The FCC Economic Seminars program, managed by the Economic Analysis Division in OEA, features recent research advances in the economics of telecommunications, media and the internet. The Commission recognizes the importance of expanding its engagement with the research community, as staff members must address complex issues which require substantive expertise. Invited speakers are primarily economists but may also include other professionals with expertise related to economic issues of interest to FCC economists and engineers. EAD’s speaker invitations and paper selections for the FCC Economic Seminars program should not be construed as an endorsement of, encouragement for, or agreement with the speakers’ or authors’ research topics, opinions, methodologies, conclusions, or specific language utilized. Likewise, staff questions, discussion, and statements made during presentations are solely those of the participants and in no way represent the views of the Federal Communications Commission, the Chairperson, any Commissioner, or any other Commission staff.

Location:Seminars in the program are held virtually.
Time:Seminars are typically scheduled for 1:30 to 3:00 p.m. on Tuesdays.

Spring 2024

  • March 5 – John Pender
    Impacts of the USDA ReConnect and Community Connect Grant Broadband Programs on Broadband Speeds in Rural Areas 
  • March 19 – Felix Rusche
    Broadcasting Change: India's Community Radio Policy and Women's Empowerment
  • April 2 – Philine Widmer
    Media Slant is Contagious
  • April 16 – Zach Brown
    Broadband Internet Access and Health Outcomes: Patient and Provider Responses in Medicare
  • April 30  – Craig Brown
    Alternative Data Sources and Hedonic Price Indexes for High-Tech Products in the U.S. Consumer Price Index
  • May 7 – Marc Ivaldi
    Welfare Cost of Mobile Spectrum (Mis)allocation
  • May 21  – Karam Kang
    Policy Deterrence: Strategic Investment in U.S. Broadband

Fall 2023

  • September 5 – Gaurav Chiplunkar
    The Employment Effects of Mobile Internet in Developing Countries
  • September 19 – Martin Watzinger
    The Breakup of the Bell System and its Impact on US Innovation
  • October 3 – Lukasz Grzybowski
    The Efficiency of State Aid for the Deployment of High-Speed Broadband: Evidence from the French Markets
  • October 17 – Giulia Canzian
    Evaluating the Impact of Price Caps - Evidence from the European Roam-Like-at-Home Regulation
  • October 24 – Holger Sieg
    Access and Exposure to Local News Media in the Digital Era: Evidence from U.S. Media Markets
  • November 14 – Haimeng Hester Zhang
    Jump Bidding as a Signaling Game
  • November 28 – Christos Genakos
    Is Having an Expert a Friend Enough? An Analysis of Consumer Switching Behavior in Mobile Telephony
  • December 12 – Ricard Gil
    Do Search Engines Increase Concentration in Media Markets?

Spring 2023

  • March 7 – Manudeep Bhuller
    How the Internet Changed the Market for Print Media
  • March 21 – Xian Jiang
    Information and Communication Technology and Firm Geographic Expansion
  • April 4 – Garrett Johnson
    Economic Research on Privacy Regulation: Lessons from GDPR and Beyond
  • April 18 – Nicholas Magnan
    Can Mobile Technology Improve Female Entrepreneurship? Evidence from Nepal
  • May 2 – Gianluca Russo
    Media and Assimilation: Evidence from the Golden Age of Radio
  • May 9 – Manuel Hoffman
    Television and the Labor Market: Evidence from Natural Experiment in West and East Germany
  • June 6 –Benjamin Schieck
    The Need for Speed: Internet Infrastructure Location and Real Asset Values

Fall 2022

  • September 6 – David Salant
    Auctions and Mobile Market Competition: Evidence from European 4G Auctions
  • September 20 – Daniel Goetz 
    Does Providing Free Internet Access to Low-Income Households Affect COVID-19 Spread?
  • October 4 – Arpit Gupta
    Local Journalism under Private Equity Ownership
  • October 18 – Florin Maican
    Measuring the Dynamic Effects of Building Broadband Infrastructure
  • October 25 – Jiekai Zhang
    Welfare Analysis of Regulations on Media Platform Advertising
  • November 15 – Julian Hidalgo
    Internet (Power) to the People: How to Bridge the Digital Divide
  • November 29 – Joel Waldfogel
    The Digital Challenge to Public Libraries
  • December 6 –Pablo Varas
    How Does Low-end Entry Affect High-end Service Quality in U.S. Residential Broadband Service Markets?

