Note: This page provides information about the hearing aid compatibility requirements for wireline phones. For information about hearing aid compatibility for wireless phones, visit Hearing Aid Compatibility for Wireless Phones. For information about hearing aid compatibility for wireline ACS telephonic CPE (such as VoIP phones), visit Hearing Aid Compatibility for Wireline ACS Telephonic CPE.

Consumer Guide

Contact Information

  • Customer Care Representatives for Manufacturers and Service Providers – Search on the name of a manufacturer or service provider, and obtain the contact information for the customer care representatives who will address accessibility questions, concerns or complaints.  They may also answer or direct your HAC-specific questions to the appropriate person in their companies.


Selected sections of eCFR Part 68.  For example,

HAC Task Force Report

ATIS HAC Task Force Report and Recommendation [PDF]

Orders and Notices

FCC Seeks Comment on Hearing Aid Compatibility (HAC) Task Force Report (DA 23-251) and Waiver Request (DA 23-250)
Task Force Report Public Notice: Word || PDF
ATIS Petition Public Notice: Word || PDF

CGB Grants Waiver to CaptionCall of the Volume Control Reset Rules (DA 21-1300)
Order: Word || PDF

FCC Extends Comment Periods for CVAA Accessibility Updates (DA 21-589)
Public Notice: Word || PDF

FCC Seeks Comment on Fulfillment of the CVAA (DA 21-405)
Public Notice: Word || PDF

FCC Releases Hearing Aid Compatibility Report and Order (WT Docket No. 20-3) (FCC 21-28)
Report and Order: Word || PDF

Request for Waiver of the Hearing Aid Compatibility Volume Control Reset Rules; Clarity Products, LLC (CG Docket No. 18-307) (DA 19-1252)
Order: Word || PDF

FCC Grants CaptionCall, LLC, Request for Waiver of Volume Control Reset Rules, with Conditions (CG Docket No. 18-307) (DA 19-932)
Order: Word || PDF

FCC Grants Ultratec, Inc. Request for Waiver of Volume Control Reset Rules for Captel Telephone Devices, with Conditions (CG Docket No. 18-307) (DA 18-1236)
Order: Word || PDF

FCC Grants ClearCaptions, LLC Request for Waiver of Volume Control Reset Rules for ClearCaptions Blue Telephone Devices, with Conditions (CG Docket No. 18-307) (DA 18-1197)
Order: Word || PDF

Notice of New Docket and Filing Procedures for Requesting Waiver of Wireline Telephone Volume Control Reset Rules (CG Docket No. 18-307) (DA 18-1196)
Public Notice: Word || PDF

FCC Announces Effective Date of Certain Hearing Aid Compatibility Rules (CG Docket No. 13-46, WT Docket Nos. 07-250 and 10-254) (DA 18-216)
Public Notice: Word || PDF

FCC Commission Meeting

Adopting New Hearing Aid Compatibility Standards for:
Wireless Phones, Wireline Phones, and Wireline ACS Telephonic CPE
October 24, 2017

FCC Modernizes and Improves the Ways that Americans with Hearing Loss Can Access Wireline and Wireless Communications Services (CG Docket No. 13-46, WT Docket Nos. 07-250 and 10-254) (DOC-347380; FCC 17-135; DOC-347848)
News Release: Word || PDF
Report and Order and Order on Reconsideration: Word || PDF
Erratum: Word || PDF

FCC Announces Tentative Agenda for October Open Meeting (Including Hearing Aid Compatibility and Volume Control) (CG Docket No. 13-46, WT Docket Nos. 07-250 and 10-254) (DOC-347041)
News Release: Word || PDF

Announcement of Comment and Reply Comment Deadlines for Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on Hearing Aid Compatibility Standards (CG Docket Nos. 12-32 and 13-46; WT Docket Nos. 07-250 and 10-254) (DA 16-5)
Public Notice: Word || PDF

