the requirements of the high-cost universal service program from July 1, 2007 thru June 30, 200 8 .Sections:54.719(c), 54.721 and 54.722 of the Commission's Rules (petition filed Oct. 21, 2010).
Public Notice Word | PDF

Syringa Wireless, LLC Order: In this order, the Bureau grants a request by Syringa Wireless, LLC (Syringa) for a waiver of the universal service high-cost filing deadline set forth in sections 54.307(c) of the Commission's rules. We conclude that a waiver is warranted because Syringa promptly filed the required data and states that it has revised its internal measures to ensure that it meet future deadlines.
Order Word | PDF

Comment Sought on F&B Communications, Inc. f/k/a Farmers' and Business Men's Telephone Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by F&B Communications, Inc. f/k/a Farmers' and Business Men's Telephone Company for a waiver of the filing deadline required by section 54.802(a) of the Commission's rules for receipt of universal service high-cost support.
Publoc Notice: Word | PDF

Comment Sought on the Virgin Islands Telephone Corp. d/b/a Innovative Telephone Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a request filed by Virgin Islands Telephone Corp. d/b/a Innovative Telephone for review of the Universal Service Administrative Company's decision regarding the treatment of a deferred tax asset.
Publoc Notice: Word | PDF

Comment Sought on the 2011 Modifications of Average Schedule Company Public Notice: On August 24, 2010, the National Exchange Carrier Association, Inc. filed its 2011 Modification of Average Schedule Universal Service High-Cost Loop Support Formula. On September 30, 2010, the Universal Service Administrative Company filed its 2011 Average Schedule Company Local Switching Support Formula. The proposed formulas, if approved, would be scheduled to take effect on January 1, 2011, and remain in effect through December 31, 2011. The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on the proposed formulas.
Publoc Notice: Word | PDF

SouthernLINC Public Notice: On September 3, 2010, the Commission released the Corr Wireless Order, which addressed a petition requesting review of a Universal Service Administrative Company decision. On September 30, 2010, SouthernLINC filed a petition for reconsideration of the Corr Wireless Order, and on October 4, 2010, Allied Wireless Communications, Inc., et al., did as well. Pursuant to section 1.106 of the Commission's rules, oppositions to the SouthernLINC petition would be due on October 12, 2010, while oppositions to the Allied petition would be due on October 14, 2010.
Publoc Notice: Word | PDF

WCB Comments Deadline Public Notice: On September 3, 2010, the Commission released a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) seeking comment on permanently amending the Commission's rules to facilitate efficient use of reclaimed excess high-cost universal service support, and on a proposal to modify the Commission's rules to reclaim legacy support surrendered by a competitive eligible telecommunications carrier (ETC) when it relinquishes ETC status in a particular state.
Publoc Notice: Word | PDF

Dixie Net Communications, Inc. Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by Dixie Net Communications, Inc. for a waiver of the filing deadline required by section 54.307(c) of the Commission's rules for receipt of universal service high-cost support.
Publoc Notice: Word | PDF

Allied Wireless Communications Corporation Order: In this order, the Bureau grants the petition of Allied Wireless Communications Corporation (AWCC) to be designated as an eligible telecommunications carrier (ETC) in the state of North Carolina. We find that AWCC meets the eligibility requirements of section 214(e)(6) of the Communications Act and the Commission's rules to be designated as an ETC in North Carolina.
Order: Word | PDF

Standing Rock Telecommunications, Inc. Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on whether Standing Rock Telecommunications, Inc. should be designated as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier in partial rural wire centers so that it can serve the entire Standing Rock Sioux Reservation.
Public Notice: Word | PDF

Standing Rock Telecommunications, Inc. Memorandum Opinion and Order: In this order, the Wireline Competition Bureau designates Standing Rock Telecommunications, Inc. (Standing Rock), a wireless carrier owned and operated by the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, as an eligible telecommunications carrier (ETC) in certain wire centers within the boundaries of the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation (Standing Rock Reservation). The Bureau defers action on Standing Rock's request to redefine and serve partial rural wire centers on the Reservation.
Memorandum Opinion and Order: Word | PDF

The Twin Valley Telephone Inc. Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition by Twin valley telephone, Inc. for waiver of sections 36.612(a)(3) and 54.305 (d)(1); the March 30, 2010 deadline for filing loop-related expense data to receive safety valve support ("the filing deadline").
Public Notice: Word | PDF

Pine Drive/Qwest Public Notice: Sought comment on joint petition of Pine Drive Telephone and Qwest to waive the study area boundary freeze as codified in Part 36 of the Commission's rules.
Public Notice: Word | PDF

Smith Bagley, Inc. Public Notice: Sought comment on Smith Bagley, Inc. request for review of a decision of the Universal Service Administrative Company and a request for declaratory ruling.
Public Notice: Word | PDF | text

Wellman Study Area Waiver Order: In this order, WCB grants a joint request from Iowa Telecommunications Services, Inc. (Iowa Telecom) and Wellman Cooperative Telephone Association (Wellman) for a waiver of the study area boundary freeze codified in the Appendix-Glossary of Part 36 of the Commission's rules. The study area waiver will permit Iowa Telecom to transfer a small area from Iowa Telecom's existing Williamsburg exchange, including one access line, to Wellman's existing Iowa study area. WCB also grants Wellman's request for a waiver of section 54.305 of the Commission' rules to allow Wellman to receive universal service high-cost support for the acquired line in the same manner as its existing lines. Lastly, WCB grants Wellman's request for a waiver of section 69.605(c) so that it may continue to operate as an average schedule company after the transfer.
Order: Word | PDF | text

Verizon/Frontier Study Area Waiver Order: In this order, WCB grants, with one condition, a joint request from Verizon California Inc. (Verizon California), Verizon South Inc. (Verizon South), and Frontier Communications Corporation (Frontier) for waivers of the study area boundary freeze codified in the Appendix-Glossary of Part 36 of the Commission's rules. The study area waiver will permit Verizon California to remove seven exchanges from its current California study area and permit Frontier to create a new California study area consisting of those same seven exchanges. In addition, the study area waiver will permit Verizon South to remove exchanges from its North Carolina study area, with the exception of its facilities and customers located in the Knotts Island exchange, permit Frontier to create a new North Carolina study area consisting of those same exchanges, and permit Verizon South to create a new North Carolina study area consisting solely of the Knotts Island exchange. The study area waiver requests are in connection with Verizon's sale of operating companies in a number of states to Frontier.
Order: Word | PDF | text

CTC Telecom High-Cost Waiver Order: In this order, WCB grants, consistent with precedent, CTC Telecom's request for waiver of the universal service high-cost filing deadline set forth in section 54.314(d)(6) of the Commission's rules.
Order: Word | PDF | text

Cellco Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless Order: In this order, WCB approves the request of Cellco Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless and its affiliates (Cellco) for pro forma amendment of the eligible telecommunications carrier (ETC) designations currently held by Cellco in the name of ALLTEL Communications, Inc. and its affiliated legal entities (Alltel) in Virginia and North Carolina, as well as ETC designations held by both Alltel and RCC Holdings, Inc. in Alabama. Under this order, the designated service areas of Alltel and RCC would reflect Cellco as the ETC designated entity. This order in does not affect the universal service reductions merger conditions.
Order: Word | PDF | text

Puerto Rico Telephone Company, Inc. Recon Petition Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by Puerto Rico Telephone Company, Inc. requesting that the Commission reconsider its decision declining to establish a new universal service high-cost support mechanism for non-rural insular carriers.
Public Notice: Word | PDF | text

Iowa Telecom Order: In this order, the Bureau denies a petition filed by Iowa Telecommunications Services, Inc. requesting that the Commission waive certain sections of the Commission's rules to permit Iowa Telecom to receive universal service high-cost support under the non-rural mechanism.
Order: Word | PDF | text

Qwest/RT Study Area Waiver: In this order, WCB grants a request from Qwest Corporation for a waiver of the study area boundary freeze codified in the Appendix-Glossary of Part 36 of the Commission's rules. The study area waiver will permit Qwest to remove a certain territory in Laramie County from its Wyoming study area and permit RT Communications, Inc. to add that same territory to its parent company's existing Wyoming study area.
Order: Word | PDF | text

Qwest/El Paso Study Area Waiver: In this order, WCB grants a joint request from El Paso County Telephone (El Paso) and Qwest Corporation (Qwest) for a waiver of the study area boundary freeze codified in the Appendix-Glossary of Part 36 of the Commission's rules. The study area waiver will permit Qwest to remove a territory from its Colorado study area and permit El Paso to add that territory to its existing Colorado study area, and will also permit El Paso to remove a territory from its Colorado study area and permit Qwest to add that territory to its existing Colorado study area.
Order: Word | PDF | text

Panora/Prairie Study Area Waiver: In this order, WCB grants a joint request from Panora Communications Cooperative (Panora) and Prairie Telephone Co., Inc. (Prairie) for a waiver of the study area boundary freeze codified in the Appendix-Glossary of Part 36 of the Commission's rules. The study area waiver will permit Prairie to remove a territory from its Iowa study area and permit Panora to add that same territory to its existing Iowa study area. We deny, however, Panora's request for waiver of section 54.305 of the Commission's rules.
Order: Word | PDF | text

Eagle/Midvale Study Area Waiver: In this order, WCB grants a joint request from Eagle Telephone System, Inc. (Eagle) and Midvale Telephone Exchange, Incorporated (Midvale) for a waiver of the study area boundary freeze codified in the Appendix-Glossary of Part 36 of the Commission's rules. The study area waiver will permit Midvale to remove the Connor Creek area located in northeast Oregon and a small portion of Idaho from its Idaho study area and permit Eagle to add that same territory to its existing Oregon study area.
Order: Word | PDF | text

Qwest/Dubois Study Area Waiver: In this order, WCB grants a joint request from Dubois Telephone Exchange, Inc. (Dubois) and Qwest Corporation (Qwest) for a waiver of the study area boundary freeze. The study area waiver will permit Qwest to remove the Carbon County territory from its Wyoming study area and permit Dubois to add that territory to its existing Wyoming study area.
Order: Word | PDF | text

Arkansas Preemption Dismissal Order: In this order, we dismiss as moot a petition filed by Alltel Communications, Inc. (Alltel) seeking a declaratory ruling preempting section 5(d)(1) of the Arkansas Telecommunications Regulatory Act of 1997.
Order: Word | PDF | text

Allo Communications Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a request by Allo Communications for waiver of section 54.307(c), quarterly line count filing deadline
Public Notice: Word | PDF | text

Universal Service Reform NOI and NPRM Comment Cycle Public Notice: WCB announces comment and reply comment deadlines for the Universal Service Reform NOI and NPRM of July 12, 2010 and August 11, 2010, respectively.
Public Notice: Word | PDF | text

Syringa Wireless, LLC Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by Syringa Wireless, LLC seeking waiver of a filing deadline required by section 54.307(c) of the Commission's rules for receipt of universal service high-cost support funds.
Public Notice: Word | PDF | text

PR Wireless Public Notice: On April 5, 2010, PR Wireless, Inc., pursuant to sections 54.721 and 54.722 of the Commission's rules, filed a request for review of an audit finding by USAC. Specifically, PR Wireless requests that the Commission review USAC's audit finding regarding the manner in which PR Wireless reports prepaid wireless subscribers in the universal service high-cost line counts it files with USAC. PR Wireless also requests reversal of USAC's decision to recover universal service high-cost support funds that the auditor determined to have been improperly paid to PR Wireless. The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on PR Wireless's request.
Order: Word | PDF | text

Etex Grant Order: In this order, we grant a request filed by ETEX Telephone Cooperative (ETEX) for a waiver of the October 1, 2008 data filing deadline set forth in section 54.301(b) of the Commission's rules concerning universal service local switching support (LSS). We find that ETEX has demonstrated that good cause warrants this waiver.
Order: Word | PDF | text

499 Late Fee Denial Order (Achilles et al.): In this order, WCB denies thirteen requests for reversal of the late filing fee associated with the late filing of FCC Forms 499-A and 499-Q.
Order: Word | PDF | text

Flat Rock et al High-Cost Waiver Order: In this order, WCB grants fives requests for waiver of a high-cost universal service support filing deadlines, filed by: Flat Rock Telephone Co-Op, Inc.; Windstream Communications, Inc.; Palmerton Telephone Company and Northeastern Pennsylvania Telephone Company; Northwest Iowa Telephone Company; and West River Telecommunications Cooperative.
Order: Word | PDF | text

GA PSC High-Cost Waiver Order: In this order, WCB grants the Georgia Public Service Commission's request for waiver of section 54.314(d)(1) of the Commission's rules for good cause.
Order: Word | PDF | text

Nebraska Technologies High-Cost Waiver Denial Order: In this order, WCB denies six requests, filed by Nebraska Technology & Telecommunications, Inc.; Dixie-Net Communications, Inc.; The Community Cable Television Agency of O'Brien County d/b/a The Community Agency and TCA; H&B Cable Services, Inc.; FiberNet LLC; and Skylink LLC, for waiver of high-cost universal service support filing deadlines. The petitioners failed to promptly correct their mistakes or to demonstrate that special circumstances were present.
Order: Word | PDF | text

Three ETC Relinquishments Order: In the order, TAPD grants relinquishments of ETC status by three federally designated ETCs. These relinquishments are not related to the Verizon Wireless or Sprint merger conditions and won't affect the size of the CETC interim cap.
Order: Word | PDF | text

NEP Cellcorp ETC Designation Order: In this order, WCB grants the request of NEP Cellcorp, Inc. to amend its ETC designation in Pennsylvania to include the rural study area of North-Eastern Pennsylvania Telephone Company.
Order: Word | PDF | text

US Cellular Tennessee ETC Amendment Order: In this order, WCB grants the request of United States Cellular Corporation to amend its ETC designation in the state of Tennessee.
Order: Word | PDF | text

FCC Kicks Off Universal Service Reform. This proposed notice of inquiry (NOI) and notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) represents the first step towards establishing the detailed analytic basis for a Universal Service Fund that will efficiently target funding to support broadband as well as voice service, while cutting inefficient funding of voice networks in the legacy high-cost support program. The NOI seeks comment on whether the Commission should use a model to assist in determining universal service support levels in areas where there is no private sector business case to provide broadband and voice services. The NOI also seeks comment on the best way to create an accelerated process to target funding toward new deployment of broadband networks in unserved areas, while the Commission considers final rules to implement fully a new broadband funding mechanism that efficiently ensures universal access to broadband and voice in areas where government support is necessary. Finally, the NPRM seeks comment on specific common-sense reforms to contain growth in the legacy high-cost support mechanisms and identify savings that can be shifted toward broadband communications.
Genachowski Statement: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
McDowell Statement: Word | Acrobat
Clyburn Statement: Word | Acrobat
Baker Statement: Word | Acrobat

Non-Rural Insular Order and NPRM: In the Order, the Commission addresses high-cost universal service support for non-rural carriers serving insular areas. In the NPRM, the Commission seeks comment on amending its rules to provide additional low-income support in Puerto Rico.
Order: Word | PDF | text

Qwest II Remand Order and MO&O: In the Order on Remand, the Commission responds to the Tenth Circuit on high-cost universal service support for non-rural carriers. In the Memorandum Opinion and Order, the Commission determines that supplemental high-cost support is required under the current non-rural high-cost support mechanism to achieve reasonably comparable rates in Wyoming.
Order: Word | PDF | text

Allied Wireless Communications Corporation ETC Public Notice: On April 13, 2010, Allied Wireless Communications Corporation filed a petition seeking designation as an eligible telecommunications carrier in North Carolina pursuant to section 214(e)(6) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended.
Public Notice: Word | PDF | text

Local Switching Support Report & Order & Memorandum Opinion & Order: In this order, the Commission addresses an inequitable asymmetry in the Commission's current rules governing the receipt of universal service high-cost local switching support (LSS) by small incumbent local exchange carriers (LECs). By modifying the Commission's rules to permit incumbent LECs that lose lines to receive additional LSS when they cross a threshold, the order provides LSS to all small LECs on the same basis. Nothing in the order is intended to address the long-term role of LSS in the Commission's high-cost universal service policies, which the Commission is considering as part of comprehensive universal service reform.
Order: Word | PDF | text

Standing Rock Petition for Redefinition PN: The Wireline Competition Bureau provides notice that it is initiating a proceeding to consider a petition filed by Standing Rock Telecommunications, Inc., pursuant to section 54.207 of the Commission's rules, to redefine the service area served by several rural telephone companies in North and South Dakota.
Public Notice: Word | PDF | text

Verizon-Frontier Study Area Waiver PN: Verizon California and Frontier seek a waiver of the study area boundary freeze to transfer seven exchanges from Verizon California's existing California study area to a newly created Frontier study area in California. Verizon South and Frontier also seek a waiver of the study area boundary freeze to transfer all exchanges, with the exception of the Knotts Islands exchange, from Verizon South's existing North Carolina study area to a newly created Frontier study area in North Carolina. The study area waiver requests are in connection with the transaction in which Verizon proposes to transfer operating companies in a number of states to Frontier. The attached public notice seeks comment on the requested study area waiver.
Public Notice: Word | PDF | text

Bayland Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by Bayland Communications, LLC seeking waiver of a filing deadline required by section 54.904(d) of the Commission's rules for receipt of universal service high-cost support funds.
Public Notice: Word | PDF | text

Western New Mexico Telephone Company, Inc. High Cost Order: In this order, the Wireline Competition Bureau grants thirteen requests for waiver of high-cost universal service support filing deadlines, filed by: Western New Mexico Telephone Company, Inc.; Yukon Telephone Company, Inc.; Northern New England Telephone Operations LLC and Telephone Operating Company of Vermont LLC; Ballard Rural Telephone Cooperative Corporation, Inc.; PRWireless, Inc.; CommuniGroup of Jackson, Inc.; Hopi Telecommunications, Inc.; Midstate Telecom, Inc.; T-Mobile USA, Inc.; WorldNet Telecommunications, Inc.; QSI Consulting, Inc., on behalf of Midcontinent Communications; and General Communications, Inc.
Order: Word | PDF | text

Thumb Cellular Order: TAPD dismisses as moot Thumb Cellular's motion for ruling on an appeal of USAC's denial of USF funding because the Bureau already granted the underlying appeal.
Order: Word | PDF | text

