(As of September 18, 2020, the Media Bureau's Engineering Division has been combined with the Media Bureau’s Industry Analysis Division.  Accordingly, the functions, links, and contacts for the former Engineering Division have been combined with the Industry Analysis Division and now appear on this page.)

The Industry Analysis Division conducts and participates in proceedings regarding media ownership and the economic aspects of existing and proposed rules and policies.  The Division reviews license transfers that implicate significant policy issues.  The Division collects, compiles, analyzes, and develops reports on relevant industry and market data and information, including preparing the annual report to Congress on the status of competition in the market for the delivery of video programming.  The Division conducts technical reviews of media related matters and processes MVPD Registration, Cable Television Relay Service (CARS) applications, special relief and show cause petitions involving technical matters, and requests for rulings on technical matters and requests for waivers of the rules.  The Division processes signal leakage performance reports filed by cable system operators, analyzes aeronautical frequency usage data and takes appropriate action to ensure compliance with FCC requirements.

Industry Analysis Division
(202) 418-2330
Division Chief
Deputy Division Chief
Assistant Division Chief
Radhika Karmarkar
Ty Bream
Peter "Jake" Riehm

Media Bureau Reports

2016 STELAR Section 109 Report to Congress

Annual Video Competition Reports

Competition and Price Survey Reports

Merger Pages

Issues and Topics


The Media Bureau announces mandatory electronic filing via the Cable Operations and Licensing System (COALS) for the following FCC Forms:

Paper versions of the above forms will not be accepted for filing, unless accompanied by a request for waiver of the electronic filing requirement. Users can access the electronic filing system for these forms via the Internet from the Commission's Web Site at www.fcc.gov/coals. for more details... 



FCC Media Bureau