
North American Numbering Council Meeting

2:00 pm - 4:00 pm EDT
Online Only

This meeting was held via video conference and was available to the public via the Internet at http://www.fcc.gov/live.

At this meeting, the NANC considered and voted on recommendations from the Numbering Administration Oversight Working Group on reviewing and updating the Statement of Work & Billing and Collection Agent Requirements used by the North American Numbering Plan’s Billing and Collection Agent, which embodies its required functions and operation; the North American Numbering Plan Billing & Collection Fund Size Projections and Contributions Factor; and an evaluation of the performance of the Billing & Collection Agent, Welch LLP during the last year. The NANC also heard a report from the Billing & Collection Agent, Welch LLP. In addition, the NANC considered and voted on recommendations from the Call Authentication Trust Anchor Working Group Report and Recommendation to the NANC on Steps to Encourage Adoption of Caller ID Authentication Technology and Other Techniques to Combat Robocalls by Policymakers and Providers in Countries outside of the United States.

Members of the public may submit comments to the NANC in the FCC’s Electronic Comment Filing System, ECFS, at www.fcc.gov/ecfs. Comments to the NANC should be filed in CC Docket No. 92-237.

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