Direct Allband Waiver Order: In this order, we deny requests from Direct Communications Cedar Valley, LLC (Direct) and Allband Communications Cooperative (Allband) for waivers of sections 36.611 and 36.612 of the Commission's rules. Direct requests a waiver of sections 36.611 and 36.612 to allow it to receive universal service high-cost loop support payments as of February 1, 2006, the date that Direct closed its purchase of the Eagle Mountain City municipal telephone system (EMC). Allband requests a waiver of sections 36.611 and 36.612 to allow it to receive support retroactively to the month that its first customer is provided service.
Order: Word | PDF | text

Smith Bagley Interim Cap Waiver: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by Smith Bagley, Inc. (SBI) seeking a waiver of the interim cap that the Commission imposed on the amount of universal service high-cost support that competitive eligible telecommunications carriers (ETCs) may receive. Specifically, SBI requests a waiver to enable SBI and other competitive ETCs to obtain uncapped high-cost support to provide or expand telecommunications services to residents of the Eastern Navajo Agency of the Navajo Nation in the state of New Mexico.
Public Notice: Word | PDF | text

Partner Forbearance Petition, and Protective Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by Partner Communications Cooperative (Partner) seeking forbearance from section 54.305(b) and (d) of the Commission's rules. Specifically, Partner requests that the Commission forbear from enforcing section 54.305(b) and (d) of the Commission's rules so that Partner may receive additional universal service high-cost support and local switching support for four exchanges it acquired in 2006. Partner states that grant of its petition will allow Partner to upgrade its telephone network and provide the platform for eventual ubiquitous broadband coverage in the four acquired high-cost exchanges, as well as in its two original exchanges. Please note: Partner seeks confidential treatment of certain data provided in its filing, and a protective order is also attached.
Public Notice: Word | PDF | text
Order: Word | PDF | text

Pine Belt High-Cost Waiver: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a request by Pine Belt Telephone Company, Inc. that the Commission: (1) direct NECA to re-open the 24-month window that NECA established for its members to adjust cost studies submitted to NECA, so that Pine Belt may adjust its 2005 cost study; and (2) require that NECA reimburse Pine Belt for any amounts that may become due to Pine Belt as a result of Pine Belt's desired adjustments. Comments are due on February 11, 2010. Reply comments are due on February 26, 2010.
Public Notice: Word | PDF | text

CTC High-Cost Waivers Petition: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a request by CTC Telecom, Inc. (d/b/a Snake River PCS) for waiver of the sixty-day filing deadline set forth in section 54.314(d) of the Commission's rules for high-cost support.
Public Notice: Word | PDF | text

Qwest II – Tenth Circuit Remand: On December 15, 2009, the Commission released a Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking regarding high-cost universal service support for non-rural carriers, in response to the decision of the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit in Qwest Communications International, Inc. v. FCC. The Commission set the comment and reply comment deadlines for this Further Notice as 30 and 45 days, respectively, after publication of the summary of the Further Notice in the Federal Register. On December 29, 2009, a summary of the Further Notice appeared in the Federal Register. Accordingly, comments will be due on January 28, 2010, and reply comments will be due on February 12, 2010.
Public Notice: Word | PDF | text


2010 Average Schedule Order: Each year, NECA and USAC submit to WCB for approval proposed modifications of formulas that determine universal service high-cost loop and local switching support, respectively, for average schedule companies. The formulas are based on statistical analysis of sample companies. In the attached order, WCB approves the formulas.
Order: Word | PDF | text

Wellman/Iowa Telecom Study Area Waiver: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a joint petition for waiver of the study area boundary freeze filed by Iowa Telecommunications Services, Inc. (Iowa Telecom) and Wellman Cooperative Telephone Association (Wellman). Iowa Telecom and Wellman seek a waiver of the study area boundary freeze to transfer a small area from Iowa Telecom's existing Iowa study area to Wellman's existing Iowa study area. Wellman also requests a waiver of section 54.305 of the Commission's rules so that it may receive universal service support for the acquired line in the same manner as its existing lines, and Wellman seeks a waiver of the average schedule company definition so that it may continue to operate as an average schedule company after the transfer.
Public Notice: Word | PDF | text

Georgia PSC High-Cost Waiver: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a request by the Georgia Public Service Commission for waiver of the October 1, 2009 certification deadline for high-cost funds.
Public Notice: Word | PDF | text

Qwest II- Tenth Circuit Remand Order: The Commission released a Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in response to the decision of the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit (Tenth Circuit) in Qwest II, in which the court remanded the Commission's rules for providing high-cost universal service support to non-rural carriers. Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking: Word | PDF | text

Local Switching Support: On October 7, 2009, the Commission released the following Notice of Proposed Rulemaking regarding the effect of line loss on high-cost universal service support received pursuant to the Local Switching Support mechanism: High-Cost Universal Service Support, WC Docket No. 05-337, Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, FCC 09-89 (rel. Oct. 7, 2009) (Local Switching Support One-Way Rule NPRM) The Commission set the comment and reply comment deadlines for this Notice as 14 and 21 days, respectively, after publication of the summary of the Notice in the Federal Register. On November 10, 2009, a summary of the Notice appeared in the Federal Register. Accordingly, comments will be due on November 24, 2009, and reply comments will be due on December 1, 2009.
Public Notice: Word | PDF | text

Local Switching Support Order and NPRM: In this order and NPRM the Commission denies the Coalition for Equity in Switching Support's petition seeking clarification that the Commission's rules allow an incumbent LEC ETC's local switching support (LSS) to increase if the carrier's access lines decrease below those thresholds. In the NPRM the Commission tentatively concludes that the LSS rules should be modified to permit incumbent LEC ETCs that lose lines to increase their LSS and seeks comment on these proposed rule changes.
Order and NPRM: Word | PDF | text

Centennial PRTC ICLS: In this order, the Bureau denies the request of Centennial Communications Corp. for reversal of a decision by the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) to recover universal service interstate common line support (ICLS) from Centennial. As a result of USAC's retroactive downward adjustment to Puerto Rico Telephone Company's (PRTC) ICLS for 2004 and 2005, USAC retroactively reduced Centennial's ICLS for the same period due to the identical support rule contained in section 54.307(a)(1) of the Commission rules. PRTC is the incumbent local exchange carrier in Puerto Rico. Centennial claims that USAC's decision to recover a portion of Centennial's ICLS was inappropriate because it was based on PRTC's late-filed data. The Bureau finds that USAC acted properly and within its authority to adjust Centennial's ICLS payments pursuant to the requirements in section 54.307(a)(1) of the Commission's rules. Order: Word | PDF | text

Panora Communications Cooperative and Prairie Telephone Co., Inc. Study Area Waiver Petition: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a joint petition filed by Panora Communications Cooperative (Panora) and Prairie Telephone Co., Inc. (Prairie) for waiver of the Commission's study area boundary freeze. Specifically, Panora and Prairie seek a waiver to remove 35 access lines from Prairie's Iowa study area and include those access lines in Panora's Iowa study area. Comments are due September 9, 2009, and reply comments are due September 24, 2009. Public Notice: Word | PDF | text

General Communications, Inc. High-Cost Waiver: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a request by General Communications, Inc. for waiver of the December 30, 2008 and March 30, 2009 line count filing deadlines for high-cost support. Comments are due September 9, 2009, and reply comments are due September 24, 2009. Public Notice: Word | PDF | text

Advantage Cellular Systems, Inc.: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a request filed by Advantage Cellular Systems, Inc., a competitive eligible telecommunications carrier, seeking to receive universal service high-cost support based on the own-costs exception in the Commission's Interim Cap Order. The Bureau also issued a protective order for any parties that want to review Advantage Cellular's cost information, for which it seeks confidential treatment. Comments on the request are due August 20, 2009, and reply comments are due September 4, 2009. Public Notice: Word | PDF | text Protective Order: Word | PDF | text

Centennial Communications Corp.: The Wireline Competition Bureau denies a request filed by Centennial Communications Corp. for waivers of the September 30, 2005, June 30, 2006, and June 30, 2007, filing deadlines for universal service Interstate Access Support (IAS) set forth in section 54.802(a) of the Commission's rules. Centennial argues that it was confused by the language in its Louisiana ETC designation order, which was granted in March 2004, and therefore did not file IAS annual certifications or line counts until February 2008. Centennial seeks a waiver to permit it to receive IAS funds for the first and second quarters of 2008, and a further waiver to permit it to receive retroactive payments beginning October 1, 2005 through the end of 2007. The order provides that even though we deny Centennial's request for waiver, the amount of IAS that Centennial would have been able to receive in March 2008 if it had not missed the filing deadlines will be included in the capped level of support available to competitive ETCs in Louisiana pursuant to the Commission's Interim Cap Order.
Order: Word | PDF | text

Virginia Cellular ETC Relinquishment Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau accepts the relinquishment of the eligible telecommunications carrier designation of Virginia Cellular, LLC in the Williamsville wire center in the study area of MGW Telephone Company in Virginia.
Order: Word | PDF | Text

Accipiter/Qwest Joint Petition for Study Area Waiver: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a joint petition filed by Accipiter and Qwest for a study area waiver in Arizona. On April 30, 2009, Accipiter Communication, Inc. d/b/a Zona Communications (Accipiter) and Qwest Corporation (Qwest) filed a joint petition for waiver of the study area boundary freeze as codified in the Appendix-Glossary of Part 36 of the Commission's rules. The requested waiver would permit Accipiter and Qwest to exchange territories and add those exchanged territories to their existing study areas in Arizona. Comments are due July 6, 2009 and reply comments are due July 20, 2009.
Public Notice: Word | PDF | text

WorldNet Telecommunications, Inc. Request for Waiver: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a request by WorldNet Telecommunications, Inc., a CETC in Puerto Rico, for waiver of the December 30, 2008 line count filing deadline for Interstate Common Line Support (ICLS). Comments are due July 6, 2009 and reply comments are due July 20, 2009.
Public Notice: Word | PDF | text

Long Lines and OTZ High-Cost Waiver Requests: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on: (i) a request by Long Lines Wireless, LLC for waiver of the September 30, 2008 line count filing deadlines for High-Cost Model Support and Interstate Access Support (IAS); and (ii) a request by OTZ Telecommunications, Inc. for waiver of the December 30, 2008 and March 30, 2009 line count filing deadlines for high cost support. Comments are due July 6, 2009 and reply comments are due July 20, 2009.
Public Notice: Word | PDF | text

DTS NECA and Universal Service Support Waiver Petition: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by DTS of California seeking a waiver to allow DTS to become a member of the National Exchange Carrier Association and to immediately receive universal service high-cost loop support initially based on its forecasted costs rather than its historical costs. Comments are due June 5, 2009 and reply comments are due June 22, 2009.
Public Notice: Word | PDF | text

Wireline Competition Bureau Announces Posting of Cost Model: The Wireline Competition Bureau announces that the publicly-available version of the High-Cost Proxy Model on the FCC's website has been updated to work with the Commission's current computer operating systems (Microsoft Windows XP Operating System, Service Pack 2 or greater, and Microsoft Office Suite 2003, Service Pack 3 or greater).
Public Notice: Word | PDF | text

Centennial USVI High-Cost Waiver Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau acts on a request from Centennial USVI Operations Corp. for a waiver of high-cost universal service support filing deadlines.
Order: Word | PDF | text

Northeast Iowa High-Cost Waiver Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau grants a request by ICORE, Inc. on behalf of Northeast Iowa Telephone Company for a waiver of the data submission reporting deadline for local switching universal service support.
Order: Word | PDF | text

Xfone High-Cost Waiver Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau grants in part and denies in part a request filed by Xfone USA, Inc. for waivers of high-cost universal service support filing deadlines.
Order: Word | PDF | text

LBH et al. High-Cost Waiver Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau denies three requests, filed by LBH, LLC; Knology of the Black Hills, LLC; and USCOC of Cumberland Inc. Hardy Cellular Telephone Company for waivers of high-cost universal service support filing deadlines.
Order: Word | PDF | text

Grande Communications Networks et al High-Cost Waiver Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau acts on nine requests for waivers of various high-cost universal service support filing deadlines filed by Grande Communications Networks, Inc.; Hardy Telecommunications, Inc.; iBroadband Network, Inc.; IT&E Overseas, Inc.; Micronesian Telecommunications Company; Pattersonville Telephone Company; PTI Pacifica, Inc.; Texas RSA 8 South Limited Partnership dba Westex Wireless; and Thumb Cellular, LLC.
Order: Word | PDF | text

Corr Wireless Request for Review: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on Corr Wireless Communication's (Corr) request for review of a decision by the Universal Service Administrative Corporation (USAC). Corr challenges USAC's failure to include universal service high-cost support funds disclaimed by ALLTEL and Verizon in connection with their merger last year in the pool of funds available for distribution under the competitive eligible telecommunications carrier interim cap on high-cost universal service support. Comments are due May 11, 2009 and reply comments are due May 26, 2009.
Public Notice: Word | PDF | text

Twin Valley Telephone, Inc.: The Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau) grants Twin Valley's request to withdraw its application for review of the Bureau's prior decision to deny Twin Valley's petition for clarification or expedited waiver of section 54.305 of the Commission's rules.
Order: Word | PDF | text

High Cost Non-Rural Support Notice of Inquiry: The Commission seeks to refresh the record regarding the issues raised by the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit (Tenth Circuit) in the Qwest II decision. In that decision the Tenth Circuit invalidated the Commission's high-cost universal service support mechanism for non-rural carriers, which determines the amount of support to be provided to each state by comparing the statewide average forward-looking cost per line for non-rural carriers to a nationwide cost benchmark. Comments are due by May 8, 2009 and reply comments are due by June 8, 2009.
Notice of Inquiry: Word | PDF | text

Cellular Properties, Inc.: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by Cellular Properties, Inc., pursuant to section 54.207 of the Commission's rules, requesting the Commission's agreement with the decision of the Illinois Commerce Commission to redefine the service area of Illinois Consolidated Telephone Company. Comments on the petition are due by May 4, 2009 and reply comments are due by May 19, 2009.
Public Notice: Word | PDF | text

Cellular Properties, Inc.: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by Cellular Properties, Inc., pursuant to section 54.207 of the Commission's rules, requesting the Commission's agreement with the decision of the Illinois Commerce Commission to redefine the service area of Wabash Telephone Cooperative Inc. Comments on the petition are due by May 4, 2009 and reply comments are due by May 19, 2009.
Public Notice: Word | PDF | text

Minerva Valley Telephone Company: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a request by Minerva Telephone Company, an ILEC in Iowa, for waiver of the June 30, 2008 annual certification filing deadline for Interstate Common Line Support (ICLS). This petition does not affect the amount of support available to competitive ETCs pursuant to the Interim Cap Order because it does not affect support received in March 2008. Comments are due by April 29, 2009 and reply comments are due by May 14, 2009.
Public Notice: Word | PDF | text

Coalition for Equity in Switching Support: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by Coalition for clarification of sections 36.125 and 54.301 of the Commission's rules. Comments are due by April 20, 2009 and reply comments are due by May 5, 2009.
Public Notice: Word | PDF | text

Midstate Telecom, Inc.: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by Midstate Telecom, Inc. seeking waiver of filing deadlines associated with the receipt of universal service funds, pursuant to sections 54.307(c) and 54.802(a) of the Commission's rules. Comments are due by April 20, 2009 and reply comments are due by May 5, 2009.
Public Notice: Word | PDF | text

Hargray Telephone Company High-Cost Waivers: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a request by Hargray Telephone Company, a South Carolina ILEC, for waiver of the October 1, 2006 and October 1, 2007 projected-data filing deadlines for local switching support (LSS). Comments are due by April 20, 2009 and reply comments are due by May 5, 2009.
Public Notice: Word | PDF | text

General Communication, Inc. Declaratory Ruling Regarding CETC Wireless Lines: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a request by GCI for a declaratory ruling finding that its wireless subsidiaries in Alaska: (i) are correctly reporting prepaid wireless lines based on a local address or point of sale address; and (ii) are correctly reporting wireless business lines based on the address to which a service invoice is sent rather than a separate or third-party address from where payments are processed. Comments are due by April 20, 2009 and reply comments are due by May 5, 2009.
Public Notice: Word | PDF | text

T-Mobile USA, Inc.: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a request by T-Mobile for a waiver of the December 30, 2008 line count filing deadline to allow it to receive universal service high-cost support. This petition does not affect the amount of support available to competitive ETCs pursuant to the Interim Cap Order because it does not affect support received in March 2008. Comments are due by April 20, 2009 and reply comments are due by May 5, 2009.
Public Notice: Word | PDF | text

Centennial Communications Corp. Interim Cap Data Deadline Waiver: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by Centennial and its subsidiaries seeking a waiver of the December 31, 2008 deadline for submitting to Universal Service Administrative Company changes to the March 2008 data on which interim universal service high-cost capped support is based. Comments are due by April 20, 2009 and reply comments are due by May 5, 2009.
Public Notice: Word | PDF | text

Eagle Telephone System, Inc. and Midvale Telephone Exchange, Incorporated Study Area Waiver: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a joint petition for waiver of the study area boundary freeze filed by Eagle and Midvale. Eagle and Midvale seek a waiver of the study area boundary freeze to remove territory from Midvale's Idaho study area and recognize such territory as part of Eagle's Oregon study area. Comments are due by April 20, 2009 and reply comments are due by May 5, 2009.
Public Notice: Word | PDF | text

Leaco Rural Telephone Cooperative Redefinition: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by Leaco Rural Telephone Cooperative, Inc., pursuant to section 54.207 of the Commission's rules, requesting the Commission's agreement with the decision of the New Mexico Public Regulation Commission to redefine the service areas of certain rural local exchange carriers. Comments are due by April 13, 2009 and reply comments are due by April 28, 2009.
Public Notice: Word | PDF | text

Competitive ETC Interim Cap Alaska Native Regions/Tribal Lands Exception Waiver Order: The Commission waives on its own motion the limitation on the availability of uncapped high-cost universal service support for competitive eligible telecommunications carriers (ETCs) serving tribal lands or Alaska Native regions (Covered Locations). Specifically, for the period in which the interim cap is in effect, the Commission waives the restriction in paragraph 33 of the Interim Cap Order limiting the availability of uncapped per line support to competitive ETCs serving Covered Locations "to one payment per each residential account."
Order: Word | PDF | text

U.S. Virgin Islands Telephone Corp. High-Cost Abeyance Request: This letter directs USAC to hold in abeyance until May 31, 2009, any adjustments in universal service fund high-cost loop support for the Virgin Islands Telephone Corporation.
Letter: Word | PDF | text


