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Land Mobile Radio Services (Private and Commercial)
Radio Service/Frequency BandConstruction/Coverage RequirementsRadio Service Code47 C.F.R. PartMethod of Notification
220 MHz (Public Safety)Construct and place into operation within 12 months of initial license grant date, or the authorization cancels automatically and must be returned to the Commission.

Alternatively, may apply for extended implementation - up to 3 years may be authorized for constructing and placing a system in operation.
QM90.725(f), 90.727601 Main Form and Schedule K
220 MHz Phase I (Nationwide Licenses)Construct and place into operation at least 10% of designated geographic areas within 2 years of initial license grant, 40% within 4 years, 70% within 6 years, and 100% of the designated geographic areas within 10 years of initial license grant. Each benchmark has a requirement for base stations to be operational in specific urban areas.NC90.725(a)601 Main Form and Schedule K
220 MHz Phase I (Non-Nationwide Licenses)Construct and place into operation within 12 months of initial license grant date, or if modified under the Second Report and Order (FCC 96-27) on or before August 15, 1996, or if base station is located North of Line A, by January 21, 2001.QD, QO, QT90.725(f), 90.757(b)601 Main Form and Schedule K
220 MHz Phase II (Nationwide Licenses)Provide coverage to a composite area of 750,000 sq. km or 37.5% of the US population within 5 years of initial license grant, and 1,500,000 sq. km or 75% of the population within 10 years of initial license grant.

Alternatively, nationwide licensees may meet the construction requirements by demonstrating an appropriate level of substantial service at the 5- and 10-year benchmarks.
QA90.769601 Main Form and Schedule K
220 MHz Phase II (EA or Regional Licenses)Provide coverage to at least 1/3 of the population in the licensed area within 5 years of initial license grant, and 2/3 of the population within 10 years of initial license grant.

Alternatively, EA or Regional licensees may meet their construction requirements by providing an appropriate level of substantial service at 5- and 10- year benchmarks.
QA90.767601 Main Form and Schedule K
Below 700 MHz Land Mobile (except 220 MHz)Must be placed into operation within 12 months of license grant, or the authorization cancels automatically and must be returned to the Commission.

Alternatively, local government in the Public Safety Pool may apply for extended implementation - up to 5 years may be authorized for constructing and placing a system in operation.
IG, IK, YG, YK, PW, YW, RS90.155, 90.629601 Main Form and Schedule K
700 MHz Narrowband Public Safety (except State Licenses)Construct and place into operation within 12 months of initial grant.

Alternatively, may apply for extended implementation - up to 5 years may be authorized for constructing and placing a system in operation.
SG, SY90.551, 90.155(b)601 Main Form and Schedule K
700 MHz Narrowband Public Safety State LicensesState must certify substantial service to 1/3 of their population by June 13, 2014 and 2/3 of their population by June 13, 2019.

Licensee must certify that the radio system has been approved and funded for implementation by the deadline date.
SL90.529601 Main Form and Schedule K
800 & 900 MHz Trunked (Excluding SMR)Construct and place into operation within 1 year of initial license grant.

Alternatively, may apply for extended implementation - up to 5 years may be authorized for constructing and placing a system in operation.
YB, YE, YF, YI, YJ, YO, YP, YU90.631(e), 90.629601 Main Form and Schedule K
800 & 900 MHz Conventional (Excluding SMR)Construct and place into operation within 1 year of initial license grant.

Alternatively, may apply for extended implementation - up to 5 years may be authorized for constructing and placing a system in operation.
GB, GE, GF, GI, GJ, GO, GP, GU90.633(c), 90.629601 Main Form and Schedule K
800 & 900 MHz Trunked (SMR)Construct and place into operation within 1 year of license grant.YX, YS, YM, YL90.631(e-f)601 Main Form and Schedule K
800 & 900 MHz Conventional (SMR)Construct and place into operation within 1 year of license grant.GX, GR, GM, GL90.633(c)601 Main Form and Schedule K
800 MHz Geographic (EA) (Channel Blocks D through V)Provide coverage to at least 1/3 of the population in the licensed area within 3 years of initial license grant, and 2/3 of the population within 5 years of initial license grant.