Spring 2022

  • March 1 – Dan Zeltzer 
    The Impact of Increased Access to Telemedicine
  • March 29 – Vardges Levonyan 
    Media Bias in Public Service Broadcasting: Evidence from the BBC
  • March 15 – Lesley Chiou
    Social Distancing, Internet Access and Inequality
  • April 5 – Lorien Sabatino
    Digital Highways and Firm Turnover
  • April 19 – Robert M Gonzalez 
    Is the Phone Mightier than the Virus? Cell Phone Access and Epidemic Containment Efforts
  • May 17 – Tianyi Wang 
    Waves of Empowerment: Black Radio and the Civil Rights Movement
  • May 31 – Arianna Ornaghi 
    Who Watches the Watchmen? Local News and Police Behavior in the United States
  • June 7 – Helena Roy 
    Broadband Internet and Education Outcomes: Evidence from a Natural Experiment

Fall 2021

  • September 14 – Christian Peukert
    The Economic Effects of Mobile Internet Access – Evidence from Roam-Like-at-Home
  • September 28 – Benjamin Rosa
    Bid Credits in Simultaneous Ascending Auctions
  • October 5 – Steven J. Davis
    Internet Access and its Implications for Productivity, Inequality, and Resilience
  • October 12 – Tatiana Rosá García
    Cooperation, Competition and Patents: Understanding Innovation in the Telecommunication Sector
  • October 26 – Jeffrey McCullough
    Does Telemedicine Transcend Disparities or Create a Digital Divide? Evidence from the COVID-19 Pandemic
  • November 9 -- Zachary Nolan
    Is OTT Video a Substitute for TV? Policy Insights from Cord-Cutting
  • November 23 – Joao Granja
    Regulation and Service Provision in Dynamic Oligopoly: Evidence from Mobile Telecommunications

Spring 2021

  • March 9 – Eyal Winter
    On Stars and Galaxies: Exploiting Social Influence in Networks
  • March 23 – Arman Rezaee
    The Impact of Mobile Phones: Experimental Evidence from the Random Assignment of New Cell Towers
  • April 6 – Christine Mulhern
    Inequality in Household Adaptation to Schooling Shocks: Covid-Induced Online Learning Engagement in Real Time
  • April 20 – Jakub Tecza
    The Role of Bidding Agreements in FCC Spectrum Auctions
  • May 4 – Ryan Hawthorne
    Narrowing the ‘Digital Divide’: The Role of Complementarities between Fixed and Mobile Data in South Africa
  • May 18 – Pedro Ferreira
    The Impact of Mobile Number Portability on Price and Consumer Welfare
  • June 1 – Christopher Avery
    Digital Messaging to Improve College Enrollment and Success
  • June 15 – Elisa Mougin
    TV in Times of Political Uncertainty: Evidence from the 2017 Presidential Election in Kenya
  • June 29 – Apoorv Gupta
    Information, Technology Adoption and Productivity: The Role of Mobile Phones in Agriculture

Fall 2020

  • September 15 -- Lena Edlund
    It's the Phones Stupid: Mobiles and Murder
  • September 29 -- Idris Adjerid
    Consumer Consent and Firm Targeting after GDPR: The Case of a Large Telecom Provider
  • October 13 -- April Knill
    Media Partisanship and Fundamental Corporate Decisions
  • October 27 -- Jeffrey Prince
    Mobile Internet Usage and Usage Based Pricing
  • November 10 -- George Zuo
    Wired and Hired: Employment Effects of Subsidized Broadband Internet for Low-Income Americans
  • November 24 -- Victor H. Orozco-Olvera
    The Entertaining Way to Behavioral Change: Fighting HIV with MTV
  • December 8 -- Ana Aizcorbe
    Getting Smart About Phones: New Price Indexes and the Allocation of Spending Between Devices and Services Plans in Personal Consumption Expenditures

