
Video Programming Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting

9:00 am - 5:00 pm EDT
Washington, DC

The purpose of the VPAAC is to develop recommendations on closed captioning of Internet programming previously captioned on television; the compatibility between video programming delivered using Internet protocol and devices capable of receiving and displaying such programming in order to facilitate access to captioning, video description and emergency information; the provision of video description and accessible emergency information on television programming; accessible user interfaces on video programming devices; and accessible programming guides and menus.

At this meeting, members of the various Working Groups worked on issues that were the focus of each of their groups. Topics covered at this meeting included: IP captioning, video description, access to emergency information, and the user interface of equipment used to display programming. Near the conclusion of the meeting, each Working Group reported to the VPAAC on the status and timeline for developing recommendations for submission to the Commission on each of their issues.

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