Chairman Genachowski's Response to Members of Congress Regarding Google's Collection of Communciations from Unsecured Wi-Fi Networks in the U.S.
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Graves
Letter from Congressman Graves
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Rogers and Congressman Barrow
Letter from Congressman Rogers and Congressman Barrow
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Scalise
Letter from Congressman Scalise

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Rep. Upton and Rep. Walden Regarding the Fairness Doctrine.
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Rep. Upton and Rep. Walden
Letter from Rep. Upton and Rep. Walden

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Rep. Young and Senators Begich and Murkowski Regarding Yukon Kuskokwim Health Corporation's Petition for Commission Review.
Chairman Genachowski's Response
Letter from Members of Congress

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Rep. Benishek Regarding a Petition Filed by Osirus Communications.
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Rep. Benishek
Letter from Rep. Benishek

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Rep. Sires Regarding the Role of Travelers Information Stations (TIS)
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Rep. Sires
Letter from Rep. Sires

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Senator Casey Regarding a Nomination to the Advisory Committee on Diversity for Communications in the Digital Age.
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Senator Casey
Letter from Senator Casey

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Members of Congress Regarding Universal Service.

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Members of Congress
Letter from Members of Congress
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Members of Congress
Letter from Members of Congress
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Senator Hutchison
Letter from Senator Hutchison

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Rep. Woolsey Regarding West Marin Community Radio's Applications for FM Translator.
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Rep. Woolsey
Letter from Rep. Woolsey

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Rep. Walden and Rep. Terry Regarding Implementation of the Local Community Radio Act of 2010.
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Rep. Walden and Rep. Terry
Letter from Rep. Walden and Rep. Terry

Chairman Genachowski's Letter to Rep. Emerson and Rep. Visclosky Regarding the Commission's Rules Governing Retransmission Consent Negotiations.
Chairman Genachowski's Letter to Rep. Visclosky
Letter from Rep. Visclosky
Chairman Genachowski's Letter to Rep. Emerson
Letter from Rep. Emerson

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Rep. Upton Regarding Fairness Doctrine.
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Upton
Letter from Congressman Upton

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Rep. Kissell Regarding Union County Public School's E-rate Appeal.
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Kissell
Letter from Congressman Kissell

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Sen. Grassley Regarding LightSquared's Operation in the MSS L-Band.
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Senator Grassley
Letter from Senator Grassley

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Rep. Eshoo Regarding the Security of the Nation's Telecommunications Networks.
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congresswoman Eshoo
Letter from Congresswoman Eshoo

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Members of Congress Regarding Universal Service and Intercarrier Compensation Reform.
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Members of Congress
Letter from Members of Congress
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Members of Congress
Letter from Members of Congress
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Bishop
Letter from Congressman Bishop

Chairman Genachowski Response to Members of Congress Regarding Allied Wireless Communications Corporation's Waiver Request
Chairman Genachowski Response to Members of Congress
Letter from Members of Congress

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Members of Congress Regarding FCC Plans for Ensuring the Security of the Nation's Telecommunications Networks.
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Members of Congress
Letter from Members of Congress

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Senator Klobuchar Regarding Proposed Acquisition by AT&T of T-Mobile.
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Senator Klobuchar
Letter from Senator Klobuchar

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Rep. Filner Regarding Program Carriage Complaints Filed by WealthTV.
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Rep. Filner
Letter from Rep. Filner

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Rep. Issa Regarding Commissioner Baker's Announcement to Join NBCUniversal.
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Rep. Issa
Letter from Rep. Issa

Chairman Genachowski Announces Greg Guice as Acting Director, Office of Legislative Affairs; Christopher Lewis Appointed as Acting Deputy Director.
News Release: Word | Acrobat

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Rep. Camp Regarding the Michigan Public Health Institute Petition.
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Members of Congress
Letter from Members of Congress

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Rep. Huizenga Regarding Travelers Information Stations.
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Members of Congress
Letter from Members of Congress

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Senator Kerry Regarding Generation Mobile Forum.
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Members of Congress
Letter from Members of Congress

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Reps. Matheson, Bishop and Chaffetz Regarding Mobile Broadband Opportunites in Television Broadcast Bands.
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Members of Congress
Letter from Members of Congress

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Rep. Michaud Regarding Time Warner Cable and CRC Communications of Maine Petition for Preeemption.
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Members of Congress
Letter from Members of Congress

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressmen Sullivan and Rehberg Regarding the AllVid Proceeding
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Members of Congress
Letter from Members of Congress

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Members of Congress Regarding Spectrum Inventory
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Members of Congress
Letter from Members of Congress

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Dingell

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congresswoman Eshoo
Letter from Congresswoman Eshoo
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Upton
Letter from Chairman Upon
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Chairmna Kerry
Letter from Chairman Kerry
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Senator Johnson
Letter from Senators
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Senator McCaskill
Letter from Senator McCaskill
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Gonzalez
Letter from Congressman Gonzalez
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman McDermott
Letter from Congressman McDermott
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Senator Toomey and Senator Casey
Letter from Senator Toomey and Senator Casey
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Senator Merkley
Letter from Senator Merkley
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congresswoman Waters
Letter from Congresswoman Waters

Chairman Genachowski Responds to Members of Congress on Data Roaming.
Chairman Genachowski Response to Members of Congress
Letter from Members of Congress
Chairman Genachowski Response to Senator Cochran
Letter from Senator Cochran
Chairman Genachowski Response to Senator Wicker
Chairman Genachowski Response to Senator Klobuchar
Chairman Genachowski Response to Senator Eshoo
Letter from Senator Klobuchar and Senator Kerry
Letter from Members of Congress