FCC Proposes to Update Hearing Aid Compatibility (HAC) Standards, Make the Wireline HAC Rules Applicable to VoIP, Adopt a Wireless Handset Volume Control Rule, and Streamline HAC Standards Setting While Providing for Consumer Input (CG Docket No. 13-46, WT Docket Nos. 07-250 and 10-254) (FCC 15-144; DA 16-1201)
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking: Word || PDF
Erratum: Word || PDF  

FCC Grants the Sorenson Communications, Inc., and CaptionCall, LLC, Request for Waiver of Volume Control Reset, 47 CFR § 68.317(f), for Model 67T, with Conditions (DA 14-1825)
Order: Word || PDF

FCC Grants the Global China Technology Limited Request for Waiver of Volume Control Reset, 47 CFR § 68.317(f), for Amplified Dect Phone #DD24, with Conditions (DA 13-2463)
Order: Word || PDF

FCC Grants the Global China Technology Limited Request for Waiver of Volume Control Reset, 47 CFR § 68.317(f), for Amplified Dect Phone #DD22, with Conditions (DA 13-2462)
Order: Word || PDF

FCC Requests Comment on Petition for Rulemaking Filed by the Telecommunications Industry Association Regarding Hearing Aid Compatibility Volume Control Requirements (CG Docket No. 13-46) (DA 13-1601)
Public Notice: Word || PDF

FCC Grants the Clarity, a Division of Plantronics, Inc., Request for Waiver of Volume Control Reset, 47 CFR § 68.317(f), for Models Alto Plus and Alto, with Conditions (DA 12-2094)
Order: Word || PDF

FCC Grants the Clarity, a Division of Plantronics, Inc. Request for Waiver of Volume Control Reset, 47 CFR § 68.317(f), for Models XL40D and XL45, with Conditions (DA 12-2093)
Order: Word || PDF

FCC Grants the Clarity, a Division of Plantronics, Inc. Request for Waiver of Volume Control Reset, 47 CFR § 68.317(f), for Model ENSEMBLE, with Conditions (DA 12-2007)
Order: Word || PDF

FCC Grants the Sorenson Communications, Inc., Request for Waiver of Volume Control Reset, 47 CFR § 68.317(f), for Models 57T and 57Tx, with Conditions (DA 12-424)
Order: Word || PDF

FCC Grants the Xingtel Xiamen Group Co., Ltd., Request for Waiver of Volume Control Reset, 47 CFR § 68.317(f), for Models Amplidect350 and Amplidect350HS, with Conditions (DA 11-1472)
Order: Word || PDF

FCC Grants the Geemarc Telecom International Ltd Request for Waiver of Volume Control Reset, 47 CFR § 68.317(f), for Models Ampli100VM and Dallas100VM, with Conditions (DA 11-464)
Order: Word || PDF

FCC Grants the Global China Technology Limited Request for Waiver of Volume Control Reset, 47 CFR § 68.317(f), for Models VL4834PER1, LL4824HER1, VG4831PER0, LG4821HER1, PowerTel 680, PowerTel 580 combo, PowerTel 601, and PowerTel 501, with Conditions (DA 11-362)
Order: Word || PDF

FCC Grants the Global China Technology Limited Request for Waiver of Volume Control Reset, 47 CFR § 68.317(f), for Models LL4822HER1, LL4822HER2, LG4821HER1, PowerTel 580 and PowerTel 501, with Conditions (DA 11-363)
Order: Word || PDF

FCC Grants the Global China Technology Limited Request for Waiver of Volume Control Reset, 47 CFR § 68.317(f), for Models GL4823HER0, GL4820HER0, PowerTel 58, and PowerTel 57, with Conditions (DA 11-364)
Order: Word || PDF

FCC Grants the CCT Tech USA, Inc., Request for Waiver of Volume Control Reset, 47 CFR § 68.317(f), for Models 30233SE1 and 30234SE1, with Conditions (DA 11-366)
Order: Word || PDF

FCC Grants the Plantronics, Inc., Request for Waiver of Volume Control Reset, 47 CFR § 68.317(f), for Models XLC3.4, XLC3.1, and XLC2, with Conditions (DA 10-2202)
Order: Word || PDF

