FCC 603 | FCC Wireless Telecommunications Bureau Application for Assignments of Authorization and Transfers of Control |
Approved by OMB 3060 - 0800 See instructions for public burden estimate Submitted 07/27/2001 at 11:33AM File Number: 0000523796 |
1) Application Purpose: Assignment of Authorization | |
2a) If this request is for an Amendment or Withdrawal, enter the File Number of the pending application currently on file with the FCC. | File Number: |
2b) File numbers of related pending applications currently on file with the FCC: |
Type of Transaction |
3a) Is this a pro forma assignment of authorization or transfer of control? No |
3b) If the answer to Item 3a is 'Yes', is this a notification of a pro forma transaction being filed under the Commission's forbearance procedures for telecommunications licenses? |
4) For assignment of authorization only, is this a partition and/or disaggregation? No |
5) Does this filing request a waiver of the Commission's rules? No |
6) Are attachments being filed with this application? Yes |
7a) Does the transaction that is the subject of this application also involve transfer or assignment of other wireless licenses held by the assignor/transferor or affiliates of the assignor/transferor(e.g., parents, subsidiaries, or commonly controlled entities) that are not included on this form and for which Commission approval is required? No |
7b) Does the transaction that is the subject of this application also involve transfer or assignment of non-wireless licenses that are not included on this form and for which Commission approval is required? No |
Transaction Information |
8) How will assignment of authorization or transfer of control be accomplished? Sale or other assignment or transfer of stock If required by applicable rule, attach as an exhibit a statement on how control is to be assigned or transferred, along with copies of any pertinent contracts, agreements, instruments, certified copies of Court Orders, etc. |
9) The assignment of authorization or transfer of control of license is: Voluntary |
Licensee/Assignor Information |
10a) Taxpayer Identification Number: L00268588 | 10b) SGIN: 000 | 10c) FCC Registration Number (FRN): 0004253696 | |
11) First Name (if individual): | MI: | Last Name: | Suffix: |
12) Entity Name (if not an individual): PACIFIC WIRELESS TECHNOLOGIES INC | |||
13) Attention To: | |||
14) P.O. Box: | And / Or | 15) Street Address: 6771 N Palm Ave | |
16) City: FRESNO | 17) State: CA | 18) Zip: 93704 | |
19) Telephone Number: (559)437-6530 | 20) FAX: (559)432-6600 | ||
21) E-Mail Address: |
22) Race, Ethnicity, Gender of Assignor/Licensee (Optional) |
Race: | American Indian or Alaska Native: | Asian: | Black or African-American: | Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander: | White: |
Ethnicity: | Hispanic or Latino: | Not Hispanic or Latino: | |||
Gender: | Female: | Male: |
Transferor Information (for transfers of control only) |
23a) Taxpayer Identification Number: | 23b) SGIN: | 23c) FCC Registration Number (FRN): | |
24) First Name (if individual): | MI: | Last Name: | Suffix: |
25) Entity Name (if not an individual): | |||
26) P.O. Box: | And / Or | 27) Street Address: | |
28) City: | 29) State: | 30) Zip: | |
31) Telephone Number: | 32) FAX: | ||
33) E-Mail Address: |
Name of Transferor Contact Representative (if other than Transferor) (for transfers of control only) |
34) First Name: | MI: | Last Name: | Suffix: |
35) Company Name: | |||
36) P.O. Box: | And / Or | 37) Street Address: | |
38) City: | 39) State: | 40) Zip: | |
41) Telephone Number: | 42) FAX: | ||
43) E-Mail Address: |
Assignee/Transferee Information |
44) The Assignee is a(n): Corporation | |||
45a) Taxpayer Identification Number: L00003458 | 45b) SGIN: 000 | 45c) FCC Registration Number (FRN): 0003293511 | |
46) First Name (if individual): | MI: | Last Name: | Suffix: |
47) Entity Name (if other than individual): NEXTEL OF CALIFORNIA, INC. | |||
48) Name of Real Party in Interest: NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS, INC. | 49) TIN: L00001014 | ||
50) Attention To: | |||
51) P.O. Box: | And / Or | 52) Street Address: 2001 EDMUND HALLEY DRIVE | |
53) City: RESTON | 54) State: VA | 55) Zip: 20191 | |
56) Telephone Number: (703)433-4000 | 57) FAX: (703)433-4035 | ||
58) E-Mail Address: |
Name of Assignee/Transferee Contact Representative (if other than Assignee/Transferee) |
59) First Name: ROBERT | MI: H | Last Name: MCNAMARA | Suffix: |
61) P.O. Box: | And / Or | 62) Street Address: 2001 EDMUND HALLEY DRIVE | |
63) City: RESTON | 64) State: VA | 65) Zip: 20191 | |
66) Telephone Number: (703)433-4000 | 67) FAX: (703)433-4035 | ||
68) E-Mail Address: robert.mcnamara@nextel.com |
Alien Ownership Questions |
69) Is the Assignee or Transferee a foreign government or the representative of any foreign government? | No |
70) Is the Assignee or Transferee an alien or the representative of an alien? | No |
71) Is the Assignee or Transferee a corporation organized under the laws of any foreign government? | No |
72) Is the Assignee or Transferee a corporation of which more than one-fifth of the capital stock is owned of record or voted by aliens or their representatives or by a foreign government or representative thereof or by any corporation organized under the laws of a foreign country? | No |
73) Is the Assignee or Transferee directly or indirectly controlled by any other corporation of which more than one-fourth of the capital stock is owned of record or voted by aliens, their representatives, or by a foreign government or representative thereof, or by any corporation organized under the laws of a foreign country? If 'Yes', attach exhibit explaining nature and extent of alien or foreign ownership or control. | No |
Basic Qualification Questions |
74) Has the Assignee or Transferee or any party to this application had any FCC station authorization, license or construction permit revoked or had any application for an initial, modification or renewal of FCC station authorization, license, construction permit denied by the Commission? If 'Yes', attach exhibit explaining circumstances. | No |
75) Has the Assignee or Transferee or any party to this application, or any party directly or indirectly controlling the Assignee or Transferee, or any party to this application ever been convicted of a felony by any state or federal court? If 'Yes', attach exhibit explaining circumstances. | No |
76) Has any court finally adjudged the Assignee or Transferee, or any party directly or indirectly controlling the Assignee or Transferee guilty of unlawfully monopolizing or attempting unlawfully to monopolize radio communication, directly or indirectly, through control of manufacture or sale of radio apparatus, exclusive traffic arrangement, or any other means or unfair methods of competition? If 'Yes', attach exhibit explaining circumstances. | No |