Fall 2019

  • Sept 4 -- Jeremy Fox
    Geographic Expansion Mergers and FCC Spectrum Policy: Estimating a Matching Game with Externalities
  • Oct 2 -- James Prieger
    The Importance of Broadband and other Infrastructure for Entrepreneurship
  • Oct 16 -- Kyle Wilson
    Local Competition, Multimarket Contact, and Product Quality: Evidence From Internet Service Provision
  • Oct 23 -- Guofu Tan
    The Impact of Ad-Avoidance Technologies in the Market for Video Streaming
  • Oct 30 -- Jonathan Hersh
    Cell Phone Coverage and Traffic Accidents: New Evidence Using Cell Phone Towers
  • Nov 13 -- Paul Scott
    Competition and Investment in Mobile Telecommunications
  • Dec 4 -- Paul Atwell
    The Reach of Radio: Ending Civil Conflict through Rebel Demobilization

Spring 2019

  • Apr 24 -- Charles Angelucci
    Media Competition and News Diets
  • May 8 -- Nodir Adilov & Brendan Cunningham
    Left for Dead: Anti-Competitive Behavior in Orbital Space
  • May 15 -- Andrey Simonov
    What Drives Demand for Government-Controlled News in Russia?
  • May 22 -- Julie Mortimer
    Demand for Advertising in the Television Industry
  • Jun 5 -- Brian McManus
    Steering Incentives and Bundling Practices in the Telecommunications Industry

Fall 2018

  • Sept 5 -- Gloria Sheu and Charles Taragin, DOJ
    Simulating Mergers in a Vertical Supply Chain with Bargaining
  • Sept 26 -- Filipe Campante, Johns Hopkins Univ.
    Mobile Phones, Social Media, and the Behavior of Politicians: Evidence From Brazil
  • Oct 2 -- Lixin Ye, Ohio State Univ.
    Optimal Mechanisms with Costly Information Acquisition
  • Oct 4 -- A. Zentner, Univ. of Texas, Dallas
    Measuring E-Commerce Concentration Effects When Product Popularity is Channel-Specific
  • Oct 10 -- Ginger Zhe Jin, Univ. of Maryland
    Artificial Intelligence and Consumer Privacy
  • Oct 24 -- Camilo García-Jimeno, Univ. of Pennsylvania
    Women, Rails and Telegraphs: An Empirical Study of Information Diffusion and Collective Action
  • Nov 7 -- Shane Greenstein, Harvard Univ.
    Evidence of Decreasing Internet Entropy: The Lack of Redundancy in DNS Resolution by Major Websites and Services
  • Nov 14 -- Meng Liu, Washington Univ. in St. Louis
    Technology, Incentives, and Service Quality: the Case of Taxis and Uber
  • Nov 28 -- Joel Waldfogel, Univ. of Minnesota
    The Future of Popular Culture, Platforms, Power, and Preferential Placement: Evidence from Spotify Playlists
  • Dec 12 -- Lesley Chiou, Occidental College
    Internet Use, Competition, and Geographical Rescoping in Yellow Pages Advertising

Spring 2018

  • Mar 7 -- Bradley Larsen, Stanford Univ.
    Dynamic Competition in the Era of Big Data
  • Mar 21 -- Daniel Bjorkegren, Brown Univ.
    Scoping for Competition in Network Industries: Evidence from Mobile Telecom in Rwanda
  • Apr 4 -- Elena Krasnokutskaya, Johns Hopkins Univ.
    The Role of Quality in Internet Service Markets
  • Apr 18 -- Oleksandr Shcherbakov, Bank of Canada
    Welfare Analysis of Equilibria With and Without Early Termination Fees in the U.S. Wireless Industry
  • May 2 -- Jose Tudon Maldonado, Univ. of Chicago
    Congestion vs Content Provision in Net Neutrality: The Case of Amazon's
  • May 9 -- Thomas Hazlett, Clemson Univ.
    The Political Spectrum
  • May 16 -- Filipe Campante, Harvard Univ.
    Mobile Phones, Social Media, and the Behavior of Politicians: Evidence From Brazil
  • May 30 -- Tilsa Ore Monago, Stony Brook Univ.
    The Effect of Switching Costs on Prices: An Application to the Peruvian Mobile Phone Market
  • June 27 -- Ananya Sen, MIT
    Advertising Spending and Media Bias: Evidence from News Coverage of Car Safety Recalls

