
This reference page for Measuring Broadband America provides convenient access to the Report's charts and chart data.


Chart 1: Average peak period and 24-hour sustained download speeds as a percentage of advertised, by provider


Contrast for each ISP the average peak period and 24 hour download speed as a percentage of advertised speed

Why We Provide It

Contrast the performance during peak time when the most consumers use the Internet vs. 24 hour performance.

Additional Information

The average performance indicated is the average percent of advertised services for all speeds tested for an ISP.



Chart 2: Average peak period and 24-hour sustained upload speeds as a percentage of advertised, by provider


Contrast for each ISP the average peak period and 24 hour upload speed as a percentage of advertised speed.

Why We Provide It

Contrast the performance during peak time when the most consumers use the Internet vs. 24 hour performance.

Additional Information

The average performance indicated is the average percent of advertised services for all speeds tested for an ISP.



Chart 3: Average peak period sustained download and upload speeds as a percentage of advertised, by provider


Presents for peak periods upload and download speeds side-by-side for each ISP as percentage of advertised speed.

Why We Provide It

Present for convenient view, side-by-side both upload and download performance during peak periods.

Additional Information

The average performance indicated is the average percent of advertised services for all speeds tested for an ISP.



Chart 4: Average peak period sustained download and upload speeds as a percentage of advertised, by technology


Presents for peak periods upload and download speeds side-by-side for the cable, DSL, and fiber technologies studied in this report as percentage of advertised speed.

Why We Provide It

We wanted to present the performance of different technologies that are used to support broadband Internet service access.

Additional Information

Results shown indicate that any of these technologies engineered properly can provide high performance Internet service. The average performance indicated is the average percent of advertised services for all speeds tested for an ISP.



Chart 5: Average peak period sustained download speeds as a percentage of advertised, by provider


Peak download speed is presented for every speed tier tested by ISP and by technology.

Why We Provide It

Individual performance of speed tiers can be viewed.



Chart 6: Average peak upload speeds as a percentage of advertised, by provider


Peak upload speed is presented for every speed tier tested by ISP and by technology.

Why We Provide It

Individual performance of speed tiers can be viewed.



Chart 7: Average peak period burst download speeds as a percentage of advertised, by provider


Peak period burst download speed is presented for every speed tier tested by ISP and by technology.

Why We Provide It

Individual performance of speed tiers can be viewed.

Additional Information

Burst download speed is defined in the main report.



Chart 8: Average peak period burst upload speeds as a percentage of advertised, by provider


Peak period burst upload speed is presented for every speed tier tested by ISP and by technology.

Why We Provide It

Individual performance of speed tiers can be viewed.

Additional Information

Burst upload speed is defined in the main report.



Chart 9: Average peak period latency in milliseconds by technology


Latency for each speed tier tested by technology is illustrated.

Why We Provide It

Latency is an important metric for network performance.



Chart 10: Web loading time by advertised speed by technology and by ISP


The average time in milliseconds to download a set of popular web pages is illustrated. Consumers can judge the effect of higher service tiers on web performance.

Why We Provide It

Web browsing is one of the most common activities over broadband.

Additional Information

This chart displays a standardized test to evaluate average web download times for a collection of the most common Internet web pages. Actual performance would include other factors not considered in this test but explained in the main report.



Chart 11: Average download speed as a percentage of advertised over a 24 hour period, by provider


Presents the average speed on ISP's network, tested every 2 hours.

Why We Provide It

Shows varying performance of broadband access over the course of a day by provider.

Additional Information

The average performance indicated is the average percent of advertised services for all speeds tested for an ISP.



Chart 12: Average download speed as a percentage of advertised over a 24 hour period, by technology


Average sustained download speed as a percentage of advertised speed over a 24 hour period, by technology.

Why We Provide It

Shows varying performance of broadband access over the course of a day by technology.

Additional Information

The average performance indicated is the average percent of advertised services for all speeds tested for an ISP.



