Defining Recoverable Expenses for Rate-of-Return Providers
The FCC Should Not Give Broadband Providers the Keys to Your Internet Freedom
This week, millions of Americans returned to work after spending time with family and friends...
Would Means-Testing Bring More Efficiencies to the High-Cost Program?
The American people rightfully expect that all federal programs operate as efficiently as...
My Personal Story in Search of #PhoneJustice
It is 9:10 a.m. on Monday, February 6, 2017, and I am sitting in the courtroom without my...
The 12 Days of #PhoneInjustice Redux
You may have caught my tweetstorm over the past...
Upholding the Value of Broadcast Localism in the U.S. Virgin Islands
Imagine living in New York City and discovering that your pay-TV provider does not carry the...
Tackling the Connectivity Challenges of Rural America: My Journey to New Mexico and Navajo Nation
Access to robust, affordable advanced telecommunications services, ought to be available to...
Silicon Valley: My Journey off the Beaten Path
Millions across the globe refer to Silicon Valley as the epicenter of innovation. Each and every...
Broadband: A Lifeline for the 21st Century
If you're reading this blog, you've probably come to take Internet access for granted....
Detroit's Digital Divide
Another Step Toward Fairness in Inmate Calling Services
Over two years ago, the FCC adopted an Order reforming rates for inmate calling services, easing...
OCBO Promotes Greater Supplier Diversity
On Thursday, I had the opportunity to attend the morning sessions of the Federal Communications...
Takeaways from CES2015: Wireless Innovation, Diversity and Openness
FOCUS100's Push for Greater Diversity in the Tech Industry
Earlier this month, I travelled to New York City to attend digitalundivided's FOCUS100, which...
Spreading the Good Word about Lifeline
Most Americans take their home phone service for granted. But for families who are struggling to...
Opportunity Abounding in STEM
The Caged Bird Sings . . . My Brief But Incredible Brush With Greatness
A remarkable woman once told us: "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people...
Preserving An Ever-Free and Open Internet
Over 100,000 Americans have spoken.
And during the past few weeks, tens of thousands of...
Broadcasting Anew
It is always special to be in attendance at the annual National Association of Broadcasters Show...
Crossing the Digital Divide
Sri Lanka and Singapore
This October, I was fortunate to travel to Asia, where I spent over a week meeting with...
Experiencing the Magic of Innovation in Silicon Valley
I have seen a lot during my three-plus years as an FCC Commissioner: executive offices...
Girls in Information and Communication Technology Day
On Thursday, April 26, I had the honor of speaking at the...
Remembering Congressman Donald Payne
My first real recollection of Representative Donald Payne was during a Congressional Black...
The Women's Initiative: Going Mobile and Connecting Women
I am proud to announce that the FCC's International Bureau has launched a new Women's Initiative...
The Women's Initiative: Going Mobile and Connecting Women
I am proud to announce that the FCC's International Bureau has launched a new Women's Initiative...
Back to the Future – Another Amazing Trip to CES
I kicked off another New Year by once again being the envy of my high tech gadget friends back...
Media Diversity, Open Internet, and Adoption Efforts in Massachusetts
A quick trip, last week, to Massachusetts gave me another opportunity to learn about activities...
Seeing It All at the Cable Show in Chicago
Having just spent two days at the Cable Show in Chicago, IL, I can safely say that the content...
Broadband Availability: It's So Much More Than Just Access to the Internet
Last week I was in Omaha, Nebraska to engage in several discussions about the importance of...
SMARTBoards and Other Brilliant Uses of Broadband to Educate our Future Leaders
I recently visited Kenmore Middle School in Arlington, Virginia where President Obama, Secretary...
The Unique Experiences of Women are Enhancements to Leadership
Last week, following my trip to Boston, I had the honor of traveling to Orlando to speak at the...
The Beantown Media and Technology Experience
Last week, I spent a few days in Boston, aka Bean Town, aka Cradle of Modern America. Since the...
The FCC's Amazing Crew in Gettysburg, PA
I spend a lot of time at the FCC's main building in southwest DC. Days can pass with me not...
The Big and the Up-and-Coming
Spending two days in New York City can be exhausting. I had a number of meetings with mega news...
Is a unified platform the key to upward mobility?
I recently experienced my second visit to the Consumer Electronics Show (CES). Across the many...
My Idea of Working From Home
This week I had the pleasure of traveling home to South Carolina to deliver remarks at the Rural...
My First Visit to One of the FCC's Field Offices
I just returned from a 36-hour trip to Georgia, during which I visited a great group of folk at...
Broadband Comes to Harlem
Taking part in last Friday's "Broadband Comes to Harlem" was a great pleasure for me. The open...
Cable Diversity Week highlight of Big Apple Tour
I just spent 2.5 days in New York City focusing on cable TV as the industry celebrated Diversity...
Importance of Broadband
Last week, I was in Minneapolis, Minnesota for a public hearing on the "Future of the Internet"...
Foreign Diplomacy In D.C.
I had the pleasure last week of meeting several distinguished international colleagues,...
My Journey to Alaska

Morning with the ALA
"Once you learn to read, you will forever be free."
-- Frederick Douglass
Sad Day
Today is one of great sadness for me because I just learned that I lost a dear friend, a mentor...
Low-Income Pilot Program Roundtable
With so much information literally at our fingertips, it's easy to take for granted a simple...
June Meeting
We just concluded our June agenda meeting. There was a big crowd hanging on to every word of the...
Back in the Midwest: Chicago
I flew out to Chicago yesterday to attend the Rainbow PUSH Coalition's 39th...
St. Paul Postscript
What a great ending to my four-day trip to the Midwest. There was no better way to spend it than...
From Kansas City to St. Paul
I traveled out to the heartland of the country for a two-city tour over the last few days. My...
Welcome to Clyburn Chat
I finally decided that it was time for me to catch up to the rest of the world by officially...