Fall 2017

  • Sept 20 -- Christoph Walsh, Boston Univ.
    Liberalizing the Airwaves in Ghana: A Dynamic Structural Model of Radio Station Competition
  • Sept 27 -- Andrea Prat, Columbia Univ.
    Where Do People Get Their News?
  • Oct 3 -- Alexander White, Tsinghua Univ.
    The Attention Economy of Online Advertisements
  • Oct 13 -- Nicholas Economides, NY Univ.
    Compatibility and Interoperability in Mobile Phone‐Based Banking Networks
  • Oct 25 -- Daniel Goetz, Univ. of Toronto
    Competition and Dynamic Bargaining in the Broadband Industry
  • Nov 8 -- Soo Jin Kim, Michigan State Univ.
    Privacy, Information Acquisition, and Market Competition
  • Nov 15 -- Chris Forman, Cornell Univ.
    Battle of the Internet Channels: How Does Mobile and Fixed‐Line Quality Drive Internet Use?
  • Nov 29 -- Navdeep Sahni, Stanford Univ.
    Does Advertising Serve as a Signal? Evidence from Field Experiments in Mobile Search
  • Dec 6 -- Ron Berman, Univ. of Pennsylvania
    The Impact of Curation Algorithms on Social Network Content Quality and Structure

Spring 2017

  • Mar 8 -- Pinar Yildirim, Wharton
    Social Media and Political Donations: New Technology and Incumbency Advantage in the United States
  • Mar 22 -- Jeff Prince, IU Bloomington
    The Empirical Economics of Online Attention
  • Apr 5 -- Niklas Dürr, ZEW Mannheim
    Does State Aid for Broadband Deployment in Rural Areas Close the Digital and Economic Divide?
  • Apr 19 -- Khai Chiong, USC
    An Empirical Model of the Mobile Advertising Market
  • May 3 -- Jiawei Chen, UC Irvine
    Reimbursing Consumers' Switching Costs in Network Industries
  • May 17 --Chris Hogendorn, Weslayan
    Cybersecurity of US Residential ISP Customers: An Economic Analysis
  • May 31 -- Ken Flamm, UT Austin
    Price vs. Quality Competition in U.S. Broadband
  • June 14 -- Ying Fan, Univ. of Michigan
    Competition, Product Proliferation and Welfare: A Study of the U.S. Smartphone Market
  • June 28 -- Wen Wen, UT Austin
    How Do Complementors Respond to the Threat of Platform Owner Entry? Evidence from the Mobile App Market

Fall 2016

  • Sept 7 – Jingting Fan, UMD
    The Alibaba Effect: Spatial Consumption Inequality and the Welfare Gains from E-Commerce
  • Sept 21 – Jorg Spenkuch, Northwestern Univ.
    Political Advertising and Election Outcomes
  • Oct 5 – Catherine Tucker, MIT
    Role of Early Adopters in Diffusion of Bitcoin Technology
  • Oct 19 – Sarthak Grover, Princeton Univ.
    A Case Study of Traffic Demand Response to Broadband-Plan Upgrades
  • Nov 2 – Stefan Weiergraeber, Indiana Univ., Bloomington
    Network Effects and Switching Costs in the US Wireless Industry
  • Nov 16 – Christian Helmers, Santa Clara Univ.
    Attention and Saliency on the Internet: Evidence from an Online Recommendation System
  • Nov 30 – Joel Waldfogel, Univ. of Minnesota
    Will Ad Blocking Break the Internet?
  • Dec 7 – Jonathan Williams, Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
    The Tragedy of the Last Mile: Congestion Externalities in Broadband Networks
  • Dec 9 – Joan Calzada, Univ. of Barcelona
    What Do News Aggregators Do?
  • Dec 14 – Byung-Cheol Kim, Georgia Institute of Technology
    Net Neutrality, Network Capacity and Innovation at the Edges

