We’re really proud and humbled by the splash that IssueMap made last week. Thanks to the team at FortiusOne for rolling out a high-quality product that obviously hit the mark.
It’s exciting to see some of the cool IssueMaps that are shared over social networks. You can follow @IssueMap on Twitter to catch the shared IssueMaps published there. We’ve also put up a new Reboot page that collects a few FCC data sets and maps them on IssueMap.
We continue to hold strong to the belief that -- done right -- mapping will significantly change the way we understand data, solve problems, and tell compelling stories.
Here are some of the different angles on IssueMap:
- O’Reilly Radar posts and sparks a lively comments section. In the spirit of partnership, the story also ran at Forbes online.
- ExecutiveGov points to IssueMap as a product in the spirit of the Open Government Directive.
- Arkansas Geographic Information Officer (and FCC guest blogger) Learon Dalby gives more info on IssueMaps humble beginnings at GISuser.com.
- TechPresident rightly identifies that The FCC Wants You to Get Your Map On.
- Finally, the prestigious NiemanLab honored us with a tweet.
Keep posting your IssueMaps, and stay tuned for more mapping news very soon.
Posted: 03.23.2011