FCC Grants the Global China Technology Limited Request for Waiver of Volume Control Reset, 47 CFR § 68.317(f), for Models LA4829HER1, LA4829HER2, LA4821HER1, PowerTel 500, PowerTel 502, and PowerTel 501, with Conditions (DA 10-1096)
Order: Word || PDF

FCC Grants the Fanstel Corporation, Taipei, Request for Waiver of Volume Control Reset, 47 CFR § 68.317(f), for Models C5630 and C5626, with Conditions (DA 10-914)
Order: Word || PDF

FCC Grants the Primatronix LTD, Request for Waiver of Volume Control Reset, 47 CFR § 68.317(f), for Model MemoryPlus319iph, with Conditions (DA 09-2477)
Order: Word || PDF

FCC Grants the ClearSounds Communications, Inc., Request for Waiver of Volume Control Reset, 47 CFR § 68.317(f), for Models CSC1000 and XL-2098FDP, with Conditions (DA 09-2059)
Order: Word || PDF

FCC Grants the Clarity, a Division of Plantronics, Inc., Request for Waiver of Volume Control Reset, 47 CFR § 68.317(f), for Models W425P and W425D, with Conditions (DA 09-2060)
Order: Word || PDF
Erratum: Word || PDF

FCC Grants the Primatronix LTD, Request for Waiver of Volume Control Reset, 47 CFR § 68.317(f), for Model HerPlus 317ci, with Conditions (DA 09-1422; DOC-291700)
Order: Word || PDF
Erratum: Word || PDF

FCC Grants the Geemarc Telecom International, Ltd., Request for Waiver of Volume Control Reset, 47 CFR § 68.317(f), for Model AMPLIDECT 260, with Conditions (DA 09-1210)
Order: Word || PDF

FCC Grants the Geemarc Telecom International, Ltd., Request for Waiver of Volume Control Reset, 47 CFR § 68.317(f), for Models AMPLIPOWER40, AMPLIPOWER50, and AMPLIPOWER60+, with Conditions (DA 09-1163)
Order: Word || PDF

FCC Grants the Fanstel Corporation, Taipei, Request for Waiver of Volume Control Reset, 47 CFR § 68.317(f), for Models Fanstel T56 and Fanstel T44, with Conditions (DA 09-686)
Order: Word || PDF

FCC Grants the Primatronix LTD, Request for Waiver of Volume Control Reset, 47 CFR § 68.317(f), for Model 317CI, with Conditions (DA 08-2511)
Order: Word || PDF

FCC Grants the Primatronix LTD, Request for Waiver of Volume Control Reset, 47 CFR § 68.317(f), for Models CSC48, CSC48P, and Photo50, with Conditions (DA 08-2348)
Order: Word || PDF

FCC Grants the Primatronix LTD, Request for Waiver of Volume Control Reset, 47 CFR § 68.317(f), for Models Ampli50 and Ampli100, with Conditions (DA 08-1687)
Order: Word || PDF

FCC Grants the ClearSounds Communications, Inc., Request for Waiver of Volume Control Reset, 47 CFR § 68.317(f), for Models ClearSounds CSC600+, ClearSounds CSC40+, ClearSounds A55+, ClearSounds A300+, ClearSounds A600+, ClearSounds TALK500, ClearSounds Talk500ER, and ClearSounds Photo50, with Conditions(DA 08-1295)
Order: Word || PDF

FCC Grants the Geemarc Telecom International, Ltd., Request for Waiver of Volume Control Reset, 47 CFR § 68.317(f), for Models Geemarc Ampli 200+, Geemarc Clearsound 200+, Geemarc CLEARVIEW 200+, and Geemarc 200+, with Conditions (DA 07-4395)
Order: Word || PDF

FCC Grants the Clarity, a Division of Plantronics, Inc., Request for Waiver of Volume Control Reset, 47 CFR § 68.317(f), for Models C4220, C4230, and C4230HS, with Conditions (DA 07-4396)
Order: TXT || PDF

FCC Grants the Serene Innovations, Inc., Request for Waiver of Volume Control Reset, 47 CFR § 68.317(f), for Models HD-50, HD-50J, HD-50P, and HD-50S, with Conditions (DA 07-3286)
Order: Word || PDF

