The frequencies 530 through 1700 kHz (AM Band) in 10 kHz increments may be assigned to the Public Safety Pool for the operation of Travelers' Information Stations subject to conditions and limitations under rule 90.242. Travelers' Information Stations will be authorized on a primary basis on 530 kHz and on a secondary basis to stations authorized on a primary basis in the band 535-1705 kHz. Travelers' Information Stations shall transmit only noncommercial voice information pertaining to traffic and road conditions, traffic hazard and travel advisories, directions, availability of lodging, rest stops and service stations, and descriptions of local points of interest. It is not permissible to identify the commercial name of any business establishment whose service may be available within or outside the coverage area of a Travelers' Information Station. Frequency coordination is not required but applications will need to include engineering studies to show protection to AM broadcast stations on co-channel, adjacent channel, and possible cross-modulation and inter-modulation interference effects which may result from the operation of a Travelers' Information Station in the vicinity of an AM broadcast station on the second or third adjacent channel.