South Dakota Commission Service Area Redefinition Proceeding Public Notice: Pursuant to section 54.207 of the Commission's rules, the Wireline Competition Bureau provides notice that it is initiating a proceeding to consider a redefinition of service area petition filed by the South Dakota Public Utilities Commission. Comments on the proceeding are due January 28, 2009 and reply comments are due February 12, 2009.
Public Notice: Word | PDF | text

Alltel Communications, Inc., et al.: The Wireline Competition Bureau amends certain ETC designations granted in the Interim Cap Order. The Bureau amends the ETC designation of New York RSA 2 Cellular Partnership, limiting the designation to the 13 wire centers requested; grants designation to St. Lawrence Seaway Cellular Partnership in 9 wire centers in the study area of Citizens Telecommunications of New York d/b/a Frontier Communications; and accepts the relinquishment of the designation of Dobson Cellular Systems Inc. and American Cellular Corp. in the state of New York.
Order: Word | PDF | text

2009 Modification of Average Schedule Universal Service Support Formulas: Each year, the Commission must review and approve or modify any proposed modifications to the formulas used to calculate universal service high-cost loop support and local switching support for average schedule companies. The high-cost loop and local switching support formulas are proposed by NECA and USAC, respectively. The Commission's rules require that these formulas simulate the disbursements that would be received by a company that is representative of average schedule companies. The formulas proposed for 2009 are consistent with the methods we have approved in previous years.
Order: Word | PDF | text

Competitive ETC March 2008 Capped High-Cost Support: The Wireline Competition Bureau provides notice that competitive ETCs should confirm their March 2008 universal service high-cost support amount information with USAC and file any corrections on or before December 31, 2008. To provide certainty regarding the amount of high-cost support available to competitive ETCs under the cap in each state, after December 31, 2008, USAC will not accept changes from competitive ETCs regarding the data on which their March 2008 high-cost support is based, absent grant of a waiver of this deadline by the Commission.
Public Notice: Word | PDF | text

Virgin Islands Telephone Corporation: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by the Virgin Islands Telephone Corporation (Vitelco) on November 21, 2008, seeking waiver of sections 32.2000(g)(2)(ii) and 36.621 of the Commission's rules to address these rules' effect on Vitelco's receipt of universal service high-cost loop support. Comments on the petition are due January 7, 2009, and reply comments are due January 22, 2009.
Public Notice: Word | PDF | text

Worldcall Interconnect, Inc.: WCB seeks comment on an ETC designation petition filed by Worldcall Interconnect, Inc. for two counties in New York. Comments are due January 5, 2009, and reply comments are due January 21, 2009.
Public Notice: Word | PDF | text

Open Mobile: WCB seeks comment on a request by PRWireless, Inc. (d/b/a Open Mobile) for waiver of the March 30, 2008 line count filing deadline for ICLS. PRWireless is an ETC in Puerto Rico. Comments are due January 5, 2009, and reply comments are due January 21, 2009.
Public Notice: Word | PDF | text

Filing Deadline Waiver Requests: WCB seeks comment on: (i) a request by FiberNet LLC for waiver of the June 30, 2008 line count filing deadline for IAS; and (ii) a request by CommuniGroup of Jackson, Inc. for waiver of the of the September 30, 2008 line count filing deadline for IAS, HCLS and HCMS. Comments are due January 5, 2009, and reply comments are due January 21, 2009.
Public Notice: Word | PDF | text

Virgin Mobile USA, L.P. Withdrawal: The Wireline Competition Bureau grants Virgin Mobile's request to withdraw its petition for designation as an ETC in Massachusetts.
Order: Word | PDF | text

Hopi Telecommunications, Inc.: WCB seeks comment on (i) a request by Hopi Telecommunications, Inc. for waiver of the October 1, 2008 annual certification for ICLS; and (ii) a request by Etex Telephone Cooperative for waiver of the October 1, 2008 projected-data filing deadline for LSS.
Public Notice: Word | PDF | text

U.S. Virgin Islands Telephone Corp. High-Cost Abeyance Request: This letter directs USAC to hold in abeyance until February 28, 2009, any adjustments in universal service fund high-cost loop support for the Virgin Islands Telephone Corporation.
Letter: Word | PDF | Text

Commission Responds to D.C. Circuit Mandamus and Joint Board Recommended Decision and Seeks Further Comment on Comprehensive Reform: The Commission addresses compensation rates for ISP-bound traffic, declines to adopt the Joint Board's recommendations for reforming distribution of high-cost universal service support, and seeks further comment on comprehensive universal service and intercarrier compensation reform. Comments will be due 14 days after publication in the Federal Register, and reply comments will be due 21 days after Federal Register publication.
Order: Word | PDF
Martin Statement: Word | PDF
Copps, Adelstein, Tate and McDowell Joint Statement: Word | PDF

HTC Services, Inc. 
Wireline Competition Bureau denies a petition by HTC for a waiver of the filing deadlines in section 54.802(a) of the Commission rules.
Order: Word | PDF

Wireline Competition Bureau Addresses Universal Service Fund Waiver Requests 
Wireline Competition Bureau (WCB) grants six separate requests, filed by Advanced Communications Technology, Inc. (ACT); Allo Communications (Allo); Aventure Communication Technology, LLC (Aventure); CC Cellular; PrairieWave Black Hills, LLC (PrairieWave); and Texas RSA 1 Limited Partnership dba XIT Wireless (XIT), for waivers of various high-cost universal service support filing deadlines set forth in sections 54.307 and 54.802 of the Commission's rules.
Order: Word | PDF

National Exchange Carrier Association, Inc., (NECA) and Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) 
Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on NECA's and USAC's proposed modifications to universal service high-cost loop and local switching support formulas, respectively, for average schedule companies. Pursuant to Commission rules, each year NECA and USAC submit modifications to these formulas. The proposed formulas, if approved, will be effective January 1, 2009 through December 31, 2009. Comments are due November 5, 2008 and reply comments are due November 20, 2008.
Public Notice: Word | PDF

Ballard Rural Telephone Cooperative Corporation, Inc. and HTC Communications, LLC: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on two petitions for waiver of universal service high-cost filing deadlines submitted by Ballard Rural Telephone Cooperative Corporation, Inc. and HTC Communications, LLC of the Commission's rules. Comments are due October 17, 2008, and reply comments are due November 3, 2008.

Public Notice: Word | PDF

Sacred Wind Communications, Inc. And Qwest Corporation: In this order, WCB grants Sacred Wind's request to extend the timing of our previously granted waiver of sections 36.611 and 36.612, permitting Sacred Wind to receive immediate high-cost loop support based on projected costs, subject to true-up, to the end of 2008. Sacred Wind requests this extension because approval of the transaction by the New Mexico Public Regulatory Commission was delayed until December 15, 2006, which resulted in only 15 days of network costs during calendar year 2006 (actual costs for 2006 are the basis for 2008 high-cost support payments).

Order: Word | PDF

WCB Grants WeavTel Petition for Waiver of USF Filing Deadline 
In this order, the Wireline Competition Bureau grants Westgate Communications LLC d/b/a WeavTel waiver of a filing deadline required by section 54.903(a) of the Commission's rules to allow WeavTel to receive universal service high-cost support.
Order: Word | PDF

WCB Seeks Agreement with Study Area Redefinitions: In its May 1, 2008 Interim Cap Order, the Commission redefined the service areas of several rural telephone companies in New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and Virginia. Pursuant to section 54.207(d) of the Commission's rules, the Wireline Competition Bureau sent the order to the respective state commissions seeking their agreement with the redefinitions.
New York letter: PDF | Text
North Carolina letter: PDF | Text
Pennsylvania letter: PDF | Text
Tennessee letter: PDF | Text
Virginia letter: PDF | Text

High-Cost Support Filing Waiver Petitions 
The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on petitions for waiver of filing deadlines submitted by H&B Cable Service, Inc.; Flat Rock Telephone Co-op, Inc.; Western New Mexico Telephone Company, Inc.; Yukon Telephone Company, Inc.; Windstream Communications, Inc.; and Northern New England Telephone Operation LLC and Telephone Operating Company of Vermont LLC (FairPoint Communications). Comments on the petitions are due September 19, 2008, and reply comments are due October 6, 2008.
Public Notice: Word | PDF

United States Cellular Corporation 
The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by United States Cellular Corporation to amend its eligible telecommunications carrier (ETC) designation in Tennessee. Comments are due September 11, 2008 and reply comments are due September 26, 2008.
Public Notice: Word | PDF

Virgin Mobile USA, L.P. 
The Wireline Competition Bureau grants the Massachusetts Department of Telecommunications and Cable's motion for a 21-day extension of the deadlines for filing comments and reply comments in response to Virgin Mobile's petition seeking limited eligible telecommunications carrier (ETC) designation in Massachusetts. Comments are due August 21, 2008 and reply comments are due September 5, 2008.
Public Notice: Word | PDF

Mid-Com Request for Review Public Notice: Mid-Communications, Inc. (Mid-Com) requests review of a decision by USAC to adjust Mid-Com's local switching support retroactively for calendar year 2006. Comments on the request are due September 2, 2008, and reply comments are due September 17, 2008.
Public Notice: Word | PDF | Text

In this order, the Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau) grants petitions for waiver filed by Saddleback Communications (Saddleback), Pine Belt Cellular, Inc. (Pine Belt), and IT&E Overseas, Inc, (IT&E) seeking waiver of the annual eligible telecommunications carrier (ETC) filing deadlines set forth in section 54.209(b) of the Commission's rules for 2006 and 2007. The Bureau also grants a petition for waiver filed by Gila River Telecommunications, Inc. (Gila River) seeking waiver of the annual ETC filing deadline for 2006. Finally, the Bureau grants Gila River's petition for waiver of the 2007 annual ETC filing deadline, but denies Gila River's request for a prospective waiver of section 54.209 for all future annual ETC filings.
Order: Word | PDF

NEP Cellcorp ETC Public Notice: NEP Cellcorp, Inc. (NEP) asks the Commission to amend its decision to deny NEP's request for eligible telecommunications carrier (ETC) designation in the rural study area of North-Eastern Pennsylvania Telephone Company. Comments are due August 27, 2008 and reply comments are due September 11, 2008.
Public Notice: Word | PDF | Text

Virgin Mobile Massachusetts ETC Petition Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by Virgin Mobile USA, L.P. (Virgin Mobile) for a limited designation as an eligible telecommunications carrier in Massachusetts. Virgin Mobile is seeking eligibility for Lifeline universal service support only. Comments on the petition are due July 31, 2008 and reply comments are due August 15, 2008.
Public Notice: Word | PDF | Text

Public Notice: Northwest Iowa Telephone Company: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by Northwest Iowa Telephone Company for waiver of a filing deadline required by section 54.301(e)(1) of the Commission's rules for receipt of universal service support. Comments on the petition are due July 17, 2008 and reply comments are due August 1, 2008.
Public Notice: Word | PDF

Order: Competitive ETC Interim Cap Erratum: The Telecommunications Access Policy Division released an erratum correcting a May 1, 2008 order, which capped high-cost universal service support to competitive eligible telecommunications carriers.
Order: Word | PDF

Public Notice: Palmerton/Northeastern Pennsylvania Telephone Company Waiver Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by Palmerton Telephone Company and Northeastern Pennsylvania Telephone Company for waiver of a filing deadline required by section 54.301(e)(1) of the Commission's rules for receipt of universal service funds. Comments are due July 7, 2008, and reply comments are due July 22, 2008.
Public Notice: Word | PDF

Public Notice: The Bureau seeks comment on two petitions filed by Virgin Mobile USA, L.P., seeking eligible telecommunications carrier (ETC) designation in North Carolina and Tennessee. Virgin Mobile is seeking limited eligibility for Lifeline universal service support only. Comments are due June 23, 2008, and reply comments are due July 8, 2008.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by Sacred Wind Communications, Inc. (Sacred Wind) to extend its previously received waiver of sections 36.611 and 36.612 of the Commission's rules. The Commission previously granted Sacred Wind a waiver of these rule sections to allow it to immediately receive universal service high-cost loop support. Comments are due June 16, 2008, and reply comments are due July 1, 2008.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a joint petition for waiver filed by Dubois Telephone Exchange, Inc. (Dubois) and Qwest Corporation (Qwest). Dubois and Qwest seek a waiver of the study area boundary freeze to transfer an unserved portion of Qwest's Wyoming study area to Dubois's Wyoming study area. Comments are due June 16, 2008, and reply comments are due July 1, 2008.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a request filed by ETS Telephone Company, Inc. (ETS), f/k/a Kingsgate Telephone, Inc., regarding potential retroactive application of the Commission's 2004 Skyline Order to ETS's Texas study area. ETS requests confirmation that the Skyline Order does not have retroactive effect on its study area. Comments are due June 16, 2008, and reply comments are due July 1, 2008.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on two petitions for waiver of filing deadlines associated with receipt of universal service high-cost support filed by iBroadband Networks, Inc. d/b/a Cedar Valley Communications and HTC Services Inc. Comments are due June 16, 2008, and reply comments are due July 1, 2008.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Order: In this Order, WCB extends the deadline for filing reply comments in response to the three High-Cost NPRMs from May 19, 2008, to June 2, 2008.
Order: Word | Acrobat

Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by the Kansas Corporation Commission for a declaratory ruling affirming the lawfulness of its procedure for certifying carriers' receipt of federal universal service support. The Kansas Corporation Commission filed its petition in response to a primary jurisdiction referral by the U.S. District Court for the District of Kansas. Comments on the petition are due by June 2, 2008 and reply comments are due by June 17, 2008.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Order: FCC Takes Action to Cap High Cost Support Under the Universal Service Fund.

News Release: Word | Acrobat
Order: Word | Acrobat
Martin Statement: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat
Tate Statement: Word | Acrobat
McDowell Statement: Word | Acrobat

Order: The Wire Competition Bureau granted three separate requests for waiver filed by the Illinois Commerce Commission, Farmers Mutual Telephone Company, and the Wyoming Public Service Commission, of the high-cost universal service support filing deadlines set forth in sections 54.313(d) and 54.314(d) of the Commission's rules.
Order: Word | Acrobat

Order: Comment Deadlines for Three Universal Service High-Cost Support Notices of Proposed Rulemaking Extended by Two Weeks. Revised Filing Dates: Comments Due: April 17, 2008; Reply Comments Due: May 19, 2008
Order: Word | Acrobat

Public Notice: Comment cycles were established for the Identical Support Rule NPRM, the Reverse Auctions NPRM, and the Joint Board Comprehensive Reform NPRM. Comments are due April 3, 2008, and reply comments are due May 5, 2008. Parties may consolidate their comments and reply comments for the three NPRMs.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on petitions filed by Saddleback Communications and Gila River Telecommunications, Inc., seeking waivers of the October 1, 2006, filing deadline associated with the receipt of universal service funds pursuant to section 54.209 of the Commission's rules. Comments on the petitions are due February 25, 2008, and reply comments are due March 3, 2008.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by Thumb Cellular, LLC (Thumb Cellular) seeking review and reversal of a decision of the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) regarding the results of a 2007 Improper Payment Improvement Act (IPIA) audit of the high-cost support received by Thumb Cellular during the period October 1, 2004 through September 30, 2005. Comments are due March 10, 2008 and reply comments on or before March 24, 2008.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Commission issues NPRM seeking comment on rules governing the amount of high-cost universal service support provided to competitive eligible telecommunications carriers.
NPRM (Identical Support): Word | Acrobat
Martin Statement: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat
Tate Statement: Word | Acrobat
McDowell Statement: Word | Acrobat

Commission issues NPRM seeking comment on the merits of using reverse auctions to determine the amount of high-cost universal service support provided to eligible telecommunications carriers serving rural, insular, and high-cost areas.
NPRM (Reverse Auctions): Word | Acrobat
Martin Statement: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat
Tate Statement: Word | Acrobat
McDowell Statement: Word | Acrobat

1/29/08 Commission issues NPRM seeking comment on the recommendation of the Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service regarding comprehensive reform of high-cost universal service support.
NPRM (Joint Board): Word | Acrobat
Martin Statement: Word | Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat
Tate Statement: Word | Acrobat
McDowell Statement: Word | Acrobat

Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by USCOC of Greater Missouri, LLC d/b/a U.S. Cellular, pursuant to section 54.207 of the Commission's rules, requesting the Commission's agreement with the decision of the Missouri Public Service Commission to redefine the service areas of certain rural telephone companies.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by TracFone Wireless, Inc. seeking designation as an eligible telecommunications carrier (ETC), only for purposes of participating in the Lifeline program, in the District of Columbia. Comments are due February 27, 2008 and reply comments on or before March 13, 2008.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau extends the deadline for filing reply comments in response to Osirus Communications, Inc.'s petition seeking to become a member of the National Exchange Carrier Association (NECA), to participate in NECA tariffs and pools, and to begin immediately to receive universal service high-cost support. Reply comments are due February 1, 2008.
Order: Word | Acrobat

Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by Hawaiian Telcom, Inc. (Hawaiian Telcom) on December 31, 2007, seeking waiver of the Commission's rules regarding high-cost universal service support.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau) provides notice that it is initiating a proceeding to consider a petition filed by United States Cellular Corporation (U.S. Cellular), pursuant to section 54.207 of the Commission's rules.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau) seeks comment on petitions filed by Texas RSA 1 Limited Partnership, d/b/a XIT Wireless, Hardy Telecommunications Inc. and Thumb Cellular, LLC, seeking waiver of filing deadlines associated with the receipt of universal service funds.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Order: In this order, the Wireline Competition Bureau denies Cedar Valley Communications, Inc.'s request for a waiver of a line count filing deadline to allow Cedar Valley to receive universal service high-cost loop support after missing the filing deadline by more than five months.
Order: Word | Acrobat


Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by Allo Communications, seeking waiver of the September 28, 2007, filing deadline associated with the receipt of universal service support pursuant to section 54.802 of the Commission's rules. Comments on the petition are due by January 25, 2008, and reply comments are due by February 11, 2008.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau released a Public Notice initiating a proceeding to consider USCOC of Greater Missouri, LLC d/b/a U.S. Cellular's petition for redefinition of certain rural telephone company study areas in the state of Missouri. Comments in the proceeding are due by January 25, 2008, and reply comments are due by February 11, 2008.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Order: In this order, the Wireline Competition Bureau approves NECA's and USAC's proposed 2008 high-cost loop and local switching support formulas for providing universal service support to average schedule companies.
Order: Word | Acrobat