77) Is the Assignee or Transferee, or any party directly or indirectly controlling the Assignee or Transferee currently a party in any pending matter referred to in the preceding two items? If 'Yes', attach exhibit explaining circumstances. | No |
78) Race, Ethnicity, Gender of Assignee/Transferee (Optional) |
Race: | American Indian or Alaska Native: | Asian: | Black or African-American: | Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander: | White: |
Ethnicity: | Hispanic or Latino: | Not Hispanic or Latino: | |||
Gender: | Female: | Male: |
Assignor/Transferor Certification Statements |
1) The Assignor or Transferor certifies either (1) that the authorization will not be assigned or that control of the license will not be transferred until the consent of the Federal Communications Commission has been given, or (2) that prior Commission consent is not required because the transaction is subject to streamlined notification procedures for pro forma assignments and transfers by telecommunications carriers. See Memorandum Opinion and Order, 13 FCC Rcd. 6293(1998). | |||
2) The Assignor or Transferor certifies that all statements made in this application and in the exhibits, attachments, or in documents incorporated by reference are material, are part of this application, and are true, complete, correct, and made in good faith. | |||
79) Typed or Printed Name of Party Authorized to Sign | |||
First Name: Damon | MI: | Last Name: Silva | Suffix: |
80) Title: Director of Operations | |||
Signature: Damon Silva | 81) Date: 07/27/01 |
Assignee/Transferee Certification Statements |
1) The Assignee or Transferee certifies either (1) that the authorization will not be assigned or that control of the license will not be transferred until the consent of the Federal Communications Commission has been given, or (2) that prior Commission consent is not required because the transaction is subject to streamlined notification procedures for pro forma assignments and transfers by telecommunications carriers See Memorandum Opinion and Order, 13 FCC Rcd. 6293 (1998). | |||
2) The Assignee or Transferee waives any claim to the use of any particular frequency or of the electromagnetic spectrum as against the regulatory power of the United States because of the previous use of the same, whether by license or otherwise, and requests an authorization in accordance with this application. | |||
3) The Assignee or Transferee certifies that grant of this application would not cause the Assignee or Transferee to be in violation of any pertinent cross-ownership, attribution, or spectrum cap rule.* *If the applicant has sought a waiver of any such rule in connection with this application, it may make this certification subject to the outcome of the waiver request. |
4) The Assignee or Transferee agrees to assume all obligations and abide by all conditions imposed on the Assignor or Transferor under the subject authorization(s), unless the Federal Communications Commission pursuant to a request made herein otherwise allows, except for liability for any act done by, or any right accured by, or any suit or proceeding had or commenced against the Assignor or Transferor prior to this assignment. | |||
5) The Assignee or Transferee certifies that all statements made in this application and in the exhibits, attachments, or in documents incorporated by reference are material, are part of this application, and are true, complete, correct, and made in good faith. | |||
6) The Assignee or Transferee certifies that neither it nor any other party to the application is subject to a denial of Federal benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1998, 21 U.S.C § 862, because of a conviction for possession or distribution of a controlled substance. See Section 1.2002(b) of the rules, 47 CFR § 1.2002(b), for the definition of "party to the application" as used in this certification. | |||
7) The applicant certifies that it either (1) has an updated Form 602 on file with the Commission, (2) is filing an updated Form 602 simultaneously with this application, or (3) is not required to file Form 602 under the Commission's Rules. |
82) Typed or Printed Name of Party Authorized to Sign |
First Name: ROBIN | MI: J | Last Name: GLENNY | Suffix: |
83) Title: MANAGER, REGULATORY | |||
Signature: ROBIN J GLENNY | 84) Date: 07/27/01 | ||
Authorizations To Be Assigned or Transferred |
85) Call Sign | 86) Radio Service | 87) Location Number | 88) Path Number (Microwave only) |
89) Lower or Center Frequency (MHz) |
90) Upper Frequency (MHz) |
91) Constructed Yes / No |
WNSN279 | AL | Yes | ||||
KGQ445 | AL | Yes | ||||
WGH782 | AL | Yes | ||||
KBL980 | AL | Yes | ||||
KNRT551 | AL | Yes | ||||
KNNP782 | AL | Yes | ||||
WNXF644 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPIU769 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPIU819 | AL | Yes | ||||
KNNF604 | AL | Yes | ||||
WNQC737 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPFP908 | AL | Yes | ||||
KNAN842 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPFS990 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPID461 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPIH356 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPIH329 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPHX770 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPHX786 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPHI644 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPIT730 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPIJ915 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPIZ565 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPFR214 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPFR266 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPEB452 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPIG289 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPIG231 | AL | Yes | ||||
WNPY672 | AL | Yes | ||||
WNPY704 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPFX960 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPFX962 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPFX963 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPFH665 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPIM749 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPLU509 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPHP465 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPHR437 | AL | Yes | ||||
KNBX930 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPIU886 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPIE332 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPLS529 | AL | Yes | ||||
WNXR206 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPHY570 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPHY573 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPFY290 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPIF656 | AL | Yes | ||||
WNSK464 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPGN615 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPLG234 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPLG235 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPLG242 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPNP461 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPNP462 | AL | Yes | ||||
