FCC Author

It might seem obvious and simple, but it remains true: and the rest of our online properties exist to serve consumers' and citizens' needs.

The best advice this agency can get about our websites comes from you, the people that make up our online audience.

To meet that goal, our team recently launched a new way for users to make a direct impact in improving our sites. Our user feedback tool will play a hugely valuable role in helping us design better and more useful websites.

There are several challenges we're keeping in mind as we work to improve.  These sites need to be accessible, efficient, and easy-to-use for a broad range of users. Throw in some government rules that haven't quite kept up with the technological times, and the job gets even more challenging.

That's what makes your input so important. Your voice will help us make data-driven decisions about how we can improve the experience. And you can be a part of our continued emphasis on public participation and engagement in our online work.

Oh, and one more thing. Behind the scenes, we're preparing for a major redesign of this year. This feedback will be a valuable part of the data we consult in this redesign process -- and we want as many website users as possible to take part. The National Archives recently solicited citizen feedback on how to best serve their audiences through a redesigned page. The team at the National Archives deserves recognition for running an open and participatory process – and their work will definitely inform ours moving forward.

Take a simple step and tell us what you think.