Chairman Genachowski Responds to Follow-up Questions from Chairmen Upton, Walden and Vice Chairman Terry After the Open Internet Hearing before House Subcommittee on Communications and Technology.
Chairman Genachowski’s Response
Letter from Chairman Upton, Walden and Vice Chairman Terry

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Chairman Darrell Issa Regarding Proposed Open Internet Rules.
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Chairman Issa
Letter from Chairman Issa

Chairman Genachowski's Response Regarding GAO Report on Rural Health Care Program.
Chairman Genachowski's Response

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Members of Congress Regarding Implementation of the Satellite Television Extension and Localism Act.
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Members of Congress
Letter from Members of Congress
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Members of Congress
Letter from Members of Congress
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Ross
Letter from Congressman Ross
Letter from Congressman Tipton
Letter from Congressman Bennett

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Markey Regarding Complaint Filed by Zoom Telephonics, Inc.
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Markey
Letter from Congressman Markey

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Members of Congress Regarding Phantom Traffic and Traffic Pumping.
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Members of Congress
Letter from Members of Congress

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Members of Congress Regarding the Commission's NPRM Implementing the Telephone Consumer Protection Act.
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Members of Congress
Letter from Members of Congress

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Senator Inouye Regarding Hawaii Telecom, Inc's Waiver Petition.
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Senator Inouye
Senator Inouye's Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressmen Payne, Rohrbacher and Wu Regarding Access Simulation.
Chairman Genachowski's Response
Congressmen Payne, Rohrbacher and Wu's Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Tipton Regarding CenturyLink Qwest Transfer of Control.
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Tipton
Congressman Tipton's Letter

Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Communications and Technology, Committee on Energy and Commerce, United States House of Representatives.
Genachowski Statement: Acrobat
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
McDowell Statement: Acrobat
Clyburn Statement: Word | Acrobat
Baker Statement: Acrobat

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Senator Klobuchar Regarding Wireless Billing Practices.
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Senator Klobuchar
Senator Klobuchar's Letter
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Senator Klobuchar
Senator Klobuchar's Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Members of Congress Regarding Proposed Transfer of Control Between CenturyLink and Qwest Communications.
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Senator Kyl
Senator Kyl's Letter
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Members of Congress
Letter from Members of Congress

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Chairman Kerry and Senators Lautenberg and Menendez Regarding Retransmission Consent Negotiations.
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Chairman Kerry
Chairman Kerry's Letter
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Senator Lautenberg and Senator Menendez
Senator Lautenberg and Senator Menendez' Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Chairman Waxman, Chairman Boucher, Ranking Member Barton and Ranking Member Stearns Regarding Plans to Develop a Comprehensive Spectrum Inventory.
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Chairman Waxman, Chairman Boucher, Ranking Member Barton and Ranking Member Stearns
Letter to Chairman Genachowski Regarding Plans to Develop a Comprehensive Spectrum Inventory

Chairman Genachowski's Response to GAO Report (GAO 10-779) Entitled "Enhanced Data Collection Could Help FCC Better Monitor Competition in the Wireless Industry"

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Senator Snowe Regarding Technical and Engineering Resources.
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Senator Snowe
Senator Snowe's Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Stupak Regarding MacDonald Garber Broadcasting, Inc. Interest in Relocating a FM Translator Station.
Chairman Genachowski's Response to MacDonald Garber Broadcasting, Inc.
Congressman Stupak's Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Senator Inouye and Congressman Weiner Regarding the Proposed Joint Venture Between Comcast Corporation and the General Electric Company Subsidiary, NBC Universal.
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Senator Inouye
Senator Inouye's Letter
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Weiner
Congressman Weiner's Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Membes of Congress Regarding Reallocation of 700 MHz D Block for Public Safety Programming.
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congresswoman McMahon
Congresswoman McMahon's Letter
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Barrow
Congressman Barrow's Letter
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Sires
Congressman Sires' Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Members of Congress Regarding the Proposed Transfer of Control Between CenturyLink and Qwest.
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Senator Bingaman
Senator Bingaman's Letter
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Blumenauer
Congressman Blumenauer's Letter
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Senator Burr
Senator Burr's Letter
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Aderholt
Congressman Aderholt's Letter
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Senator Corker
Senator Corker's Letter
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Senator Crapo
Senator Crapo's Letter
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Grijalva
Congressman Grijalva's Letter
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Alexander
Congressman Alexander's Letter
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Skelton
Congressman Skelton's Letter
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Walden
Congressman Walden's Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Responses to Questions for the Record Following the Hearing on the FY 2011 Budget Request for the Federal Communications Commission

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressmen Doyle, Green and Gonzalez Regarding Carriage Agreements Between Independent Program Vendors and Multichannel Video Programming Distributors.
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressmen Doyle, Green and Gonzalez
Congressmen Doyle, Green and Gonzalez's Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Senator Baucus Regarding Montana State University's Application to Construct a New Noncommercial Educational Television Broadcast Station.
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Senator Baucus
Senator Baucus' Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressmen Larson and Pitts Regarding Spectrum Inventory.
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressmen Larson and Pitts
Congressmen Larson and Pitts' Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congresswoman Kaptur Regarding Carriage of Stations WXYZ-DT and WJBK-DT.
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congresswoman Kaptur
Congresswoman Kaptur's Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Senators Regarding Phantom Traffic.
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Senators
Senators Pryor, Lincoln, Thune, Feingold, Klobuchar Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Members of Congress Regarding the Effects of the National Broadband Plan on Urban and Rural Areas.
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Senator Chambliss
Senator Chambliss' Letter
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Etheridge
Congressman Etheridge's Letter
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Senator Johanns
Senator Johanns' Letter
Chairman Genachowki's Response to Congresswoman Lummis
Congresswoman Lummis' Letter
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Matheson
Congressman Matheson's Letter
Congressman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Mclntyre
Congressman Mclntyre's Letter
Congressman Genachowski's Response to Congresswoman Herseth Sandlin
Congresswoman Herseth Sandlin's Letter
Congressman Genachowski's Response to Senator Wyden
Senator Wyden's Letter
Congressman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Skelton
Congressman Skelton's Letter
Congressman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Whitfield
Congressman Whitfield's Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Senators Dorgan, Cantwell and Snowe Regarding the Commission's 2010 Quadrennial Review of its Broadcast Ownership Rules
Chairman Genachowski's Response
Letters from Senators Dorgan, Cantwell and Snowe