Public Notice: Virgin Mobile: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on four petitions filed by Virgin Mobile USA, L.P. (Virgin Mobile). One petition requests that the Commission forbear from applying the requirement in section 214(e)(1)(A) of the Act that an eligible telecommunications carrier (ETC) offer services supported by the universal service fund using either its own facilities or a combination of its own facilities and resale of another carrier's services. In the remaining three petitions, Virgin Mobile seeks designation as an ETC, only for purposes of participation in the Lifeline/Link Up program, in the state of New York and the commonwealths of Pennsylvania and Virginia. Comments are due January 14, 2008 and reply comments are due January 29, 2008.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Public Notice: TracFone: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on two petitions filed by TracFone Wireless, Inc. seeking designation as an eligible telecommunications carrier (ETC), only for purposes of participating in the Lifeline program, in the states of Delaware and New Hampshire. Comments are due January 14, 2008 and reply comments are due January 29, 2008.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau released an order granting a request from Bristol Bay Cellular Partnership (Bristol Bay), a competitive eligible telecommunications carrier in Alaska, for a waiver of section 54.307(b) of the Commission's rules. Specifically, due to the unique circumstances presented by Bristol Bay, the order waives the requirement that subscriber line count data submitted for purposes of obtaining universal service support be based on the subscriber's billing address.
Order: Word | Acrobat

Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by Osirus Communications, Inc., seeking waiver of Commission rules to allow it to join the National Exchange Carrier Association (NECA) and to receive immediate universal service support. Comments are due January 3, 2008 and reply comments are due January 18, 2008.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by CC Cellular, seeking waiver of the March 30, 2007, filing deadline associated with the receipt of universal service funds pursuant to sections 54.307(c)(4) of the Commission's rules. Interested parties may file comments on or before December 29, 2007 and reply comments on or before January 13, 2008.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by Hargray Wireless, LLC, pursuant to section 54.207 of the Commission's rules, requesting the Commission's agreement with the decision of the South Carolina Public Service Commission to redefine the service area of United Telephone Company of the Carolinas d/b/a Embarq at the wire center level. Interested parties may file comments on or before December 29, 2007 and reply comments on or before January 13, 2008.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau released a Public Notice initiating a proceeding to consider Triangle Communication System, Inc.'s petition for redefinition of certain rural telephone company study areas in the state of Montana. Comments in the proceeding are due by December 26, 2007, and reply comments are due by January 10, 2008.
Public Notice: Word | Acrobat

Recommended Decision: Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service Issues Recommended Decision on High-Cost Reform.
Recommended Decision: Word | Acrobat

Public Notice: Comment is sought on petitions filed by Saddleback Communications, Gila River Telecommunications, Inc., and Pine Belt Cellular, Inc. seeking waivers of the October 1, 2007, deadline for Commission-designated eligible telecommunications carriers to file annual reports pursuant to section 54.209 of the Commission's rules. Comments are due by November 23, 2007 and reply comments are due by November 30, 2007. 11/9/07. Word | Acrobat| Text

Public Notice: Comment is sought on a petition filed by Texas RSA 8 South Limited Partnership d/b/a Westex Wireless seeking waiver of filing deadlines associated with the receipt of universal service funds, pursuant to sections 54.307(c)(2), 54.802(a), and 54.903(a) of the Commission's rules. Comments are due by December 6, 2007 and reply comments are due by December 21, 2007. 11/6/07. Word | Acrobat| Text

Public Notice: TCA High-Cost Waiver Petition: Comment is sought on a petition by The Community Cable Television Agency of O'Brien County d/b/a The Community Agency and TCA (TCA) seeking wavier of the December 31, 2006, filing deadlines associated with the receipt of universal service funds pursuant to sections 54.307 and 54.802 of the Commission's rules. Comments are due by November 21, 2007 and reply comments are due by December 6, 2007. 10/22/07. Word | Acrobat| Text

Public Notice: United States Cellular Redefinition: Comment is sought on a petition filed by United States Cellular requesting the Commission's agreement with the decision of the Nebraska Public Service Commission to redefine the service areas of certain rural telephone companies in Nebraska at the wire center level. Comments are due by November 21, 2007 and reply comments are due by December 6, 2007. 10/22/07. Word | Acrobat| Text

Public Notice: Comment is sought on the National Exchange Carrier Association, Inc.'s 2008 modification of average schedule universal service high-cost loop support formula, and on the Universal Service Administrative Company's 2008 average schedule company local switching support formula. Comments are due November 5, 2007 and reply comments are due November 20, 2007. 10/5/07. Word | Acrobat| Text

Public Notice: Comment is sought on the petition for study area waiver filed jointly by Beaver Creek Cooperative Telephone Company and Qwest Corporation. Comments on the petition are due November 5, 2007 and reply comments are due November 20, 2007. 10/5/07. Word | Acrobat| Text

Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a high-cost filing deadline waiver petition filed by Dixie-Net Communications, Inc. Dixie-Net is seeking a waiver of the June 30, 2007 filing deadline required by section 54.802 of the Commission's rules. Comments on the petition are due October 29, 2007 and reply comments are due November 13, 2007. 9/27/07. Word | Acrobat| Text

Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by USCOC of Greater Missouri, Inc. d/b/a U.S. Cellular requesting the Commission's agreement with the decision of the Missouri Public Service Commission to redefine the service areas of certain rural telephone companies in Missouri at the wire center level. Comments on the petition are due October 29, 2007 and reply comments are due November 13, 2007. 9/27/07. Word | Acrobat| Text

Order: The Telecommunications Access Policy Division adopted a protective order to provide limited access to confidential information in Centennial USVI Operations Corp.'s petition for designation as an eligible telecommunications carrier in the U.S. Virgin Islands. 9/20/07. Word | Acrobat| Text

Order: The Telecommunications Access Policy Division adopted a protective order to provide limited access to confidential information in Choice Communications LLC's petition for designation as an eligible telecommunications carrier in the U.S. Virgin Islands. 9/20/07. Word | Acrobat| Text

Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by Decatur Telephone Company seeking waiver of the June 30, 2007, filing deadline associated with the receipt of universal service funds pursuant to section 54.904 of the Commission's rules. Comments on the petition are due October 1, 2007 and reply comments are due October 15, 2007. 8/30/07. Word | Acrobat| Text

Public Notice: Triangle Communication Redefinition: The Wireline Competition Bureau (WCB) seeks comment on a petition filed by Triangle Communication System Inc. requesting the Commission's agreement with the decision of the Montana Public Service Commission to redefine the service areas of certain rural telephone companies in Montana at the wire center level. Comments on the petition are due September 28, 2007 and reply comments are due October 15, 2007. 8/29/07. Word | Acrobat| Text

Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by ICORE, Inc. on behalf of Pattersonville Telephone Company, seeking waiver of the June 30, 2007 filing deadline associated with the receipt of interstate common line support universal service funds pursuant to section 54.903 of the Commission's rules. Comments on the petition are due September 17, 2007 and reply comments are due October 2, 2007. 8/16/07. Word | Acrobat| Text

Order: The Telecommunications Access Policy Division adopted a protective order to provide limited access to confidential information in Corr Wireless Communications LLC's petition for designation as an eligible telecommunications carrier in Alabama. Word | Acrobat| Text

Order: The Telecommunications Access Policy Division adopted a protective order to provide limited access to confidential information in NEP Cellcorp, Inc.'s petition for designation as an eligible telecommunications carrier in Pennsylvania. Word | Acrobat| Text

Order: The Telecommunications Access Policy Division adopted a protective order to provide limited access to confidential information in Cingular Wireless LLC's petition for designation as an eligible telecommunications carrier in Georgia. Word | Acrobat| Text

Public Notice: In this Public Notice, the Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on two petitions seeking eligible telecommunications carrier (ETC) designations. One petition was filed by NEP Cellcorp, Inc., which is seeking ETC designation in Pennsylvania, and the other was filed by Corr Wireless Communications LLC, which is seeking ETC designation in Alabama. Comments on the petitions are due August 29, 2007 and reply comments are due September 5, 2007. Word | Acrobat| Text

Order: In this order, Telecommunications Access Policy Divisuion grants Sagebrush Cellular, Inc. (Sagebrush) a waiver of the certification filing deadline in section 54.904(d) of the Commission's rules to allow Sagebrush to receive Interstate Common Line Support from the date of its ETC designation. 8/8/07. Word | Acrobat| Text

Public Notice: In this Public Notice, the Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a study area waiver petition filed by Qwest. Qwest seeks a waiver of the study area boundary freeze to allow it to transfer a territory in Wyoming to RT Communications. Comments on the petition are due September 7, 2007, and reply comments are due September 24, 2007. 8/8/07. Word | Acrobat| Text

Order: The Commission denied a petition filed by Iowa Telecommunications Services, Inc. requesting that the Commission forbear from enforcing certain sections of the Commission's rules to permit Iowa Telecom to be eligible for high-cost universal service support under the non-rural mechanism, rather than under the high-cost loop support mechanism for rural carriers. 8/6/07. Word | Acrobat| Text

Public Notice: In this Public Notice, comment is sought on two petitions for waiver of universal service line count filing rules, filed by Vantage Point and WeavTel Communications LLC. Comments on the petitions are due August 31, 2007, and reply comments are due September 17, 2007. 8/1/07. Word | Acrobat| Text

Order: This order grants Centennial Communications Corp.'s request to extend the reply comment deadline on its request for review and reversal of a decision by USAC regarding the "true-up" of interstate common line support (ICLS) universal service payments disbursed to Centennial Puerto Rico in 2004. The deadline for filing reply comments is extended from August 13, 2007 to August 31, 2007. 8/1/07. Word | Acrobat| Text

Public Notice: Comment is sought on a petition filed by TDS, FairPoint, and Burke's Garden Telephone Company, seeking revocation of Sprint/Nextel's ETC designation in Virginia. Comments on the petition are due August 8, 2007, and reply comments are due August 23, 2007. 7/9/07. Word | Acrobat| Text

Public Notice: Comment sought on Centennial Communications Corp.'s request for review of a USAC decision regarding the true-up of interstate common line support universal service payments for Puerto Rico in 2004. Comments on the request for review are due July 27, 2007, and reply comments are due August 13, 2007. 6/27/07. Word | Acrobat| Text

Public Notice: The Bureau released a Public Notice seeking comment on six petitions seeking waivers of various filing requirements associated with the receipt of universal service support pursuant to the Commission's rules. The petitions were filed by the Illinois Commerce Commission; Pine Cellular Phones, Inc.; Grande Communications Network, Inc.; Range Telephone Cooperative, Inc.; Prairie Wave Black Hills, L.L.C.; and Farmers Mutual Telephone Company. Comments on the petitions are due July 19, 2007 and reply comments are due August 3, 2007. 6/19/07. Word | Acrobat| Text

Public Notice: The Bureau released a Public Notice seeking comment on petitions for waiver of section 36.611 and 36.612 of the Commission's rules filed by Allband Communications Cooperative and Direct Communications Cedar Valley. Comments on the petitions are due July 19, 2007 and reply comments are due August 3, 2007. 6/19/07. Word | Acrobat| Text

Public Notice: The Bureau released a Public Notice seeking comment on a petition for study area waiver filed by El Paso Telephone Company and Qwest Corporation. Comments on the petition are due July 19, 2007 and reply comments are due August 3, 2007. 6/19/07. Word | Acrobat| Text

Order: On June 12, 2007, the Commission released an order granting an extension of time for parties to file reply comments in response to the May 14, 2007 Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, which sought comment on the Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service's recommendation that the Commission adopt an interim, emergency cap on high-cost universal service support for competitive eligible telecommunications carriers. The reply comment date is changed from June 13, 2007, to June 21, 2007. 6/12/07. Word | Acrobat| Text

Public Notice: On May 14, 2007, the Commission released a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, seeking comment on the Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service's recommendation that the Commission adopt an interim, emergency cap on high-cost universal service support for competitive eligible telecommunications carriers. The Commission set the comment and reply comment deadlines as 14 and 21 days, respectively, after publication of the Notice in the Federal Register. On May 23, 2007, a summary of the Notice appeared in the Federal Register. Accordingly, comments will be due on June 6, 2007, and reply comments will be due on June 13, 2007. 5/23/07. Word | Acrobat| Text

Notice of Proposed Rulemaking: In this Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (Notice), we seek comment on the recommendation of the Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service (Joint Board) that the Commission take immediate action to rein in the explosive growth in high-cost universal service support disbursements. Specifically, we seek comment on the Joint Board's recommendation that the Commission impose an interim, emergency cap on the amount of high-cost support that competitive eligible telecommunications carriers (ETCs) may receive. The Joint Board also recommended that both it and the Commission further explore comprehensive high-cost distribution reform, and sought comment on various reform proposals in a Public Notice released on the same day as the Recommended Decision. 5/14/07. Word | Acrobat| Text

Public Notice: Public Notice seeks comment on a petition for declaratory ruling and preemption of a Texas PUC order filed by a group of rural carriers. The petitioners request that the Commission issue a declaratory ruling affirming that rooftop or pole-mounted antenna used with fixed satellite service and mobile handset and accessories used with mobile satellite service do not satisfy the "facilities" requirement of sec. 214(e) of the Act. The petitioners also seek an order preempting the Texas PUC's designation of DialToneServices (DTS) as an ETC, because DTS does not meet section 214(e)'s facilities requirement. Comments on the petition are due May 25, 2007, and reply comments are due June 11, 2007. 4/25/07. Word | Acrobat| Text

Order: In this order, pursuant to section 10(c) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended (the Act), the Wireline Competition Bureau extend by 90 days the date by which the petition requesting forbearance filed by Iowa Telecommunications Services, Inc. (Iowa Telecom) shall be deemed granted in the absence of a Commission decision that the petition fails to meet the standards for forbearance under section 10(a) of the Act. 4/6/07. Word | Acrobat| Text

Order: In this Order, the Wireline Competition Bureau grant a joint request from SRT Communications, Inc. (SRT) and North Dakota Telephone Company (NDTC) (collectively, the Petitioners) for a waiver of the study area boundary freeze codified in the Appendix-Glossary of Part 36 of the Commission's rules. This waiver will permit NDTC to remove the Velva exchange comprising approximately 720 lines from its North Dakota study area and will permit SRT to add that exchange to its existing North Dakota study area. We also grant SRT's request for waiver of section 69.3(e)(11) of the Commission's rules so that it can include the acquired exchange in the National Exchange Carrier Association (NECA) common line tariff. 4/3/07. Word | Acrobat| Text

Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau) grant Cellular South's petition for waiver of sections 54.904(d) of the Commission's rules to enable Cellular South to receive Interstate Common Line Support as of its ETC designation date. Specifically, Cellular South seeks waiver of a filing deadline that occurred prior to its ETC designation date. We find that Cellular South has demonstrated good cause to grant this waiver. 3/29/07. Word | Acrobat| Text

Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau) seeks comment on a petition filed by Missouri RSA No. 5 Partnership pursuant to section 54.207 of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R. § 54.207 requesting the Commission's agreement with the decision of the Missouri Public Service Commission (MPSC) to redefine the study areas of four rural telephone companies at the wire center level. 3/26/07. Word | Acrobat| Text

Order: The National Exchange Carrier Association (NECA) files annually a proposed formula for calculating high-cost loop support for average schedule members of the common line pool. The Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau) issued orders modifying each of NECA's proposed formulas for the years 2000 through 2005. In turn, NECA filed Applications for Review (Applications) or Petitions for Reconsideration (Petitions) of each of the Bureau orders, requesting in each instance that the Commission or the Bureau adopt NECA's preferred formula. 3/16/07. Word | Acrobat| Text

Order: On May 19, 2005, GTA Wireless, LLC (GTA), filed a Petition for Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier (Petition) in the above-captioned proceeding. In its Petition, GTA sought designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier throughout the Territory of Guam, pursuant to section 214(e)(6) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended. On October 3, 2006, Pulse Mobile, LLC, formerly GTA, submitted a request to withdraw the Petition. We grant the GTA request for withdrawal. 3/14/07. Word | Acrobat| Text

Public Notice: On February 21, 2007, Alltel Communications, Inc. (Alltel) requested that the Commission resolve previously filed petitions for declaratory ruling seeking preemption of the Arkansas Telecommunications Reform Act of 1997. Specifically, Alltel requests that Commission consider whether Section 5 of the Arkansas Telecommunications Regulatory Reform Act of 1997 (Arkansas Act) conflicts with federal law and the Commission's implementing regulations. Interested parties are invited to comment on Alltel's request. 3/14/07. Word | Acrobat| Text

Order: In this Order, the Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau) grant in part and deny in part a petition by Corr Wireless Communications, LLC (Corr), an eligible telecommunications carrier (ETC), for waiver of certain filing deadlines set forth in sections 54.313(d)(3) and 54.307(c) of the Commission's rules. 3/14/07. Word | Acrobat| Text

Order: In this Order, the Wireline Competition Bureau deny three separate requests for waiver filed by three eligible telecommunications carriers - NPI-Omnipoint Wireless, LLC, SouthEast Telephone, Inc., and SEI Data, Inc. - of certain filing deadlines required for receipt of high-cost universal support service as set forth in sections 54.307(c), 54.802(a), 54.809(c), and 54.903 of the Commission's rules. 3/13/07. Word | Acrobat| Text

Order: In this Order, the Wireline Competition Bureau dismiss as moot the request of the Telecommunications Regulatory Board of Puerto Rico (Puerto Rico Board) for clarification or, in the alternative, waiver of section 54.311(b) of the Commission's rules. 3/12/07. Word | Acrobat| Text

Public Notice : In this Public Notice, the Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by Dobson Cellular Systems Inc. and American Cellular Corporation pursuant to section 54.207 of the Commission's rules, requesting the Commission's agreement with the decision of the Oklahoma Corporation Commission to redefine the service areas of certain rural telephone companies in Oklahoma at the wire center level. 2/12/07. Word | Acrobat| Text

Order : In this Order, the Wireline Competition Bureau grant a petition filed by Smith Bagley, Inc. (SBI) seeking designation as an eligible telecommunications carrier (ETC) on the Navajo Reservation (Reservation) in Utah pursuant to section 214(e)(6) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended (the Act). 2/8/07. Word | Acrobat| Text

Order : In this Order, the Wireline Competition Bureau adopted a protective order granting limited access to Exhibit E of the Cingular petition for designation as an eligible telecommunications carrier in the Commonwealth of Virginia. 2/8/07. Word | Acrobat| Text

