“This page is a digitally archived AccessInfo Announcement”

InnoCaption, Inc., a provider of Internet Protocol Captioned Telephone Service (IP CTS), has announced that on Tuesday, April 7, 2015 at 9:00 pm CST, it will temporarily suspend its service while it resolves issues with its ability to handle 911 calls in compliance with Federal Communications Commission (FCC) rules. The failure to handle these calls in compliance with FCC rules means that the FCC also must suspend InnoCaption’s certification to provide IP CTS, until InnoCaption comes into compliance.  The FCC is working with InnoCaption to expedite its compliance with FCC 911 emergency call handling rules so that it can resume service.  Until InnoCaption resumes service, consumers will not be able to place or receive calls using the InnoCaption IP CTS application.  From now until InnoCaption suspends service on April 7, 2015, InnoCaption users who need to call 911 should use other telephone or relay services.

For additional information about the suspension of service and the FCC’s 911 emergency call handling rules, please see:


You may also contact the FCC Disability Rights Office at (202) 418-2517 or dro@fcc.gov.

Thursday, October 20, 2016