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Baca Regarding Participation in the 2010 Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute Public Policy Conference.
Chairman Genachowski's Response
Congressman Baca's Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Members of Congress Regarding the Commission's Retransmission Consent Rules
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Blunt
Congressman Blunt's Letter
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Coble
Congressman Coble's Letter
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congresswoman Maloney
Congresswoman Maloney's Letter
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Meeks
Congressman Meeks' Letter
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Bishop
Congressman Bishop's Letter
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Rangel
Congressman Rangel's Letter
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Young
Congressman Young's Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Members of Congress Regarding Proposed Joint Venture between Comcast Corporation and General Electric Company (GE) with GE's Subsidiary NBC Universal
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Boucher
Congressman Boucher's Letter
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Towns
Congressman Towns' Letter
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Chairman Johnson
Chairman Johnson's Letter
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Murphy
Congressman Murphy's Letter
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Adler
Congressman Adler's Letter
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Senator Menendez
Senator Menendez's Letter
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Senator Lemieux
Senator Lemieux's Letter
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congresswoman Sanchez
Congresswoman Sanchez's Letter
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Senator Schumer
Senator Schumer's Letter
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Sires
Congressman Sires' Letter
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Whitfield
Congressman Whitfield's Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Senator Wyden Regarding Early Termination Fees.
Chairman Genachowski's Response: Acrobat
Senator Wyden's Letter: Acrobat

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Senator Klobuchar Regarding Bill Shock
Chairman Genachowski's Response: Acrobat
Senator Klobuchar's Letter: Acrobat

Chairman Genachowski's Response to the Utah Delegation Regarding Call Assistant LLC
Chairman Genachowski's Response: Acrobat
Utah Delegation's Letter: Acrobat

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Questions for the Record Following the "Connecting Main Street to the World: Federal Efforts to Expand Small Business Internet Access" Hearing before the Senate Small Business and Entrepreneurship Committee
Chairman Genachowski's Response: Acrobat
Letter: Acrobat

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Higgins Regarding TracFone Wireless' Use of Lifeline Funds
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Higgins
Congressman Higgins Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Himes Regarding Unlicensed Radio Station in Brockton, Massachusetts
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Himes
Congressman Himes Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Senator Kerry Regarding White Spaces
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Chairman Kerry
Congressman Chairman Kerryletter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Members of Congress Regarding State Diversion of 911 Funds for Non-911 Purposes
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Shimkus
Congressman Shimkus Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Members of Congress Regarding the Reimbursement Rate for Video Relay Services
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Yannuth
Congressman Yannuth Letter
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Senator Hatch, Warner, Vitter, Thune, Klobuchar, Johanns, Hutchison Letter
Senator Hatch, Warner, Vitter, Thune, Klobuchar, Johanns, Hutchison Letter
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Duncan, Clay, Chaffetz, Burton, Braley, Boswell, Blunt, Bishop, Akin, Wilson, Stearns, Ross, Paulsen, Oberstar, Luetkemeyer, Loebsack, Lee, Latham, Lamborn, Kline, King, Hinojosa, Heinrich, Graves, Emerson, Ehlers and Congresswoman Bachmann, Sullon
Congressman Duncan, Clay, Chaffetz, Burton, Braley, Boswell, Blunt, Bishop, Akin, Wilson, Stearns, Ross, Paulsen, Oberstar, Luetkemeyer, Loebsack, Lee, Latham, Lamborn, Kline, King, Hinojosa, Heinrich, Graves, Emerson, Ehlers and Congresswoman Bachmann, Sullon Letter
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Matheson
Congressman Matheson Letter
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Senator Kerry
Senator Kerry Letter
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Yarmuth
Congressman Yarmuth Letter
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Senator Collins
Senator Collins Letter
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Carson
Congressman Carson Letter
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Senator Bennett
Senator Bennett Letter
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Boucher
Congressman Boucher Letter
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Wamp
Congressman Wamp Letter
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Senator Snowe
Senator Snowe Letter
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Peterson
Congressman Peterson Letter
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Michaud
Congressman Michaud Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Baca and Reyes Regarding Puerto Rico Telephone's High-Cost Support Proposal
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Baca and Reyes
Congressman Baca and Reyes Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to the Members of Congress Regarding AT&T's Acquisition from Verizon Wireless of FCC Licenses and Authorizations Associated with 79 Markets
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Salazar
Congressman Salazar Letter
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressm Lamborn
Congressm Lamborn Letter
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Senator Kyl
Senator Kyl Letter
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congresswoman Kirkpatrick
Congresswoman Kirkpatrick Letter
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Senator Barrasso
Senator Barrasso Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Letter to House and Senate Appropriators Proposes to Reprogram $4.5 Million of Prior Year Unobligated Funds

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Dingell Regarding Reclassification of Broadband.
Chairman Genachowski's Response
Congressman Dingell's Letters: [ 1 | 2 ]

