“This page is a digitally archived AccessInfo Announcement”
On Monday, June 4, 2012, from 9:00am – 12:30pm, the FCC will host the inaugural session of the M-Enabling Global Briefing Tour, titled New Milestones for Mobile Accessibility. This session will be held at FCC headquarters, 445 12th Street, SW, Washington, D.C. (closest metro: Smithsonian). The M-Enabling Global Briefing Tour is a project of the G3ict – the Global Initiative for Inclusive ICTs. The tour will move to Beijing, Milan and then Moscow, and then return to Washington, D.C. June 5-6, 2013, for a full M-Enabling
Summit. Full agenda at: http://g3ict.org/events/schedule/event_agenda/p/eventId_310/id_agenda .
The M-Enabling New Milestones for Mobile Accessibility session is open to the public and there is no cost for registration. Industry, seniors, persons with disabilities, advocates and government officials are encouraged to attend to explore the latest innovations in accessibility and mobile technologies.
To register for the New Milestones for Mobile Accessibility session, please RSVP by May 25, 2012, by sending your name, title, affiliation and contact information to M‐Enabling@fcc.gov. Please note that you will need a valid picture ID to enter the FCC for this event.
Open captioning and sign language interpreters will be provided. Other reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities are available upon request. To request an accommodation, please include a description of the accommodation needed and how to contact you if we need more information. It is imperative that accommodation requests are made as early as possible. Last minute requests will be accepted but may be impossible to fill. To request an accommodation, please E‐mail fcc504@fcc.gov or call the Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau at 202‐418‐
0530 (voice), 202‐418‐0432 (TTY).
For additional information on the M-Enabling New Milestones for Accessibility session, visit: