Missing Reports and Data for 2008: Why are 2008 ARMIS Reports 43-02, 43-03, 43-04, 43-07, 495A, and 495B missing? Why does ARMIS Report 43-01 have only Table III data for the Large ILECs? Why does ARMIS Report 43-08 have only four columns of Table III data?

As a result of several Commission forbearance orders, significant changes in ARMIS reporting requirements occurred:

1. In its April 24, 2008 AT&T Cost Assignment Forbearance Order, the Commission relieved AT&T from filing ARMIS Reports 43-04, 495A, and 495B, subject to Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau) approval of a compliance plan submitted by AT&T. In the September 6, 2008 ARMIS Forbearance Order, the Commission extended the same relief to Verizon and Qwest, subject to Bureau approval of compliance plans submitted by these companies. Subsequently, on December 31, 2008, the Bureau approved compliance plans submitted by AT&T, Verizon, and Qwest.

2. Also, in the ARMIS Forbearance Order, the Commission decided to forbear from the rules requiring that carriers file ARMIS Reports 43-05 and 43-06 provided that the carriers committed to file the data voluntarily for 24 months after September 6, 2008.

3. Filers are required to file ARMIS Report 43-08 Table III, columns (fc), (fd), (fe), and (fi). However, in the ARMIS Forbearance Order, the Commission granted conditional forbearance from filing ARMIS Report 43-07 in its entirety, and from filing the remaining tables in ARMIS Report 43-08 (for those carriers who committed to collect and retain data required by ARMIS Report 43-07, and the remaining tables of ARMIS Report 43-08, for 24 months after September 6, 2008).

4. Finally, under the December 12, 2008 ARMIS Financial Reporting Forbearance Order, the Commission decided to forbear from the requirement that AT&T, Qwest, and Verizon file ARMIS Reports 43-01, 43-02, 43-03. However, these three carriers must continue to file pole attachment data, formerly filed on ARMIS Report 43-01, annually in WC Docket No. 07-204. Forbearance from ARMIS Report 43-01 was not extended to any other ILEC.

For additional clarification, see the Carrier Filing Requirement charts.

General: We used to have an ARMIS database. How was this different from the new EAFS database? The ARMIS abbreviation is still associated with the data and reports filed by the carriers under part 43 of the Commission's rules. The EAFS abbreviation, however, refers to the new system that provides for electronic filing and retrieval of that ARMIS data.
Missing Residential Access Lines: For some reason, your EAFS database will not let me retrieve historical information for residential access lines. What is going on? Effective with 2002 data filed in April, 2003, the Commission restructured Table III of the 43-08 report. Prior to this change, residential access line data was reported as quantities of analog or digital lines. With the change--made to reflect the current structure of these services--residential access lines are now distributed across categories of lifeline and non-lifeline, and this latter category is then split into primary and non-primary sub-categories. As a result of these changes, there is now no direct relationship between the former and current residence access line data categories. However, data from earlier years can still be obtained in the analog/digital quantity format, in the form of paper reports. These are found on the Preset Reports menu.
Missing Descriptions: In Customized Reports, I chose year 2001 for a report, and clicked on the info button next to the column. The info on the column I was looking for doesn't seem to be in the info page. The Info links connect to the latest descriptions of the reports, and these descriptions may not match those for earlier years. To find info for earlier years, download a complete set of instructions.
Printing Problems: For the ARMIS Report 43-01, I tried to print the paper report but there are several columns missing. Save the file in Excel, then position it so that all columns will print.
Blanks in Output: Why are a number of cells in output tables in the Customized Reports blank? The most probable cause is that our instructions indicate that data is not applicable ("N/A") for the cell. The quickest way to verify this is to view the corresponding paper report (under Preset Reports), wherein such cells contain N/A entries.

Other conditions that could cause a blank to display are: the cell contains data filed as confidential (in which case, the paper report will contain "W/H" for Withheld data), and you are viewing the public version of the report; in a Preset report, the carrier did not file the particular ARMIS report for the years containing blank data; and, carriers may (in error) simply leave cells blank when they should have entered zeros.
Selecting Multiple Items: In the Rows or Columns menus in Customized Reports, I'm unable to select multiple items. Hold down the key as you click on the selections, and they will stay selected. To select a range of rows or columns, click on the first item and then hold down the key and click on the last item.
Some Customized Report Data Does Not Match ASCII File or Paper Report Data or : There appears to be a data discrepancy between the EAFS results from the ARMIS Customized Report for the 43-08, Table II report for 1999 and the ARMIS ASCII file, for Column (cc). The disparity between ASCII File or Paper Report data, and data displayed by the Customized Report is seen in a number of ARMIS reports and is a consequence of changes over time to the ARMIS report structure. The Customized Report is designed to reflect current structure (rows, columns) while the Paper Report and ASCII File display data in a historical structure. To accomplish this feat in the particular case cited, our data upload program adds data reported in Column (cf) to Column (cc) and stores the total in Column (cc). This data combination process was required because, in 2002, we removed the distinction between analog and digital lines by deleting Columns (cf), (cg), and (ch), which collected digital data. To make prior year data consistent with this change, the upload program combines the data. Thus, in cases like these, the Customized Report output will match neither the ASCII File nor the Paper Report data for the same year.

Please send questions about ARMIS or the ARMIS website to ARMIS Help.

Thursday, May 14, 2015