
This reference page for the Measuring Broadband America 2014 Report provides convenient access to the report's charts and chart data.


Chart 1:Average Peak Period and 24-Hour Sustained Download Speeds as a Percentage of Advertised, by Provider - September 2013 Test Data


Contrasts for each ISP the average peak period and 24 hour download speed as a percentage of advertised speed.

Why We Provide It

Contrasts the performance during peak time when the most consumers use the Internet vs. 24 hour performance.



Chart 2: Average Peak Period and 24-Hour Sustained Upload Speeds as a Percentage of Advertised, by Provider - September 2013 Test Data


Contrasts for each ISP the average peak period and 24 hour upload speed as a percentage of advertised speed.

Why We Provide It

Contrasts the performance during peak time when the most consumers use the Internet vs. 24 hour performance.



Chart 3: Average Peak Period Sustained Download and Upload Speeds as a Percentage of Advertised, by Provider - September 2013 Test Data


Presents peak periods upload and download speeds side-by-side for each ISP as percentage of advertised speed.

Why We Provide It

Presents a convenient, side-by-side view of both upload and download performance during peak periods.



Chart 4: Percent of Advertised to Actual Download Performance of Seventy Percent of Panelists’ Experience by Provider in September 2013


Presents measure of consistent peak period download speeds side-by-side for each ISP as a percentage of advertised speed.

Why We Provide It

Presents a view of consistency in the download performance during peak periods. Shows what the consistent download speed is for each carrier such that over 70% of users experienced this speed over 70% of the time.



Chart 5: Percent of Advertised to Actual Upload Performance of Seventy Percent of Panelists’ Experience by Provider in September 2013


Presents measure of consistent peak period upload speeds side-by-side for each ISP as a percentage of advertised speed.

Why We Provide It

Presents a view of consistency in the upload performance during peak periods. Shows what the consistent download speed is for each carrier such that over 70% of users experienced this speed over 70% of the time.



Chart 6: Percent of Advertised to Actual Download Performance of Eighty Percent of Panelists’ Experience by Provider in September 2013


Presents measure of consistent peak period download speeds side-by-side for each ISP as a percentage of advertised speed.

Why We Provide It

Presents a view of consistency in the download performance during peak periods. Shows what the consistent download speed is for each carrier such that over 80% of users experienced this speed over 80% of the time.



Chart 7: Percent of Advertised to Actual Upload Performance of Eighty Percent of Panelists’ Experience by Provider in September 2013


Presents measure of consistent peak period upload speeds side-by-side for each ISP as a percentage of advertised speed.

Why We Provide It

Presents a view of consistency in the upload performance during peak periods. Shows what the consistent download speed is for each carrier such that over 80% of users experienced this speed over 80% of the time.



Chart 8: Average Peak Period Sustained Download and Upload Speeds as a Percentage of Advertised, by Technology - September 2013 Test Data


Presents peak period upload and download speeds side-by-side for the cable, DSL, and fiber technologies studied in this report as percentage of advertised speed.

Why We Provide It

Presents the performance of different technologies that are used to support broadband Internet service access.



Chart 9: Average Peak Period Sustained Download and Upload Speeds as a Percentage of Advertised, by Technology - September 2013 Test Data


Presents sustained download and upload speed as a percentage of advertised speed, by Technology.

Why We Provide It

Individual performance of technologies can be viewed.



Chart 10:Average Peak Period Sustained Upload Speeds as a Percentage of Advertised, by Provider - September 2013 Test Data


Presents peak upload speed as a percentage of advertised speed, by provider.

Why We Provide It

Individual performance of speed tiers by provider can be viewed.



Chart 11: Average Peak Period Burst Download Speeds as a Percentage Increase over Sustained Download Speeds, by Provider Where Tiers Showed a Greater than 10% Increase - September 2013 Test Data


Presents peak period burst download speed as a percentage of advertised speed, by provider.

Why We Provide It

Individual performance of speed tiers by provider can be viewed.



Chart 12: Average Peak Period Burst Upload Speeds as a Percentage Increase over Sustained Download Speeds, by Provider (All Tiers) - September 2013 Test Data


Presents peak period burst upload speed as a percentage of advertised speed, by provider.

