Open Commission Meeting - February 2006
11:30 am - 1:30 pm EST
Keller, Texas
Meeting Materials
Testimony From the Meeting
- Commissioner Barry Smitherman - Public Utility Commission of Texas
- Michael Moncrief - Mayor of the City of Fort Worth
- Lori Panzino-Tillery - Division Chief, Franchise Programs, San Bernardino County; National Association of Telecommunications Officers and Advisors
- Sharon King - President and CEO, Dallas Community Television; Alliance for Community Media
- Marilyn O'Connell - Senior Vice President, Video Solutions, Verizon
- Vernon Drewa - Keller FIOS Internet and TV subscriber
- Lea Ann Champion - Senior Executive Vice President, IP Operations, AT&T
- Daniel Brenner - Senior Vice President for Law and Regulatory Policy, National Cable & Telecommunications Association
- Joi Philpott - Corporate Vice President of Government Affairs and Franchising Relations, Charter Communications