Alternatively, licensees may provide substantial service to the licensed area within 5 years of initial license grant.
YC, YH90.685(b)601 Main Form and Schedule K
800 MHz Geographic (EA) (Channel Blocks A, B, C)Provide coverage to at least 1/3 of the population in the licensed area within 3 years of initial license grant, and 2/3 of the population within 5 years of initial license grant. In addition, licensees must construct 50% of the total number of channels in their spectrum block in at least one location in their licensed area within three years of initial grant and retain such usage for the remainder of the construction period.

Alternatively, licensees may provide substantial service to the licensed area within 5 years of initial license grant. In addition, licensees must construct 50% of the total number of channels in their spectrum block in at least one location in their licensed area within three years of initial grant and retain such usage for the remainder of the construction period.
YC, YH90.685(b)601 Main Form and Schedule K
900 MHz Geographic (MTA)Provide coverage to at least 1/3 of the population in the licensed area within 3 years of initial license grant, and 2/3 of the population within 5 years of initial license grant.

Alternatively, licensees may provide substantial service to their licensed area within 5 years of initial license grant. If substantial service at 5 years is elected, licensees must notify the FCC within 3 years that it is electing the substantial service option at 5 years.
YD90.665(c)601 Main Form and Schedule K
4940-4990 MHz (Public Safety 4.9 GHz)Stations must be placed into operation within twelve (12) months from the date of grant in accordance with § 90.155. Licensees of temporary fixed stations must place at least one such station in operation within twelve months of license grant.PA90.1209601 Main Form and Schedule K
Intelligent Transportation Service, DSRCS Roadside Units 5850-5925 MHzConstruct and place into operation within 12 months from the date of registration, or the authority to operate the RSUs cancels automatically.

Licensees must notify the Commission when registered units are placed in operation within their construction period.
IQ (Public-Safety), QQ (Non-Public Safety)90.155(i)601 Main Form and Schedule K for registered locations granted after 11/7/06. Locations granted prior to 11/7/06 are exempt from notification requirement.
Location and Monitoring Services
Radio Service/Frequency BandConstruction/Coverage RequirementsRadio Service Code47 C.F.R. PartMethod of Notification
Geographic Licenses (EA)Multilateration location service available to 1/3 of the population within 5 years of initial license grant and 2/3 of the population within 10 years of initial license grant.

Alternatively, licensees may provide substantial service to their licensed area within the appropriate 5- and 10-year benchmarks.
LS90.155(d)601 Main Form and Schedule K
Site-Based LicensesConstruct and place into operation within 12 months of license grant.LN, LW90.155(a)601 Main Form and Schedule K
Cellular Services
Radio Service/Frequency BandConstruction/Coverage RequirementsRadio Service Code47 C.F.R. PartMethod of Notification
First system on each channel block, markets 1-90At least partially constructed and begin providing service to subscribers within 36 months of initial license grant.CL22.946(a), 22.947601 Main Form and Schedule K
First system on each channel block, all markets except for markets 1-90 and Gulf of Mexico Exclusive Zone.At least partially constructed and begin providing service to subscribers within 18 months of initial license grant.CL22.946(a), 22.947601 Main Form and Schedule K
Unserved Areas or Specific FacilitiesConstruct and place into operation within 12 months.CL22.946(c), 22.947601 Main Form and Schedule K
Broadband PCS
Radio Service/Frequency BandConstruction/Coverage RequirementsRadio Service Code47 C.F.R. PartMethod of Notification
30 MHz LicensesService to at least 1/3 of the population in licensed area within 5 years of initial license grant, and 2/3 of the population within 10 years of initial license grant.
Alternatively, licensees may provide substantial service to their licensed area within the appropriate 5- and 10-year benchmarks.
CW24.203(a)601 Main Form and Schedule K
10/15 MHz LicensesService to at least 1/4 of the population in licensed area within 5 years of initial license grant, or alternatively substantial service within 5 years of initial license grant.CW24.203(b)601 Main Form and Schedule K
Narrowband PCS
Radio Service/Frequency BandConstruction/Coverage RequirementsRadio Service Code47 C.F.R. PartMethod of Notification
Nationwide LicensesProvide coverage to a composite area of 750,000 sq. km or 37.5% of the US population within 5 years of initial license grant, and 1,500,000 sq. km or 75% of the population within 10 years of initial license grant.