Order : In this Public Notice, the Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau) extended the comment cycle for the Cingular ETC petition for designation in Georgia. Comments are due February 20 and replies due February 27. 2/5/07. Word | Acrobat| Text

Order : In this Order, the Wireline Competition Bureau grant Hopi Telecommunications, Inc.'s (Hopi) request to be designated as an eligible telecommunications carrier (ETC) on the Hopi Reservation and on a small portion of the Navajo Reservation in Arizona [1] pursuant to section 214(e)(6) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended (the Act). Hopi, a tribally-owned wireline carrier, seeks ETC designation in the study area where it purchased three local exchanges of CenturyTel of the Southwest (CenturyTel), a rural incumbent local exchange, to provide telecommunications services to areas, including underserved and unserved areas, on tribal lands. Applying the Commission's two-step analysis for ETC designations for tribal lands, we first conclude that the Commission has jurisdiction to determine whether Hopi should be designated an eligible telecommunications carrier. We also conclude that Hopi has satisfied the statutory eligibility requirements of section 214(e)(1) to be designated an ETC on the Reservation in Arizona. 1/31/07. Word | Acrobat| Text

Order : In this Order, the Wireline Competition Bureau grant Pine Cellular Phones, Inc.'s petition for waiver of 54.307 of the Commission's rules. Pine Cellular, through its contractor, filed its data one day late. We find that Pine Cellular has demonstrated that there is good cause to grant its petition. 1/26/07. Word | Acrobat| Text

Order : In this Order, the Wireline Competition Bureau grant MTA Communications Inc. d/b/a MTA Wireless' (MTAW) petition for waiver of 54.314(d). MTAW was designated an eligible telecommunications carrier (ETC) prior to the 2005 amendment to 54.314 to allow newly designated ETCs to receive funding as of their designation date. We find that MTAW has demonstrated that there is good cause to grant its petition so it can receive funding as of its designation date. 1/26/07. Word | Acrobat| Text

Order : In this Order, the Wireline Competition Bureau grant the Kansas Corporation Commission's (Kansas Commission) petition for waiver of sections 54.313 and 54.314 of the Commission's rules. The Kansas Commission missed the deadline for filing the annual certification for a newly designated eligible telecommunications carrier (ETC). We find that the Kansas Commission has demonstrated that there is good cause to grant its petition and allow the ETC to receive support as of its designation date. 1/26/07. Word | Acrobat| Text

Order : In this Order, the Wireline Competition Bureau grant AT&T Communications of NY and AT&T Communications of California's (collectively, AT&T) petition for waiver of 54.802(a) of the Commission's rules. AT&T filed its line count data four days after the September 29, 2006 deadline. We find that AT&T has demonstrated that there is good cause to grant its petition. 1/26/07. Word | Acrobat| Text

Public Notice : In this Public Notice, WCB seeks comment on the petition filed by Cingular Wireless, LLC seeking designation as an eligible telecommunications carrier (ETC) in the state of Georgia pursuant to section 214(e)(6) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended. 1/25/07. Word | Acrobat| Text

Order: In this Order, the Wireline Competition Bureau grant a request by NPCR, Inc. (NPCR), an eligible telecommunications carrier (ETC), for a waiver of section 54.802(a) of the Commission's rules. For the reasons set forth, we find that NPCR has demonstrated that good cause warrants granting this waiver. 1/18/07. Word | Acrobat| Text

Order: In this Order, the Wireline Competition Bureau approves National Exchange Carrier Association's (NECA) proposed high-cost loop formula and Universal Service Administrative Company's (USAC) proposed local switching support formula. As we have done previously, we direct NECA and USAC to provide support to average schedule carriers consistent with this Order retroactive to January 1, 2007. 1/09/07. Word | Acrobat| Text

Public Notice: In this Public Notice, Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by American Cellular Corporation pursuant to section 54.207 of the Commission's rules, requesting the Commission's agreement with the decision of the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission to redefine the service areas of certain rural telephone companies in Minnesota at the wire center level. 1/04/07. Word | Acrobat| Text


Order: In this Order, we grant the request of North River Telephone Cooperative (North River), an eligible telecommunications carrier (ETC) in Virginia, for a waiver of the annual filing deadline set forth in section 54.904(d) of the Commission's rules. We find that North River has demonstrated good cause that warrants this waiver. 12/28/06. Word | Acrobat| Text

Order: In this Order, we grant MCI's petition for waiver of sections 54.802(a) and 54.809(c) of the Commission's rules. MCI missed its annual certification and three quarterly line reports for interstate access support (IAS) during a time when it was transitioning from bankruptcy. We find that MCI has demonstrated good cause to grant this waiver: MCI's difficulties with emerging from bankruptcy and the impact of a loss of approximately $1.5 million in IAS funding. Word | Acrobat| Text

Order: In this Order, we grant Mid-Tex's petition for waiver of section 54.314(d)(5) of the Commission's rules and deny Mid-Tex's petition for waiver of section 54.904 of the Commission's rules. We find that Mid-Tex's ETC designation date made it impossible for the state commission to file the high-cost use certification prior to the deadline in section 54.314(d)(5). We also find that Mid-Tex's confusion over the ICLS certification deadline in section 54.904 did not warrant a waiver. Word | Acrobat| Text

Order: In this Order, we grant San Isabel's request for a waiver of various line count and certification filing deadline so that it may receive universal service support beginning immediately after its ETC designation date of December 30, 2002. We conclude that the missed deadlines were not the fault of San Isabel. We deny, however, San Isabel's request for waiver of the two line count filing deadlines that occurred after the date the state commission certified San Isabel (Sept 24, 2003). We find no reason why San Isabel could not have submitted those required filings. As a result, San Isabel will not be eligible for universal service support for the first and second quarters of 2004. In summary, the Order permits San Isabel to be eligible for universal service support from Jan 1, 2003 to Dec 31, 2003 and from July 1, 2004 and thereafter. Word | Acrobat| Text

Order: In this Order, the Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau) grants a petition by CenturyTel of Wisconsin, LLC and Telephone USA of Wisconsin, LLC (CenturyTel) for a waiver of the filing deadline in section 36.612(a)(3) of the Commission's rules for the receipt of safety valve support. The Bureau finds that CenturyTel has demonstrated that good cause warrants this waivers. In particular, the Bureau finds absent a waiver, CenturyTel would be denied SVS for an entire fiscal year which would undermine the Commission's USF policies to promote quality services available at just, reasonable and affordable rates. Word | Acrobat

Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau extend the timing of the waiver of sections 36.611 and 36.612 of the Commission's rules granted to Adak Eagle Enterprises, LLC d/b/a Adak Telephone Utility (Adak Telephone) in the Adak Order. The extension of this waiver will permit Adak Telephone, a new local exchange carrier (LEC) in Alaska, to receive high-cost loop support based on projected costs in 2006 and 2007, until its historical costs become available in 2008. We grant this extension on our own motion to permit Adak Telephone to continue receiving high-cost loop support without interruption, consistent with the Wireline Competition Bureau's (Bureau) intention in originally granting the waiver in the Adak Order.
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Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau invites interested parties to comment on a petition filed by Cingular Wireless, LLC seeking designation as an eligible telecommunications carrier in the Commonwealth of Virginia pursuant to section 214(e)(6) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended. Comment Date: December 4, 2006. Reply Coment Date: 11, 2006.
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Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau grants an appeal filed by Thumb Cellular of a USAC decision denying it Interstate Common Line Support for the third quarter of 2003 because USAC determined that Thumb Cellular's FCC Form 507, which includes line count data, was received on March 31, 2003 - one day after USAC's calculated filing date. Among other things, the Bureau finds that USAC should have deemed the 507 forms filed on this day to be timely filed because the due date fell on a Sunday. In particular, under Section 1.4(j) of the Commission's rules, because March 30 was a Sunday, the document could have been filed on the next business day which was Monday, March 31, 2003.
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Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau conditionally grant a joint request from Rural Telephone Service Company, Inc. (RuralTel), Nex-Tech, Inc. (Nex-Tech), United Telephone Company of Kansas and United Telephone of Eastern Kansas (collectively, United) for a waiver of the study area boundary freeze codified in the Appendix-Glossary of Part 36 of the Commission's rules. This waiver will permit United to remove twelve exchanges comprising approximately 5,400 lines from United's Kansas study areas. Consistent with the precedent established by the Commission in the Heart of Iowa Order, we allow Nex-Tech to transfer its competitive LEC lines to RuralTel's newly configured incumbent LEC study area on the condition that RuralTel treats Nex-Tech's former competitive LEC lines as if these lines were acquired from an unaffiliated carrier and subject to the provisions of section 54.305. We also grant RuralTel's request for waiver of section 69.3(e)(11) of the Commission's rules so that RuralTel can include the acquired exchanges in the National Exchange Carrier Association (NECA) common line tariff.
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Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau grant a joint request from Gorham Telephone Company, Inc., (Gorham) and RuralTel for a waiver of the study area boundary freeze codified in the Appendix-Glossary of Part 36 of the Commission's rules. The study area waiver will permit RuralTel to remove two exchanges comprising approximately 272 access lines from its Kansas study area. The waiver also will permit Gorham to add these exchanges to its existing Kansas study area. We also grant Gorham a waiver of section 69.3(e)(11) of the Commission's rules in order to allow it to continue to use the NECA as its tariff pool administrator.
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Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau Seeks Comment on the 2007 Modification of Average Schedule Universal Service High-Cost Loop support Formula and the 2007 Average Schedule Company Local Switching Support Formula. Comment Date: November 11, 2006 and Reply Comment Date: November 8, 2006.
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Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau grants the petition for waiver of the June 30, 2006 deadline for receipt of interstate access universal service support. We find that Verizon has demonstrated that good cause warrants granting this waiver.
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Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau grants the petitions of three carriers for waiver of the September 30, 2005 deadlines. We find that the Petitioners have demonstrated that good cause warrants these waivers.
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Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau grants a joint request from United Telephone Company of Kansas and United Telephone Company of Eastern Kansas and Twin Valley Telephone, Inc. for a waiver of the study area boundary freeze.
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ERRATUM: The Telecommunications Access Policy Division on August 15, 2006 released an Order DA 06-1645, in the Matter of Sacred Wind Communications, Inc. and Qwest Corporation. This Erratum corrects the Order.
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Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau grant a joint request from Sacred Wind Communications, Inc. and Qwest Corporation for a waiver of the study area boundary freeze codified in the Appendix-Glossary of Part 36 of the Commission's rules.
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Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau grant the requests of Buggs Island Telephone Cooperative and Pembroke Telephone Cooperative for waivers of the annual certification deadline set forth in section 54.314 of the Commission's rules.
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Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau grant the requests of Northwest Dakota Cellular of North Dakota Limited Partnership; North Central RSA 2 of North Dakota Limited Partnership; North Dakota RSA No. 3 Limited Partnership; Badlands Cellular of North Dakota Limited Partnership; North Dakota 5-Kidder Limited Partnership; and Bismarck MSA Limited Partnership for a waiver of the September 30, 2004 data submission reporting deadline set forth in section 54.307(c) of the Commission's rules.
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Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau grant a request from Pine Belt Cellular, Inc. for a waiver of the October 1, 2004 annual certification filing deadline set forth in section 54.313 of the Commission's rules.
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Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau grant a request from Centennial Cellular Tri-State Operating Partnership and Centennial Claiborne Cellular Corp. for waiver of the April 1, 2004 and October 1, 2004 certification deadlines in section 54.314(d) of the Commision's rules. Mississippi Public Service Commission was also granted a request for a waiver of the January 1, 2005 certification deadline.
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Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau grant a request from Cellular South Licenses, Inc. for a waiver of the December 31, 2003, filing deadline for interstate access universal service support set forth in section 54.802(a) of the Commission's rules.
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Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau grant the petition of North Carolina RSA 3 Cellular Telephone Company d/b/a Carolina West Wireless to be designated as an eligible telecommunications carrier in portions of its licensd service area in the state of North Carolina.
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Public Notice: The Telecommunications Access Policy Division of the Wireline Competition Bureau granted the petitions for waiver of certain filing deadlines for the receipt of universal service support for the following Petitioners: Highland Cellular, Inc., Megagate, American Cellular Corp., and NPCR, Inc.
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Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by CTIA-The Wireless Association and a petition filed by Cingular Wireless LLC requesting declaratory rulings regarding certain aspects of the 2006 Contribution Methodology Reform Order and previous Commission and Bureau-level Orders. Comments Due: September 11, 2006 and Reply Comments Due: September 26, 2006.
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Order: The Commission grant requests for review filed by Darien Telephone Company, Inc., Logal elephone Cooperative, Inc., and Roanoke & Botetourt Telephone Company pursuant to sections 54.719 and 54.722 of the Commission's rules.
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Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on the petition of Gorham Telephone Company, Inc., and Rural Telephone Service Company, Inc., to waive the study area boundary freeze, as codified, in Part 36, and Gorham Telephone Company's request for waiver of section 69.3(e)(11) of the Commission's rules. Comments Due: August 8, 2006 and Reply Comments Due: August 15, 2006.
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Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by Verizon Communications, Inc. seeking waiver of the quarterly line count filing deadline associated with the receipt of universal service interstate access support pursuant to section 54.802(a) of the Commission's rules. Comments Due: July 26, 2006 and Reply Comments Due: August 2, 2006.
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Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on the petition of Accipiter Communications, Inc., and Qwest Cororation to waive the study area boundary freeze, as codified in part 36, and section 69.3(e)(11) of the Commission's rules. Comments Due: July 24, 2006 and Reply Comments Due: July 31, 2006.
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Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on petitions filed by Pine Belt Cellular, Inc., Sagebrush Cellular, Inc., and Cedar Valley Communications, Inc. seeking waivers of various filing deadlines associated with the receipt of universal service support pursuant to the Commission's rules. Comment Date: July 14, 2006 and Reply Comment Date: July 21, 2006.
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Public Notice: The Commission extend the high-cost universal service support rules adopted in the Rural Task Force Order on an interim basis until the Commission concludes its rural review proceeding and adopts changes, if any, to those rules as a result of that proceeding.
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Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau conditionally grant a joint request from Lost Nation-Elwood elephone Company and Iowa Telecom for a waiver of the study area boundary freeze codified in the Appendix-Glossary of Part 36 of the Commission's rules.
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Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau conditionally grant a joint request from Partner Communications Cooperative and Iowa Telecommunications Services, Inc., d/b/a Iowa Telecom for a waiver of the study area boundary freeze codified in the Appendix-Glossary of Part 36 of the Commission's rules.
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Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on the petition, filed on March 15, 2006, by Cellular Network Partnership d/b/a Pioneer Cellular for waiver of the Septmber 30, 2005 filing deadline set forth in section 54.307(c) of the Commission's rules. Comments are due April 28, 2006 and reply comments are due May 5, 2006.
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Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition, filed by North Dakota Network Company pursuant to section 54.207 of the Commission's rules, requesting the Commission's agreement with the decision of the North Dakota Public Service Commission to redefine the service areas of rural telephone companies in North Dakota at the wire center level. Comment Date: May 5, 2006 and Reply Comment Date: May 19, 2006
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Public Notice: Parties are invited to comment on the petition filed by Pine Belt Cellular, Inc. seeking designation as an eligible telecommunications carrier in the state of Alabama pursuant to section 214(e)(6) of the Communications Act of 1934. Comment Date: April 6, 2006 and Reply Comment Date: April 21, 2006
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Public Notice: Parties are invited to comment on the petition filed by Hopi Telecommunications, Inc. seeking designation as an eligible telecommunications carrier in the Hopi and Navajo Reservations in the state of Arizona pursuant to section 214(e)(6) of the Communications Act of 1934. Comment Date: April 6, 2006 and Reply Comment Date: April 21, 2006
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Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by Mark Twain Communications Company pursuant to section 54.207 of the Commission's rules, requesting the Commission's agreement with the decision of the Missouri Public Service Commission to redefine the service area of Spectra Communications Group, a rural incumbent local exchange carrier. Comment Date: April 7, 2006 and Reply Comment Date: April 21, 2006
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Order: The Commission conditionally grant a joint request from Heart of Iowa Communications Cooperative and Iowa Telecommunications Services, Inc., d/b/a Iowa elecom for a waiver of the study area boundary freeze codified in the Appendix-Glossary of Part 36 of the Commission's rules.
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Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Buerau seeks comment on a petition filed by the South Dakota Public Utilities Commission pursuant to section 54.207 of the Commission's rules, requesting the Commission's agreement with its decision to redefine the service areas of rural incumbent local exchange carriers for the purposes of designating Brookings Municipal Utilities d/b/a Swiftel Communications as an eligible telecommunications carrier. Comment Date: March 31, 2006 and Reply Comment Date: April 14, 2006.
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Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Buerau seeks comment on petitions filed by Pembroke Telephone Cooperative, North River Telephone Cooperative, Nebraska Technology & Telecommunications, Inc., and Great Lakes of Iowa, Inc. seeking waivers of various filing deadlines associated with the receipt of unviersal service support pursuant to the Commission's rules. Comment Date: March 20, 2006 and Reply Comment Date: March 27, 2006.
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Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petitions filed by American Cellular Corporation pursuant to section 54.207 of the Commission's rules, requesting the Commission's agreement with the decision of the Minnesota Public Service Commission to redefine the service areas of rural incumbent local exchange carrier service areas. Comment Date: March 17, 2006 and Reply Comment Date: March 31, 2006.
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Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau grant requests by Dixon Telephone Company, Lexcom Telephone Company, and Citizens Telephone Company of Higginsville, Missouri - incumbent local exchange carriers that have been designated as eligible telecommunications carriers - for a waiver of the data submission reporting deadline set forth in section 54.301(b) of the Commission's rules for local switching support.
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Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau grant the petition of Corr Wireless Communications, LLC, as amended, to be designated as an eligible telecommunications carrier in portions of its licensed service area in the state of Alabama, pursuant to section 214(e)(6) of the Communications Act of 1934.
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Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by N.E. Colorado Cellular, Inc. d/b/a Viaero Wireless pursuant to section 54.207 of the Commission's rules, requesting the Commission's agreement with the decision of the Nebraska Public Service Commission to redefine the service areas of rural incumbent local exchange carrier service aras. Comment Date: February 6, 2006 and Reply Comment Date: February 21, 2006.
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Order: The Commission approved the Universal Service Administrative Company's modified local switching support formula and, with respect to Part 36 high-cost support, adopted the National Exchange Carrier Association's cost per loop (CPL) formula.
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Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau provides notice that it is initiating a proceeding to consider petitions filed by RSA 7 Limited Partnership, Iowa 8 - Monona Limited Partnership, and Iowa RSA 10 General Partnership and Midwest Wireless Iowa, L.L.C. pursuant to section 54.207 of the Commission's rules. Comment Date: January 27, 2006 and Reply Comment Date: February 13, 2006.
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Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau grants Adak Eagle Enterprises, LLC d/b/a Adak Telephone Utility (Adak Telephone), a new local exchange carrier (LEC) in Alaska, waivers of certain Commission rules so that it may receive high-cost loop support based on projected costs until historical costs become available. Adak Telephone would be eligible to receive high-cost universal service support as of the date it was designated an eligible telecommunications carrier (ETC). Further, the Bureau would grant Adak Telephone's request for waiver of the Commission's rules so that it may participate immediately in the National Exchange Carrier Association's (NECA) pools and tariffs.
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Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau grants the Petition of FiberNet, LLC for a waiver of the data submission reporting deadline set forth in section 54.307 of the Commission's rules.
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Notice of Proposed Rulemaking: The Commission released the attached NPRM seeking comment on issues raised by section 254(b) of the Communications Act and the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit's decision in Qwest Corp. v. FCC (Qwest II). Specifically, it seeks comment on how to reasonably define the statutory terms "sufficient" and "reasonably comparable" in light of the court's holding in Qwest II. The NPRM also tentatively concludes that the Commission should establish an interim non-rural insular mechanism as proposed by Puerto Rico Telephone Company.
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Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau grants a joint request for waiver of the study area boundary freeze filed by Sully Telephone Association, Inc. (Sully) and Reasnor Telephone Company, LLC (Reasnor). This waiver permits Sully to remove one exchange from its Iowa study area, and permits Reasnor to create a new Iowa study area for the acquired exchange. Reasnor is also granted a waiver of section 69.605(c) of the Commission's rules to allow it to operate its new study area in Iowa as an interstate average schedule company.
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Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau grants a joint request for waiver of the study area boundary freeze filed by Direct Communications Cedar Valley, LLC (Direct Communications) and Qwest Corporation (Qwest). This waiver allows the territory served by Eagle Mountain City's municipal telephone system (EMC) to be removed from Qwest's study area and will allow Direct Communications to establish a new study area in the state of Utah. Direct Communications is also granted waiver of certain of the Commission's rules to allow it to become a member of the National Exchange Carrier Association (NECA), to receive interstate access settlements and universal service support pursuant to NECA's average schedule formulas, and to receive, to the extent it is eligible, federal universal service support on the date that it would otherwise be entitled to receive such support.
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Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau grants a joint request for waiver of the study area boundary freeze filed by Madison River Telephone Company, LLC, its wholly owned subsidiary MebTel, Inc. d/b/a MebTel Communications (Madison River) and BellSouth Telecommunications, Inc. (BellSouth). The waiver permits BellSouth to remove two exchanges from its North Carolina study area, and permits Madison River to add these exchanges to its MebTel study area in North Carolina. Madison River is also granted a waiver of section 69.3(e)(11) of the Commission's rules to allow it to continue to use the National Exchange Carrier Association (NECA) as its tariff pool administrator.
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Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau grants a joint request for waiver of the study area boundary freeze filed by United Telephone Company of Kansas (United) and Blue Valley Telecommunications, Inc. (Blue Valley). The waiver permits United to remove two exchanges from its Kansas study area, and permits Blue Valley to add these exchanges to its existing Kansas study area. Blue Valley is also granted a waiver of section 69.3(e)(11) of the Commission's rules to allow it to continue to use the National Exchange Carrier Association (NECA) as its tariff pool administrator.
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Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau grants the Petitions of Alliance Communications and its subsidiaries waiver of the data submission reporting deadline.
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Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau announces the designation of a Temporary Eligible Telecommunications Carrier for the purpose of providing the Hurricane Katrina Lifeline Assistance.
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Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau would grant a joint request by Citizens Communications and Frontier Communications, on behalf of 31 eligible telecommunications carriers (ETCs), for a waiver of the June 30, 2005, filing deadline for interstate access universal service support set forth in section 54.802(a) of the Commission's rules.
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Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau grants the petition of RCC Minnesota, Inc. and RCC Atlantic, Inc. to be designated as an eligible telecommunications carrier in portions of its licensed service areas in New Hampshire.
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Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau granted Northwest Communications Cooperative and Noonan Farmers Telephone Company Joint Request for Waiver of the Study Area Boundary Freeze Codified in the Appendix-Glossary of Part 36 of the Commissions rules.
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Order: The Commission conditionally granted the petition of TracFone Wireless for forbearance from the requirement that a carrier designated as an ETC for purposes of federal universal service support provide services, at least in part, over its own facilities. TracFone seeks eligibility for Lifeline support only. This Order does not establish TracFone as an ETC. TracFone's pending ETC petitions will be addressed in subsequent order(s).
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Order: This order corrects our recently released NTELOS ETC designation. NTELOS was designated an ETC for non-rural wire centers but mistakenly included several rural wire centers. This order corrects the list of wire centers such that NTELOS is only designated for non-rural wire centers.
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Order: In this order released today, we grant petition of NTELOS to be designated as an eligible telecommunications carrier (ETC) for requested service areas in Virginia.
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Order: In this order released today, we grant a request from Sandwich Isles for waiver of the study area boundary freeze codified in the Appendix-Glossary of Part 36, and sections 36.611 and 69.2(hh) of the Commission's rules. We also grant Sandwich Isles a waiver of the definition of incumbent local exchange carrier (LEC) in Part 36 and in section 54.5 of the Commission's rules to the limited extent necessary to permit Sandwich Isles to receive universal service support based on its own costs. These waivers will permit Sandwich Isles to continue being treated as an incumbent LEC for purposes of receiving universal service support and participating in the National Exchange Carrier Association (NECA) tariffs and pools.
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Order: In this order released today, we granted a joint request from Sioux Valley Telephone Company (Sioux Valley) and Hills Telephone Company, Inc (Hills) for a waiver of the study area boundary freeze codified in the Appendix-Glossary of Part 36 of the Commission's rules. This waiver permitted Sioux Valley to remove three exchanges comprising approximately 557 access lines from its South Dakota study area. This waiver also permitted Hills to create a new South Dakota study area for the acquired exchanges. We also granted Hills a waiver of section 69.605(c) of the Commission's rules to operate its new study area in South Dakota as an interstate average schedule company.
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Report and Order: In this Report and Order, consistent with the recommendations of the Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service, the Commission, among other things, adopts additional mandatory requirements for ETC designation proceedings in which the Commission acts pursuant to section 214(e)(6) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended (the Act). In addition, in this Report and Order, states that exercise jurisdiction over ETC designations pursuant to section 214(e)(2) of the Act, are encouraged to adopt these requirements when deciding whether a common carrier should be designated as an ETC.
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Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau released the attached order which extended TracFone Wireless Inc's Petition for Forbearance until September 6, 2005.
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Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau released the attached order which waives certain filing deadlines to give effect to the Commission's Skyline Order, which intended to permit Skyline Telephone to begin receiving high-cost universal service support in 2004.
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Order: The Commission released an Order denying in part and granting in part a request by Valor Telecommunications of Texas, L.P. (Valor), a rural incumbent local exchange carrier formed through the acquisition of approximately 315,000 lines from GTE in 2000, for waiver of section 54.305 of the Commission's rules. Specifically, the Commission granted Valor a limited waiver of section 54.305 to allow it to receive additional safety valve support consistent with the modifications to the safety valve mechanism that the Commission adopted today in FCC 05-1.
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Order on Reconsideration: The Commission released an Order and Order on Reconsideration amending section 54.305 of the Commission's rules so that it does not apply to transfers of exchanges between non-rural carriers after the phase-down of interim hold-harmless support, and granting a request by the National Telephone Cooperative Association (NTCA) to provide that rural carriers may receive "safety valve" support for investment made in the first year of operating acquired exchanges.
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Wireline Competition Bureau approves NECA's universal service formulas for average scheduled companies for 2005.
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Wireline Competition Bureau Initiates Proceeding to Consider Petition to Redefine Certain Rural Telephone Company Service Areas in the State of Minnesota.
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The Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service to Hold En Banc Hearing on High-Cost Universal Service Support in Areas Served by Rural Carriers.
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The Wireline Competition Bureau released the attached Public Notice. In this Public Notice, the Bureau which grants in part and denies in part the petition of Advantage Cellular Systems, Inc. to be designated as an eligible telecommunications carrier in the state of Tennessee.
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The Wireline Competition Bureau released the attached Public Notice. In this Public Notice, the Bureau provides notice that it is initiating a proceeding to consider a petition filed by American Cellular Corporation, requesting Federal Communications Commission agreement with the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin's decision to redefine the service areas of certain rural telephone companies.
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The Wireline Competition Bureau initiates proceeding to consider Petition to Redefine a Rural Telephone Company Service Area in the State of Wisconsin.
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In the attached Order, the Bureau grants five petitions of ALLTEL Communications, Inc. ("ALLTEL") to be designated as an eligible telecommunications carrier (ETC) in non-rural areas in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, and Virginia, pursuant to section 214(e)(6) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended. In doing so, the Bureau finds ALLTEL has satisfied the statutory eligibility requirements of section 214(e)(1) to be designated as an ETC.
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The attached Order was released today and will appear in tomorrow's daily digest. In this Order, the Bureau grants the petitions of NPCR, Inc. d/b/a Nextel Partners (Nextel) to be designated as an eligible telecommunications carrier (ETC) for the requested service areas in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, New York, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and Virginia, pursuant to section 214(e)(6) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended (the Act). In so doing, the Bureau concludes that Nextel, a commercial mobile radio service (CMRS) carrier, has satisfied the statutory eligibility requirements of section 214(e)(1) to be designated as an ETC.
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The attached Public Notice announces that it has granted petitions for waiver of certain filing deadlines associated with the receipt of universal support.
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The attached Order grants a request from Grande Communications, Inc. (Grande), a competitive eligible telecommunications carrier (ETC), for waiver of the January 1, 2003 certification filing deadline set forth in section 54.314(d) of the Commission's rules for high-cost universal service support in areas served by CenturyTel, Inc., a rural local exchange carrier. TAPD also grants Grande's request for waiver of the December 30, 2002 and March 30, 2003 quarterly filing deadlines for line count data set forth in section 54.307(c) of the Commission's rules for high-cost universal service support and interstate common line support. Granting Grande's waiver requests will allow it to receive universal service support as of May 22, 2003, the date the Public Utility Commission of Texas designated Grande as an ETC.
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The attached Order grants a request from Grande Communications, Inc. (Grande), a competitive eligible telecommunications carrier (ETC), for waiver of the January 1, 2003 certification filing deadline set forth in section 54.314(d) of the Commission's rules for high-cost universal service support in areas served by CenturyTel, Inc., a rural local exchange carrier. TAPD also grants Grande's request for waiver of the December 30, 2002 and March 30, 2003 quarterly filing deadlines for line count data set forth in section 54.307(c) of the Commission's rules for high-cost universal service support and interstate common line support. Granting Grande's waiver requests will allow it to receive universal service support as of May 22, 2003, the date the Public Utility Commission of Texas designated Grande as an ETC.
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The attached Order grants a request from Centennial Cellular Tri-State Operating Partnership and Centennial Claiborne Cellular Corp. (Centennial) for waiver of the April 1, 2003 certification filing deadline set forth in section 54.313(d) of the Commission's rules for high-cost universal service support in areas served by BellSouth Telecommunications, Inc., a non-rural local exchange carrier. Granting the request filed by Centennial, a competitive eligible telecommunications carrier (ETC), will allow Centennial to receive high-cost universal service support as of September 24, 2003, the date that the Mississippi Public Service Commission designated Centennial as an ETC.
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The attached Order grants a request from Searsboro Telephone Company, Inc. and Killduff Telephone Company for a waiver of the study area boundary freeze codified in the Appendix-Glossary of Part 36 of the Commission's rules.
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The attached Order designates Guam Cellular and Paging, Inc. d/b/a Saipancell as an eligible telecommunications carrier in the Northern Mariana Islands.
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The attached Order asks the Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service to review the Commission's rules relating to the high-cost universal service support mechanisms for rural carriers.
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The Wireline Competition Bureau released the attached Public Notice seeking comment on two petition filed on June 8, 2004 by TracFone Wireless, Inc., a reseller of commercial mobile radio services.
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The Wireline Competition Bureau grant a request from Smithville Telephone Company, Inc. an incumbent local exchange carrier that been desingated as an eligible telecommunications carrier, for a waiver of October 1, 2003 data filing deadline.
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The Wireline Competition Bureau denies the attached Order (DA 04-1287) FiberNet, LLC's, Petition for a Waiver of 54.307(c) of the Commission's rules for high-cost universal service support.
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In the attached Order the Commission's grant in part and deny in part the petition of Highland Cellular Inc., to be designated as an eligible telecommunications carrier in portions of Virginia.
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The Wireline Competition Bureau initiates a proceeding to consider a petition filed by ALLTEL Communications, Inc. requesting the Commission's agreement with the Michigan Public Service Commission's decision to redefine the "service areas" of certain rural telephone companies in the state of Michigan. (DA 04-686)
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In this Order, the Commission grant in part and deny inpart, subject to enumarated conditions, the petition of Virginia Cellular to be designated as an eligibile telecommunications carrier.
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The Wireline Competition Bureau update line counts and other input data used in the Commission's forward-looking economic cost model for purposes of calculating and targeting non-rural high-cost support beginning January 1, 2004.
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The Wireline Competition Bureau grants the request for a waiver with the attached Order (DA 03-4041) Puerto Rico Telephopne Company, Request for a Waiver of State Certification Requirements for High-Cost Universal Service Support for Non-Rural Carrieres.
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The Wireline Competition Bureau released the attached Order (DA 03-3867) denying petitions filed by the Maine Public Utilities Commission and the Verizon Telephone Companies seeking reconsideration of the Bureau's decision to upgrade the computer language of its forward-looking cost model and to correct programming errors identified by interested parties.
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The Wireline Competition Bureau announces the posting of a revised version of the Commission's cost model used to calculate high-cost support for non-rural carriers.
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The Commission released the attached Order in response to the decision of the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit and recommendations of the Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service.
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The Wireline Competition Bureau grants a request from Qwest Corporation (Qwest) for a waiver of the July 31, 2003 loop cost data filing deadline set forth in section 36.611 of the Commission's rules.
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The Wireline Competition Bureau grants a request from N.E. Colorado Cellular, Inc. (N.E. Colorado Cellular), a competitive eligible telecommunications carrier (ETC), for waiver of the October 1, 2001 certification filing deadline set forth in section 54.314(d)(1) of the Commission's rules for receiving high-cost universal service support in areas served by rural carriers. Granting N.E. Colorado Cellular's waiver request will allow it to receive universal service support beginning February 6, 2002, the date N.E. Colorado Cellular filed its high-cost certification under section 54.314(d) with the Commission.
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Seeks additional comment on updating line counts in the Commission's forward-looking cost model for purposes of determining support for non-rural carriers following a Commission decision in the Ninth Report and Order remand proceeding. Specifically, the Bureau seeks comment on whether to continue to update special access lines in the cost model, or whether to zero out special access lines from the cost model's calculations. Moreover, the Bureau seeks comment on whether to update the cost model with year-end 2002 line count data which will be filed July 31, 2003.
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In the attached Order, the Telecommunications Access Policy Division grants a request from Western Wireless Corporation (Western Wireless), a competitive eligible telecommunications carrier (ETC), for waiver of the October 1, 2002 certification filing deadline set forth in section 54.314(d)(1) of the Commission's rules for high-cost universal service support in areas served by rural carriers. Granting Western Wireless's waiver request will allow it to receive universal service support beginning January 6, 2003, the date the South Dakota Public Utility Commission designated Western Wireless as an ETC.
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The Commission released an Order on Remand which addresses two issues on remand from the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. This Order on Remand concludes that the $650 million IAS amount adopted in the CALLS Order represents a reasonable estimate of the implicit support in access charges to be replaced with explicit support and is supported by the record in this proceeding. The Order on Remand also concludes that the record supports the adoption of a 6.5 percent X-factor to achieve the Commission's target rate levels for price cap carriers.
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WCB released an Order granting the study area waiver request of Nemont Telephone Cooperative, Inc., Missouri Valley Communications, Inc., Reservation Telephone Cooperative and Citizens Telecommunications Company of North Dakota. The Order also grants requests for waiver of section 61.41(c)(2),and section 69.3(e)(11). The Order also denies the request for waiver of section 69.605(c) for continued operation as an average schedule company.
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Federal -State Joint Board on Universal Service (Delphi Order) Adopted the Delphi version of the forward-looking cost model, which has been translated from turbo-pascal computer language, for calculating high cost support for non-rural carriers.
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Average Schedule Support Order. Approves NECA's modified local switching support formula; with respect to Part 36 high-cost support, adopts NECA's cost per loop formula; and denies NECA's request for supplemental payments for certain average schedule companies.
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Public Service Telephone Company. Denies request for confidential treatment of loop cost data provided by NECA pursuant to sections 36.611 and 36.613 of the Commission's rules.
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Connecticut Department of Public Utility Control Request for Waiver Granted the petition of the Connecticut Department of Public Utility Control for a waiver of the calendar year 2002 state certification requirements for high-cost universal service support in areas served by rural carriers.
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Blackduck Telephone Company and Arvig Telephone Company. Granted a request for a waiver of the definition of "study area" contained in the Part 36 Appendix-Glossary of the Commission's rules.
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RFB Cellular, Inc. Granted the Request from RFB for waiver of certification filing deadline and waiver of quarterly filing deadlines for line count data set forth in sections 54.314(d)(1) and 54.307(c) of the Commission's rules.
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The Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service issues recommendations of the Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service on issues from the Ninth Report and Order that was remanded to the Commission.
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Dickey Rural Telephone Cooperative, Dickey Rural Access, Inc., Polar Telecommunications, Inc., Red River Rural Telephone Association, Red River Telecom, Inc. and Citizens Telecommunications Company of North Dakota WCB granted the petition for waiver of the study area boundary freeze as codified in Part 36, Appendix-Glossary of the Commission's rules filed by Dickey Rural Telephone Cooperative, et al.
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Multi-Association Group (MAG) Plan for Regulation fo Interstate Services of Non-Price Cap Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers & Interexchange Carriers; Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service. The Commission waived on its own motion, the requirement that carriers file annual certifications on 6/30/02, in order to receive interstate Common Line Support.
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Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service MAG Plan for Regulation of Interstate Services of Non-Price Cap Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers & Interexchange Carriers RE: Commission denied the petitions for reconsideration. Granted the petition for reconsideration filed by National Telephone Carriers Association on 7/5/01. Amended Part 36 of the Commission's rules.
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Access Charge Reform, Price Cap Performance Review for Local Exchange Carriers, Low Volume Income Long Distance Users RE: Granted in part request by the National Association of State Utility Consumer Advocates for limited modifications of Interim Protective Order to permit limited access to certain carrier-filed line count information.
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First Order on Reconsideration in CC DKT No. 00-256, Twenty-Fourth Order on Reconsideration in CC DKT No. 96-45 RE: Multi-Association Group (MAG) Plan for Regulation of Non-Price Cap Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers. Federal-State Joint board on Universal Service. Modifying the Commission's procedures with respect to the initial filing by rate-of-return carriers of data necessary for the Universal Service Administrative Company to calculate Interstate Common Line Support.
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Common Carrier Bureau released an Erraturm that corrects a phrase in Appendix A in order to make it consistent with the text of the November 8, 2001, MAG Order.