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Reps. Waxman, Barton, Boucher and Stearns Regarding Public Safety Equipment and Device Market
Chairman Genachowski's Response
Reps. Waxman, Barton, Boucher and Stearns Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Rep. Dingell Regarding Carriage of Stations WXYZ-DT and WJBK-DT on the Buckeye Cablevision System Serving Communities in Michigan and Ohio
Chairman Genachowski's Response
Rep. Dingell's Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Rep. Engel Regarding the Wireless Communications Services
Chairman Genachowski's Response
Rep. Engel's Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Rep. Serrano Regarding an Insular-Specific Universal Service Funding Mechanism for Puerto Rico
Chairman Genachowski's Response
Rep. Serrano's Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressmen Waxman, Barton, Boucher and Stearns Regarding the Universal Service Fund
Chairman Genachowski's Response
Congressmen Waxman, Barton, Boucher and Stearns Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Letter to Congressman Stupak Regarding the Government in the Sunshine Act
Chairman Genachowski's Letter
Congressman Stupak's Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Questions for the Record Following National Broadband Plan Hearing before the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee
Chairman Genachowski's Response
Questions for the Record

Chairman Genachowski's Responses to Questions for the Record Following National Broadband Hearing before the House Subcommittee on Communications, Technology and the Internet
Chairman Genachowski's Response
Questions for the Record

Chairman Genachowski's Letter to Members of Congress Regarding Workshop on Special Access Rules
Chairman Genachowski's Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congresswoman Emerson Regarding Retransmission Consent
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congresswoman Emerson
Congresswoman Emerson's Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Mollohan Regarding Proposed Transfer of Control of Verizon Assets to Frontier Communications
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Mollohan
Congressman Mollohan's Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Members of Congress Regarding Pending Arbitration in which Intrado Inc., Seeks Physical Interconnection with CenturyLink (formerly Embarq Corporation) and Verizon Communications, Inc.
Chairman Genachowski's Letter to Senator Warner
Senator Warner's Letter
Chairman Genachowski's Letter to Congresswoman Markey and Congressman Polis
Congresswoman Markey and Congressman Polis Letter
Chairman Genachowski's Letter to Congressman Perriello
Congressman Perriello's Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congresswoman Kirkpatrick Regarding Mr. Carroll Onsae's Application to Serve on FCC's Native Nations Broadband Task Force
Chairman Genachowski's Response
Congresswoman Kirkpatrick's Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congresswoman Chu Regarding FCC's Small Business and Minority Owned Business Contracting
Chairman Genachowski's Response
Congresswoman Chu's Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Matheson Regarding Wilson Electronics Petition for Rulemaking
Chairman Genachowski's Response
Congressman Matheson's Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Senator Rockefeller and Senator Kerry.
Chairman Genachowski's Response
Senator Rockefeller and Senator Kerry's Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee's Post Hearing Questions Following the Reviewing the National Broadband Plan Hearing- CORRECTION
Chairman Genachowski's Response

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Stupak Regarding the Eastern Upper Peninsula Intermediate School's E-Rate Appeal
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Stupak
Congressman Stupak's Letter

Chairman Genachowski Responds to Members of Congress Regarding Processing of Applications to Assign Wireless Licenses from Verizon Wireless to Atlantic Tele-Network, Inc.
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Members of Congress
Members of Congress Response

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Members of Congress Regarding the State of New Jersey's Waiver Request to deploy a public safety broadband system
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Members of Congress
Members of Congress Response

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Members Regarding Baja Broadband Waiver Petition
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congresswoman Markey
Congresswoman Markey's Letter
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Matheson
Congressman Matheson's Letter
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Thornberry
Congressman Thornberry's Letter

Chairman Genachowski Response to Congressman Sires and Congressman Payne Regarding the Commission's Proceeding to Establish Procedures to Review Program Access Complaints Concerning the Availability of Terrestrially Delivered Cable-affiliated Programming.
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Sires
Congressman Sires' Letter
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Payne
Congressman Payne's Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congresswoman Christensen Regarding Assignment of WSTX (AM) and WSTX-FM from Family Broadcasting, Inc., to Caledonia Communication.
Chairman Genechowski's Response
Congresswoman Christensen's Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Baca Regarding the National Broadband Plan.
Chairman Genachowski's Response
Congressman Baca's Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Senator Begich and Senator Wicker Regarding Data Roaming.
Genachowski's Response
Senator Begich and Senator Wicker Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Coble Regarding Availability of the Mid-Atlantic Sports Network (MASN) on Cable Television Systems in North Carolina That are Operated by Time Warner Cable.
Chairman Genachowski's Response
Congressman Coble's Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Murphy Regarding Public Process to Develop Final Rules to Preserve an Open Internet.
Chairman Genachowski's Response
Congressman Murphy's Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Franks Regarding the Commission's Ex Parte Rules.
Chairman Genachowski's Response
Congressman Franks' Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Boucher and Congressman Stearns Regarding 2010 Quadrennial Review of Broadcast Ownership Rules and Policies.
Chairman Genachowski's Response
Congressman Boucher and Congressman Stearns Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Senators Hutchison, Vitter, DeMint and Brownback Regarding Transfer of Control of Licenses and Authorizations from SkyTerra Communications, Inc. to Harbinger Capital Partner Funds.
Chairman Genachowski's Response
Senators Hutchison, Vitter, DeMint and Brownback Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Members of Congress Regarding Retransmission Consent Agreement between Walt Disney Company and Cablevision Systems Corporation for Carriage of WABC-DT

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Senator Kohl and Senator Hatch Regarding Broadband Competition.
Chairman Genachowski's Response
Senator Kohl and Senator Hatch Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Senator Snowe Regarding Pending Spectrum-Related Proceedings.
Chairman Genachowski's Response
Senator Snowe's Letter

Chairman Genachowski Response to Members of Congress Regarding Comcast, General Electric (GE) and NBC Universal (NBCU)
Chairman Genachowski Response to Members of Congress
Members of Congress Response

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Members of Congress Regarding Wireless Communications Services (WCS) Proceeding.