Spring 2016

  • March 2 - Babur De los Santos, Clemson
    What's in a Name? Measuring Prominence, and Its Impact on Organic Traffic from Search Engines
  • March 16 - Ricard Gil, JHU
    Evidence from the Spanish Local TV Industry
  • March 30 - Simon Anderson, UVA
    Media See-saws: Winners and Losers on Media Platforms
  • April 13 - Lisa George, Hunter College/CUNY
    The News Hour: Welfare Estimation in the Market for Local TV News
  • April 27 - Gregory Martin, Emory
    Bias in Cable News: Real Effects and Polarization
  • May 11 - Oleksandr Shcherbakov, Washington University, St. Louis
    The Welfare Effects of Endogenous Quality Choice in Cable Television Markets
  • May 25 - Michael Sinkinson, Wharton
    Pricing and Entry Incentives with Exclusive Contracts: Evidence from Smartphones
  • June 1 - Andrew Sweeting, UMD
    Dynamic Games with Asymmetric Information: Implications for Mergers.
  • June 15 - Andre Boik, UC Davis
    The Economics of Universal Service: An Analysis of Entry Subsidies for High Speed Broadband


  • Aug 19 - Alex Yankelevich, FCC
    Mobile Wireless Industry Joint Ventures
  • June 24 - Tilman Wolf, Univ. of Mass.
    Future Internet Architecture
  • May 5 - Stuart Cunningham, Univ. of Queensland
    Media Economics
  • April 23 - Shoko Kiyohara, Georgetown Univ.
    Internet Campaigning in Taiwan and Japan
  • Feb 3 - Robert Pepper, Cisco
    Mobile Usage Forecast


  • Nov 4 - Gustavo Torrens, Indiana Univ.
    Optimal Regulation of Media Industry
  • Oct 21 - Andrea Prat, Columbia Univ.
    Media Power
  • Sept 30 - Frank Barnes, UC-Boulder
    Health Effects of Weak Magnetic Fields
  • Sept 23 - Olga Ukhaneva, Georgetown Univ.
    Universal Service in a Wireless World
  • Aug 19 - Aleks Yankelevich, FCC
    Competitive Effects of Production Joint Ventures
  • July 23 - Bob Weller, FCC
    FCC's Intelligence Role in WWII
  • June 17 - David Mills, UVA
    Buyer-Induced Exclusive Dealing
  • June 3 - John Mayo, Georgetown Univ.
    Unfettered Spectrum Auctions
  • May 22 - David McAdams, Duke Univ. 
    Empirical Auctions of Many Objects
  • Mar 20 - Chris Hogendorn, Wesleyan Univ.
    Net Neutrality and Price Discrimination
  • Mar 6 - Paul Zimmerman, FTC, and Anthony Bush, FCC
    Internet Pricing, Preference Externalities, and Economic Growth
  • Feb 5 - Bob Pepper & Doug Webster, Cisco 
    Forecast of Mobile Usage Demand
  • Jan 30 - Doug Sicker, BITAG
    Real-Time Management of Internet Congestion
  • Jan 23 - Michael Mandel, PPI
    Data, Trade, and Growth
  • Jan 15 - Norman Fekrat, Lemko
    Consumerization of Mobility


