
September 15, 1998 - October 22, 1998
Bidding Days:
Qualified Bidders:
Winning Bidders:
44 bidders won 693 licenses
Licenses Held by FCC:
Gross Bids:
Net Bids:
Spreadsheets Files
Maps & Band Plans
Band Plans Files
General Information

Auction Announcements
Auction Programs
Bidder Cross Reference (dbf)
How to Monitor the Auction (pdf)

Related Auctions:
Auction 24: 220 MHz
Auction 43: Multi-Radio Service

Winning Bidders

Qualified Bidders

Applications to Participate


Bidder Information Package
Table of Contents & Tab A: pdf 
Tab B: pdf 
Tab C: pdf 
Tab D: pdf 
Tab E: pdf 
Summary of Licenses to be Auctioned: xls 
Economic Areas Cross Reference Table: xls 
Economic Areas with Component Counties: xls 
Due Diligence: Cases Pending Involving Non-Nationwide Phase I 220MHz: xls 
Auction Seminar Registration Form: pdf 
Remote Bidding Software Order Form: pdf 

Fact Sheet


Auction 18 began on 9/15/1998 and closed on 10/22/1998.
Round 173 (See PN DA 98-2143)


908 licenses:
3 Nationwide licenses (100 KHz paired)
30 Economic Area Grouping (EAG) licenses (150 KHz paired)
875 Economic Area (EA) licenses (100 KHz paired)


220-222 MHz Band


Block A thru E - 100 kHz ea, in 175 EAs (total 500 kHz)
Block F thru J - 150 kHz ea. in 6 EAGs (total 750 kHz)
Block K thru M - 100 kHz ea. nationwide licenses (total 300 kHz)

Winning Bidders:
44 bidders won 693 licenses
Qualified Bidders:
Licenses Won:
Licenses Held by FCC:
Total Licenses:
Net Bids:
Gross Bids:


General information and associated licensing parameters are provided below. Public Notices provide specific information regarding this auction. This fact sheet includes:

Pre-Auction Seminar
Form 175 (Short Form) Application Filing Deadline
8/17/1998; 5:30 pm ET
Upfront Payments Deadline (Wire Transfer)
8/31/1998; 6:00 pm ET
Orders for Remote Bidding Software
9/1/1998; 5:30 pm ET
Mock Auction
Auction Start
Auction Closed

Phase I 220 MHz Service licensing was conducted by lotteries that awarded approximately 3,800 licenses (from approximately 59,000 applications) through random selection. Auction No. 18 awarded Phase II 220 MHz Service licenses through competitive bidding.

A total of 908 licenses were offered in this auction. Three (100 kHz) nationwide licenses, five (100 kHz) licenses in each of the 175 Economic Areas ("EAs"), and five (150 kHz) licenses in each of the 6 Economic Area Groupings ("EAGs").

Potential bidders were reminded that there are a number of incumbent Phase I 220 MHz licensees already licensed and operating on frequencies that are subject to the upcoming auction. Such incumbents must be protected from harmful interference by Phase II 220 MHz licensees in accordance with the Commission's Rules. See 47 C.F.R. § 90.763. These limitations may restrict the ability of such geographic area licensees to use certain portions of the electromagnetic spectrum or provide service to certain areas in their geographic license areas.

In addition, potential bidders that were seeking licenses for geographic areas that are near the Canadian border should be aware that the use of some or all of the channels they acquired in the auction could be restricted as a result of a future agreement with Canada on the use of 220-222 MHz spectrum in the border area.

Potential bidders were also made aware that certain applications (including those for modification), waiver requests, petitions for reconsideration and applications for review were pending before the Commission that relate to particular incumbent non-nationwide 220 MHz licensees. We noted that resolution of these matters could have an impact on the availability of spectrum for EA and EAG licensees. In addition, while the Commission will continue to act on pending applications, requests and petitions, some of these matters may not be resolved by the time of the auction.

The potential bidders are solely responsible for investigating and evaluating the degree to which such pending matters may affect spectrum availability in areas where they seek EA or EAG licenses.

To aid potential bidders, we included a list of cases pending involving Non-Nationwide Phase I 220 MHz licenses which identified pending matters of which the Commission was aware that relate to licenses or applications for the 220 MHz service. The Commission makes no representations or guarantees that the listed matters are the only pending matters that could affect spectrum availability in the 220-222 MHz band.

Additional information regarding matters identified in this list of Cases is available to the public. Licensing information is contained in the Commission's licensing database, which is available for inspection in the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau's Public Reference Rooms, located at 2025 M Street, N.W., Room 5608, Washington, D.C. 20554, and 1270 Fairfield Road, Gettysburg, PA 17325. In addition, copies of the pleadings are available for public inspection only in the Gettysburg Public Reference Room.

In addition, potential bidders may search for information (but not the pleadings) regarding incumbent 220 MHz licensees. In particular, information can be accessed by downloading WTB Database Files, or searching on-line by searching WTB Databases. Any telephone inquires regarding these matters should be directed to the Technical Support Hotline at (202) 414-1250 (V) or (202) 414-1255 (TTY).

