911 Reliability Certification Process
This Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau workshop focused on the process for submitting annual certifications required under the Commission’s 911 reliability rules. In December 2013, the Commission adopted a Report and Order (911 Reliability Order) requiring certain 911 communications providers to take reasonable measures to provide reliable service, as evidenced by an annual certification. The Bureau convened this half-day workshop to seek input from stakeholders regarding the most effective method of collecting certification information.
The workshop included a presentation from Bureau staff on the proposed development of the certification process, followed by an interactive question-and-answer session with attendees. Bureau staff also discussed the role of vendors and third-party service providers where 911 service is delivered over shared or interdependent infrastructure and sought input on how covered entities could indicate such relationships as part of their certifications.
The workshop was intended to bring together representatives from 911 service providers, public safety agencies and organizations, technology vendors, and other stakeholders to discuss options to collect certification information.
The discussion was limited to the process by which covered entities will submit information required under the 911 Reliability Order and associated Commission rules; it did not revisit the basis or need for those rules or interpret the certification requirements as they relate to specific entities.