  • Nov 21 - Brett Frischmann, Cardozo School of Law
    Demand for an Open Internet Infrastructure
  • Oct 23 - Lee Rainie, Pew Research
    Online Anonymity
  • Sept 30 - Geoffrey Myers, OFCOM
    4G Auction in the UK
  • Sept 4 - Constantine Dovrolis, Georgia Insti. of Tech.
    Open Peering by Internet Transit Providers
  • July 9 - Tim Brennan, UMBC
    Applying Market Definition to Market Dominance: Uses and Abuses
  • June 11 - Debra Aron, Navigant Economics
    Effects of Price Regulation on Broadband Adoption
  • May 30 - Dave Taht, Techlibre
    Why the Last Mile Is So Slow
  • May 21 - Hal Singer and Kevin Caves, Navigant Economics
    Regional Sports Networks
  • May 14 - Maria Petrova, Princeton
    Do Political Blogs Matter?
  • May 7 - Zhu Wang, Richmond Fed
    Ad-Valorem Platform Fees and Efficient Price Discrimination
  • Mar 28 - Przemek Jeziorski, UC Berkeley
    Impact of Radio Market Concentration on Incumbent Success in Local Elections
  • Mar 8 - Lisa George, Hunter College
    Online Consumption of Local News
  • Feb 28 - Wayne Leighton, Navigant Economics
    Economic Engine of Political Change


  • Nov 6 - Arogyaswami Paulraj, Stanford
    Scaling Wireless Capacity
  • Oct 23 - Roger Entner, Recon Analytics
    Impact of Wireless Industry on U.S. Economy
  • Sept 26 - Harish Viswanathan, Bell Labs
    Machine-to-Machine Communications
  • Sept 24 - Rob Albon, ACCC Australia
    Australian Broadband Policy
  • Sept 20 - Bronwyn Howell, New Zealand ISCR
    International Comparison of Broadband Policies
  • July 25 - Sateesh Addepalli, Cisco
    New Pervasive IT Architecture for Internet of Things and Human Networks
  • July 11 - Robert Pepper, Cisco
    Internet Trends
  • June 29 - Sam Crawford & Alex Salter, SamKnows
    Broadband Performance Measurement Systems: Technical Perspective
  • May 24 - Andrew Newton, ARIN
    Operating a Routing Public Key Infrastructure under American Law
  • May 14 - J.  Liebenau, S. Elaluf-Calderwood, and P. Karrberg
    London School of Economics
    Effect of Internet Traffic Imbalances on European Telecom Operators
  • May 2 - Barbara Stark, AT&T
    Implications of Large Scale Network Address Translation
  • Apr 19 - Parag Pruthi, NIKSUN
    Cyber Security Defense: Challenges & State of the Art
  • Apr 2 & 3 - Scott Marcus, WIK, Germany
    International View of Regulatory Best Practices
  • Mar 29 - Dale Hatfield, Univ. of Colorado, Denver
    Role of the Broadband Internet Technical Advisory Group
  • Mar 22 - Matthew Osborne, BEA
    Cellular Service Bill Shock
  • Mar 19 - Tavi Carare, FCC
    Entry and Competition in Differentiated Product Markets
  • Mar 15 - Randy Bush, Internet Initiative Japan
    Securing Internet Routing: RPKI and BGP Origin Validation
  • Mar 8 - Ron Bonica, Juniper Networks
    Migration to IPv6
  • Feb 6 - Sumit Roy, Univ. of Washington
    Spectrum Sensing in White Space Networking
  • Feb 2 - David Crocker, Brandenburg InternetWorking
    Fighting Internet Abuse with Trust:  Enhancing the Paradigm


