The FCC prioritizes providing internship opportunities to students who are supported by a fellowship, stipend funding, or are receiving credit from an educational institution.
- Bureau/Office - Position 1 of 3
Wireline Competition Bureau – Competition Policy Division (CPD)
Our mission is to protect consumers through promoting and advancing competition among broadband and voice service providers in the telecommunications marketplace. CPD provides primary support for the Commission’s proceedings regarding net neutrality and privacy for telecommunications services, and develops the annual report on broadband deployment. Additionally, CPD conducts public interest reviews of telecommunications company mergers and processes applications for carriers seeking to discontinue service, pursuant to section 214 of the Communications Act (Act). We address petitions requesting forbearance from or clarification of statutory provisions and regulations contained in the Act and Commission rules. We recommend rules and policies aimed at protecting U.S. consumers from harmful and illegal robocalling, as well as promoting the deployment of broadband infrastructure, transitions to next generation technology, and competitive network access through unbundling and interconnection. Further, CPD oversees all aspects of telephone numbering administration, including rules that allow consumers to keep their phone number when they switch carriers and assignment of telephone numbering resources to service providers. CPD’s work helps to protect consumers and ensure a sustainable policy framework for competitors that rely on the facilities of others.
Interns in CPD have the opportunity to draft legal memos and orders, engage in legal research, and attend meetings with outside parties such as telecommunications service providers , trade associations, and public interest groups. Interns can also be exposed to the broader field of communications issues through informative lunches on communications topics and from opportunities to meet attorneys in other Divisions and Bureaus,
Examples of recent Commission actions originating in CPD include:
Designating 988 as the 3-digit telephone dialing code for connecting people in crisis with suicide prevention and mental health crisis counselors.
Requiring voice service providers to implement caller ID authentication technology as a means of protecting consumers from callers using “spoofed” or fraudulent caller ID information.
Initiating a proceeding aimed at preventing and eliminating digital discrimination to ensure that everyone has equal access to broadband internet access service, per section 60506 of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021.
Adopting rules to increase broadband competition for those living and working in apartments, public housing, office buildings, and other multi-tenant buildings.
Reviewing and approving the section 214 application for a large incumbent carrier to sell its telephone operations serving 1.2 million customers in 20 states to a new owner that committed to invest in significant broadband deployment in rural areas and participate in affordable broadband programs.
- Internship Period(s)
Fall, Winter/Spring & Summer Semesters. - Selection Criteria
Law students. - Send Application to, Megan Danner at, Chris Laughlin at, Brian Cruikshank at, and Emily Caditz at - Application Information
Please include a cover letter, a resumé, transcript, and a writing sample. - Additional Information
Openings are for unpaid legal internships. Internships terms run for at least ten weeks. Academic credit may be available for internships (please check with your school). - Applications Deadline
Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.
- Bureau/Office - Position 2 of 3
Wireline Competition Bureau – Pricing Policy Division
The Pricing Policy Division is responsible for the economic regulation of telecommunications carriers. For example, the Division develops competitive pricing policies and rules for the retail and wholesale interstate rates charged by carriers; the intercarrier compensation rates that carriers charge each other; and the rates for resale of local exchange services, unbundled network elements and interconnection that incumbent carriers charge competitive carriers. In addition, PPD is responsible for the review and regulation of carriers' tariffs.
This internship will provide interns with the opportunity to work with attorneys, economists and public utility specialists in the division. For more information about PPD, and our recent proceedings, please visit
Internship Period(s)
Fall, Spring and Summer Semesters.General Duties
Interns will have the opportunity to conduct legal research, draft documents, and attend internal and external meetings.Selection Criteria
Law students.Send Application to
Ahuva Battams or Marvin Sacks marvin.sacks@fcc.govApplication Information
Please send your résumé, a cover letter explaining your interest in telecommunications regulation, transcript, and writing sample.
Please include in your cover letter the semester for which you are applying.Additional Information
Openings are for unpaid legal internships. Academic credit may be available for internships (please check with your school).Applications Deadline
Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis.
- Bureau/Office - Position 3 of 3
Wireline Competition Bureau – Telecommunications Access Policy Division
TAPD is a division within the FCC’s Wireline Competition Bureau. We administer a comprehensive policy for Commission oversight over funds used to support universal service. The purpose of the Universal Service Fund is to ensure that consumers in all regions of the Nation have access to quality telecommunications and information services at affordable rates. We also issue and recommend interpretations of the FCC’s Jurisdictional Separations procedures and coordinate with the FCC’s Pricing Policy Division on Access Charges.
- Internship Period(s)
Fall, Spring & Summer Semesters. - General Duties
Interns will have the opportunity to engage in legal research and writing in conjunction with several major rulemakings and adjudicatory proceedings. - Selection Criteria
Law students. - Send Application to
James Bachtell at, or Fax to 202-418-7361. - Application Information
Cover letter, resumé, writing sample and unofficial transcript. - Additional Information
Openings are for unpaid legal internships. Academic credit may be available for internships (please check with your school). Please include in your cover letter the term for which you are applying (i.e., Spring or Summer). For more information please call 202-418-7400. - Applications Deadline
Rolling basis.