Frontier Communications Corp. | Broadband Pilot Application | Appendix A | Appendix B | Appendix C | Ohio Lifeline Application | Supplement | Supplement Appendix A | Supplement Appendix B | Unredacted Version | Final Report | Project Data
The Frontier project studied the impact of a financial incentive to take digital literacy training on fixed broadband adoption. It also allowed for observing the new adopters’ broadband choices, their willingness to take digital literacy training, and their interest in purchasing computers at a discounted price. This project used a treatment group and a control group. Frontier gave treatment group consumers a choice between (1) not taking digital literacy training but still receiving a $20 monthly discount, (2) taking digital literacy training and receiving a $30 monthly discount while also waiving a one-time $34.99 charge, or (3) taking digital literacy training and having a $20 monthly discount while also receiving a free computer. The control group was offered a $20 monthly discount with no other requirements (though digital literacy training was available to this group). This design therefore generated data on the effect of such a “digital literacy incentive” on adoption, how much of a factor “lack of an adequate computer” is as an adoption barrier, and how much some consumers will forego in discounts to not take a digital literacy class.

Monday, February 1, 2016