KNFY959 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPHY279 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPIB357 | AL | Yes | ||||
WNSS524 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPCG253 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPMZ487 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPMZ491 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPMZ494 | AL | Yes | ||||
WNPW287 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPCE385 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPFU350 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPKZ247 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPKZ450 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPKZ451 | AL | Yes | ||||
KMA683 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPHX607 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPHX612 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPIF424 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPIU826 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPIU870 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPHK796 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPFP291 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPHU613 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPIB936 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPIC367 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPII368 | AL | Yes | ||||
KFO262 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPCG751 | AL | Yes | ||||
KNNM506 | AL | Yes | ||||
WNYB909 | AL | Yes | ||||
WNVW873 | AL | Yes | ||||
WNVW874 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPHP936 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPHV830 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPHV842 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPHV855 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPHV858 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPHV871 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPID433 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPID437 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPKX410 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPHV458 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPHV462 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPHS738 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPHS813 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPID722 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPIE515 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPIE577 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPID519 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPID523 | AL | Yes | ||||
WNPS273 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPIJ291 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPMN273 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPGP669 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPGY801 | AL | Yes | ||||
WNQY362 | AL | Yes | ||||
WNSR575 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPLF978 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPLF979 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPGV304 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPGN663 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPHT289 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPHT298 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPHT314 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPHX675 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPHX678 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPHX679 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPHX682 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPGW921 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPHS730 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPDC578 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPHK728 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPID527 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPIH559 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPIH560 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPHS825 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPHS829 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPHS840 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPFW800 | AL | Yes | ||||
KJW912 | AL | Yes | ||||
KUE975 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPHX270 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPKS294 | AL | Yes | ||||
KNRP929 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPLU635 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPHG493 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPHY542 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPHT325 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPHT334 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPHT338 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPHT361 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPIF371 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPIF375 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPPY433 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPIF664 | AL | Yes | ||||
KJX947 | AL | Yes | ||||
KJX952 | AL | Yes | ||||
WNWJ261 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPIQ654 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPJK856 | AL | Yes | ||||
WNYA774 | AL | Yes | ||||
WQP565 | AL | Yes | ||||
KNBC542 | AL | Yes | ||||
WNFG913 | AL | Yes | ||||
WNCU718 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPDU242 | AL | Yes | ||||
WNXG496 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPBH586 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPBH757 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPHZ620 | AL | Yes | ||||
WNSW332 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPIF401 | AL | Yes | ||||
WNQU886 | AL | Yes | ||||
WNNJ633 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPHX684 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPGH886 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPIF456 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPBG222 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPSP958 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPSP959 | AL | Yes | ||||
WNSS399 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPIH886 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPIH891 | AL | Yes | ||||
WNLH964 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPFU340 | AL | Yes | ||||
WNSK925 | AL | Yes | ||||
WNPD945 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPIH357 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPIH370 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPLZ645 | AL | Yes | ||||
WNUX458 | AL | Yes | ||||
WNXS362 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPHQ690 | AL | Yes | ||||
WPHQ699 | AL | Yes |