Chairman Genachowski's Response to Members of Congress Regarding the Status of Rulemaking to Preserve the Open Internet.

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Members of Congress Regarding GAO Report on FCC Management.
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Members of Congress

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Members of Congress Regarding FM Radio Tuners in Mobile Telephone Handsets.
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Members of Congress
Congress Members' Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Pierluisi Regarding Definition of "Local Radio Market".
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Pierluisi
Congressman Pierluisi's Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congresswoman Herseth Sandlin Regarding FM Radio Tuners in Mobile Telephone Handsets.
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congresswoman Sandlin
Congresswoman Sandlin's Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Chairman Rockefeller and Chairman Waxman on Commission's Rulemaking Proceeding to Preserve the Free and Open Internet.
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Chairman Rockefeller
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Chairman Waxman
Chairmen Rockefeller and Waxman's Letter
Chairman Waxman's Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Baca Regarding the Commission's Notice of Inquiry to Examine the Role that Electronic Media Play in the Lives of American Children.
Chairman Genachowski's Response
Congressman Baca's Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congresswoman Berkley Regarding the Commission's Public Notice Inviting Proposals from Entities Seeking to be Designated as a TV Band Device Database Manager.
Chairman Genachowski's Response
Congresswoman Berkley's Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Senator Kaufman Regarding the Pending Application to Renew the Broadcast license of WHYY-TV, Wilmington, Delaware.
Chairman Genachowski's Response
Senator Kaufman's Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Smith Regarding the Application Filed With the Commission by PMCM TV.
Chairman Genachowski's Response
Congressman Smith's Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Members of Congress Regarding the Status of Rulemaking to Preserve the Open Internet.
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Members of Congress
Congress Members' Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Senator Klobuchar Regarding the Review of Verizon Wireless's Decision to Raise its Early Termination Fee (ETF) on Service Contracts for "Advanced Devices".
Chairman Genachowski's Response
Senator Klobuchar's Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Senator Nelson Regarding the Contribution Methodology for the Universal Service Fund (USF).
Chairman Genachowski's Response
Senator Nelson's Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Senators Regarding the Status of Rulemaking to Preserve the Open Internet.
Chairman Genachowski's Response
Senators' Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Chairman Boucher Regarding Implementation of the National Broadband Plan.
Chairman Genachowski's Response
Chairman Boucher's Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Representatives Kirkpatrick and Franks Regarding Petition Filed by Hopi Telecom Inc.
Chairman Genachowski's Response
Representatives Kirkpatrick and Franks' Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Members of Congress Regarding the Commission's Rulemaking Proceeding to Preserve the Free and Open Internet.
Chairman Genachowski's Response
Members of Congress Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Abercrombie Regarding Joint Operation of KHNL, KFVE and KGMB in Honolulu, Hawaii.
Chairman Genachowski's Response
Congressman Abercrombie's Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Members of Congress Regarding Retransmission Consent Agreement between Sinclair Broadcast Group and Mediacom Communications Corporation.
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Members of Congress
Members of Congress Letters:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Senator Landrieu Regarding the State of Louisiana's Petition for Rulemaking.
Chairman Genachowski's Response
Senator Landrieu's Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Senators Snowe and Collins Nomination of Syliva Norton to Universal Service Administrative Company Board of Directors.
Chairman Genachowski's Response
Senators Snowe and Collins' Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Inslee Regarding Telecommunications Relay Services.
Chairman Genachowski's Response
Congressman Inslee's Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Senator Landrieu and Vitter Regarding Sheryl Abshire's Nomination to the Universal Service Administrative Company Board of Directors.
Chairman Genachowski's Response
Senator Landrieu and Vitter's Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Senator Schumer Regarding Denial of SafeLink Wireless Service.
Chairman Genechowski's Response
Senator Schumer's Letter

Chairman Genachowski Response to Congressman Stearns Letter Regarding National Broadband Plan.
Senator Stearns' Letter

Hearing Before the United States House of Representatives Committee on Energy and Commerce, Subcommittee on Communications, Technology and the Internet, "Oversight of the Federal Communications Commission: The National Broadband Plan".
Genachowski Statement: Word | Acrobat

Hearing Before the United States House of Representatives Committee on Energy and Commerce, Subcommittee on Communications, Technology and the Internet, "Oversight of the Federal Communications Commission: The National Broadband Plan".
Genachowski Statement: Word | Acrobat

Statement of Chairman Genachowski, Hearing on Consumers, Competition, and Consolidation in the Video and Broadband Market, Before the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, United States Senate.
Word | Acrobat

