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April 2023 Open Commission Meeting

10:30 am - 12:30 pm EDT
Commission Meeting Room, FCC Headquarters, 45 L Street NE, Washington, DC 20554

The FCC held this Open Meeting on the subjects listed below:

Public Drafts of Meeting Items – The FCC is publicly releasing the draft text of each item expected to be considered at this Open Commission Meeting with the exception of items involving specific, enforcement-related matters including restricted proceedings and hearing designation orders. One-page cover sheets are included in the public drafts to help summarize each item. Links to these materials are provided below.

  • Promoting Efficient Use of Spectrum and Opportunities for New Services
    The Commission considered a Policy Statement intended to help guide Commission decision-making and stakeholder action to promote efficient co-existence between incumbent and new services. The Policy Statement promotes a balanced and comprehensive approach to spectrum management that holistically considers both transmitter and receiver components of wireless systems. (ET Docket No. 23-122)
  • Review of International Section 214 Authorizations to Assess Evolving Risks
    The Commission considered an Order and Notice of Proposed Rulemaking that would take another important step to protect the nation’s telecommunications infrastructure from threats in an evolving national security and law enforcement landscape by proposing comprehensive changes to the Commission’s rules that allow carriers to provide international telecommunications service pursuant to section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended (Act). (IB Docket No. 23-119)
  • Facilitating Satellite Broadband Competition
    The Commission considered a Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking that would revise rules for spectrum sharing among new satellite broadband constellations. The rule revisions would clarify protection obligations between non-geostationary satellite orbit, fixed-satellite service systems to facilitate the deployment of these next generation systems, including new competitors. (IB Docket No. 21-456)
  • Updating the Frequency Allocation Table*
    The Commission considered an Order to make updates to the International Allocation Table to reflect the International Telecommunication Union Radio Regulations (Edition of 2020) and make other non-substantive, editorial revisions. The Commission will also consider a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking that would seek comment on implementing certain of the remaining radiofrequency allocation decisions from the 2015 World Radiocommunication Conference. The NPRM would propose allocation changes and related updates to service rules. (OET Docket Nos. 23-121 and 23-120)
  • Improving Wireless Emergency Alerts
    The Commission considered a Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking that would increase the accessibility, performance, and functionality of Wireless Emergency Alerts, including greater accessibility for people with disabilities and through multilingual alerting. (PS Docket Nos. 15-91, 15-94)
  • Updating the Intercarrier Compensation Regime to Eliminate Access Arbitrage
    The Commission considered a Second Report and Order, which would modify its Access Stimulation Rules to close a perceived loophole exploited by opportunistic access-stimulating entities to continue to inflate access charges paid by interexchange carriers. The Order would make this inefficient practice less attractive to arbitrageurs and help prevent interexchange carriers’ end-user customers from bearing costs for services they may not even use. (WC Docket No. 18-155)
  • Removing Obsolete Analog-Era Provisions from Part 74*
    The Commission considered an Order that would amend its Part 74 rules for low-power television and television translators to remove obsolete rules for analog TV operations. (MB Docket No. 03-185)

*NOTE: These items were adopted prior to the Open Meeting and thus deleted from the agenda of the meeting itself.

Public Attendance – The Open Meeting is scheduled to commence at 10:30 a.m. ET in the Commission Meeting Room of the Federal Communications Commission, 45 L Street, N.E., Washington, D.C. While the Open Meeting is open to the public, the FCC headquarters building is not open access, and all guests must check in with and be screened by FCC security at the main entrance on L Street. Attendees at the Open Meeting will not be required to have an appointment but must otherwise comply with protocols outlined at: https://www.fcc.gov/visit. Open Meetings are streamed live at https://www.fcc.gov/live.

Press Access – Members of the news media are welcome to attend the meeting and will be provided reserved seating on a first-come, first-served basis. Following the meeting, the Chairwoman may hold a news conference in which she will take questions from credentialed members of the press. Afterwards, senior policy and legal staff will be made available to the press for questions related to the items on the meeting agenda. Commissioners may also choose to hold press conferences. Press may also direct questions to the Office of Media Relations (OMR): MediaRelations@fcc.gov. Questions about credentialing should be directed to OMR.

Meeting Documents

FCC States Spectrum Management Principles for Transmitters & Receivers

FCC Proposes Periodic Reviews of International Telecom Authorizations

FCC Adopts New Rules for Satellite System Spectrum Sharing

FCC Looks to Improve Accessibility & Performance of Wireless Alerts

FCC Adopts Rules to Prevent Gaming of Its Access Stimulation Rules

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