The Commission makes no representations or guarantees regarding the accuracy or completeness of information that has been provided by incumbent licensees and incorporated into the database.

The construction build out requirements are defined at 47 CFR 90.767 for EA/Regional licensees, and 47 CFR 90.769 for nationwide licensees. You can also find these definitions on pages 413-414 of the published copy of the Phase II 220 MHz Bidder Information Package. (Note: The page numbers of the electronic copy will vary.).

A total of 908 licenses were offered in this auction. Three (100 kHz) nationwide licenses, five (100 kHz) licenses in each of the 175 Economic Areas ("EAs"), and five (150 kHz) licenses in each of the 6 Economic Area Groupings ("EAGs").

"Substantial Service" is defined at 90.743 (page 409) and is discussed in the MO&O at ¶¶ 107-110 (page 194-196) of the published copy of the Phase II 220 MHz Bidder Information Package. (Note: The page numbers of the electronic copy will vary.)

Licenses are issued for a ten-year term from the initial license grant date. At the end of the 10-year period, licenses are required to submit an acceptable showing to the commission demonstrating that they are providing "substantial service" to their service area.

See service rules 47 C.F.R. Part 90 subpart T.

There are a number of incumbent Phase I 220 MHz licensees already licensed and operating on frequencies that will be subject to the upcoming auction. Such incumbents must be protected from harmful interference by Phase II 220 MHz licensees in accordance with the Commission's Rules. These limitations may restrict the ability of such geographic area licensees to use certain portions of the electromagnetic spectrum or provide service to certain areas in their geographic license areas.

The construction build out requirements are defined at 47 CFR 90.767 for EA/Regional licensees, and 47 CFR 90.769 for nationwide licensees. You can also find these definitions on pages 413-414 of the published copy of the Phase II 220 MHz Bidder Information Package. (Note: The page numbers of the electronic copy will vary.)

Licensees may also meet their construction requirements by demonstrating the provision of appropriate levels of substantial service to the public and the prescribed 5-year and 10-year construction benchmarks.

"Substantial Service" is defined at 90.743 (page 409) and is discussed in the MO&O at ¶¶ 107-110 (page 194-196) of the published copy of the Phase II 220 MHz Bidder Information Package. (Note: The page numbers of the electronic copy will vary.)

Releases P

Correction In the Matter of Request for Waiver of the Competitive Bidding Rules as Set Forth in Part 1...
This Public Notice corrects the delegated authority number contained in the Order released March 5, 1999.
pdf - text

Phase II 220 MHz Service Spectrum Auction Scheduled for June 8, 1999; Application filing Deadline Set for May 10, 1999; Comment Sought on Reserve Prices or Minimum Opening Bids and Other Auction Procedures
This Public Notice announces the auction of 225 Phase II 220 MHz Service licenses set to begin on June 8, 1999, and seek comment on procedural issues relating to this auction (Auction 24).
pdf - text
Attachment: xls

Phase II 220 MHz Service Auction Closes
This Public Notice provides detailed information concerning winning bidders, down payments, bid withdrawal payments or deposits, FCC Form 601 filing requirements, requests for rule waivers, and licensing matters.

Auction of Phase II 220 MHz Service Licenses; Notification of Correction to Downloadable Mock Auction Software
This Public Notice identifies a correction to the downloadable software for the Mock Auction for 908 Phase II 220 MHz Service licenses.
pdf - text 

Auction of Phase II 220 MHz Service Licenses, 54 Qualified Bidders
This Public Notice identifies the 54 applicants that have been found qualified to bid in Auction No. 18 for the 908 Phase II 220 MHz Service licenses. This Public Notice contains bidding instructions and other important information regarding the auction.
pdf - text
Attachment A: xls
Attachment B: xls
Attachment C: xls

Auction of Phase II 220 MHz Service Licenses, Status of Applications to Participate in Auction, Bureau Reminds Bidders of responsibilities Under NEPA Provisions
This Public Notice announces applications accepted for filing, applications classified as incomplete, and applications not accepted for the upcoming 220 Auction. Also announced are the Resubmission Filing Deadline, the Upfront Payment Deadline, and the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Requirements.
pdf - text
Attachment A: xls
Attachment B: xls
Attachment C: xls

FCC Sponsors Seminar on 220 MHz Auction Event to be Held August 6, 1998
This Public Notice announces a free seminar for the Phase II 220 MHz auction which will be held on August 6,1998, sponsored by the FCC.

