#GirlsTechDay Twitter Chat: Role of ICT in Improving the Lives of Women and Girls
The FCC is hosting a Twitter chat in honor of International Girls in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Day a.k.a Girls in Tech Day. Technology is playing an increasingly important role in all aspects of our lives. Join the Twitter chat to learn about how Information and Communication Technology has helped improve the lives of women and girls in their careers, education, and health.
You can follow and participate by using the hashtag #GirlsTechDay.
#GirlsTechDay Twitter Chat Details:
- Date: Thursday, April 25, 2013
- Time: 1:00 - 2:00 PM EDT
- Hashtag: #GirlsTechDay
- Abdulhalim RIJAAL is a Strategic Communications Analyst on the Digital Outreach Team at the U.S. Department of State. His focus area is Somalia and Horn of Africa region. Tweets from Abdulhalim will come from @Rijaal3rd
Susan Carroll Schorr is the architect of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Girls in ICT Portal and brainchild of the ITU “Connect a School, Connect a Community” initiative. Susan has been with ITU since 2000 working on a variety of initiatives including ICT regulation, promoting the digital inclusion of people with special needs, and led the 2012 International Girls in ICT Day celebrations. Tweets from Susan will come from @SchorrItu
Michelle Gilder is @USAJOBS Program Manager at Office of Personnel Management (OPM). She provides direction and oversight into the design, development, and operations of the public facing USAJOBS site. Tweets from Michelle will come from @USOPM
Kecia Ray, Ed.D., Executive Director, Learning Technology & Library Services, Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools. Tweets from Kecia will come from @keciaray
Girlshealth.gov a website created by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Office of Women's Health to help girls (ages 10 to 16) learn about health, growing up, and issues they may face. Girlshealth.gov promotes healthy and positive behaviors in girls, giving them reliable and useful health information in a fun, easy-to-understand way. Tweets from Girlshealth.gov will come from @girlshealth
*This list will be modified as additional panelists are confirmed
If you are new to Twitter chats, you can use the following steps to sign up and participate.
- Create a Twitter account at Twitter.com
- Search for the @FCC Twitter page and click follow.
- Sign in to your Twitter account on April 25 at 1:00 p.m. EDT and search #GirlsTechDay in Twitter’s search bar.
- Save the #GirlsTechDay search term to follow the ongoing dialogue.
- To signify your participation in the Twitter chat, tweet your comment or question and include the hashtag #GirlsTechDay. Then click refresh to view your tweet.
For more information about Women in ICT, check out FCC's WISENET initiative.