As an alternative to the construction requirements listed above, all narrowband PCS licensees may provide substantial service to their licensed area within 10 years of initial license grant. Licensees electing substantial service must notify FCC at the 5 year benchmark that they plan to satisfy the substantial service requirement.
CN24.103(a),(d)601 Main Form and Schedule K
Regional LicensesProvide coverage to a composite area of 150,000 sq. km or 37.5% of the service area within 5 years of initial license grant, and 300,000 sq. km or 75% of the population within 10 years of initial license grant.

As an alternative to the construction requirements listed above, all narrowband PCS licensees may provide substantial service to their licensed area within 10 years of initial license grant. Licensees electing substantial service must notify FCC at the 5 year benchmark that they plan to satisfy the substantial service requirement.
CN24.103(b),(d)601 Main Form and Schedule K
MTA LicensesProvide coverage to a composite area of 75,000 sq. km or 25% of geographic area, or 37.5% of the population in licensed area within 5 years of initial license grant; and 150,000 sq. km or 50% of the geographic area, or 75% of the population within 10 years of initial license grant.

As an alternative to the construction requirements listed above, all narrowband PCS licensees may provide substantial service to their licensed area within 10 years of initial license grant. Licensees electing substantial service must notify FCC at the 5 year benchmark that they plan to satisfy the substantial service requirement.
CN24.103(c),(d)601 Main Form and Schedule K
1910-1915/1990-1995 MHz PCSSubstantial service showing within ten years of the date of initial issuance or renewal.CY24.203(d)601 Main Form and Schedule K
Paging and Radiotelephone Services
Radio Service/Frequency BandConstruction/Coverage RequirementsRadio Service Code47 C.F.R. PartMethod of Notification
Site-Based Licenses - Part 22Construct within 1 year of license grant.CA, CB, CD, CG, CO, CR22.511601 Main Form and Schedule K
Site-Based Licenses - Part 90, 929-930 MHz, Exclusive ChannelsConstruct within 1 year of license grant.GS90.493(b), 22.511601 Main Form and Schedule K
Site-Based - Part 90, 929-930 MHz, Shared ChannelsConstruct and place into operation within 12 months of license grant.GS90.155(a)601 Main Form and Schedule K
Geographic Area Commercial Aviation Air-Ground SystemsLicensees authorized to use more than one megahertz (1 MHz) of the 800 MHz commercial aviation air-ground spectrum allocation must make a showing of substantial service within five years of grant of authorization.

Substantial service may be demonstrated but is not limited to either of the following “safe harbor” provisions: (1) Construction and operation of 20 ground stations with at least one ground station located in each of the 10 Federal Aviation Administration regions; or, (2) Provision of service to the airspace of 25 of the 50 busiest airports.
CJ22.873601 Main Form and Schedule K
Geographic Area Paging LicensesProvide coverage to 1/3 of the population within the licensed area within 3 years of initial license grant, and 2/3 of the population within 5 years of initial license grant.

Alternatively, licensees may provide substantial service to the licensed area within 5 years of initial license grant. Licensees electing the substantial service option must notify the FCC of their intention to do so within their 3-year construction benchmark.
CP, CZ, GC22.503(k)601 Main Form and Schedule K
Misc Wireless Communication Services
Radio Service/Frequency BandConstruction/Coverage RequirementsRadio Service Code47 C.F.R. PartMethod of Notification
Lower 700 MHz (Block A 698-704 and 728-734 MHz; Block B 704-710 and 734-740 MHz; Block E 722-728 MHz)Provide signal coverage and offer service for at least 35 percent of the geographic area of each of their license authorization no later than June 13, 2013 (or within four years of initial license grant if later than June 13, 2009). If licensee fails to do so, the license authorization will be reduced by two years and licensee may lose authority to operate in remaining unserved areas and other penalties may apply.