Common Carrier Bureau announces estimated state-by-state high-cost Universal Service support amounts for non-rural carriers for 2002. Text | Word | Attached Spreadsheet

Common Carrier Bureau released an Order that updates line count input values for the high-cost universal service support mechanism for non-rural carriers for purposes of calculating and targeting support amounts for the year 2002. The Bureau also updates the company-specific data used in the model to calculate investment in general support facilities and switching costs. Finally, the Bureau denies a petition for reconsideration filed by Sprint Corporation of the Bureau's 2001 Line Counts Update Order. Text | Word

November 2001 Releases

The Common Carrier Bureau released an order granting Saddleback Communications and Qwest Corporation for request for a waiver of the definition of "study area" contained in the Part 36 Appendix-Glossary of the Commission's rules. We also grant Saddleback's request for waiver of the "all-or-nothing" rule to permit Saddleback to operate under rate-of-return regulation and section 69.3(e)(11) to permit Saddleback to participate in the NECA common line tariff effective upon closing of the transaction. Text | Word

The Commission released a Report and Order in the Multi-Association Group (MAG) proceeding that reforms the interstate access charge structure for rate-of-return carriers, and creates a new universal service support mechanism, Interstate Common Line Support, to replace implicit support for universal service in their access charges. The companion Further Notice seeks additional comment on the MAG incentive plan and on the MAG's proposed changes to the Commission's "all-or-nothing" rule. It also seeks comment on pricing flexibility measures for rate-of-return carriers, and on merging the Long Term Support mechanism into the new support mechanism as of July 1, 2003. Comment date: February 15, 2002, Reply Comment date: March 18, 2002. Text Word | Acrobat

The Commission released an order denying USTA's petition for reconsideration of the Contribution Interval Order modifying the methodology used to assess contributions that carriers make to the federal universal service support mechanisms. Acrobat | Text

October 2001 Releases

Erratum. The Common Carrier Bureau released an Erratum to a September 17, 2001, Order. On September 17, 2001, the Common Carrier Bureau released an Order granting the request of the Illinois Consolidated Telephone Companyand Odin Telephone Exchange Inc. for a waiver of the definition of "study area" contained in the Part 36 Appendix-Glossary of the Commission's rules. This erratum corrects the released text. DA-01-2258 Acrobat | Text

The Commission released the attached order denying petitions for reconsideration of the Bureau's designation of Western Wireless as an eligible telecommunications carrier (ETC) for the purpose of receiving federal universal service support in Wyoming. Acrobat | Text

The Commission released an Order, that denies Moultrie Independent Telephone Company’s petition for declaratory ruling, request for waiver of Part 36, and motion for stay. Moultrie seeks a ruling regarding the regulatory accounting and separations treatment of “sale and lease-back” arrangements between itself and an affiliate. (Dkt No. CC-96-45, Released 10/5/01) DA 01-292 Text | Word

The Federal Communications Commission released an Order that finds that the FCC, not the South Dakota PUC, has jurisdiction to designate Western Wireless an ETC for service to tribal members on the Pine Ridge Reservation. Acrobat | Text

The Federal Communications Commission released an Order that designates Western Wireless as an ETC for service to tribal members on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. Acrobat | Text

September 2001 Releases

The Federal Communications Commission released an Order denying the request of Federal Transtel to waive or reconsider the Commission's rules and permit Federal Transtel to recalculate its 1998 and 1999 contributions to the federal universal service mechanisms. Text | Word

Common Carrier Bureau released an Order that denies Oklahoma Telephone & Telegraph request for waiver of section 36.621(a)(4) of the Commission's rules, which limits the amount of corporate operations expenses that a carrier may include in the high-cost loop support mechanism. (Text | Word

Common Carrier Bureau released an Order that grants Illinois Consolidated Telephone Company's (ICTC) and Odin Telephone Exchange, Inc.'s (Odin) request for a waiver of the definition of "study area" contained in the Part 36 Appendix-Glossary of the Commission’s rules. This waiver will facilitate a transfer of telephone exchanges between these companies. (Dkt No. CC-96-45, Released 9/17/01) DA 01-1583 Text | Word

Common Carrier Bureau released a Public Notice seeking comment on updating line counts and other limited information used in calculating high-cost universal service support for non-rural carriers for 2002. Comment Date: 15 days from publication in the Federal Register. Reply Comment Date: 21 days from publication in the Federal Register (Dkt No. CC-96-45, Released 9/11/01) DA 01-2107 Text | Word

August 2001 Releases

Common Carrier Bureau released a Public Notice seeking comment on its review of the definition of universal service. Comments Due: 60 days after publication in Federal Register. Reply Comments Due: 120 days after publication in Federal Register. (Dkt No 96-45, FCC No. 01-J-1, released 8/21/01) Text | Word

Common Carrier Bureau released an Order that granted the petition for waiver of section 54.809(c) of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R. Section 54.809(c), filed by Smith Bagley, Inc. on July 16, 2001. (Dkt No 96-45, DA No. 01-1911, released 8/15/01). Text | Word.

Common Carrier Bureau released an Order that denies San Carlos Apache Telecommunications Utility, Inc (San Carlos) request for waiver of sections 36.611 and 36.612 of the Commission's rules and rejects San Carlos's request for accelerated high-cost universal service support. (Dkt No 96-45, DA No. 01-1834, released 8/10/01) Text | Word

Common Carrier Bureau released a Public Notice seeking comment on the petition of Guam Cellular and Paging, Inc. d/b/a Guamcell Communications under section 214(e)(6) requesting designation as an eligible telecommunications carrier for service offered in Guam. Comments Due: 30 days after publication in Federal Register. Reply Comments Due: 45 days after publication in Federal Register. (Dkt No 96-45, DA No. 01-1842, released 8/1/01) Text | Word

June 2001 Releases

Common Carrier Bureau released an Order granting in part a request from Citizens/Qwest for study area waivers to allow Citizens to acquire approximately 158,000 access lines in Arizona. Denies Citizens request to create a new study area in Arizona, and requires Citizens to include the acquired access lines in its existing Arizona study area. Permits Citizens to maintain the status quo by continuing to receive rural high-cost loop support for its existing access lines in Arizona, pending Commission resolution of issues related to rural self-certifications, the definition of a rural telephone company, and further examination of section 54.305 as it relates to the transfer of exchanges between non-rural carriers after the phase-down of interim hold-harmless support. (Dkt No 96-45, DA No. 01-1536, released 6/29/01) Text | Word

The Common Carrier Bureau released a Public Notice seeking comment on translation of the cost model from Turbo-Pascal computer language to Delphi computer language and announces posting of updated Turbo-Pascal version of the cost model. Comments Due: 45 days from publication in Federal Register. Reply Comments Due: 60 days from publication in Federal Register. (Dkt No. CC-96-45, Released 6/20/01) DA No. 01-1458. Text Word

The Common Carrier Bureau released a Public Notice announcing that Skyline Telephone is seeking a waiver of sections 36.611, 36.612 AND 69.2(HH) Universal Service Fund" to provide expedited and economic service to previously unserved areas. Comments Due: 06/29/2001 Reply Comments Due: 07/16/2001. (Dkt No 96-45, DA No. 01-1414, released 6/15/01) Text Word


Common Carrier Bureau released an Order granting the requests from Amana Colonies Telephone Company and South Slope Cooperative Telephone Company: for a waiver of the definition of "study area" contained in Part 36 Appendix-Glossary of the Commission's rules and grants waiver of the definition of "average schedule company" included in section 69.605(c). (Dkt No 96-45, DA No. 01-1327, released 6/6/01) Text | Word

May 2001 Releases


The Commission released an Order, consistent with the recommendation of the Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service that modifies the rules for providing high-cost universal service support to rural telephone companies for the next five years based upon the proposals made by the Rural Task Force. (Dkt No. CC-96-45, CC 00-256, released 5/23/01) FCC 01-157Text | Word Errata to FCC 01-157, released 6/1/01: Text | Word

March 2001 Releases

The Commission released an Order, that grants Pioneer Telephone Cooperative, Inc., Panhandle Telephone Cooperative, Inc., and EagleNet, Inc.: a waiver of the Part 36 (universal service) freeze on study area boundaries to enable the petitioners to remove six exchanges operated by Pioneer from the petitioners' jointly operated Oklahoma study area, and permit Pioneer to incorporate the six exchanges into its existing Oklahoma study area. (Dkt No. CC-96-45, Released 3/19/01) DA 01-659

The Commission released an Order, which grants a waiver to the West Virginia Public Service Commission of the October 1, 2000 filing deadline for state certification for first quarter 2001 high-cost support (non-rural carriers). (Dkt No. CC-96-45, Released 3/13/01) FCC 01-86Text | Word

Common Carrier Bureau releases Order granting Wyoming Public Service Commission: a waiver of sections 54.309 and 54.311 of the Commission's rules to enable the Wyoming Commission to target non-rural high-cost universal service support to the Wyoming Commission's retail and unbundled network element rate zones. (Dkt No. CC-96-45, Released 3/9/01) DA 01-612 Text | Word


February 2001 Releases

Common Carrier Bureau releases Order granting Qwest/All West Communications, Inc/Carbon/Emery Telecom, Inc./Central Utah Telephone, Inc./Hanksville Telecom, Inc./Manti Telephone Company/Skyline Telecom/ UBET Telecom, Inc. Petition to Effectuate Transfer of Twelve Exchanges in Utah: Grants waivers of Part 36 of the Commission's rules concerning (universal service) freeze on study area boundaries; 61.41(c) of the Commission's price cap rules; 69.605(c) of the Commission's average schedule rules; and 69.3(e)(11) of the Commission's tariff pooling rules. (Dkt No. CC-96-45, Released 2/27/01) DA 01-507 Text | Word

Common Carrier Bureau releases Order granting Qwest/Citizens Petition for Waiver to Effectuate Sale of Five Exchanges in Wyoming: Grants waiver of the Part 36 (universal service) freeze on study area boundaries. (Dkt No. CC-96-45, Released 2/16/01) DA 01-410 Text | Word

The Commission denies the petition of Oncor Communications, Inc. to forbear from enforcement of the Commission's rules requiring that contributions to the Federal Universal Service support mechanisms be based on carrier revenue from the prior year. (Dkt No. CC-96-45, Released 2/13/01) FCC 01-51Text | Word

January 2001 Releases

Common Carrier Bureau releases Order granting the requests from Mescalero Apache Telecom, Inc. (Mescalero), GTE Southwest Incorporated (GTE), and Valor Telecommunications of New Mexico, LLC (Valor), for a waiver of the definition of "study area" contained in the Part 36 Appendix-Glossary of the Commission’s rules. This waiver will permit USValor to alter the boundaries of a New Mexico study area it has acquired from GTE so that it can transfer to Mescalero approximately 950 access lines currently served by the Mescalero, Alto, and Ruidoso, New Mexico exchanges. This waiver also will permit Mescalero to establish a new study area in New Mexico for the approximately 950 access lines it intends to acquire from Valor. (Dkt No. CC-96-45, Released 1/18/01) DA No. 01-129 Text | Word

The Commission releases Order granting the request from Mescalero Apache Telecom, Inc., Petition for a waiver of Section 54.305 of the Commission's Rules. This waiver will enable Mescalero to receive increased high-cost support based on its costs and fulfill its commitment to bring basic service to all unserved residences on the Mescalero Apache Reservation in its first two years of operation, as well as permit Mescalero to expand service in underserved areas of the Reservation. (Dkt No. CC-96-45, Released 1/18/01) FCC No. 01-13. Text | Word

Common Carrier Bureau releases Order granting the requests from ATEAC, Inc., Alaska Telephone Company, Arctic Slope Telephone Association Cooperative, Inc., Interior Telephone Company, Inc., Mukluk Telephone Company, Inc., and United-KUC, Inc. for waiver to effectuate sale of 13 exchanges comprising 23,796 access lines in Alaska: Grants waiver of the Part 36 (universal service) freeze on study area boundaries. (Dkt No. CC-96-45, Released 1/17/01) DA No. 01-101 Text | Word

Commission releases Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking seeking comment on the Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service's Recommended Decision concerning the Rural Task Force plan for reforming the high-cost loop support mechanism for rural carriers. Comment Date: 30 days after publication in the Federal Register Reply Comment Date: 45 days after publication in the Federal Register. (Dkt No. CC-96-45, Released 1/12/01) Text | Word


Common Carrier Bureau releases Memorandum Opinion and Order. In the tribal order released in June, the Commission committed to resolving petitions for ETC designation that are properly pending before us under section 214(e)(6) within 6 months of filing. This Order grants Cellco's petition for ETC designation in the state of Delaware. (Dkt No. CC-96-45, Released 12/26/00) DA 00-2895

Common Carrier Bureau releases Memorandum Opinion and Order. In the tribal order released in June, the Commission committed to resolving petitions for ETC designation that are properly pending before us under section 214(e)(6) within 6 months of filing. This Order grants Western Wireless's petition for ETC designation in the state of Wyoming. Concludes that granting Western Wireless ETC designation in rural service areas is in the public interest. (Dkt No. CC-96-45, Released 12/26/00) DA 00-2896Text | Word


The Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service adopted and released the attached Recommended Decision recommending that the Commission use the Rural Task Force's Recommendation regarding reforms to rural high-cost universal service support mechanisms as a foundation for implementing a rural universal service plan. Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service, (CC Docket No. 96-45, Released 12/22/00) FCC 00J-4 Text | Word | HTML


Common Carrier Bureau releases an Order adopting the updated line count input values for the new high-cost universal service support mechanism for non-rural carriers for purposes of calculating and targeting support amounts for the year 2001. (Dkt No. CC-96-45, Released 12/8/00) DA 00-2729.Text | Word


Common Carrier Bureau releases Public Notice announcing state-by-state high-cost Universal Service support amounts for non-rural carrier for 2001. (Dkt No. CC-96-45, Released 12/8/00) DA 00-2746. Text | Word | attached spreadsheet


Thirteenth Report and Order adopts measures for phasing down the interim hold-harmless support provision of the forward-looking high-cost universal service support mechanism for non-rural carriers. (see spreadsheet, Appendix C, of the Report and Order. The companion Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking seeks comment on the narrow issue of whether, following the phase-down of interim hold-harmless support, section 54.305 of the Commission's rules should no longer be applied to transfers of telephone exchanges between non-rural carriers. (Dkt No. CC-96-45, Released 12/8/00) FCC 00-428 Text | Word


Common Carrier Bureau releases Public Notice announcing the proposed universal service contribution factor for the first quarter of 2001. (Dkt No. CC-96-45, Released 12/8/00) DA 00-2764. Text | Word


November 2000 Releases

Common Carrier Bureau releases Order granting the requests from Citizens Telecommunications company of Illinois and GTE South Inc and GTE North Inc. for waiver of definition of "study area" in Part 36, Appendix-Glossary, of the Commission's rules. (Dkt No. CC-96-45, Released 11/27/00) DA 00-2662 Text | Word


Common Carrier Bureau releases Order granting the requests from Citizens telecommunications Company of Idaho and Qwest Corporation for a waiver of the definition of "study area" contained in Part 36 of the Commission's rules. (Dkt No. CC-96-45, Released 11/27/00) DA 00-2640 Text | Word


Common Carrier Bureau releases Order granting the waiver requests from the Public Service Commission of the District of Columbia and New Jersey Board of Public Utilities to permit retroactive distribution of federal universal service support to three carriers that were not designated as ETCs prior to January 1, 1998. (Dkt No. CC-96-45, Released 11/9/00) DA 00-2522. Text | Word


Order grants Jordan-Soldier Valley Telephone Company/Alpine Communications, L.C. - Petition for Waiver to Effectuate Sale of 300 access lines in Iowa: Grants waivers of: (1) the Part 36 (universal service) freeze on study area boundaries and; (2) section 69.605(c) to permit Jordan-Soldier to continue operating as an average schedule company. (Dkt No. CC-96-45, Released 11/3/00) DA 00-2473. Text | Word


October 2000 Releases

Order grants Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nebraska petition for waiver of definition of "study area". (Dkt No. CC-96-45, Released 10/3/00), DA 00-2222 Text | Word


Order grants Citizens Telecommunications of Iowa for waiver of definition of "study area". (Dkt No. CC-96-45, Released 10/2/00), DA 00-2221 Text | Word


September 2000 Releases

Common Carrier Bureau partially denies 4 price cap LECs' requests for confidential treatment of line count data submitted under the rules for the interstate access universal service support mechanism. Denies the confidentiality requests only to the extent necessary to enable the Universal Service Administrative Company to comply with Commission rules requiring it to publish statewide and per-line interstate access universal service support levels. (CC Docket Nos. 96-262, 94-1, 99-249, 96-45, Released 9/20/00), DA 00-2132 Text | Word


Common Carrier Bureau releases order that protects the confidentiality of price cap LEC line counts that cannot be determined when the Universal Service Administrative Company publishes statewide and per-line interstate access universal service support levels. (CC Docket Nos. 96-262, 94-1, 99-249, 96-45, Released 9/20/00), DA 00-2133 Text | Word


August 2000 Releases

Order grants Valor Telecommunications of Texas, LP and GTE Southwest Incorporated request for a waiver of the definition of study area. (Dkt No. CC-96-45, DA No. 00-1908). Released 8/21/00 Text | Word