FCC Grants the Thomson, Inc., Request for Waiver of Volume Control Reset, 47 CFR § 68.317(f), for Models 29578BE1-A and 29579BE1-A, with Conditions (DA 07-2758)
Order: Word || PDF

FCC Grants the Clarity, a Division of Plantronics, Inc., Request for Waiver of Volume Control Reset, 47 CFR § 68.317(f), for Model C4105, with Conditions (DA 06-1438)
Order: Word || PDF

FCC Grants the Panasonic Corporation of North America Request for Waiver of Hearing Aid Compatibility and Volume Control Requirements for Its Panasonic 2.4 GHz FHSS Cordless Telephone with Bone Conduction Type Ear-Piece (DA 05-2294)
Order: Word || PDF

FCC Grants the Clarity, a Division of Plantronics, Inc., Request for Waiver of Volume Control Reset, 47 CFR § 68.317(f), for Models W425 and C410, with Conditions (DA 05-1920)
Order: Word || PDF

FCC Grants the Geemarc Telecom International, Ltd., Request for Waiver of Volume Control Reset, 47 CFR § 68.317(f), for Model CS-A50 (main unit) and CS-A50E (extra handset), with Conditions (DA 05-1921)
Order: Word || PDF

FCC Seeks Comment on Panasonic Corporation of North America's Request for Waiver of Hearing Aid Compatibility and Volume Control Requirements for Its Panasonic 2.4 GHz FHSS Cordless Telephone with Bone Conduction Type Ear-Piece (CC Docket No. 87-124) (DA 05-1683)
Public Notice: Word || PDF

FCC Grants the Clarity, a Division of Plantronics, Inc., Request for Waiver of Volume Control Reset, 47 CFR § 68.317(f), for Model C420, with Conditions (DA 05-1352)
Order: Word || PDF

FCC Grants the Clarity, a Division of Plantronics, Inc., Request for Waiver of Volume Control Reset, 47 CFR § 68.317(f), for Model C4210, with Conditions (DA 05-1353)
Order: Word || PDF

FCC Grants the Geemarc Telecom International, Ltd., Request for Waiver of Volume Control Reset, 47 CFR § 68.317(f), for Model CL1100, with Conditions (DA 05-1139)
Order: Word || PDF

FCC Grants the Geemarc Telecom International, Ltd., Request for Waiver of Volume Control Reset, 47 CFR § 68.317(f), for Model CL600, with Conditions (DA 05-1142)
Order: Word || PDF

FCC Grants the Clarity, a Division of Plantronics, Inc., Request for Waiver of Volume Control Reset, 47 CFR § 68.317(f), for Model C4205, with Conditions (DA 05-1140)
Order: Word || PDF

FCC Grants the Clarity, a Division of Plantronics, Inc., Request for Waiver of Volume Control Reset, 47 CFR § 68.317(f), for Model C430, with Conditions (DA 05-1141)
Order: Word || PDF

FCC Grants the Tandy Electronics (China) Limited Request for Waiver of Volume Control Reset, 47 CFR § 68.317(f), for Model 43-2232, with Conditions (DA 04-3180)
Order: Word || PDF

FCC Grants the Clarity, a Division of Plantronics, Inc., Request for Waiver of Volume Control Reset, 47 CFR § 68.317(f), for Model C440, with Conditions (DA 04-2964)
Order: Word || PDF

FCC Grants the Clarity, a Division of Plantronics, Inc., Request for Waiver of Volume Control Reset, 47 CFR § 68.317(f), for Model C600, with Conditions (DA 04-2493)
Order: Word || PDF

FCC Grants the Geemarc Telecom International, Ltd., Request for Waiver of Volume Control Reset, 47 CFR § 68.317(f), for  Models CL300FCC and CS40XLC, with Conditions (DA 04-1843)
Order: Word || PDF