Provide service over at least 70 percent of the geographic area of authorization by the end of the license term. If licensee fails to do so, licensee’s authorization for unserved areas will terminate automatically and may be subject to license termination and other penalties.

If results of first auction in which licensees for such authorizations in Blocks A, B, and E are offered do not satisfy the reserve price for the applicable block, licensee must provide signal coverage and offer service over at least 40 percent of the population no later than June 13, 2013 (or within four years of initial license grant if later than June 13, 2009). If licensee fails to do so, the license authorization will be reduced by two years and licensee may lose authority to operate in remaining unserved areas and other penalties may apply.

Provide signal coverage and offer service to at least 75 percent of the population by the end of the license term. If licensee fails to do so, licensee’s authorization for unserved geographic portions will terminate automatically and licensee may be subject to license termination and other penalties.
WY27.13, 27.14(g)(1), 27.14(g)(2), 27.14(i)601 Main Form and Schedule K
700 MHz Lower Band (Block C 710-716, 740-746 MHz and Block D 716-722 MHz)Provide substantial service to its licensed area within 10 years of initial license grant.WZ27.13, 27.14(a)601 Main Form and Schedule K
700 MHz Upper Band (Block C 746-757 MHz and 776-787 MHz)Provide signal coverage and offer service over at least 40 percent of the population no later than June 13, 2013 (or within four years of initial license grant if later than June 13, 2009). If licensee fails to do so, the license authorization will be reduced by two years and licensee may lose authority to operate in remaining unserved areas and other penalties may apply.

Provide signal coverage and offer service to at least 75 percent of the population by the end of the license term. If licensee fails to do so, licensee’s authorization for unserved geographic portions will terminate automatically and licensee may be subject to license termination and other penalties.
WU27.14(h)601 Main Form and Schedule K
700 MHz Upper Band (Block D 758-763, 788-793 MHz)Provide signal coverage and offer service over at least 75 percent of the nationwide Upper D Block population within four years from June 13, 2009, 95 percent of the population of the nationwide license area within seven years, and 99.3 percent of the population of the nationwide license area within ten years.WP27.14(m)601 Main Form and Schedule K
700 MHz Guard BandsProvide substantial service to its licensed area within 10 years of initial license grant.

