“This page is a digitally archived AccessInfo Announcement”

On February 21, 2013, the FCC’s Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau (CGB) released an Order denying Healinc Telecom, LLC’s (Healinc’s) application for recertification as a video relay service (VRS) provider. Last year, on January 4, 2012, CGB had granted Healinc conditional certification as a VRS provider. Over the past year, in an effort to determine whether Healinc should receive full VRS certification, CGB reviewed information Healinc submitted to the TRS Fund administrator and the FCC, conducted on-site inspections of Healinc’s call centers, and made various test calls through Healinc’s services to confirm compliance with the FCC’s VRS rules.


CGB’s investigations of Healinc, which included on-site inspections of Healinc’s call centers, identified numerous instances in which Healinc did not provide VRS in compliance with the FCC’s rules and orders. The FCC Order denying Healinc’s certification explains, for example, that Healinc did not properly process VRS

911 calls; submitted for compensation calls routed through prohibited URLs; repeatedly submitted false, inaccurate, or incomplete reports and information to the Fund administrator and the FCC; and failed to submit information required by the FCC’s rules.


STRUCTURE AND PRACTICES OF THE VIDEO RELAY SERVICE PROGRAM/INTERNET-BASED TRS CERTIFICATION APPLICATION OF HEALINC TELECOM, LLC.   Denied Healinc Telecom, LLC's application for recertification as a Video Relay Service provider and Internet Protocol Relay Service provider. (Dkt No.  10-51 ). Action by:  Acting Chief, Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau.

Adopted:  02/21/2013 by ORDER. (DA No. 13-260).  CGB











Tuesday, January 10, 2017