Police Radar may be licensed under a RS radio service code if a license is required, but under Public Notice DA 96-2040 released on December 9, 1996, a licensee may follow guidance under rule 47 CFR 90.20(f)(4). Rule 47 CFR 90.20(f)(4) states that a licensee of a radio station in this service may operate radio units for the purpose of determining distance, direction, speed, or position by means of a radiolocation device on any frequency available for radiolocation purposes without additional authorization from the Commission, provided type accepted equipment or equipment authorized pursuant to rule 90.203(b)(4) and (b)(5) of this part is used, and all other rule provisions are satisfied. A licensee in this service may also operate, subject to all of the foregoing conditions and on a secondary basis, radio units at fixed locations and in emergency vehicles that transmit on the frequency 24.10 GHz, both unmodulated continuous wave radio signals and modulated FM digital signals for the purpose of alerting motorists to hazardous driving conditions or the presence of an emergency vehicle. Unattended and continuous operation of such transmitters will be permitted.