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Members of Congress Regarding an Application for Review Concerning the Availability of the Mid-Atlantic Sports Network (MASN) on Cable Television Systems in North Carolina that are Operated by Time Warner Cable.
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Mike McIntyre
Congressman Mike McIntyre's Letter
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Walter B. Jones
Congressman Walter B. Jones' Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Senator John Thune Regarding Universal Service Fund Policy Issues for High-Cost and Rural Areas.
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Senator John Thune
Senator John Thune's Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Senators John Kerry and Chuck Grassley Regarding the Commission's 2010 Quadrennial Review of its Media Ownership Rules and Policies.
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Senators John Kerry and Chuck Grassley
Senators John Kerry and Chuck Grassley's Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Senator Evan Bayh Regarding the FCC Review of the Merger Between AT&T Mobility and Centennial Communications Corporation.
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Senator Evan Bayh
Senator Evan Bayh's Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Senator Jay Rockefeller Regarding the Impact of Inflation on the E-Rate Program's Annual $2.25 Billion Funding Cap.
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Senator Jay Rockefeller
Senator Jay Rockefeller's Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congresswoman Anna Eshoo Regarding the Commission's Proceeding to Establish Rules for Licensing Services for the Advanced Wireless Services (AWS) Spectrum in the 2155-2180 MHz (AWS-3) Band.
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congresswoman Anna Eshoo
Congresswoman Anna Eshoo's Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Senators Jack Reed and Sheldon Whitehouse Regarding the Commission's Regulations Governing the Retransmission of "Significantly Viewed" Television Broadcast Signals to Cable and Satellite Consumers in the Providence, RI.
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Senators Jack Reed and Sheldon Whitehouse
Senators Jack Reed and Sheldon Whitehouse's Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson Regarding a Petition for Reconsideration of the Wireline Competition Bureau Action Upholding the Universal Service Administrative Company's Denial of E-rate Funding for Lazo Technologies, Inc.
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson
Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson's Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Senator John Kerry Regarding the City of Boston's Waiver Request Seeking Authority to Deploy a Public Safety Broadband System in the 700 MHz Public Safety Broadband Spectrum Licensed to the Public Safety Spectrum Trust.
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Senator John Kerry
Senator John Kerry's Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey Regarding Purple Communications, Inc., Petition for Rulemaking on the Video Relay Service (VRS).
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey
Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey's Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Senator Robert P. Casey regarding applications by the County of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, to Operate a Public Safety Land Mobile Radio Communications System on Spectrum Allocated to Television Channel 15.
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Senator Robert P. Casey
Senator Robert P. Casey's Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Members of the Alabama Congressional Delegation Regarding license application and waiver request submitted by the Alabama Educational Television Commission (AETC) for use by the Alabama Digital Emergency/Education Network.
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Senator Shelby
Senator Shelby's Letter
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Bachus
Congressman Bachus' Letter
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Griffith
Congressman Griffith's Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Darrell Issa Regarding Implementation of the Recovery Act.
Chairman Genachowski's Response
Congressman Darrell Issa's Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congresswoman Sue Myrick Regarding Rules Implementing the CAN-SPAM Act.
Chairman Genachowski's Response
Congresswoman Sue Myrick's Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Members of the New Jersey Congressional Delegation Regarding PMCM TV's Application to Relocate Station KVNV from Nevada to New Jersey.
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Pallone and Congressman Holt
Congressman Pallone's and Congressman Holt's Letter
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Sires
Congressman Sires' Letter
Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Smith
Congressman Smith's Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Senator Tom Harkin Regarding Petitions Filed by Panora Communications Coop and Prairie Telephone Company for Study Waivers in Iowa.
Chairman Genachowski's Response
Senator Harkin's Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Senator Jeff Merkley Regarding Universal Service Fund Audits in Rural Oregon.
Chairman Genachowski's Response
Senator Merkley's Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Various Members of Congress Regarding Google Voice Service.
Chairman Genachowski's Response
Congress Members' Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Rodney Frelinghuysen Regarding Morris County, New Jersey Application to Operate a Public Safety Paging Facility on Frequency 476.2875 MHz.
Chairman Genachowski's Response
Congressman Frelinghuysen's Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman George Radanovich and Jay Inslee Regarding the Petition Submitted by CTIA Seeking Clarification on the Time Periods in Which a State or Locality Should Act on Wireless Facility Siting Requests.
Chairman Genachowski's Response
Congressmen Radanovich and Inslee's Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Senator Jeanne Shaheen Regarding an Unlicensed Radio Station Broadcasting from Boston, Massachusetts.
Chairman Genachowski's Response
Senator Shaheen's Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congresswoman Mary Bono Mack Regarding the FCC's Satellite Application Process.
Chairman Genachowski's Response
Congresswoman Bono Mack's Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Gary Peters Regarding Petitions for Declaratory Ruling filed by the Alliance for Community Media and the Cities of Dearborn and Lansing, Michigan (MB Docket No. 09-13).
Chairman Genachowski's Response
Congressman Peters' Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Edward Markey Regarding Universal Battery Chargers for Mobile Devices.
Chairman Genachowski's Response
Congressman Markey's Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Leonard Lance Regarding DTV Reception Issues.
Chairman Genachowski's Response
Congressman Lance's Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Senator Jay Rockefeller Regarding Cybersecurity.
Chairman Genachowski's Response
Senator Rockefeller's Leter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison Regarding the Commission's Rulemaking Proceeding to Preserve the Free and Open Internet.
Chairman Genachowski's Response
Senator Hutchison's Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Senator Charles Grassley and Congressman Steve King Regarding Petitions Filed by Panora Communications Coop and Prairie Telephone Company for Study Area Waivers in Iowa.
Chairman Genachowski's Response
Senator Grassley's Letter

Chairman Genachowski Testimony before the U.S. House of Representatives, Joint Hearing on "Driven to Distraction: Technological Devices and Vehicle Safety"
Word | Acrobat

Chairman Genachowski Testimony before the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation at Hearing on Combating Distracted Driving.
Word | Acrobat

