
This reference page for Measuring Broadband America provides the validated data set that was used to produce this Report. It includes the detailed results for 12 test that formed the basis for the Report, in addition to the results of a separate quality metric run to assess which reporting units were available. An additional test, defined as consumption in the Technical Appendix, is not included in the validated March 2011 data set, but can be found in the March month files of the raw bulk data. The March 2011 data set was validated as discussed in the Report and Technical Appendix (further details can be found on the Methodology reference page).


Data Dictionary


This document provides a brief explanation of each field included in the data set, and is provided as documentation on the structure of the data.

Why We Provide It

This file is provided as documentation on the structure of the data. This one file describes the contents on this page.



Data Cleansing


This document outlines the data cleansing processes used to generate the ‘clean’ data set from the ‘raw’ data set.

Why We Provide It

This file is provided as documentation of how the raw data was cleansed to be included in the validated data set.



Unit Profile


This document identifies the various details of each test unit, including ISP, technology, service tier, and general location. Each unit represents one volunteer panelists. The unit ID's were random, which served to protect the anonymity of the volunteer panelists. Technical note: This is a large, normalized data set which expands to multiple files. To use this data you will most likely need to import it into a relational databases.

Why We Provide It

This data is provided as reference look up information for the individual units running tests.


unit-profile-march-2011.zip (111 KB download, 548 KB expanded, checksums)

Unit Census Block


This spreadsheet identifies the census block in which each unit running test is located. Census block is from 2000 census and is in the FIPS block code format. No block contains less that 35 people.

Why We Provide It

To identify the general geographic location of the unit running the test.


Unit_ID_Census_Block_Group (756 KB download, 756 KB expanded)

Validated March Data


This document contains the validated March 2011 data set that was used to produce the Report. It includes the detailed results for all 13 tests that were run as part of this study, in addition to the results of a separate quality metric run to assess which reporting units were available. The March 2011 data set was validated as discussed in the Report and Technical Appendix; further details can be found in the Methodology section of this page. Technical note: This is a large, normalized data set which expands to multiple files. To use this data you will most likely need to import it into a relational database.

Why We Provide It

The validated data is provided for full transparency and to enable researchers to conduct their own analysis from a common pool of data.

Additional Information

An additional test, defined as consumption in the Technical Appendix and found in file curr_netusage.csv, is not included in the validated March 2011 data set, but can be found in the March month files of the raw bulk data.


validated-march-data-2011.tar.gz (2.41 GB download, 11.5 GB expanded, checksums)
