2013 Instructions:  43-01 43-08

Note: the report descriptions and instructions obtained through the links below are applicable to reporting year 2013 data, which is required to be filed not later than April 1, 2014.

ARMIS Report 43-01

Annual Summary Report: This report, formerly named the "Quarterly Report," collects highly aggregated financial data reflecting the results of accounting, rate base, and cost allocation requirements prescribed in Parts 32, 64, 65, 36 and 69, of the FCC Rules. Prior to 1996, this report was a cumulative quarterly report. Beginning with 1996 data, the 43-01 is filed on an annual basis, showing year-end results. The 43-01 is filed on a study area (jurisdiction) basis.

ARMIS Report 43-08

Operating Data Report: This report contains statistical schedules that were formerly reported in Form M. Table III in the 43-08 is organized by state jurisdiction, and each report only covers the reporting carrier's totals for that state. In order to obtain state totals it is necessary to sum the data for each reporting carrier operating in that state. The 43-08 is filed on an operating company basis.

Monday, January 12, 2015