
Broadband Consumer Labels 2nd Virtual Public Hearing

1:30 pm - 5:30 pm EDT
Online Only

The Federal Communications Commission held this second of a series of virtual public hearings as part of its broadband consumer labels rulemaking proceeding on April 7, 2022, 1:30 p.m. ET. The hearing streamed free to the public at fcc.gov/live and will also be recorded and archived on the FCC's website.

The hearing featured multiple panels comprised of consumers, experts from nonprofit organizations, and academics. The hearing focused on how to make the broadband labels useful, with an emphasis on what specific information consumers need. The hearing also highlighted research on how consumers interpret information and make informed decisions. We invited questions in advance of and during the hearing by sending an email to BroadbandLabelsHearing@fcc.gov.


  • 1:30 pm – 1:45 pm: Opening Remarks and Introductions
    • Commissioner Geoffrey Starks, FCC
    • Alejandro Roark, Chief, Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau
  • 1:45 pm – 2:15 pm: Roundtable with Consumers from Around the Country
  • 2:20 pm – 2:50 pm: Roundtable of Experts to Discuss the Consumer Mindset: Decision-making, Technology, and Consumer Choice
    • Professor Lorrie Cranor, Carnegie Mellon University
    • Professor Ellen Peters, University of Oregon
  • 2:55 pm – 3:25 pm: Roundtable on What Is Useful? Understanding Speed, Data Plans, and Households Needs
    • Amina Fazlullah, Common Sense 
    • Angela Siefer, National Digital Inclusion Alliance
    • Jonathan Schwantes, Consumer Reports 
  • 3:25 – 3:30 pm: Wrap Up and Event Conclusion

The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (Infrastructure Act) instructed the agency to conduct a series of public hearings to assess how consumers evaluate internet service plans and whether current disclosures are sufficient. The hearings will be part of the record in response to the FCC's recent Notice of Proposed Rulemaking which sought comment on a requirement that broadband providers display simple-to-understand labels that disclose, at the point of sale, accurate information about prices, introductory rates, data allowances, broadband speeds, and management practices, among other things. Information on the Commission's work on broadband labels, including relevant documents and a video of the March 11th public hearing, are available at fcc.gov/broadbandlabels.

The meeting streamed with open captioning and American Sign Language interpreting at fcc.gov/live. Other reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities were available upon request.

For additional information about the webinar's logistical details, please contact Diana Coho, Consumer Affairs and Outreach Specialist, at Diana.Coho@fcc.gov. For additional information about the ongoing broadband consumer labels rulemaking, contact Erica H. McMahon, Consumer Policy Division, Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau, at (202) 418-0346 (voice) or e-mail at Erica.McMahon@fcc.gov.