Auction Notice and Filing Requirements for 908 Licenses Consisting of Economic Area (EA), Economic Area Grouping (EAG), and Nationwide Licenses
This Public Notice announces the procedures and minimum opening bids for the upcoming Phase II 220 MHz Service auction, currently scheduled for September 15, 1998.
pdf - text
Attachment A: xls
Attachment B: xls

FCC Announces Delay of 220 MHz Service Auction
This Public Notice announces that the 220 MHz Service Auction will be delayed pending Commission resolution of petitions for reconsideration.
pdf - text

Comment Sought on Reserve Prices or Minimum Opening Bids and Other Auction Procedural Issues for the Phase II 220 MHz Service
In light of the Balanced Budget Act, this public notice seeks comment on the use of minimum opening bids and/or reserve prices for the second phase of the 220 MHz auction.
pdf - text
Attachment A: xls
Appendix A: pdf - text 

FCC Announces Spectrum Auction Schedule for 1998
This Public Notice announces potential applicants and important dates for several upcoming auctions.
pdf - text

Releases L
Final Bid Withdrawal for Auction No. 18, 220 MHz Bidding Consortium
Mr. Bradford H. Hughes, Rush Network Corporation
LETTER (DA 02-1761)
Mr. David Boucher, Intellicom Bidding Consortium
This letter assesses a final withdrawal payment of $130.00 as a result of Intellicom's withdrawal of its bid on license BEA 056B in Auction No. 18.
LETTER (DA 02-1649)
Messrs. David Niebert and Robert Kelly, Intek License Acquisition Corporation
This letter addresses Intek's final bid withdrawal payments for Auction No. 18.
LETTER (DA 02-1648)
Mr. Philp Adler
This letter addresses the final bid withdrawalpayments for Auction No. 18.
LETTER (DA 02-805)
Messrs. Brown and Higgs on behalf DeltaCom, Inc.
This letter addresses the final bid withdrawal payment of DeltaCom, Inc. for Auction No. 18.
The Attached Letter of Denial
LETTER (DA 98-1861)
Letter to John Reardon, Esquire, Secretary to the Board of Directors and General Counsel, Mobex Communications, Inc.
The letter denies Mobex Communications, Inc.'s request to treat its short-form application for the 220 MHz auction as if it were withdrawn prior to August 17, 1998.
LETTER (98-1722)
Air Spectrum III, Inc., 220 MHz Auction (No. 18)
This letter is in response to a request for a waiver of the Commission's rules to permit acceptance of the FCC Form 175, filed by Air Spectrum III, Inc., to participate in the Phase II 220 MHz Service auction.
LETTER (DA 98-1688)
Letter to John Reardon, Mobex Communications Inc.
This letter denies Mobes's request for confidentiality.
LETTER (DA 98-1680)
Letter to Ralph P. Addington
This letter denies Ralph P. Addington's request for confidentiality.
Releases O
Petition by Access 220 for Extension of Terms for 220-222 MHz Band Phase I and Phase II Licenses, Consolidation of Licenses, and Other Relief
In the Matter of Request for Waiver of the Bid Withdrawal Payment Rule as Set Forth in Sections 1.2104(g) and 90.1007 of the Commission’s Rules
In the Matter of Application for Review of Columbia Capital Corporation of Action Taken Pursuant to Delegated Authority
This Memorandum Opinion and Order resolves a request by Columbia Capital Corporation that the WTB set aside the Public Notice which announced the 220 MHz auction procedures and filing deadlines.
Request for Waiver of the Competitive Bidding Rules as Set Forth in Part 1, Subpart Q of the Commission's Rules and The Bid Withdrawal Rule as Set Forth in Section 90.1007 of the Commission's Rules
This MO&O dismisses the Application for Review filed on March 29, 1999 by Jeremy A. Greene was procedurally defective.
ORDER (DA 98-2321)
Request for Waiver of the Competitive Bidding Rules as Set Forth in Part 1, Subpart Q of the Commission's Rules and the Bid Withdrawal Rule as Set Forth in Section 90.1007 of the Commission's Rules
Seeking reconsideration of the Bureau's denial of his request for waiver of the competitive bidding and bid withdrawal payment rules. This Order denies the request of Jeremy Greene.
In the Matter of Rush Network Corp. Application for Phase II 220 MHz Licenses
ORDER (DA 98-1857)
Request of Columbia Capital Corporation for a Stay of the 220 MHz Service Application and Auction Schedule
This Order denies the request for stay filed by Columbia Capital Corporation.
ORDER (DA 98-1856)
Motion for Temporary Stay of the 220 MHz Service Auction Scheduled for September 15, 1998
This Order denies the request for stay filed by Net Radio Group Communications, L.L.C.
In the Matter of Amendment of Part 90 of the Commission's Rules To Provide for the Use of the 220-222 MHz Band by the Private Land Mobile Radio Service Implementation of Sections 3(n) and 332 of the Communications Act Regulatory Treatment of Mobile Services Geographic Partitioning and Spectrum Disaggregation for the 220-222 MHz Service
This R&O amends Part 90 of the Commission's Rules to adopt geographic partitioning and spectrum disaggregation rules for the 220 MHz service.
In the Matter of Amendment of Part 90 of the Commission's Rules To Provide for the Use of the 220-222 MHz Band by the Private Land Mobile Radio Service Implementation of Sections 3(n) and 332 of the Communications Act Regulatory Treatment of Mobile Services Implementation of Section 309(j) of the Communications Act — Competitive Bidding
The FCC considers Petitions for Reconsideration of Clarification of two Orders concerning the 220-222 MHz radio service.

Bidder Cross Reference (dbf)

Template (text)

No results here for this auction.

No results here for this auction.

Auction Seminar