Submit an annual report providing information about the manner in which their spectrum is being utilized.
WX27.13, 27.14(a), 27.607601 Main Form and Schedule K
1.3 GHz (1390-1392 MHz), Market AreaProvide substantial service to its licensed area within 10 years of initial license grant.BA27.13, 27.14(a)601 Main Form and Schedule K
1.4 GHz (1392-1395 MHz and 1432-1434 MHz), Market AreaProvide substantial service to its licensed area within 10 years of initial license grant.BB27.13, 27.14(a)601 Main Form and Schedule K
1.6 GHz(1670-1675 MHz), Market AreaProvide substantial service to its licensed area within 10 years of initial license grant.BC27.13, 27.14(a)601 Main Form and Schedule K
Advanced Wireless Service (AWS) (1710-1755 MHz and 2110-2155 MHz)Provide substantial service to its licensed area within the prescribed license term. Authorizations will have a term not to exceed 10 years from the initial license grant, except that authorizations issued on or before December 31, 2009, will have a term of 15 years.AW27.13, 27.14601 Main Form and Schedule K
AWS-4 (2000-2020 MHz and 2180-2200 MHz)1st Buildout Deadline is 4-year from initial grant.  Licensee must provide service to 40% poulation. 2nd Buildout Deadline is 7-year from initial grant.   Licensee must provide service to 70% population.AD27.14(q)(1-6)601 Main Form and Schedule K
AWS-H Block at 1915-1920 MHz and 1995-2000 MHz1st Buildout Deadline is 4-year from initial grant. 2nd Buildout Deadline is 10-year from initial grant.AH27.149(r)(1-6)601 Main Form and Schedule K
AWS-3 1695-1710 MHz, 1755-1780 MHz and 2155-2180 MHzFirst buildout deadline is 6-years from initial grant.  Licensee must provide service to 40% of population in each of its licensed areas.  Second Buildout Deadline date is 12-years from initial grant.  Licensee must provice service to 75% of population in each of its licensed areas.AT27.14 (s)(1-6)601 Main Form and Schedule K
600 MHz Band“Interim Buildout Requirement”  A licensee shall provide reliable signal coverage and offer service within six (6) years from the date of the initial license to at least forty (40) percent of the population on each of its license areas.WT27.14(t)(1-6)601 Main Form and Schedule K
Upper Microwave Flexible Use Service (UMFUS)Converted licenses from the LD, TN, and CF radio services to the UU radio service,must meet the first buildout deadline date of June 1, 2024.  Auctioned licenses must make a buildout showing as part of their renewal application.UU30.104Converted Licenses from the LD, TN, and CF radio srvices to the UU radio service: 601 Main Form and Schedule K  Auctioned Licenses at renewal.
2.3 GHz Wireless Communications Services (WCS) (2305-2320 MHz and 2345-2360 MHz)Licensees operating mobile or point-to-multipoint systems must provide reliable signal coverage and offer service to at least 40 percent of the license area's population within 48 months and to at least 75 percent of the license area's population within 78 months. If a licensee demonstrates that 25 percent or more of the license area's population is within a zone requiring coordination with an aeronautical mobile telemetry facility or with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s Deep Space Network facility in Goldstone, California, the population benchmarks are reduced to 25 and 50 percent, respectively.

Licensees operating point-to-point fixed systems, except those deployed in the Gulf of Mexico license area, licensees must construct and operate a minimum of 15 point-to-point links per million persons (one link per 67,000 persons) in a license area within 48 months, and 30 point-to-point links per million persons (one link per 33,500 persons) in a licensed area within 78 months. Licensees operating point-to-point fixed systems in the Gulf of Mexico license area must demonstrate that they have constructed and are operating a minimum of 15 point-to-point links at 48 months and 78 months.
WS27.13, 27.14(p)601 Main Form and Schedule K
Broadband Radio Service (BRS)Provide substantial service to its licensed area by May 1, 2011.BR27.14Incumbent P35 Licensee - At Renewal. Auctioned BTA Licensee - 601 Main Form and Schedule K
Educational Broadband Service (EBS)Provide substantial service to its licensed area by November 1, 2011.ED27.14601 Main Form and Schedule K
Maritime Public Coast Services
Radio Service/Frequency BandConstruction/Coverage RequirementsRadio Service Code47 C.F.R. PartMethod of Notification
VHF, Geographic LicensesProvide substantial service to its licensed area within 5 years of initial license grant and again within 10 years.PC80.49(a)(1)601 Main Form and Schedule K
VHF, Site-Based LicensesConstruct and place into operation within 12 months from date of grant.MC80.49(a)(1)601 Main Form and Schedule K
LF, MF, HF Site-Based LicensesConstruct and place into operation within 12 months from date of grant.MC80.49(a)(2)601 Main Form and Schedule K
AMTS, Site-BasedConstruct and place into operation within 2 years from date of grant.MC80.49(a)(3)601 Main Form and Schedule K
AMTS, Geographic LicensesProvide substantial service to its licensed area within 10 years of initial license grant.PC80.49(a)(3)601 Main Form and Schedule K
Public FixedApplies only to licenses with station class of APC. Construct and place into operation within 12 months from date of grant.MK80.49(b)601 Main Form and Schedule K
Aviation Services
Radio Service/Frequency BandConstruction/Coverage RequirementsRadio Service Code47 C.F.R. PartMethod of Notification
Aeronautical advisory Unicom and Radionavigation Land Stations (excluding radionavigation land test stations)Place into operation within 12 months after initial license grant.AF, AR87.45601 Main Form and Schedule K
Fixed Microwave Services
Radio Service/Frequency BandConstruction/Coverage RequirementsRadio Service Code47 C.F.R. PartMethod of Notification
Fixed Microwave and Electronic Message Services (Site-Based)Place in operation within 18 months of initial license grant.CE, CF (except 39 GHz RSA), CT (Fixed locations only), MG, MW, PE, WA, WM, WR101.63601 Main Form and Schedule K
Multichannel Video & Distribution and Date Services (MVDDS)Provide substantial service to its licensed area within 5 years of initial license grant and 10 years of initial license grant.DV101.14135-year - 601 Main Form and Schedule K. 10-year - At Renewal