  • Nov 30 - Fernando Beltran, Univ. of Auckland and 
    Mark Bykowsky and Bill Sharkey, FCC
    Managing Spectrum:  Private Property vs. Common Pool Resource
  • Oct 27 - Ivan Png, National Univ. of Singapore
    Opt-Out Theory:  Evidence from the Do Not Call Registry
  • Oct 20 - Alejandro Zentner, Carnegie Mellon
    Entry and Competition:  Evidence from the Brazilian Movie Exhibition Industry
  • Oct 12 - Steven Tepper, Vanderbilt
    Protest over Art and Culture in America
  • Oct 6 - Steven Wildman, Michigan State
    News Media Coverage of City Governments in 2009
  • Sept 16 - Alan Gregerman, Venture Groups
    Innovation for Accessible Communications
  • Aug 2 - Benjamin Hickey, Juniper Networks, and Greg Bathrick, PMC Sierra
    Gigabit-Capable Passive Optical Networks
  • July 28 - Jonathan Zittrain, Harvard
    Cloud Computing:  Minds for Sale
  • July 25 - Simon Wilkie, USC
    Impact of Local Market Structure on Range of Media Viewpoints
  • June 23 -  Jessica Chou, Yuan Ze Univ.
    Telecom, Internet, & Broadcast Regulation in Taiwan
  • June 15 -  Will Irving, Telstra
    Australia's National Broadband Network
  • June 2 -  Suraj Shetty and Robert Pepper, Cisco
    Cisco's Visual Networking Index: A Forecast of IP Traffic
  • May 31 -  Mark Townsley, Cisco
    IPv6 in Broadband Networks
  • May 12 -  Andrew Woessner, Telogical
    U.S. Broadband Pricing Trends
  • Apr 13 -  Minha Park, KCC
    Communications Policies in Korea And Net Neutrality
  • Mar 24 - Atsushi Ozu, RITE   (Research Insti. of Telecom. and Econ.)
    Nationwide Broadband in Japan
  • Mar 2 - Filip Perich, SSC
    Rule-Based Spectrum Access Control Management
  • Feb 22 - Henry Sinnreich, Adobe Systems, and Alan Johnston, Washington Univ.
    Session Initiation Protocol
  • Jan 25 - Ian Olgeirson, SNL Kagan
    Cable Competition and the Over-the-Top-Threat
  • Jan 18 - Andrew Malis, David Sinicrope, and Robin Mersh, Broadband Forum
    Multiprotocol Label Switching


  • Dec 13 - Paul Rappoport, Temple Univ.
    The Future of Television
  • Dec 6 - Joel Waldfogel, Univ. of Minnesota
    Pop Internationalism:  Has a Half Century of World Music Trade Displaced Local Culture?
  • Dec 2 - Dan Reed, Microsoft 
    Cloud Services and Natural User Interfaces
  • Sept 16 - David Bell, AOL Advisor
    Advertising Industry Trends
  • July 21 - J. P. Singh, Georgetown Univ.
    International Cultural Policies: Creating National and Global Norms in a Complex World
  • June 29 - Glen Weyl, Harvard Univ.
    Pass-Through and Merger Analysis
  • June 18 - Tania Voon, Melbourne Law School
    China's Telecom Service Market and the WTO
  • Apr 13 - Kenneth Wilbur, Duke Univ.
    The Effects of Advertising and Product Placement on Television Audiences
  • Apr 9 - Oren Bar-Gill, NYU Law School
    Mobile Misperceptions
  • Feb 25 - David Waterman, Indiana Univ.
    Horizontal and Vertical Integration in Cable Industry:  Implications for Proposed Open Internet Rules


  • Dec 17 - Jon Peha, FCC, Chief Technologist
    Peer-to-Peer Networks and Copyrighted Content: Technical and Policy Implications
  • Nov 19 - Phil Weiser, DOJ, Deputy Assistant Attorney General
    Reflections on Telecom Competition
  • Nov 17 - Joe Farrell, FTC, Director, Bureau of Economics
    Welfare Analytics of Aftermarkets: A Consumer Protection Approach to Net Neutrality
  • Oct 20 - Jay Hamilton, Duke Univ.
    How Can Public Policies Sustain the Accountability Reporting by Media?
  • Oct 1 - Howard Shelanski, FTC, Deputy Director, Bureau of Economics
    Antitrust and Regulation after Trinko, Credit Suisse, and LinkLine
  • Sept 24 - Irene Wu, FCC
    From Iron Fist to Invisible Hand:  The Uneven Path of Telecom Reform in China, Chapter 1
  • Sept 11 - Tim Wu, Columbia Univ.
    Challenges Facing This FCC


Other Local Economic Seminars