Why We Provide It

Individual performance of speed tiers by provider can be viewed.



Chart 13: Average Peak Period Burst Download and Upload Speeds as a Percentage of Advertised Speed, by Provider - September 2013 Test Data


Presents peak periods burst upload and burst download speeds side-by-side for each ISP as percentage of advertised speed.

Why We Provide It

Presents a convenient, side-by-side view of both burst upload and burst download performance during peak periods.



Chart 14: Average Peak Period Latency in Milliseconds, by Technology - September 2013 Test Data


Latency for each technology is illustrated.

Why We Provide It

Latency is an important metric for network performance.



Chart 15: Web Loading Time by Advertised Speed, by Technology - September 2013 Test Data


The average time in milliseconds to download a set of popular web pages is illustrated. Consumers can judge the effect of higher service tiers on web performance.

Why We Provide It

Web browsing is one of the most common activities over broadband.



Chart 16: Web Loading Time by Advertised Speed - September 2013 Test Data


Presents the Web Loading Time by Advertised Speed for all tiers.

Why We Provide It

Shows varying web loading performance of broadband access across all tiers.



Chart 17: Hourly Sustained Download Speeds as a Percentage of Advertised, by Provider - September 2013 Test Data


Average sustained download speed as a percentage of advertised speed over a 24 hour period, by Provider.

Why We Provide It

Shows varying performance of broadband access over the course of a day by Provider.



Chart 18: Average Sustained Download Speeds as a Percentage of Advertised Over a 24-Hour Period, by Technology - September 2013 Test Data


Average sustained download speed as a percentage of advertised speed over a 24 hour period, by technology.

Why We Provide It

Shows the percentage of consumers receiving Internet service at an indicated speed or greater, expressed as a percentage of advertised speed, by technology.



Chart 19: Cumulative Distribution of Sustained Download Speeds as a Percentage of Advertised Speed, by Technology - September 2013 Test Data


Description Cumulative distribution function of download speed as a percentage of advertised speed, by Technology.

Why We Provide It

Shows the percentage of consumers receiving Internet service at an indicated speed or greater, expressed as a percentage of advertised speed, by Technology.



Chart 20: Cumulative Distribution of Sustained Download Speeds as a Percentage of Advertised Speed, by Provider - September 2013 Test Data


Description Cumulative distribution function of download speed as a percentage of advertised speed, by Provider.

Why We Provide It

Shows the percentage of consumers receiving Internet service at an indicated speed or greater, expressed as a percentage of advertised speed, by Provider.



Chart 21: Cumulative Distribution of Sustained Upload Speeds as a Percentage of Advertised Speed, by Technology - September 2013 Test Data


Cumulative distribution function of upload speed as a percentage of advertised speed, by Technology.

Why We Provide It

Shows the percentage of consumers receiving Internet service at an indicated speed or greater, expressed as a percentage of advertised speed, by Technology.



Chart 22: Cumulative Distribution of Sustained Upload Speeds as a Percentage of Advertised Speed, by Provider - September 2013 Test Data


Presents the cumulative distribution of sustained upload speeds within each speed tier by provider.

Why We Provide It

Shows the percentage of consumers receiving Internet service at an indicated speed or greater, expressed as a percentage of advertised speed, by provider.



Chart 23: Normalized Average User Traffic - September 2013 Test Data


Normalized Average User Traffic, by tier.

Why We Provide It

Shows each tiers percentage of normalized traffic used as a percentage of the aggregate total amount of data or greater, expressed in gigabytes of the total panel.



Chart 24: Cumulative Distribution of User Traffic, by Technology - September 2013 Test Data


Chart 20 shows the percentage of panelists in each technology with aggregate total amount of data or greater, expressed in gigabytes.

Why We Provide It

Shows the correlation between higher speed tiers and higher data usage.



Chart 25-26: Percent Change of September 2012 Panelists Subscribed to Higher Tier in September 2013


Chart 25 shows the total percentage of panelists in each September 2012 Service tier who moved to a higher tier in September 2013. Chart 26 shows the same percentage, further broken down to show the specific tier that was moved to.

Why We Provide It

Shows that consumers have generally moved up in speed tiers between September 2012 and September 2013.