Local Multipoint Distribution Service (LMDS)

Channels A2, A3, B only.  Former Channel A1 licenses see
Upper Microwave Flexible User Service (UMFUS)

Provide substantial service to its licensed area within 10 years of initial license grant.LD101.1011At Renewal
39 GHz Geographic LicensesSee Upper Microwave Flexible Use Service (UMFUS)Formerly - TN, (39 GHz RSA)  
24 GHz Geographic LicensesSee Upper Microwave Flexible Use Service (UMFUS)Formerly - TZ  
Multiple Address Systems (Geographic)Provide service to at least 1/5 of the population in its licensed area or substantial service within 5 years of initial license grant and make a showing of continued substantial service within 10 years of initial license grant.MS101.1325(b)5-year - 601 Main Form and Schedule K. 10-year - At Renewal.
Broadcast Auxiliary Services
Radio Service/Frequency BandConstruction/Coverage RequirementsRadio Service Code47 C.F.R. PartMethod of Notification
Site-BasedConstruct and place into operation within 18 months of initial license grant.AB, AI, AS, TB, TI, TP, TS, TT74.34(a)601 Main Form and Schedule K
Site-BasedConstruct and place into operation within 12 months of initial license grant.RP74.34(b)601 Main Form and Schedule K
Personal Radio Service
Radio Service/Frequency BandConstruction/Coverage RequirementsRadio Service Code47 C.F.R. PartMethod of Notification
218-219 MHz (formerly IVDS)Provide substantial service within 10 years of license grant.

File a report informing the commission of the status of its system.
ZV95.833(a)At Renewal
Other, including wireless services that do not have construction/coverage requirements
DescriptionRadio Service Code47 C.F.R. Part
Licenses for services that do not have construction requirements.CT (CT except as noted above), LP, LV, MA, MK (MK except as noted above), MR.90.155(a), 101.63 (b), 95.55
In the 70-80-90 GHz radio service (MM), registered links must be built within 12 months after the link is registered. Failure to build a link does not affect the underlying license. Similarly, in the 3650-3700 MHz Radio Service (NN), while individual fixed and base stations must be registered within 12 months after the station is registered, failure to build does not affect the nationwide, non-exclusive license.  
The Commission does not issue individual licenses for certain types of personal radio equipment and mobile units used in conjunction with licensed base stations. These types of transmitters are said to be "licensed by rule." Such services share the use of radio spectrum and one user is not denied use by the presence of prior users. These services do not have construction/coverage requirements. The following services are “licensed by rule”: • Maritime mobile services (domestic) • Aviation Services (domestic) • Family Radio Service • Radio Control Service • Citizens Band Radio Service • Low Power Radio Service (domestic) • Wireless Medical Telemetry Service • Medical Device Radiocommunication Service (MedRadio) • Multi-Use Radio Service (MURS) • Personal Locator Beacons (PLBs) • Dedicated Short Range Communications Services On-Board Units (DSRCS-OBUs)N/A80.13(c), 87.18(b), 95.191, 95.204, 95.404, 95.1001, 95.1105, 95.1201, 95.1400, 95.1503
Tuesday, May 7, 2024