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congresswoman Candice Miller Regarding DTV Reception Issues.
Chairman Genachowski's Response
Congresswoman Miller's Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Pedro Pierluisi Regarding the Universal Service Support for Insular Areas.
Chairman Genachowski's Response
Congressman Pierluisi's Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Eric Massa Regarding DTV Reception Issues.
Chairman Genachowski's Response
Congressman Massa's Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Stephen Rothman Regarding Digital Programming Carriage on Cable Television Services.
Chairman Genachowski's Response
Congressman Rothman's Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressmen Bob Filner and Duncan Hunter Regarding a Program Carriage Dispute in San Diego Between AT&T U-verse and CoxCom, Inc.
Chairman Genachowski's Response
Congressmen Filner's and Hunter's Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Pete Hoekstra Regarding a Ruling Request Filed by the American Association of Information Radio Operators (AAIRO) Concerning the Scope of 47 C.P.R.
Chairman Genachowski's Response
Congressman Hoekstra's Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Howard "Buck" McKeon Regarding Medical Micro-Power Network (MMN) Devices.
Chairman Genachowski's Response
Congressman McKeon's Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Senator John Kerry Regarding Medical Micro-Power Network (MMN) Devices.
Chairman Genachowski's Response
Senator Kerry's Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Letter to Senator Daniel Inouye Regarding FCC Review of Special Access Service Issues.
Chairman Genachowski's Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congressman Albio Sires Regarding the Status of an Application from the City of Bayonne, New Jersey, for a Public Safety Radio License.
Chairman Genachowski's Response
Congressman Sires' Letter

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin Regarding Pending Petitions for Declaratory Ruling on MVPD Carriage of Public, Educational, and Governmental (PEG) Channels.
Chairman Genachowski's Response
Congresswoman Baldwin's Letter

Chairman Genachowski's response to Congressman Joe Baca Regarding the Commission's National Broadband Plan Proceeding.
Chairman Genachowski's Response
Congressman Baca's Letter

Chairman Genachowski's response to Congressmen Robert Wittman, Glenn Nye, and Robert Scott Regarding Iridium Holdings Transfer of Control Applications.
Chairman Genachowski's Response
Congressmen Nye's and Scott's Letter

Testimony Before the United States House of Representatives, Committee on Energy and Commerce, Subcommittee on Communications, Technology, and the Internet, Hearing on "Oversight of the Federal Communications Commission".
Genachowski Statement: Acrobat
Copps Statement: Acrobat
McDowell Statement: Acrobat
Clyburn Statement: Acrobat
Baker Statement: Acrobat

Chairman Genachowski's Response to Senator Richard Burr regarding medical micro-power network (MMN) devices.
Chairman Genachowski's Response
Senator Burr's Letter

Statement of Chairman Genachowski Before the United States Senate, Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, Hearing on "Rethinking the Children's Television Act for a Digital Media Age".
Prepared Remarks: Word | Acrobat
Written Testimony: Word | Acrobat

Chairman Genachowski Announces Director of Office of Legislative Affairs.
News Release: Word | Acrobat

Statement Of Acting Chairman Copps Before U.S. House Of Representatives, Committee On Appropriations, Subcommittee On Financial Services And General Government.

Testimony of Acting Chairman Copps Before the U.S. House Committee on Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Communications, Technology and the Internet "Oversight of the Digital Television Transition."

Written Statement of Chairman Martin before the Committee on Energy and Commerce, Subcommittee on Telecommunications and the Internet, U.S. House of Representatives.
Word | Acrobat
Acrobat Attachments: [ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 ]

Statements of FCC Chairman and Commissioners Before the Committee on Energy and Commerce, Subcommittee on Telecommunications and the Internet, U.S. House of Representatives.
Martin Oral Statement: Word | Acrobat, Presentation
Martin Written Statement: Word | Acrobat, Presentation
Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein Statement: Word | Acrobat
Tate Statement: Word | Acrobat
McDowell Statement: Acrobat

Testimony of Chairman Martin Before the Subcommittee on Financial Services and General Government of the Committee on Appropriations, U.S House of Representavies.
Testimony: Acrobat
Attachment: Word | Acrobat

Written Statement of Chairman Martin on the DTV Transition Before the Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, U.S. Senate.
Word | Acrobat

Testimony Before the Committee on Commerce, Science & Transportation, U.S. Senate.
Martin: Acrobat
Adelstein: Acrobat
Tate: Word | Acrobat
McDowell: Acrobat

Testimony Before the Subcommittee on Telecommunications and the Internet, Committee on Energy and Commerce, United States House of Representatives.
Martin: Acrobat
Copps: Word | Acrobat
Adelstein: Word | Acrobat
Tate: Word | Acrobat
McDowell: Word | Acrobat

Written Statement of Chairman Kevin J. Martin Before the Committee on Energy and Commerce.
Testimony: Word | Acrobat

Testimony of Commissioner Jonathan Adelstein, Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, US Senate.
Word | Acrobat

Written Statement of Chairman Martin Before the Committee on Small Business, U.S. House of Representatives.
Word | Acrobat

Testimony of Commissioner Copps, US Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Improving Internet Access to Help Small Business Compete In a Global Economy.
Word | Acrobat

Testimony of Commissioner Adelstein, US Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship.

Testimony Prepared for the Subcommittee on Telecommunications and the Internet, Committee on Energy and Commerce, United States House of Representatives.
Chairman Martin: Acrobat
Commissioner Copps: Word | Acrobat
Commissioner Adelstein: Acrobat
Commissioner Tate: Acrobat
Commissioner McDowell: Acrobat

Chairman Martin Testimony Prepared for the Subcommittee on Financial Services and General Government of the Committee on Appropriations United States House of Representatives.
Testimony: Word | Acrobat

Testimony Prepared for the Subcommittee on Telecommunications and the Internet, Committee on Energy and Commerce, United States House of Representatives.
Chairman Martin: Acrobat
Commissioner Copps: Word | Acrobat
Commissioner Adelstein: Word | Acrobat
Commissioner Tate: Word | Acrobat
Commissioner McDowell: Acrobat

Written Statement of Kris Monteith, Enforcement Bureau Chief, on "HR 251, the Truth in Caller ID Act of 2007" before the Subcommittee on Telecommunications and the Internet of the Energy and Commerce Committee, U.S. House of Representatives.

