Chairman Wheeler Remarks on the Network Revolution, Innovation, and Economic Growth
Washington, DC –Federal Communications Commission Chairman Tom Wheeler delivers a policy speech at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, California.
The FCC's approach to regulation, technology innovation and market growth is of critical importance to Silicon Valley and the nation, and this was the first opportunity for West Coast audiences to hear from Chairman Wheeler personally since his confirmation. Following Chairman Wheeler's remarks, he sat for a Q&A session with Museum President & CEO, John Hollar.
Tom Wheeler, Chairman, Federal Communications Commission
John Hollar, President & CEO, Computer History Museum
Computer History Museum
1401 N. Shoreline Boulevard
Mountain View, CA 94043
View the Chairman's Speech.
For media inquiries, please contact FCC Press Secretary Justin Cole at justin.cole@fcc.gov or (202) 418-8191 or Carina Sweet at csweet@computerhistory.org.
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