Order grants Sully Buttes Telephone Cooperative, Inc. and QWest Corporation petition for waiver of Part 36, Appendix-Glossary of the Commission 's rules (Dkt No. CC-96-45, DA No. 00-1894, Released 8/18/00) . Text | Word


Telephone USA of Wisconsin/GTE Petition for Waivers to Effectuate Sale of 35 Exchanges in the State of Wisconsin: Grants waivers of: (1) the Part 36 (universal service) freeze on study area boundaries; (2) section 61.41(c)(2) to permit Telephone USA to continue operation under rate-of-return regulation; and (3) section 69.3(e)(9) to permit the acquired access lines to reenter the NECA common line pool. DA 00-1862, Released 8/16/00 Text | Word


CenturyTel of Central Wisconsin/GTE Petition for Waivers to Effectuate Sale of 42 Exchanges in the State of Wisconsin: Grants waivers of: (1) the Part 36 (universal service) freeze on study area boundaries; (2) section 61.41(c)(2) to permit CenturyTel to continue operation under rate-of-return regulation; and (3) section 69.3(g)(2) to permit the acquired access lines to reenter the NECA common line pool. DA 00-1863, Released 8/16/00 Text | Word


Commission releases a Declaratory Ruling providing guidance regarding whether section 214(e) of the Act requires a common carrier to provide supported services throughout a service area prior to being designated as an eligible telecommunications carrier. CC Docket No. 96-45, FCC 00-248 Released 8/10/00. Text | Word


Order grants requests for removal of individual caps on high-cost loop support filed by Accent Communications, Inc., et al.: Grants requests of 40 rural telephone companies for the removal of all remaining individual caps on high-cost loop support imposed in the past as part of the grant of study area waivers. Removes caps effective January 1, 2000. Denies requests to remove individual caps on high-cost loop support prior to January 1, 2000. Action is consistent with the Common Carrier Bureau's September 9, 1999 Order lifting nine individual caps on high-cost loop support. (Dkt No.: CC-96-45, DA No.: 00-1761, Released 8/4/00). Text | Word


Common Carrier Bureau releases list of carriers filing rural certification letters and notifications of changes in status. (Dkt No.: CC-96-45, DA No.: 00-1705, Released 8/1/00) Text | Word


July 2000 Releases

Order grants requests from Spectra Communications/GTE Petition for Waivers to Effectuate Sale of 107 Exchanges in the State of Missouri: Grants waivers of: (1) the Part 36 (universal service) freeze on study area boundaries; (2) section 61.41(c)(2) to permit Spectra to continue operation under rate-of-return regulation; and (3) section 69.3(e)(9) to permit the acquired access lines to reenter the NECA common line pool. (DA No. 00-1625, Released 7/27/00). Text | Word


Common Carrier Bureau seeks comment on updating line counts for calculating high-cost universal service support for non-rural carriers for the year 2001. Comments due August 8, 2000 and reply comments due August 15, 2000 (Dkt No. CC-96-45, DA No. 00-1626, Released 7/24/00) . Text | Word


Order grants requests from Rye and U S WEST for: (1) waiver of the Part 36 definition of study area to permit the transfer 94 access lines in the Pueblo exchange; and (2) waiver of section 61.41(c)(2) of the Commission's rules to permit Rye to continue operating under rate-of-return regulation after acquiring U S WEST access lines that are currently under price cap regulation. (Dkt No.: CC-96-45, DA No.: 00-1585, Adopted: 7/17/00, Released 7/18/00) Text | Word


Order grants joint petition of Citizens Telecommunications Company of North Dakota and U S WEST Communications, Inc. for a waiver of the definition of "study area" contained in the Part 36 Appendix-Glossary of the Commission's rules. (Dkt No.: CC-96-45, DA No.: 00-1548, Adopted: 7/11/00, Released 7/12/00) Text | Word


Order grants petition of CenturyTel of Northwest Arkansas, LLC and CenturyTel of Central Arkansas, LLC and GTE Arkansas Incorporated, GTE Midwest Incorporated, and GTE Southwest Incorporated for a waiver of the definition of "study area" contained in the Part 36 Appendix-Glossary of the Commission's rules and grants petition of CenturyTel of Northwest Arkansas, LLC and CenturyTel of Central Arkansas, LLC for waiver of sections 61.41(c) and 69.3(g)(2) of the Commission's rules to enable the petitioners to operate the acquired exchanges under rate-of-return regulation and include the acquired access lines in the NECA common line pool. Dkt No.: CC-96-45. Action by Deputy Chief, Accounting Policy Division, Common Carrier Bureau. . (DA No. 00-1434). Adopted: 6/27/00. Text | Word


June 2000 Releases

Commission adopts measures to: (1) promote telecommunications subscribership and infrastructure deployment within American Indian and Alaska Native tribal communities; (2) establish a framework for the resolution of eligible telecommunications carrier designation requests; and (3) apply the framework to pending petitions for designation as eligible telecommunications carriers. (CC Dkt. No. 96-45, Adopted 6/8/2000, Released 6/30/2000) FCC 00-208: Acrobat | Text | Word 7/12/2000


May 2000 Releases

Public Notice released in which the Bureau seeks comment on whether line count data for wire centers not receiving high-cost universal service support should be afforded confidential treatment. Previously, the Commission denied, to a limited extent, requests for confidential treatment of quarterly line count data at the wire center level for those wire centers receiving support. DA 00- 1068 (released May 12, 2000). Comments due June 26, 2000 and reply comments due July 17, 2000. Text | Word


April 2000 Releases

Commission clarifies how quarterly line count data will be incorporated in the new high-cost universal service support mechanism. CC Docket No. 96-45, FCC 00-126 (Released 4/7/00). Text | Word


Commission denies to a limited requests for confidential treatment of wire center line count data in wire centers receiving high-cost universal service support, CC Docket No. 96-45, FCC 00-125 (Released 4/7/00 ). Text


Common Carrier Bureau releases Interim Protective Order to facilitate review of wire center line count data. CC Docket No. 96-45, DA 00-773 , (released 4/7/00). Text | Word


Common Carrier Bureau releases estimated state-by-state universal service high-cost support amounts for non-rural carriers. CC Docket No. 96-45, DA 00-774 , (released 4/7/00). Text | Word | Excel


Public Notice establishing a comment cycle for GTE Midwest Incorporated and Spectra Communications Group, LLC seek a waiver of the definition of "Study Area" in Part 36 and section 69.3(E)(9) and 61.41(C) of the Commission's rules DA 00-743, Released 4/3/00. Text | Word


January 2000 Releases

Common Carrier Bureau announces procedures for releasing high-cost support amounts for non-rural carriers and revised model results. (CC Docket Nos. 96-45, 97-160; DA 00-110): Released 1/21/00. Text | Word Support Spreadsheet: Excel


Commission postpones targeting of high-cost universal service support, Nineteenth Order on Reconsideration in CC Docket No. 96-45, and Dissenting Statement of Commissioner Furchtgott-Roth, FCC 99-396 Word | Text


November 1999 Releases

Commission releases an order adopting input values for the forward-looking high-cost model, cc Docket Nos. 96-45, 97-160, FCC 99-304 with appendices ZIP 11/2/99

Commission releases an order implementing a new forward-looking high-cost support mechanism for non-rural carriers, CC Docket No. 96-45, FCC 99-306 Text | WP51 11/2/99

Common Carrier Bureau releases state-by-state universal service high-cost support amounts for non-rural carriers and forward-looking cost model results, CC Docket Nos. 96-45, 97-160, DA 99-2399 Text Word Support Spreadsheet Excel 11/2/99

Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service seeks comment on phasing out the interim hold-harmless provision of the Commission's forward-looking high-cost support mechanism, CC Docket No. 96-45, Public Notice. FCC 990j2: Text | Word


September 1999 Releases

Common Carrier Bureau extends rural carrier re-certification filing deadline. (CC Docket No. 96-45) DA 99-1948: Text | Word 9/30/99

CCB agrees with Washington Commission's proposed service area designation, and grants the requested waiver to permit the disaggregation of federal high cost support currently given at the study area level. (CC Docket No. 96-45) DA 99-1844: Text | WordPerfect 9/15/99

Western Wireless Corporation petitions for designation as an eligible telecommunications carrier and for related waivers to provide services eligible for universal service support to Crow Reservation, Montana. Public Notice: Text | Word, 9/13/99

Commission adopts Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on Promoting Deployment and Subscribership in Unserved and Underserved Areas, Including Tribal and Insular Areas. News Release: Text | Word97 FCC 99-204: Text | WordPerfect | Acrobat - Includes Appendix E 9/15/1999


August 1999 Releases

Accounting Policy Division, Common Carrier Bureau grants South Dakota Public Utilities Commission an extension of the dates for comments and replies on Western Wireless' Petition for Preemption of its order denying Western Wireless designation as an eligible telecommunications carrier. Order: Text | WordPerfect, 8/5/99


July 1999 Releases

Line count information from non-rural local exchange carriers and holding companies requested to estimate high cost support. (CC Dkt. Nos. 96-45, 97-160) DA 99-1406: Text | WordPerfect | Attachment: Excel 7/22/1999 Common Carrier Bureau Releases Revised Spreadsheet for Estimating Universal Service Support Using Proposed Input Values in the Forward-Looking Cost Model. (CC Dkt. Nos. 96-45, 97-160) DA 99-1322: Text | WordPerfect 7/2/1999


June 1999 Releases

Common Carrier Bureau Releases Preliminary Results Using Proposed Input Values in the Forward-Looking Cost Model for Universal Service (CC Dkt. Nos. 96-45, 97-160). Public Notice: Text | WordPerfect | Density Workbook: Excel | Wirecenter Workbook: Excel | Results Zip File (206 MB): Zip | Workfiles Zip File (107 MB): Zip 6/16/1999


May 1999 Releases

Commission Releases Order and Further Notice on High Cost Support Mechanism; FCC 99-119: Text | WordPerfect | Acrobat


and Further Notice on Cost Model Inputs, FCC 99-120 (without appendices): Text | WordPerfect | Acrobat
FCC 99-120 (including appendices): Zipped file containing WordPerfect, Word97, & Excel files, 531 KB 5/27/1999


February 1999 Releases

Common Carrier Bureau Releases Preliminary Common Input Values to Facilitate Selection of Final Input Values for the Forward-Looking Cost Model for Universal Service. Public Notice: Text | WordPerfect Spreadsheet: Excel 2/5/99


January 1999 Releases

Common Carrier Bureau Sends List of Rural Telephone Companies to the Universal Service Administrative Company for Purposes of Determining Federal Universal Service High Cost Support Beginning July 1, 1999. Public Notice: Text | WordPerfect, List of Rural Telephone Companies with Study Area Codes: Text | WordPerfect 1/4/99, 1/19/99

FCC Responds to GTE Requests in Two Filings in the Matter of Forward-Looking Mechanism for High Cost Support for Non-Rural LECs. Text | WordPerfect 1/11/99


Common Carrier Bureau Announces the Location of the December 11, 1998 Workshop on Input Values to be Used to Estimate Forward-Looking Economic Costs for Purposes of Universal Service Support (CC Docket Nos. 96-45, 97-160). Text | WordPerfect 12/7/98

Commission Seeks Comment on Joint Board's Second Recommended Decision (comment date 12/23/98, reply date 1/13/99). 12/4/98

Common Carrier Bureau to Post on the Internet Modifications to the Forward-looking Economic Cost Model for Universal Service Support, CC Docket Nos. 96-45, 97-160. 12/17/98

Common Carrier Bureau Requests Outside Plant Structure and Cable Cost Data for High Cost Model. WordPerfect | Zip | underground and buried cable costs | copper and fiber cable costs | company data | density data 12/15/98

Common Carrier Bureau Announces Workshops on Input Values on December 1, 10, and 11, 1998. First workshop will discuss preliminary values in spreadsheet #1 for switching investment, corporate operations expenses and customer operations expenses. Workshops on December 10 and 11 will discuss preliminary values in spreadsheet #2 for plant specific and plant non-specific expenses and materials costs (copper and fiber cable, digital loop carriers (DLCs), serving area interfaces (SAIs)). 11/25/98, 12/8/98


November 1998 Releases

Joint Board Makes Universal Service Recommendations to FCC: Provides Guidance on Issues Concerning Support for Non-Rural Carriers that Serve High Cost Areas (CC Docket No. 96-45, FCC 98J-7). Text | WordPerfect | Acrobat | Public Notice | News Release & Statements 11/24/98

Western Wireless Petitions Commission for Clarification or Policy Change Regarding the Distribution of Federal Universal High Cost Support to Carriers. Text | WordPerfect 11/5/98

Joint Board Makes Universal Service Recommendations to FCC: Provides Guidance on Issues Concerning Support for Non-Rural Carriers that Serve High Cost Areas (CC Docket No. 96-45, FCC 98J-7). Text | WordPerfect | Acrobat | Public Notice | News Release & Statements 11/24/98


October 1998 Releases

Commission Takes Further Action to Ensure Fair and Efficient Administration of the Universal Service Support Mechanisms. (CC Docket No. 96-45, FCC 98-278) Text | WordPerfect | Acrobat | News Release | Furchtgott-Roth Statement 10/27/98

Commission Adopts Model Platform For Use in Determining Universal Service Support for High Cost Areas. (CC Docket Nos. 96-45 and 97-160, FCC 98-279) Text | WordPerfect | Acrobat | Furchtgott-Roth Statement | News Release 10/23/98

Revenue Benchmark Data Request Extension Order Granting Requests for Extensions of Time to Sprint and North State Telephone Company. Text | WordPerfect | Acrobat 10/14/98

Revenue Benchmark Data Request Extension Order -- extends the deadline for compliance and grants partial waivers as requested by certain LECs (Anchorage Telephone Utility, GTE, Puerto Rico Telephone Company, U S West, Roseville Telephone Company, North State Telephone Company). Text | WordPerfect | Acrobat 10/7/98


August 1998 Releases

Common Carrier Bureau Seeks Comment on the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission's and Twenty Rural Telecommunications Companies' Petition for Agreement with Designation of Rural Company Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Service Areas at the Exchange Level and for Approval of the Use of Disaggregation of Study Areas for the Purpose of Distributing Portable Federal Universal Service Support. Text | WordPerfect 8/26/98

Common Carrier Bureau Seeks Comment on Model Platform Development. WordPerfect | Acrobat 8/10/98

Revenue Benchmark Data Request Seeking Information from Non-Rural Local Exchange Carriers and Holding Companies ( Order with form for designating confidential information ). WordPerfect | Acrobat | Excel Spreadsheet 8/7/98

Common Carrier Bureau Announces New Date for Sending List of Rural Telephone Companies to the Universal Service Administrative Company. WordPerfect | Acrobat 8/7/98


July 1998 Releases

Protective Order (CC Docket Nos. 96-45, 97-160) to facilitate and expedite review of confidential documents submitted in the high cost proceeding, DA 98-1490. WordPerfect | Acrobat | Text 7/28/98

Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service to Convene an Open Meeting on Wednesday, July 29, 1998, in Seattle, Washington, CC Docket No. 96-45. 7/23/98

Common Carrier Bureau Announces the Release of Version 2.6 of an Engineering Process Model Known as the Hybrid Cost Proxy Model. HCPM is a hybrid model that represents the views of individual Commission staff members, and should not be interpreted as an official statement or a proposed Commission decision. 7/23/98

Commission Seeks Comment on GVNW Request for Clarification and/or Modification of Certain Provisions in Parts 32, 36, 54, and 69 of the Commission's Rules (CC Docket No. 96-45, DA 98-1421). WordPerfect | Acrobat 7/20/98

Order Referring Issues to Joint Board and Extending Non-Rural Implementation Date. (CC Docket No. 96-45, FCC 98-160). WordPerfect | Acrobat | News Release | Kennard Statement | Furchtgott-Roth Statement 7/17/98


June 1998 Releases

Commission Acknowledges Receipt of Letters Self-Certifying LECs as Rural Telephone Companies. WordPerfect | Acrobat 6/23/98


State High Cost Model Inputs, Outputs, and Comments (CC Docket Nos. 96-45 and 97-160, DA 98-217) as Received for: Hawaii, Illinois updated 6/11/98, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, North Carolina, and South Carolina. (All files in a single 8-MB zip file) File updates will be made available upon receipt. 6/11/98


Commission Holds En Banc Hearing June 8, 1998 on Proposals to Revise the Methodology for Determining Universal Service Support, CC Docket Nos. 96-45 and 97-160. Public Notice | Presentations


Common Carrier Bureau Releases Preliminary Results Using Proposed Input Values in the Forward-Looking Cost Model for Universal Service (CC Dkt. Nos. 96-45, 97-160). Public Notice: Text | WordPerfect | Density Workbook: Excel | Wirecenter Workbook: Excel | Results Zip File (206 MB): Zip | Workfiles Zip File (107 MB): Zip 6/16/1999


May 1998 Releases

Common Carrier Bureau Requests Further Comment on Selected Issues Regarding the Forward-looking Economic Cost Mechanism for Universal Service Support. WordPerfect | Acrobat 5/7/98


April 1998 Releases

Common Carrier Bureau Seeks Comment on Program to Monitor Impacts of Universal Service Support Mechanisms (DA 98-580). Acrobat - with forms | Zipped WordPerfect - without forms 4/27/98


Order Granting Extension of Filing Deadline for State Cost Studies (DA 98-788). WordPerfect | Acrobat 4/24/98


NRRI has released a study by David Gabel of Queens College that includes estimates of the forward-looking cost of switches using data obtained from the Common Carrier Bureau and other inputs, including cables, for use in proxy cost models. This study can be accessed on NRRI's home page. The inclusion of this link to Dr. Gabel's study does not constitute an endorsement of its results. 4/17/98


Common Carrier Bureau Seeks Comment on Proposals to Revise the Methodology for Determining Universal Service Support (DA 98-715). Text | WordPerfect | Acrobat 4/16/98


March 1998 Releases

Filing Format for State Cost Studies.
Text | WordPerfect | Acrobat | Inputs Spreadsheet (Excel) 3/2/98


February 1998 Releases

Carriers to File by April 30 Self-certification of Their Status as a Rural Telephone Company Based on Information from the Previous Year. 2/13/98


Notification of Final Date to File Amendments to Cost Models in Universal Service Proceeding for High Cost Support for Non-rural LECs (CC Docket Nos. 96-45 and 97-160). 2/5/98


Wednesday, February 26, 2025