Testimony Prepared for Full Senate Commerce Committee Hearing on Accessing the Communications Marketplace: A View From the FCC.
Chairman Martin: Word | Acrobat
Commissioner Copps: Word | Acrobat
Commissioner Adelstein: Word | Acrobat
Commissioner Tate: Word | Acrobat
Commissioner McDowell: Word | Acrobat

Written Statement of Kris Monteith, Enforcement Bureau Chief, on "Internet Data Brokers & Pretexting: Who Has Access to Your Private Records?" before the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations of the Energy and Commerce Committee U.S. House of Representatives.

Written Statement of Ken Moran, Director of Homeland Security, on "Cybersecurity: Protecting America's Critical Infrastructure, Economy & Consumers" before the Subcommittee on Telecommunications and Internet of the Energy and Commerce Committee U.S. House of Representatives.

Chairman Martin's Statement Before the Committee on Commerce, Science & Transportation, U.S. Senate.
Word | Acrobat

Written Statement of Julius Knapp, Acting Chief Office of Engineering and Technology, on H.R. 5785, the Warning , Alert and Response and Network (WARN) Act before the Subcommittee on Telecommunications and the Internet of the Energy and Commerce Committee U.S. House of Representatives.

Written Statement of Diego Ruiz, Deputy Chief, Office of Strategic Planning and Policy Analysis on "Making the Internet Safe for Kids: The Role of ISPs and Social Networking Sites" before the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations of the Energy and Commerce Committee U.S. House of Representatives.

Written Statement of Tom Navin, Wireline Bureau Chief before the Subcommittee on Universal Service: What are We Subsidizing and Why? Part 1: The High-Cost Fund before the Subcommittee on Telecommunications and the Internet of the Energy and Commerce Committee U.S. House of Representatives.

Written Statement of Tom Navin, Wireline Bureau Chief on H.R. 5126, the Truth in Caller ID Act of 2006 before the Subcommittee on Telecommunications and the Internet of the Energy and Commerce Committee U.S. House of Representatives.

Written Statement of Kenneth Moran, Director of Office of Homeland Security Enforcement Bureau on "State of Interoperable Communications: Perspectives on Federal Coordination of Grants, Standards and Technology" before the Subcommittee on Emergency Preparedness, Science and Technology of the Homeland Security Committee U.S. House of Representatives

Written Statement of Catherine Seidel, Acting Bureau Chief of the wireless Telecommunications Bureau, on "Wireless Issues and Spectrum Reform" before the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee.

Written Statement of Chairman Martin from Hearing on the Federal Communications Commission's Fiscal Year 2007 Budget Estimates, Before the Subcommittee on Science, the Departments of State, Justice, and Commerce, and Related Agencies Committee on Appropriations U.S. House of Representatives.

Written Statement of Kris Monteith, Enforcement Bureau Chief, from Hearing on "Protecting Consumers Phone Records" before the Subcommittee on Consumer Affairs, Product Safety and Insurance of the Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee U.S. Senate.

Chairman Martin's Statement Before the Committee on Energy and Commerce, U.S. House of Representatives, Hearing on Phone Records For Sale.

Chairman Martin's Oral Statement Before the Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation.
Word | Acrobat

Chairman Martin Announces the Director of the Office of Legislative Affairs.
Word | Acrobat

Written Statement of Kenneth P. Moran, Director, Office of Homeland Security, Enforcement Bureau, FCC, Hearing on Ensuring Operability During Catastrophic Events.
Statement: Acrobat

Written Statement of FCC Chairman Kevin Martin, Hearing on Public Safety Communications from 9/11 to Katrina: Critical Public Policy Lessons.

Written Statement of Kenneth P. Moran Director, Office of Homeland Security, Enforcement Bureau, Federal Communications Commission, Hearing on Hurricane Katrina and Communications Interoperability.

Written Statement of Chairman Martin, Hearing on Communications in a Disaster, Before the Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, United States Senate.
Martin Statement: Acrobat

Written Statement of Kenneth Moran, Acting Director, Office Of Homeland Security, Enforcement Bureau, FCC, Before the House before the Telecommunications and Internet Subcommittee of the Energy and Commerce Committee “Recovering from Hurricane Katrina”.

Written Statement of Kenneth Moran , Acting Director, Office Of Homeland Security, Enforcement Bureau, FCC Before the Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation Subcommittee on Disaster Prevention and Prediction U.S. Senate.
Word | Acrobat

Statement of Julius Knapp, Deputy Chief, Office of Engineering and Technology before the House Subcommittee on Aviation of the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee "Cell Phones on Commercial Aircraft - A Nuisance or Necessity?"

Rick Chessen, Chair of the DTV Task Force before the House Telecommunications and Internet Subcommittee of the Energy and Commerce Committee. "Discussion Draft of DTV Transition Act of 2005 testified on behalf of the FCC"

Statement of Commissioner Jonathan Adelstein and Statement of Austin Schlick, Acting General Counsel before the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee. "S. 967 – Truth in Broadcasting Act of 2005"

Statement of Chairman Kevin Martin before the House Science, State, Justice, Commerce and Related Agencies Subcommittee of the Appropriations Committee FCC FY ’06 Appropriations Hearing.

Statement of Don Abelson, Chief of the International Bureau before the House Telecommunications and Internet Subcommittee of the Energy and Commerce Committee. "The ORBIT Act: An Examination of Progress Made in Privatizing the Satellite Communications Marketplace"

Statement of Austin Schlick, Acting General Counsel before the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee. "S. 241, The Universal Service Fund Exemption from the Anti-Deficiency Act"

Statement of Jeffrey Carlisle, Chief of the Wireline Competition Bureau and Thomas Bennett, Assistant Inspector General before the House Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee of the Energy and Commerce Committee. "Problems with the E-rate Program: GAO Review of FCC Management and Oversight"



