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1990 - 2002

Valor Telecommunications, LLC, is a privately held company that was formed through acquisition of properties from Verizon Communications. On 8/30/2000, Valor Telecommunications purchased three study area jurisdictions (GTOK, GTNM, & CONM) and 197 exchanges in Texas. The study areas and exchanges remain under price cap regulation. Valor Telecommunications created a holding company called Valor Telecommunications Southwest (VATC); the Oklahoma study area became an operating company/study area (VAOK); the New Mexico study areas (VANM & VANN) remained the same under a new operating company; and the exchanges that were purchased in Texas created a new operating company and study area jurisdiction in Texas (VATX). Currently, the operating companies are below the revenue threshold requirement. However, Valor Telecommunications is an elective price cap carrier and is required to file the ARMIS 43-05 Report for calendar year 2002.




New holding company COSA.


New study area and operating company COSA created when transferred from Verizon (GTOK).


New study area COSA created when transferred from Verizon (GTNM).


New study area COSA created when transferred from Verizon (CONM).


New study area COSA created when transferred of exchanges from Verizon.



On June 30, 2003, Valor Telecommunications, LLC, merged its three operating companies for Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Texas into one operating company, Valor Telecommunications of Texas, LLP (VANT), with four study areas (VAOK, VANM, VANN, & VATX). However, before the merger, the operating company, Valor - Texas (VATX), reached the revenue threshold in CY 2001, and was required to file for the first time the ARMIS 43-01 (Annual Summary) and ARMIS 43-08 (Operating Data) reports for CY 2003. Therefore, since Valor has merged all the operating companies into one, all study areas, including Oklahoma and New Mexico, are required to file the ARMIS 43-01 Report and the ARMIS 43-08 Report (includes all data from the three states).




New operating company with four study areas (VAOK, VANM, VANN, & VATX)



Valor Telecommunications had no changes during this period.


On 2/9/2005, Valor completed its initial public offering, and reorganized Valor Telecommunication, LLC and Valor Telecommunications Southwest, LLC to Valor Communications Group, Inc. These two companies became direct and indirect wholly-owned subsidiaries of Valor. The operating company and its four study areas remained the same.



Alltel and Valor companies merged into Windstream Corporation (WSTC).

Thursday, May 14, 2015