1990 -1992
GTE North, Inc. was an operating company consisting of ten study area jurisdictions: Illinois (GTIL), Indiana (GTIN), Michigan (GTMI), Ohio (GTOH), Pennsylvania (GTPA), Wisconsin (GTWI), Iowa (GTIA), Minnesota (GTMN), Missouri (GTMO) and Nebraska (GTNE). GTE also set up General Office (GTGO) as a study area jurisdiction, however, this is not a study area but GTE Telephone Corporate Operations.
GTE Corporate Telephone Operations (GTGO) is not an entity providing local exchange telecommunications services. GTGO is GTE's corporate entity overseeing its nationwide local exchange carrier operations. All of GTGO's costs are reimbursed dollar for dollar by GTE's study areas, with the exception of the costs of GTGO-owned assets such as furniture, computer equipment, capital lease, etc. GTE's study areas pay GTGO a rate of return on these GTGO-owned assets. GTE established GTGO as a legal entity of GTE North, Inc. and the operating results of GTGO are reported as part of the GTE North, Inc. (COSA - GTMW.) GTGO only files the ARMIS 43-01 and 43-03 Reports.
Effect | GTMW | ARMIS Service Quality (43-05), ARMIS Customer Satisfaction (43-06), and ARMIS Infrastructure (43-07) Reports are filed by GTE for this operating company-level COSA. ARMIS 43-05, 43-06, and 43-07 Reports are required to be filed only at the study area jurisdiction and holding company levels. Therefore, you must use caution when rolling-up or comparing GTE's amounts in the above reports. |
GTE North, Inc. on 4/1/93 moved study area jurisdictions GTIA, GTMN, GTMO, and GTNE under the control of GTE Midwest, Inc. On 4/1/93 Contel of Illinois, Inc. d/b/a GTE Illinois and Contel of Indiana, Inc. d/b/a GTE Indiana merged into GTE North, Inc. Also on 4/1/93 GTE North, Inc. acquired Contel's study area jurisdictions Pennsylvania and Quaker State.
Effect | GTIA | Transferred under control of GTE Midwest, Inc. | GTMN | Transferred under control of GTE Midwest, Inc. | GTMO | Transferred under control of GTE Midwest, Inc. | GTNE | Transferred under control of GTE Midwest, Inc. | COIL | Transferred from Contel of Illinois d/b/a GTE | COIN | Transferred form Contel of Indiana d/b/a GTE | COPA | Transferred from Contel/Pennsylvania | COQS | Transferred from Contel/Quaker State | COPT | This COSA is neither a study area nor a company. Rather, it represents a roll up of ARMIS Service Quality (43-05), ARMIS Customer Satisfaction (43-06), and ARMIS Infrastructure (43-07) Report data for COSAs COPA & COQS. Therefore, you must use caution when rolling-up or comparing GTE's amounts in the above reports. To avoid a double count of data, do not roll up this COSA with its already rolled-up COSAs. |
1994 - 1999 There were no changes made under GTE North, Inc. operating company.
On 6/30/2000, Bell Atlantic (BNTR) and GTE Corporation (GTTC) merged into one company, Verizon Communications. GTE North, Inc. was renamed Verizon North, Inc. 2001 - 2007 Verizon North, Inc. had no changes during this period. 2008 Under the December 12, 2008 ARMIS Financial Reporting Forbearance Order, the Commission decided to forbear the requirement that AT&T, Qwest, and Verizon file ARMIS Reports 43-01, 43-02, and 43-03. As a result, General Offices (GTGO) no longer files any ARMIS reports, because it had been filing only Report 43-01 and 43-03.
Effect | GTGO | Ceases to file ARMIS Reports. |
2009 Verizon North, Inc. had no changes during this period. |