FCC Grants the Geemarc Telecom International, Ltd., Request for Waiver of Volume Control Reset, 47 CFR § 68.317(f), for Models CLA30, CLA40, CS-IL30, CSIL40, BT-IL30, and BT-IL40, with Conditions (DA 04-764)
Order: Word || PDF

FCC Grants the Clarity, a Division of Plantronics, Inc., Request for Waiver of Volume Control Reset, 47 CFR § 68.317(f), for Model CLS45i, with Conditions (DA 04-622)
Order: Word || PDF

FCC Grants the Tandy Corporation, Walker Equipment Company, Ameriphone, Inc., and Ultratec, Inc., Request for Waiver of Volume Control Reset, 47 CFR § 68.317(f), with Conditions (NSD-L-00-17, NSD-L-00-22, NSD-L-00-63, NSD-L-00-193) (DA 01-578)
Memorandum Opinion and Order: Word || PDF

Common Carrier Bureau Outlines Dates for Hearing Aid Compatibility Compliance for Telephone Equipment (DA 99-792)
Public Notice:  Word || PDF

FCC Denies a Waiver of the HAC Labelling Requirements for Pitney Bowes Facsimile Products with Built-in HAC Telephones (File No. NSD-L-97-14) (DA 97-1802)
Order: Text || PDF

FCC Extends Volume Control Manufacturing Deadlines to January 1, 2000 (CC Docket No. 87-124) (FCC 97-242)
Order on Reconsideration: TXT || PDF

FCC Grants, in Part, Waivers of the HAC Labelling Requirements for Lucent Technologies, Inc., Sharp Electronics Corp., and Matushita Electric Co. of America (File Nos. NSD-L-97-13, NSD-L-97-12 and NSD-L-97-5) (DA 97-643)
Order: TXT || PDF

FCC Amends Its Rules to Ensure Access to Persons Who Use Hearing Aids to the Nation’s Telephone Network (CC Docket No. 87-124) (FCC 96-285; DA 96-1243)
Report and Order: Text || PDF
Erratum: Text || PDF

FCC Proposes Regulations that Would Ensure Reasonable Access to Telephone Service by Persons with Hearing Disabilities (CC Docket No. 87-124) (FCC 95-474)
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking: Text || PDF

FCC Establishes Hearing Aid Compatibility Negotiated Rulemaking Committee, and Sets Meeting Dates (CC Docket No. 87-124) (DA 95-791)
Public Notice: Text || PDF

FCC Asks for Comments and Nominations for Membership Regarding the Establishment of an Advisory Committee to Negotiate Regulations for Hearing Aid Compatible Telephones (CC Docket No. 87-124) (FCC 94-280)
Public Notice: Text || PDF

FCC Requires Credit Card and Common Area Telephones to Be Hearing Aid Compatible; and Will Propose to Require All Workplace, Hospital, Hotel and Motel Telephones to Be Hearing Aid Compatible (CC Docket No. 87-124) (FCC 90-133)
Memorandum Opinion and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking: TXT || PDF

FCC Requires Essential Telephones and Nearly All New Telephones to Be Hearing Aid Compatible After August 16, 1989 (CC Docket No. 87-124) (FCC 89-137)
First Report and Order: TXT || PDF

FCC Proposes to Require Essential Telephones and Nearly All New Telephones to Be Hearing Aid Compatible Pursuant to the Hearing Aid Compatibility Act of 1988 (CC Docket No. 87-124) (FCC 89-55)
Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking: TXT || PDF

FCC Seeks Comment on Requiring Credit Card Telephones and Workplace Common Area Telephones to Be Hearing Aid Compatible (CC Docket No. 87-124) (FCC 88-123)
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking and Further Notice of Inquiry: TXT || PDF

FCC Opens Inquiry on Requiring All Telephones to Be Hearing Aid Compatible (CC Docket No. 87-124) (FCC 87-150; DA 87-594)
Notice of Inquiry: TXT || PDF
Erratum: TXT || PDF

FCC Opens Inquiry About Communication Needs of the Deaf Including Standards for Telephone Handsets (CC Docket No. 78-50) (FCC 78-82)
Notice of Inquiry: TXT || PDF

Friday, April 14, 2023