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Universal Licensing System - Help

This article provides information on Renewing a License in the Universal Licensing System (ULS). You can renew one or more licenses on the same application.

Steps to Filing a Request to Renew a License in ULS

  1. Log in to ULS Online Filing with your FCC Registration Number (FRN) and password or FRN and FCC Username Password.
    Note: If you are taken to the My Applications page, click My Licenses to begin the steps below.
  2. On the left-side of the screen, click Renew Licenses.
  3. Select the licenses and Click Add.
  4. Click Continue to navigate through the application.
  5. Sign your application and click Submit Application.
    Note: By typing your first and last name in the name fields you have signed your Application.

FAQs – Filing a Request to Renew a License in ULS

Will I owe a filing fee?

Some renewal applications require a fee. ULS will automatically determine if a fee is required and tell you the amount once you complete your application. If fees are due, they can be paid online as soon as you submit your application.

Additional information about fees is available at the Wireless Fees Page.

Why can’t a see the licenses I want to renew in step 3?

There are a few possibilities:

  • Licenses cannot be renewed earlier than 90 days before the expiration date.
  • Licenses past the expiration date are placed in an “ineligible” list for a period of time. In step 3 above, click the button “Ineligible.” If the licenses appear, you can file a renewal application. However, you must also include a waiver request along with a justification for filing the renewal application late.
  • If you previously started to file a renewal application and did not complete the filing, it could be in a list of Saved Applications.

How do I know if my application is received at the FCC?

Applications will appear either the next business day in ULS Application Search or two businesses days later for applications filed on a weekend or federal holiday. Enter the file number in the ULS Application Search to find your application.

When will my license be renewed?

It depends on the type of license. Some renewal applications are processed within the next business day. Other renewal applications require a Public Notice period prior to processing the application.


NOTE: Licenses with frequencies in 150-174 MHz and 421-470 MHz frequency bands cannot be renewed until they are in compliance with the FCC’s Narrowband Mandate. To get in compliance with the FCC's narrowband mandate, you must modify existing emission designators to change them from a wideband designator to a narrowband designator. (Exemptions include certain paging frequencies that are exempt from narrowbanding, or frequencies that meet the 12.5 kHz equivalent efficiency requirement.)  See narrowbanding overview at  https://www.fcc.gov/narrowbanding-overview for exemptions and additional information. A narrowband emission designator is one that is equal to or less than 11.25 kHz (11K3).

For further information, licensees can review public notice DA 14-281 at https://www.fcc.gov/document/wideband-renewal-pn.

Friday, October 14, 2022